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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

Lucy shrugged for the millionth time that night "It's not so bad" She had a grin on her face when Tessa said that the two could become friends and laughed "Sure, this superhero could use a friend, but I wonder what your power is" she said raising her eyebrows

Darkness had fallen on this summer night, the last night of summer vacation. In the morning she would be entering ninth grade and a new school with new people who she didn't know. They were all strangers to her and she to them but letting people get close and finding out her secret was something that frightened her so it was easier to just say nothing instead. After what had happened this summer, when she had gone to summer camp, she had found herself on a eight hour plane ride to this new state...this new city...to live with her maternal aunt...a kind woman who had agreed to take her niece in for the rest of her high school life. Assuming, of course, that she was able to finish high school and graduate. She would begin her freshmen year as...but no. If any thoughts showed on her face then she might be rejected here in her new school. Sighing, she took a breath and looked down at the paper she had found on the ground...something about a party.

Where there were parties there was usually three things. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. None of which appealed to the transfer student but she had never been into parties even before this past summer. Parties were just a way to do things without the watch of your parents and for mistakes and dangerous situations to happen. She was better off going back to her aunt's house and trying to get some sleep so she would be ready for her first day at a new school tomorrow. Could she even make friends with what she was? A pregnant teenager? Her aunt had said that friends, for some reason, when you were pregnant and then had children, drifted away from you and cut off all ties. Forsaking their friendships just because your life was now different than their own.

Brushing the bangs from her eyes, Kyra walked up to the house where the party was being held, unsure if she should go inside or not. Her brown purse was over her shoulder, the house key inside, along with $20.00 and a cell phone. A necessity that her aunt had bought her, though it was a prepaid one and carried only basic functions. Just so Kyra could call for a ride if she couldn't make it home. Her aunt had agreed to let her go to this party as long as she was home by a reasonable hour, meaning no later than 11PM, and to think of her predicament. Whether she told anyone about the fact that she was pregnant at fourteen was up to her. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Kyra walked up the driveway and then cut across the lawn until she stood before the door. She certainly wasn't dressed for a party, dressed in baggy shorts and a t-shirt as the night was hot and rather humid thanks to the rain for the past couple of days. She couldn't wait for the cooler months of autumn though had to admit she wasn't excited about winter. Taking a moment to get herself together, Kyra opened the door, surprised that it was unlocked before stepping inside.

@ anyone
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Tessa brought a hand to her chin, faking as if she were pondering on a serious question. "I don't know. I think my superpower would be something cliche like super strength, or something." She shrugged, flexing her bicep jokingly. "I only say that because I like to box, but I guess that would be it."

Interacting with: Lucy @FluffyMarshmallow

Mentions:No one
Lucy smiled at Tessa and stood up "Shall we mingle?" she asked, not that she didn't like her, but she was still hoping to make a few friends while she was here, it was a bit of a mission for her.

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Alexandria is not the one for parties, or any social gatherings in this case. Socialising is not the delinquent's forte, she rather be spending her nights alone than party with the basic kids that normally host these gatherings. There are only two reasons why Alex would attend such a thing; one, she was forced by someone who she associates or two, there's alcohol invovled. Both are the reasons why the loner is sitting on the lounge room couch in a stranger's home surrounded by people she vaguely knows at this very moment, with a cup of shitty alcohol and tiredness in her eyes. On the bright side this party is better, much better than the shit day she had. There was a long list of things that went to the pits for Alexandria's day but the one that took the cake was her parents being shitty. Alex tried to forget about her day though, drinking it away one sip at a time.
Jake was strolling through the party, being handed drinks but simply putting them down. He's against it, but given his look you would never know. He decided to be simple for the party, a tight white tank top to show off his muscles and simple khaki shorts with white shoes. He didn't really care what he looked like and normally he'd be in the gym by now but he decided to grace everyone with his appearance. After about 10 minutes of weaving through the crowd and getting some numbers from some girls, as well as them asking to see his 8 pack, which he gladly showed; he made his way to a bit of a break and open area. This place, I swear. He thought to himself. He sat down on a couch and placed his feet on the table in front of him.
Alexandria decided to do what she's best at, pretending that everyone doesn't exist. The affects of alcohol swarmed over her body as she peacefully closed her eyes and relaxed all the muscles of her body, blocking off what's going around. It was easy for her since there wasn't anyone in this open area, she was able to block out the party and be fully relaxed... well until some dingus came in and ruined it. The sound of the couch opposite to her being sat on and the sound of the table being abused by a pair of shoe-wearing feet made the once relaxed girl become pissy and annoyed. Alex retrieved her famous "delinquent bitch face" as she took a good examine of what could guess, a dingus. After silently judging the figure across from her, she could tell that the person who ever so rudely interrupted her was one of those typical douchebag gym junkies. She could already smell the over-sprayed deoderant from where she's sitting, which only pissed her off more. She couldn't be the better person and stood up and left though, her alpha female instinct overcame her and started to claim her dominance and stayed put where she's sitting. Laying back on on arm of the couch and stretched out her legs over the over, arms opened wide with one hand holding a bottle of beer and the other holding a cigarette.
Tyler finished adding the numbers into his phone and laughed. He most likely will never call them but the list grew quickly. He yawned and stretched, his shirt lifting slightly but his relaxation was put on hold by someone on the opposite couch. He looked up and saw her face. "Can I help you?" He asked rather rudley. He didn't notice her when he walked into the room but then again he doesn't notice a lot of people. He noticed the cigarette and beer and figured she must be smashed.

Alexandria pulled a devilish half-smile before she opened her mouth to say something snide and sarcastic. "Oh yes, you can greatly help me by doing all of one simple task. Fucking off," after pulling off that mouthful she dropped her smile and regain the one thing that the school knows her for, her bitch face. Alex was ready to throw down, no one goes near her presence smelling like a deodorant bought from Walmart. That just insults her tremendously. In fact, having a douche like him near her insults her.

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Tyler laughed and sat up taking his feet off the table. "Now why would I do something like that?" He said with a smirk. "I think I'm fine just right here, as a matter of fact when you look like this, you're fine anywhere you go." He said motioning to his body. He wasn't one to shy away nor ignore the fact he looked good. Tyler crossed his arms making his arms look bigger

Spencer wasn't the partying type. That being said, he had no idea that one was going on until he was walking his dog around the block and he heard the noise. His response to said party was to keep his head down and keep thinking annoyed thoughts. That was until, of course, Spencer saw a rather pretty girl looking lost.

Ignoring the Black Lab's wariness and his own, Spencer approached her. "Hot out, isn't it?" He called over the blaring sound of music. Spencer could already tell he was going to get a headache from it.

Oh you're fucking on, mate Alex thought. She decided to do the same and sat up from her lying position, planting her feet on the floor with the sound of her chunky boots clicking the ground. Trying to remind her alpha female intact.

"Not when you're near me, mate" Alexandria insulted, sitting in a masculine position. Legs spread and her elbows resting on her thighs, looking rather tough like she normally is.

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"Mate?" Tyler responded. "We didn't mate but you can keep dreaming." He said laughing. "Now tell me why me being here is disturbing you so badly. You should be happy I'm even here." He said. His smile big. "Why don't you tell me your name. You should know who I am."

The thought of hooking up with a sack of protein bars made Alexandria drier than the Savannah Desert. "Your gym junk deodorant you're wearing screams out 'I have a small penis', 'my father never loved me' or both and it's insulting me abundantly." Alex took a short moment before insulting him more, "And you being here makes me wanna take my anti-depressant pills."

Tyler laughed at her remarks. "Wow good one, you think of that all by yourself?" He said with a sarcastic tone. "This was my last minute spray, don't worry I'll wear something much more better taste next time." He added with a wink. "taking them and drinking? Tisk tisk, how rebel of you." He said.

Tyler paused for a moment, "oh and about the dick size, don't worry. I'm not lacking there either." He grinned towards her.

"Well aren't you a straight girl's dream?" Alexandria sarcastically replied as she hinted that she wasn't heterosexual.

She noticed how the gym junkie was trying to flirt with the lesbian, surprisingly she wasn't disguised. In fact, she was amused. A straight buy flirting with a lesbian is like pushing a door that says pull, you're not going anywhere.

"Protip, stop trying to flirt with me because you're making me drier than the Savannah Desert," those words of an insult slipped from her lips before flamboyantly taking a swig of her beer, basically giving the ol' fuck you to the Iron Man about mentioning about taking alcohol and medical drugs at the same time.
Tyler's laughter escaped his mouth when she responded. "If you thought that was flirting I'm sorry you've been exposed to some sad people before. I'm every girls' dream. That's the truth." He said while watching her drink her beer. "If I had a weird feminist macho fetish, then you'd be at the top of my list." He threw in. "Even deserts get some rain now and again." Tyler added in laughing.

"Is your head really so far up your ass? Jesus, you're so up yourself!" Alexander bluntly asked as she was greatly amused that he used feminist as an insult. It was a typical insult that straight men like him use when women doesn't go head over heels for. The fact that the protein shake hoarder used "feminist" and "macho fetish" together made Alex burst out of laughter since the type of feminists he is referring apparently hate BDSM.

"You know, feminists that you think of actually hate BDSM and think it's "oppressing women". So what you said before was just utter bull."

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Tyler threw his hands to the side. "Well excuseeeee me." He said at first laughing. "The fact that you're noticing what I'm saying and paying that close attention to what I'm saying tells me you're not so far off from actually enjoying my company." Tyler was trying to hold back his laughter. "Who wouldn't be full of themselves when you look like me." He said as he stood up and lifted his shirt. "Can break glass off these abs." He said. "People who think I'm cocky are usually the jealous ones."

Tessa grinned and stood up as well, offering Lucy her arm in an old timey fashion. "Yes, we shall." Tess didn't particularly like places where there were too many people in one spot, it made her uncomfortable. But, she did like music and dancing, so she'd have to get over her anxiety for a while.

Lucas pulled his pants back on, adjusting his belt as he watched her, "don't tell anyone, but I think you're absolutely stunning" he spoke with a grin, running his hand through his hair to fix the mess that there. He pulled his shirt over his head before grabbing the bottle of whisky at the side of the bed, taking a large swig and making a face at the burn it gave his throat as he swallowed. "We should probably join the group again, before they come looking" his eyes skimmed down her body once more as he spoke.

@Haus Of Alaska

Viktoria was pulling back on her clothes, smirking as she caught him watching her.

Fixing everything she pulled him in for a brief kiss before taking a drink from the bottle

"We better, heaven forbid people start talking"

Making her way down the stairs, she grinned and winked at Luc before giving his crotch a playful squeeze and rejoining the party.

Standing by him, she spoke quietly

"You have my number right?"

She looked around the party as she asked him


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