
Are the head quarters going to be in different countries? Since they're gonna be travelling quite a lot?
I think each family should have like a second home that the kids could use as a hide out...

I.e. The parkers have a villa in Italy

Or the Santini's have a penthouse in Germany

Kinda see where I'm going?
i get it but their records would probably show that location so wouldn't the national guard look for them there?

we can have the families have certain connections though
you need to interact with other characters and not wait for them to come to you...and we can always catch you up to what's going on in the rp

Its way too much work, and i wouldnt want to fuck things up in the rp, since two characters would just.. Be there? Lol idk.
Also you can always edit your posts xD @xoloveox

And guys I'm gonna start an rp but I don't know what I should do it on

Can I get some ideas?
I'm thinking of starting a new roleplay as well. ;D

I have an idea but I'm not sure how it's gonna work.

Need to do more planning.
I actually just got an idea from the whole polar bear space thing no joke

It involves no polar bears though...or maybe it does

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