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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Emet rubbed his eyes, and blinked into the face of his father. "Hi dad." He mumbled out, though still sleepy. He, having forgotten about teh reunion, had come home from school and immediately gone to sleep. He'd been tired. "Come on, put this on." His dad said, handing Emet a outfit picked out earlier. He slipped out of his current out fit, and changed into the new one. "What's going on?" He asked, then remembered, "O!! We get to see the others today.." He said. His father chuckled, then left the room, headed for the remaining car.

Emet hurried after his father, and walked beside him to the car. They got in, and buckled. then started off to the Parkers, a bit later than intended. When they arrived, Mr. Jameson found a place to park, then walked with Emet to the door. Not to be rude, he knocked, and waited for another adult to answer. When the door opened, the two entered. "Emet, you have fun, and stay out of trouble, okay?" His father said, then turned and went to join the adults. "Okay..." Emet replied, and turned, to look around.He remained by the door though, for once unsure of what to do next.
Ingrid Parker

More and more people were piling in, and before she greeted them, Ingrid decided to pop the cap of a beer first, then brought it to her lips. The cool liquid slid down her throat as she sipped. Most, like her, were drinking. Some kept away from the alcohol and decided to make conversation instead. Ingrid clutched the bottle in one hand as she passed Ace and Violet talking, and acknowledged them with a small smile and a nod. She made her way through the crowd, making sure not to bump into anyone, and passed through the sliding glass door at the back where the pool was. Quietly, she sat down at the brim of the pool and dipped her feet in, swinging her legs as water splashed against her. She brought the beer to her lips one last time before setting it down on the ground. Without thinking, she took off her shirt, shoes, jacket, and pants to the side, and quickly jumped into the pool, making a splash. She wiped her face with the pool water, exhaling deeply. This was the alone time she wanted.
"Did I hear Emet's name?" Benji asked after overhearing Emet's name spoken from downstairs. He jumped up and ran back down. "Hey buddy!" The teen waved his hand at the younger boy. "Remember me? I got some toys upstairs if you want to play with them" Benji said sticking his hand out to the kid. "I'm Benjamin. You can call me Benji. Come on, I'll race ya?" He suggested. @InsaneEntry

Greyson walked up the stairs and smiled a bit back at Sarah. He walked down the hall peaking into Benji's room. It was designated by a sign on the door that said "Benji's room". What was it that that kid was going to show him?
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When Lexi had made her way outside, Cameron noticed it was his sister by the sound of her voice. Looking down from the sky, he turned to face his sibling with a neutral expression. "What am I doin'? I dunno. Tryna avoid all the kids I haven't seen in ten years I guess. Shit is awkward." Placing his cup down on a nearby table, Cameron would lean against the wall of the house closest to it - which happened to be right next to the sliding door. "What are you doin'? You could avoid me when we're home, but it's cool to be seen with me in public? I see how it is, li'l one."

Nothing more than a joke. This was around the same time that Breckenridge had decided to make an appearance, herself. She walked outside and immediately bumped into Cameron, who didn't move an inch from his positioning against the wall. The entire time she neared him, he was wondering if she would notice where she was walking. Apparently, this was not the case. He chuckled a bit as she mentioned something about him breaking her glass - but Cameron didn't really care much. "Mhmm."
Lexi Montreal

She laughed a little at his response and shrugged her shoulders slightly, "I do have to agree with you on that one, it is awkward - everyone's changed a lot." Lexi says as she shrugs her shoulders. "And actually mister, there's no one around for me to be seen as 'cool' -" She uses her fingers to quote the word cool before carrying on, "And I do not avoid you. Everyone at home is too busy with their own business that any of us barely even see eachother. You should know that by now." She shrugs her shoulders slightly.

She looks over at Breckenridge when she hears her voice and looks at the bottle of alcohol she was holding, shaking her head slightly. "Is alcohol the new trend or something? Am I the only one who doesn't drink it?" She says as he stares at the two.

Brec shook her head rolling her eyes at him. "..." She took a deep breath before putting on her 'friendly smile'. "He Cameron...how...are you doing?" She asked him the grip on the glass tightening a little bit. She was beginning to have a headache and Cameron acting like a dick was going to make it worse to the point she will snap...but in a professional way since she still doesn't want to embarrass them in front of the other family households. "I bet you're...doing great..." She tells him struggling to keep the smile on her face. She then looked at Lexi and shrugged "I don't know nor do I care...I feel like I need this right now..." She told her showing her the bottle of alcohol.

@Tree @Kylie Lions

Honestly, his sister had a point. Light hues turned to look at Lexi as she continued talking, even with Breckenridge right up in his grill. "Alcohol ain't the new trend, you just squaaaaaare." As he elongated the last word in speech, he used his fingers to trace the outline of a square shape in the air. This as before the start of his conversation with Breckenridge, which was apparently happening. He figured she wouldn't give a shit enough to sit there and talk with him, but apparently that was the case. She asked how he was doing, but Cameron was not falling for the charade. Dropping his cigarette into his near-empty drink, he withdrew his cigarette pack once more, this time to grab a joint. He immediately lit it, took a drag, and then offered it to Breckenridge.

"I'm doin' as great as I look."

@Kylie Lions @Stoked911

He felt Violet get closer to his arm, and he rubbed her hear with hsi free hand, slowly letting go of her and leaning back a bit, looking around for anyone he would find interesting in this place. He didn't find sense to make all this reunion fuzz, but, who was he to judge the rest? If they wanted to cause this giant clusterfest it was in their hands, it would've been another asset if it was in his hosue, where he'd be taking care of everyone like puppies on a leash. Ace wanted to go for a beer, yet he couldn't find enough space to squish to get one, so, for now, no drinking. Then, he felt Ingrid pass trough him, going outside. He didn't know about where she was going, so, stalker being, he followed her. She got into a pool, his eyes widened when he saw her jump in, and he had nothing else to do, so he went to sit.

Ace sat down on a nearby bench, grabbing a e-cig out of his leather jacket's side pocket and taking a pint, releasing a cloud with a smell of thick coffee, his favorite flavor, and it wasn't so harmful after all.
''Sorry for interrumping your peace, yet I can't handle being claustrophobic in there.''

Lexi raises her eyebrow when he calls her 'square'. She didn't even know what that meant so she just shrugged her shoulders. "That's great." She mutters before looking at the sky for a moment. "Well, you guys enjoy you.. time. I'm gonna go take a phew photos of.. people." Lexi says to Cameron and Breckenridge as she shoots them one last smile before walking off. She decided to go explore the house because why not? Plus, she could barely stand the smell of smoke anymore. She hums quietly as she grabs her phone and earphones, connecting them to each other before putting the earphones into her ears and blasting some music - Red, she loved that band.
"Are you going to show us something or what?" Greyson said eyeing Benji from his angle on the stairs. Benji bit his lip and switched his gaze over to Greyson, "Yeah I will. Be right there". The younger teen looked back at Emet, "So yeah think about it. Don't be afraid to go up". With that, Benji ran back upstairs, "Sorry guys! This way please". Benji jogged into his room, "Lights on". The lights automatically switched on as Greyson walked into the room. What the? Grey thought to himself looking back at Benji who was already halfway under his bed. "Mind turning the tv on for me Grey?" Benji questioned pulling out a few wires from beneath his bed. Grey eyed the television. Looking around it for a button. " . . . Tv on" Grey mumbled suddenly seeing Modern Family come on. "Sweet thanks dude! You got a nice voice ya know" Benji sat on his spinny chair and took a pair of pliers out. "You should speak more often. Yo Ash! Can you please wear this around your head?" Benji asked raising up a headband looking object.

Brec put the glass and bottle down when Cameron offered her a cigarette. She looked at him before punching him in the stomach but not too hard that it will knock all the wind out of him...more like 45-50% of it. (Hope that's alright I don't want to murder him just yet

xD ) She fixed her dress before taking to joint out of his hand and took a drag before exhaling it and slipping it back into his mouth then gave him a real smile. "You're not great all the time...like right now...but it's good to see you..." She told him giving him a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the head then grabbed her bottle of alcohol and a switchblade from her purse which she carries with her all the time for fun and emergencies. She angled it under the cork and popped it off then put her switchblade back in her purse, grabbed the glass pouring some in the before drinking some.


She glanced up at Ace, who had taken a seat on one of the benches near the pool. "It's okay," she said, "Couldn't handle it either." She watched him as he got out an e-cigarette that blew out "smoke" with some kind of scent that smelled somewhat like coffee. "Are you trying to quit smoking or something?" she asked, as she did a back float in the water. "Just wondering if you had a real cigarette by any chance."

Ash smiled happily at the thought of Emet arriving, and went to the edge of the staircase, so he could see she was upstairs too, should he choose to come up. Then she excitedly followed after Benji to his room and gaped when the lights turned on around them. "Whoa..." She said in awe. Sarah's eyes widened when the T.V. came on, "Gosh Benji, you wild child. You're room if freaking alive." She laughed, impressed then watched him amused as he dug stuff out. Both Sarah and Ash let out some laughter from Benji's compliment to Grey. Then Ash took the headband raising an eyebrow, "Um, okay, but if this electrocutes me or something, I will not be a happy camper." She told him joking around, as she put it around her head. Sarah let out a soft smile and rolled her eyes.
When his sister decided that she was needed elsewhere, Cameron simply watched her walk away. Then, his attention turned fully to Breckenridge, who had decided a nice reply to a kind gesture was equivalent to delivering pain. As her fist connected with his stomach, it caught Cameron off guard; the punch obviously was not hard enough to do any damage, and on top of this, he was a boxer. He took harder hits for a living. However, he did take notice that the female had bit of strength behind her. When she removed the joint from his possession momentarily, eyes watched as her full lips took a drag, before she placed it back between his lips. This was before she pressed her own lips against his cheek. As she moved in to do so, Cameron got closer as well - edging his face closer to hers as to accept the gesture, while his free hand found itself on her waist. When her lips broke contact with his skin, his hand did the same with her frame.

While she poured herself another drink, Cameron slipped back inside momentarily to grab an entire bottle for himself - the Hennessey. When he walked back outside with the bottle, he reclaimed his rightful space against the wall. He placed the cap of the alcohol on the table beside the used cup, which had now become a makeshift ashtray.

"It's nice to see you too, B. As always."

@Stoked911 @Kylie Lions

Ace found it funny how the girl was just floating in the water, she looked funny, and Ace, sure, was serious, yet his heart was still warm deep down on his chest, enough to smile once and a while. "Are you trying to quit smoking or something?" the floating girl said, Ace nodded,
''Well, trying is a thing, beating it is another world, look, I have a few....right here, if you want one.'' he said, as he reached deep inside his tight jeans pockets, pulling out a fresh box of cigarettes, throwing it near the edge of the pool and a lighter slowly after, doing his best for it not to get wet, or else it would be get obsolete for a while, and even if they're cheap, money doesn't come out the trees, he needed one once and a while. ''I don't like this meeting, It's boring, to be honest.''
"If it electrocutes ya you won't be able to camp at all" Benji corrected adjusting a rubber mat onto his desktop before he centered a ball onto it. "Now you've heard of that game Mindflex? Basically it uses EEG which . . . ah it's a mind control game. It just turns on fans below its board though. Nothing really that special" He looked at the group in his room. "But this uses magnets. I've been able to do some techy stuff and make it happen to the point where you're controlling the ball and not lame fans" Benji said looking at Ash. Grey raised a brow at Benji's explanation. Electroencephalography. Heard of it before. The gear could use some work. Grey thought to himself eyeing the wired apparatus. "So Ash try anything on this mat within these four magnets please" Benji requested.

"Channel 7" Grey randomly said switching the Television to some news channel. "So you're a news type of guy huh?" Benji asked keeping his gaze on Ash but referring to Grey. "No, just checking if you switch your channels like that too" Grey replied creating the distraction to avoid the fact that he was actually really interested in the tech.
Quentin Jameson

Quentin didn't have much to do but drink beer, so he grabbed one and drank as he looked at some of the Parker's family pictures that stood on the center table. Taking his beer, he ventured down the hallway, not really planning on doing anything but maybe explore the Parker household. He looked around and turned a corner, and just then, he bumped into something- or rather someone, and accidentally made them fall to the ground. It took him a moment to realize it was Lexi, and he quicly mumbled his apologies. @Kylie Lions

Ingrid Parker

Ingrid watched as Ace tossed her a cigarette and a lighter. Smiling, she lit one as he told her how boring this meeting was. Ingrid couldn't help but laugh a little. "You're telling me," she said, "I got so bored that I had to distract myself with our own backyard pool when no one else was in it," she took a drag out of the cigarette Ace gave her, and found it calming her nerves. she could feel her chest and throat warming up because of it. It was a pretty nice feeling. That was, until she started coughing. "That's... that's pretty good," Ingrid said, grinning. "Maybe I should start trying to quit too, huh?" @Sugar

"Maybe I should start
trying to quit too, huh?" Ace shrugged, not knowing exactly how to respond. Sure, smoking was damn bad for everything in your body, yet it helped so much emotionally, it felt like throwing away all the stress in your mind with some smoek floating away in the air. ''You could, or just buy one of these, I mean, there's like 200 f*cking flavors and they're not very expensive.'' he said, as he approached the girl, crouching down and being cautious to not drop the cigarette, slowly popping it in her mouth, pressing the button to let the smoke go trough her mouth.

Brec smiled a little when Cameron wrapped his hand around her waist when she leaned in to kiss his cheek. It was kinda fun to be honest but she didn't want him to know. She finished drinking her first glass then poured herself another when Cam went inside the house to get something. She st down then took out her phone starting to scroll through Facebook to see if anything new was going on. She looked up seeing Cameron come back with a bottle of Hennessey."I would say it's a bit early to be drinking that...but...it's you so I think what I tell you goes in one ear and out the other..." She told him before taking another sip from her glass and looked at her phone waiting for a vine video to load. "Anyway...what have you been up to?" She asked never moving her eyes from the screen of her phone.

Lexi Montreal

hums quietly to the song as she smiles slightly, nodding her head a little to the beat as she walks down the corridor of the house, just wandering about really as she had nothing to do. She looks down at her phone to change the song as the next song plays and just as she turned the corner, she bumps into somebody, a small yelp escaping her lips as she falls to the ground along with her phone, the hard floor and her butt connecting. "Ouch.." She mumbles, grimacing from the pain that shot through her butt. She glances up to see who she bumped into and tilts her head slightly, "Quentin?"

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Flashing those trademark pearly whites, Cameron found himself chuckling once more when Breckenridge mentioned that what she suggested would probably go through one ear and out the other. She certainly wasn't wrong. Cameron's reputation was proceeding him. Seeing as she was sitting in a chair, Cameron would take the opportunity to sit down as well. He did so right in the same place he was standing, with his feet flat on the floor and his knees extended upward. His arms rested on them, though one was in the process of removing the joint from his mouth and passing it to Breckenridge after he finished taking his second drag.

"Trainin'. Tryna get better everyday. For sure gonna pro soon, pro'lly. If I keep my head on straight long enough."

Wasn't that the truth? Hues turned to the bottle of alcohol, watching the liquid swish around the bottle as he turned his wrist in a clockwise motion.

"How you doin'? You look good."

Ash laughed a little and rolled her eyes at Benji's correction then listened as he explained. She was usually pretty intelligent, but tech wasn't her specialty. "So... You're saying I can just move the ball, if I think hard enough...?" She asked Benji while eying the mat. It sounded simple, yet she was sure the whole process of making the technology was extremely complicated. She hesitated then looked at the mat attempting to move the ball. "You said it's like Mindflex... So what, it's reading my brainwaves?" She questioned while staring down the ball. Sarah was completely lost on Benji's explanation, but watched the scene around them, wondering if what they were attempting would work. She glanced at Grey as he changed the channel and grinned amused, "Benji's got some cool stuff." She muttered to him.
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Tris Callahan

Well, here goes nothing. Tris entered the Parker residence, pulling her baseball cap tighter around her head. She didn't like this. She didn't like being with all of these people, and she was worried about her mom. Tris didn't know how her mom was going to react to this major blast from the past. Instead of going through the front door, Tris decided to sneak in around back. She was less likely to be pulled into some uncomfortable hug if she entered in a low-key fashion. Well, that idea was demolished when she smelled the overwhelming scent of a fresh smoke. Tris continued to the backyard, taking notice of Cameron offering Brec a smoke and complimenting her. "Well damn, you two are getting cozy already." It was clearly sarcasm, but if someone didn't know her well they might have thought she was serious. ( @Stoked911 )

Hunter Jameson

This was lame. Hunter sighed, running his hands through his messy hair. He wanted more than anything to be at Nick's party with Peyton right now. But no, his parents insisted he be here for this stupid reunion. Even though it had beer and what smelled like joints, Hunter didn't have any friends to have a chugging contest with or something stupid like that. He slid his phone into his pants pocket and stood up, grabbing a random bottle from Cameron's bag of goodies and started walking towards the outside door.
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"Basically" Benji nodded waiting for Ash to move the ball. "Yeah it's advanced" Grey responded looking at Sarah. " . . Aren't you the girl who pushed me off that tree?" He questioned tilting his head a bit. "Nope. No one ever pushed you off a tree! You fell saving her from her dragon dog" Benji recalled easily smiling at the memory. How does he remember? Grey thought looking back at Benji then at the ball again. "I was scared of Buster for days. I thought he would make me fall off from a tree too" Benji added silencing himself shortly after.

She rested her chin on her arms as he placed the e-cig in her mouth, and she could almost immediately smell the vanilla scent it was giving off. "200 flavors? That's impressive but..." she trailed off, glancing at the box of actual cigarettes on the side. "Are they...more helpful?" As she said it she found it sounded silly, but what she meant was if it helped better emotionally. She did, after all, smoke because, well, it helped her get away from the shit in her life. But if these fake cigarettes couldn't really help with that, and if all they were good for were flavors, then she was going to have to stick with real ones. Ingrid figured that she'd rather live shorter problem-free than live long with unhappy, complicated problems all the time. @Kylie Lions

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