Terra looks pensive for a moment, pondering her options. Then, she nods. "I can assist, so long as we can get this thing out of here for good. What must I do?"
Snowfall continued speaking in Dragonese/Elven and if Daisy or Eron did not seem to understand (and if Eron could hear), Snowfall willingly cupped his paws and whispered the plan to either or both of them.
"Simple, Miss Terra! I will need a large amount of Potential Psychic Energy from any and all willing sources... to create a Rift to send this Brodkil back through the Megaverse and to his home dimension, far, far from here! I can just imagine the welcome he'll receive when we, a bunch of do-gooders, toss him toes-over-tail, back to the rest of his demonic cohorts in failure!
"Just be ready for anything on the other side of the RIft I'm about to create because things like to try and sneak through to our side. Er, if the rest of you could appear appropriately-menacing and hurl him through the Rift when it appears, I would be grateful! Because this is going to knock me down for about half a day's time."
Then he rapidly added, "It's either that or kill him. Whaddya say to that?" Snowfall smiled and rubbed his hands together, eager for the team's (and Eron's) replies.