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Fandom 「Remnants of Heaven」 A Jojo's Bizarre Adventure AU



what makes you different makes you special
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December 1, 2011, Newton, Kansas. Early in the morning, a jogger discovers a confusingly gruesome scene: a clearing in the woods with several body's worth of human blood splattered in a roughly circular shape. DNA sampling linked this incident to multiple missing people. Despite weeks of searching, no bodies are discovered, nor suspects to apprehend or question. This is the third report of these strange incidents which have happened across the nation.

April 30, 2012. Late at night, multiple reports of the sky shining brightly as if it were daytime. This event is corroborated by private and public security footage, although no source was found. Many attribute it to being an unexplained cosmic event of some kind.

Today: May 1, 2012. Despite the strange event of the night before, the day seems to begin quite normally. However, in a select few households, a handful of people begin to stir as the sun rises.

As each of you come to, you notice rather quickly that this is not where you last remember laying down to rest. In fact, you don't recognize this place at all. If you are to search for any identifying information of whoever lives here, you will only find documents with your own name. Credit cards for banks you've never heard of, or mail from people you don't know.

As time passes, a faint memory forms in the back of your mind. It seems you've dreamt of your own death. Not just yours, however. Multiple others were there. It was a cold night. In the woods perhaps? The waxing moon struggled to illuminate the clearing, but you can see glimpses of faces. No names, but you'd recognize them in a heartbeat if you saw them again. There were others there, who must have been your captors, although their faces were concealed by the angle of the shadows. Then, something from outside your vision cuts the dream short.

In the stress of trying to figure out what all of this means, you slowly become aware of a presence within yourself that feels completely otherworldly. As it manifests, you discover a supernatural ability that has attached itself to you. It takes some effort at first, but you can control it. Although, maybe it's best to not do this as small an area as your this bedroom.

Dallas Page, September 20, 2009. Kidnapped by multiple figures, it takes quite a while for her to gather what's happening, but fortunately her base knowledge of the paranormal has lined up nicely. Talks of "Stands" and their "abilities," although not explicitly vocabulary she's explicitly familiar with, seems to line up nicely with certain things she's researched from the past. During an argument between her captors, and by some miracle of the ropes binding her being just loose enough to be released from, she escapes.

Reporting the incident to the police led to her being interviewed but quickly let go. Her story offered no additional information regarding the incident, and it's clear she was simply a lucky escapee.

Dallas Page, April 30-May 1, 2012. During a sleepless night, Dallas witnesses the blinding light of the sky. Within seconds, she's acutely aware that this event is linked to her previous kidnapping experience, and the similar event from six months prior, as strange, impossible memories flow into her mind. By the time morning comes, she has discovered that the event has given her a "Stand," and much of her habitual research of the paranormal has become much more than just the knowledge of a hobby, but is now completely factual and useful information.

The time is now 8:00AM. It's a Tuesday, and many people are beginning their commutes to work. Thinking back to the dreams, there must be more to it if so much bizarre things have happened to you in such quick succession. Maybe you can find the people from your dream- after all, with these strange new powers and unfamiliar setting, it would seem anything is possible now.
Marvin held his left eye open and leaned closer to the mirror. Nothing there. The right? Nope. He didn't seem like he was on any drugs. His eyes drifted from the sea-foam bathroom to the closet in the apartment, full of his clothes. The same camera his family gave him as a college gift sat on a coffee table just out of sight, but in better condition. Marvin splashed more water in his face before picking up his glasses. Even they were different, a little turtle-shell on the tips that had never been there.

But what did glasses matter when he felt like some sort of sleeper agent. He looked the same age; his passport confirmed it. He had barely lost any time.

A large television sat in the main sitting area of the apartment, just next to a kitchenette. He was hungry, but Marvin was scared to use anything, to touch any food in the building. Clicking on a remote and flipping through channels, it all felt unfamiliar in the nastiest way; nothing was outright weird, but the fact it was barely recognizable made it worse. Digging around a closet, Marvin found a laptop with an internet connection. His fingers hovered above the keys, but he blanked on what to type.

I woke up in a home that proves to be mine, but I can't remember ever living here. Not a viable search, and a police call would just make him seem crazy. A bead of sweat rolled off his ear. He closed his eyes. The situation. What happened, who was there. Key terms.

> Kidnapping

News about kidnappings, but nothing related.

> Kidnapping Marvin Stripe

Nothing interesting. He didn't seem to be involved in anything. But the violent tones of those flashes...

Marvin slammed the lid of the computer and stood to look out of one of the windows overlooking the street to the west. Forget job hunting, forget everything, apparently. He scanned the buildings, before landing on some greenery nearby. A park in the distance.

Green. Nature. Faces that were too blurry to recall. Violence.

He sighed. Maybe being somewhere like the memory would help this nightmare of a situation. Maybe getting out of the uncomfortably welcoming apartment would help, period. He dressed himself, tenderly going through the clothes he recognized, and took the camera from the table. He never left home without it before, and even it was some strange hallucination, it was an anchor for how insane he felt, something to keep him from cracking.

A set of keys gripped tightly in his hand, Marvin went to leave. A flicker of a bright light caught his attention in the dark TV screen. He froze, and watched it just behind him, the floating orb, the colored tubes. It wasn't a monster, he'd already figured that out that morning. But it was odd. He wasn't scared of it and it barely seemed to act on its own accord. Somehow, it felt better to see than where he had awoken.

Two anchors, then. Cracking would be at the bottom of his list for at least the morning.

Several sets of stairs and a lukewarm lobby later, Marvin stepped onto the sidewalk of a surprisingly crisp April morning. Clocking his direction, he turned on his heels and began heading towards the park he'd seen from his window.
It was comfortable... Too comfortable. Quinn awoke with a start, instinctively reaching under her pillow for something she figured wasn't there anyways. Strangely enough, her fingers curled around the half-familiar handle of a baseball bat. However, this one was wooden. Strange. Sitting up with it and taking inventory of the room, her suspicions were confirmed. She was somewhere else entirely than she had ever been in her life.

The weird part? The bedroom had her own habits scattered all around, though the actual contents were entirely alien. Blacked out curtains with a small night light for illumination. The overhead light fixture had no bulb, and there was a doorstop keeping the only exit securely in place. Had she finally lost it? Shattered memories or splintered personalities or something? Reaching for the smartphone on her bedside table was a strange experience; she'd never owned this model, but her passcode worked nonetheless. Notifications, emails, and even the installed applications were all unusual. They hinted at a thriving social life. Friends and family aplenty. The names, however, were mostly mysteries.

That dream, though. She had brushed it off at first, but it only served to further annoy her when it kept itself in the back of her mind, never completely fading. Those faces, the voices, it had to mean something. Especially if she were in such an unfamiliar situation now.

Suddenly, she had a sixth sense- something was watching her. No, she was watching herself? Swinging around to face her 6 o'clock; pair of black masses were watching from an open closet. "What the hell..." Before the sentence could be finished, they flew to her. Strangely, Quinn wasn't afraid of them. They were hers. No, they were her. Whatever that meant, but it was somehow the truth. She could see herself, just as she could see them. Maybe she was crazy.

Within the twenty minutes she spent searching, Quinn discovered very little usable information about her situation. "Newton, Kansas. May 1st, 2012. I had a job, life, all that. Or someone like me did. But I took her place, and she's... gone? Did she take mine?" Brushing it aside for the moment, she searched for whatever might be useful. Keys and purse, both had pepper spray. That never changed, apparently. The whole time, she felt a strange nakedness. This... other Quinn didn't seem to be quite as paranoid careful. No face coverings, no gloves, nothing.

The closet. One of the birds saw something. A very strange outfit, indeed, but it would do the trick. What did she have this for? Halloween? Regardless, it fit perfectly. And matched the birds. That was a nice plus. The more she looked herself over in a mirror, the more she liked it. Baggy and full-coverage. Just the way she liked it. The mask was maybe a little over the top, but, you know. Desperate times.

Stepping out of the front door revealed a sizable yard on what seemed to be the edge of town. She ignored the car- she may technically have a license in this strange reality, but that didn't mean she would magically know how to drive. Or maybe she did. Best not to test it right now. The birds had vanished at some point, but a primal instinct said they'd be there when she needed them. A quick search of an online map says the location of this recurring memory would be in a park to the southwest of town. A bit of a walk to be sure. Gives her time to think. And maybe to figure out who these other faces in her head are; maybe they're going through the same thing.

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