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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

Purr Purr Since I'm human, I only get to reroll 1's - and those rerolls actually saved me from getting far worse results. Thanks for the reminder, though!
You should see just how badly the die roller has been treating us in one of Dannigan's games. We've been stuck in combat with some bad guys that we should have been able to walk all over, but we keep rolling crap to hit! I know that it all balances out, but it seems like the roller hates us for some reason.
Ah! That's cool! No more having half the party waiting (usually the magic-users and psionicists) waiting around for the combat-heavy types to finish with their actions! By the latest edition, do you mean Rifts: Ultimate Edition? It's one of the books I don't have.

Undead Slayers get an additional attack per round when fighting against supernatural evil. =)

So, if even Hand to Hand: Basic gets 4 attacks per round, what then for the Martial systems in Ninjas & Superspies, Mystic China, Rifter, and so forth?
You should see just how badly the die roller has been treating us in one of Dannigan's games. We've been stuck in combat with some bad guys that we should have been able to walk all over, but we keep rolling crap to hit! I know that it all balances out, but it seems like the roller hates us for some reason.

Oh my gosh, yes... The RpN Dice Roller has been rolling under 5 left and right on their Strike rolls! They've fumbled, etc.! It's gone so far that I've elected to give them the option of having me roll their dice here at my computer desk (and only because I need some way to verify the rolls). Mrph!

doesnt hand to hand: assasin start with 3 and gains 2 per level?

That can't be right. By the time an Assassin was but 5th level, they would have THIRTEEN attacks per round...
I believe at some early level, Hand to Hand: Assassin does get 2 more attacks once. But that only happens one time, if memory serves. Sherwood would know for certain.
doesnt hand to hand: assasin start with 3 and gains 2 per level?
Ah yes, Assassin does start with only 3 actions. My mistake.
Ah! That's cool! No more having half the party waiting (usually the magic-users and psionicists) waiting around for the combat-heavy types to finish with their actions! By the latest edition, do you mean Rifts: Ultimate Edition? It's one of the books I don't have.

Undead Slayers get an additional attack per round when fighting against supernatural evil. =)

So, if even Hand to Hand: Basic gets 4 attacks per round, what then for the Martial systems in Ninjas & Superspies, Mystic China, Rifter, and so forth?
I do mean the Ultimate Edition book.

The advanced styles still have a place in the game, thanks to the various bonuses that they have that regular Martial Arts doesn't. Things like the bonus attributes, and the expanded Critical Strike range at an earlier level than Martial Arts does at level 6. But, they are not for everyone. It is a decision to make for each player.
I am thinking New Lazlo, up in the northern reaches of the Magic Zone.
ok i guess my guy might be there visiting an old friend or something, of course making a little money by running my mobile shop is another bonus that he would most likley be doing
Your old friend just happens to be Brazamal the dragon, and he's got a job offer for you.
He lives in the city, and is one of the movers and shakers there.
He is one of the leading members of the city ruling counsel. The 'movers and shakers' comment is slang for someone very important.
oh ok got it, since hes my old friend im assuming ive seen him in his dragon form does that mean i dont have to roll horror facter if i see him in that form
Correct. His breed of dragon is a Royal Frilled Dragon, and you've known he's a dragon since you've met.
great sounds good, kind of a side question but how are we going to play the game? not everyone is active at the same time and some people (including me) aren't able to consistently get on and respond.
You post as you can. In the event of a battle, I will tag you when it is your turn to act. It will sometimes take several days or longer to get through a fight, but I've not had any problems with it and I've been a member here for a long time.

BTW, I think that you are missing at least one Weapon Proficiency. The Operator comes with one WP as a MOS Skill, and there isn't one on your sheet.
Not a problem. Just wanted to make sure you aren't stuck wielding a giant wrench in the middle of a fight.
But you also get a free weapon with each WP. That way you can have a good Energy Rifle in hand and be able to contribute in a scrap.

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