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Fantasy Rejected


New Member
Modern society, on the surface it seems normal. But there are many born with 'abilities'. Those people are known as 'defects'. And all defects must be killed, by any means possible.


this rp is going to be rather hardcore, join at your own risk!

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Sean stood in a poorly lit room. The walls were made of cold stone and the floor glistened with fresh blood. There were a couple of corpses lying around, he'd only just finished with them so he hadn't gotten round to clearing them up yet. In front of him was a young girl in her early twenties. She had long golden blonde hair. "I'm going to enjoy finishing you off" Sean said slimily. He had already put her through a lot of pain, and making her watch her siblings being mutilated was probably the icing on the cake. Sean lifted her head. "You're almost too pretty to kill, maybe I'll stay away from your face, for now" he attached metal bindings to her wrists as he spoke, then pressed a button. There was a whirring noise and the girl's screams filled the room. "I think I enjoy my job a little too much"

A few hours later, he had spent enough time pleasuring himself with the girl's now cold corpse. He had cleared the room ready for it's next victims. He grabbed his sword and departed from his home, he was back on the hunt, looking for more toys with which to please himself.

((I'm holding back a little with this post, so just reiterating, this RP is going to get graffic! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!))


I took off my shoes, and gingerly placed my foot on the lake. The water froze underneath it, still crystal clear. I applied pressure onto the ice, still wary of the thin layer. It thickened as I applied pressure, and after a few minutes, I had both feet on the ice, surrounded by a circle of ice.

"Look at that! I told you you could do it!", I looked over at Anastasia, who's tail was flashing in the sunlight pouring through the water. She was there just in case I fell in...

"Although the water is getting colder...", she laughed, and swam back a little, shivering.

"Sorry! Although I don't know what you would expect...", I giggled, ecstatic that I had managed to do it. I moved my feet, keeping them on the surface of the lake, and the ice thickened with a crack underneath me. I walked around a little, and the layer of ice grew on the water almost immediately.

"Lilly! Come over here, let's see if it can hold the both of us!", I walked back over to the side, and slipped a little. The ice roughened up, as if realising I needed to get a footing. A thin layer of powdery snow covered the ice now, which was only in a line down the lake.

"I must admit, that is weird...", Ana said as the ice melted almost immediately as I moved away from it.

I got to our adoptive daughter, "What do you think? Want to give it a go?", I grinned at her.

Ana moved from the water, scales disintegrating off her legs as she got onto the shore.

"Let's see if it can hold 3! We all need a bit of a wash, anyway.", she laughed as I gave her a sidelong glance,

"Do you doubt my abilities, Ana?!?", I was trying my hardest to keep a straight face, making it look like I was sucking on a lemon in the process. Unable to hold back, I laughed along with her. Ana took one of my hands, and I held the other out for Lilly.


((Most of what I write will be from Autumns perspective, and if I ever write as Anastasia, I'll add a heading!))
Gennadi turned his head towards the noise. "It's them again, Willow.." Gennadi told his snake that had comforted herself around his neck. Willow hissed, "No Willow, I just can't... I know they're defects like me but-" She hissed again, "... Why would I need friends when I have you..?" The snake gave up and wrapped itself a bit more tightly around Gennadi, planning to fall asleep. Gennadi sighed, "... Okay."

Gennadi climbed down the ladder from his tree house and started to walk to the lake. After 40 minutes of walking he finally made it. "I'm okay." He whispered to himself. "Excuse me?" He said aloud. 

Jack was confused all these defects in one place, he was sure it was a trap and so he sunk deeper into the muddy lake floor. He had changed into his croc form to hunt but now that these humans were here he was trapped under the water. He can hold his breath for a long time but even he needs to breath and he was running low on air. He didn't want the finned one to see him. He slowly made his way to the bank trying his best to stay hidden. He ordered the plants to hide him from view as he crawled slowly forward. He let out a small bubble of air to help him stay under when he got half way to land.
Lilly watched her Mums as they spent time in the water, using and practicing their abilities. Upon being called by Autumn she walked over to the water's edge. She took Autumn's had as she held it out to her. She didn't say anything, but then she didn't really speak much. But she was happy. She loved her parents, and where they lived, so far away from civilisation. Lilly wasn't great with people anyway, but with them being what they were, social situations where more stressful than they needed to be. Suddenly Lilly jumped out of her skin as the sound of a strange voice reached her ears. She looked around trying to find the owner. She was a little worried to say the least. Unknown people freaked her our enough, but if they'd seen what had been happening moments ago...

@FrostFire @Full Of Tate @fuil
We skated together for a minute, and I was proud that I was able to keep this up.

I suddenly heard a voice, and the ice under our feet instantly vanished. We all fell into the lake with a massive splash, And Ana and I grabbed Lilly, stopping her from being submerged.

We swam quickly to the side, "Ana, stay with Lilly!", my voice was urgent and worried.

I ran out onto the grass, searching for the voice, ready to use my powers to defend my family.

My eyes fell on a young looking boy, and a snake. I breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully not a human.

"Sorry, you startled us... It's nice to meet you! I'm Autumn, this is Anastasia, and our daughter, Lilly.", I introduced us all, but stayed where I was, just in case.

@Geozaki @Full Of Tate @fuil
Moments later Lilly felt the ice beneath her feet vanish as it quickly melted back into water. They fell into the water, causing a splash that sent ripples gliding across the lake's smooth surface. Lilly felt herself fall into the icy cold water, which was now rapidly returning to it's usual temperature, which was still rather chilly. But Lilly felt the warmth of Autumn and Anastasia as they prevented her from being completely submerged in the water. As Autumn rushed from the water in search of the voice, Lilly cuddled into Anastasia, partially because she was cold and partially because she was scared, but mostly because she loved her mums with all her heart. Lilly's hair had turned to a jet black colour before they fell into the water, but as she stayed with Anastasia, her hair gradually started to regain it's bright red hue. But the change was very gradual, to the point where it would be almost unnoticeable.

@FrostFire @Full Of Tate @fuil
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Sean walked through a thick layer of trees. He knew that scanning this area was futile but he was thirsty for blood. He checked the device in his hand, the energy readings kept spiking, and jumping all over the place erratically. But he would find them, if it was the last thing he did!
((As I didn't say this before, the way that hunters find the defects is with a system that scans the energy that defects emit when they use their abilities. Defects give off this energy all the time even when not using abilities, but they don't give off much, the more impressive the ability they use is, the more energy they give off. If you have any questions, PM me))
Gennadi didn't catch on to how he startled the family. The various splashing ment nothing to him. "Hello. My name is... Barnaby. This is Vivian." He didn't feel quite comfortable yet with giving them his and Willow's real name. Upon hearing the fake name Willow was given, she rolled her eyes. Well metaphorically, she would if she could. 

Gennadi noticed someone else that wasn't introduced yet, they seemed to still be in the water. "Who's the third one?" He asked, referring to the crocodile. 

@FrostFire @Geozaki @fuil
"It's nice to meet you both! I... There isn't anyone else here....", I looked around properly, and only just saw the crocodile, my eyes widened. I also saw Ana swimming full pelt towards the side...


I held onto Lilly, my tail hadn't formed when we fell into the water, I felt too paranoid to change. I was still a good swimmer, so I didn't have any problems.

"Autie, we have to go! We can't stay here, they'll be here soon.", I swam to the side, and ran towards the house, Lilly in my arms, without waiting for a reply.

I slammed open the door of our temporary home. We had lived here the longest, and had come back to it numerous times after living elsewhere. 

I grabbed our bags, we lived out of suitcases, thanks to my intervention. The boy outside was obviously like us, and had seen.... There were now at least 4 defects in the area now, a number I was nowhere near comfortable with. There had only been 5 of us when... I shook my head, I didn't want to think about that.

I zipped up our bags, and ran around, removing any trace of us, including fingerprints. I knew I was being ridiculous, but this had saved us before.

I grabbed Lilly off the bed I had placed her on, and dragged her and the suitcases out to the truck.

"Autumn. Now!"


"I.... Oh.... Barnaby, you'll have to excuse us.... I don't know what's gotten.... Oh dear. With us three, yourself, and... Whoever that is, our energy is probably being tracked right now. I'm... I'm sorry it came to this.", I backed away slowly, a sad expression on my face. I hated that we couldn't meet more like us, but it was between that and relative safety, and I had a family to care for.

I ran over to the truck, "Did you get everything? Wipe everything?", I said breathlessly.

"Of course. You drive, I'll sit in the back with Lilly.", we nodded to each other, and hugged.

"Lilly, remember what we taught you? We have to do that now...", I looked back one final time at the two other defects, a sad smile on my lips.

I jumped into the car, and took a few deep breathes. I decreased my powers, so that I wasn't using any at all. I looked over at Anastasia, she was doing the same, but found it more difficult. She nodded at me when her powers were gone, a pained expression on her face.

I started the truck, and we were well on our way, leaving the two other defects behind, and hopefully leaving no trail behind us.

@Geozaki @Full Of Tate @fuil
Lilly's hair stopped returning to it's natural colour, becoming completely black. She held tight to Anastasia as she rushed towards the house. Lilly sat on the bed where she was placed, she didn't really know what to do, Anastasia's sudden change of mood took her completely by surprise. Before she could make a move the house was packed and she was being dragged out to the truck. Lilly got into the back of the truck, she knew the drill by now. After a short wait Autumn jumped into the car.

Lilly closed her eyes, trying to stop any of her abilities she may be using. The only thing she was aware of was the change in her hair colour. Often she could gain control over that if she concentrated, but this time she was really scared. There had been people she didn't know and they never had to leave in such a rush before. After a short time her hair returned to its natural red colour.

As they pulled off Lilly looked back at the house. She didn't want to leave, but she knew they had too. This was always Lilly's favourite house, she loved it when they came back here. This was the place where she'd met Autumn and Anastasia and where they took her in. But this was also where 'She' was. Lilly hoped they'd come back here soon. Lilly's hair changed to a dark blue, almost have but not quite that dark. She made no effort to change it because she had no idea it had changed. She generally didn't know when it changed.

@FrostFire @Full Of Tate @fuil
Gennadi heard the footsteps of Autumn. He held up his hand to stop her, "Wai-" Willow hissed. He threw his hand back down and faced Willow. He looked generally pissed. She hissed again. He threw his hands back onto his head in a fit of rage."I... I shouldn't have listened to you!" He said aloud before running back into the forest, not heading towards his tree house.

He ran, ran, and ran till he made it at his destination. He opened the hatch and climbed down, closing and relocking it. He flipped on a switch, light blaring, and sat in a corner. Willow slithered off of him.

"You knew... That there were too many defects there, didn't you..?" He whispered. She hissed, "... Yeah.. Sorry. I should've known that but you told me to 'go make friends', th-this is your fault." Willow hissed, sounding distressed. Gennadi stood up and walked over to the bed, laying down in it. "You can sleep at my feet, I'm not letting you cuddle with me." He told her. She listened and positioned herself at his feet. Eventually, the two fell asleep.
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I drove down to the road, which was basically a straight line for miles. 

"Lilly... Your hair, Darling.", I glanced back quickly, and saw Lilly's hair.

"Honey... Don't worry! We'll go back soon.", I turned back, and my shoes squelched.

"Oh!", I laughed, "We're all still wet... Ana, I think there's a towel in the back there...".

"Oh... I was in such a rush, I forgot that you two were still wet.... Sorry!". Ana, who was bone dry, got out the towel, and began drying Lilly's hair, and rubbing her off with the soft towel.

"Ah! Sorry!" Lilly said a little panicked. The fact that her ability was more instinctual, and that she really needed to focus in order to gain even the slightest control over it wasn't very helpful. It wasn't even like she had a useful ability. If anything, all her ability did was give her away, and allow complete strangers to know how she's feeling. Lilly's hair gradually turned back to its natural colour. Just as the change was completed Lilly's concentration was broken by a warm, soft sensation on her head. She opened her eyes to see that Anastasia was drying her hair with a towel. Lilly noticed she was shivering, in the panic of leaving, she'd forgotten how cold she was. "Thanks..." she mumbled gratefully to Anastasia. The two of them had always been so kind to her. Despite only having known her for just over a year and a half, they treated her like she was theirs. Which was far more than she deserved. Especially after all the trouble she'd caused in the past... and the trouble she would no doubt cause in the future...

Sean sighed, getting into his car, which was identical to a police car, because it was a police car. He tossed the scanner onto the passenger seat and drove to a long straight road. Just before he rurnwd onto it, a truck went tearing past him. Generally he'd have ignored them, no-one really used this road, ever. But he was bored and in a foul mood. So he flashed the truck, signalling it to stop and pull over. He was a policeman after all, and they were breaking the speed limit. Though in all fairness, it was hard not to break the speed limit on this road.

@FrostFire @Geozaki
Abe takes note of the rise of energy spots, and the fact that they're all clumped together.  She watches on the scanner her late gave to her. "That's the reason dad's gone now. If he wasn't so 'grab-happy', he'd still be here with mom and I." She says without emotion. It's not like she can change the past. 

From up in her tree she practices on lowering her own energy, or at least until it is less noticeable. 

She drops from her hiding spot, several miles away from the dwindling number of defects, and hurries home. 

"Hey mom. Just letting you know, there was a hunter out in the woods just now...so." Her mother drops what she's doing and rushes towards the door, quickly locking it and locking all the windows.  The house is located deep within a hidden cave. Sort of a last minute decision on Abe's father's behalf. 

"Were you followed here? Did anyone see you? Did you see anyone? Are you ok?" Abe's mom frantically asks as she squeezes her daughter's face, as a way to give herself some forms of security. 

"Nobody followed me here, I made sure of that. If anyone did, it was probs a squirrel. A squirrel. And I'm fine, ma. You gotta stop worrying about me. If I were you,  I'd worry about myself first. And besides, I said he left, for all we know it probably wasn't even a hunter." Abe retorts then proceeds to hug her mother.

"Then be me, and worry about yourself.  I don't want what happened to your father to happen to you. And always assume everyone is a hunter." Mother says as she pushes away from Abe. 

"But just to be sure, let's go down to the bunker in case he comes back. " Abe's mom says as she pushes her down to their safe spot.
Lilly was almost completely dry now, and I was the same, after having the window open.

I saw the police car, and glanced down at the speedometer. "Shit.", I breathed. I slowed down immediately, and talked to Lilly before we had stopped.

"Honey, please. You have to keep that hair of yours on lock.", I came to a stop. As a last minute decision, I got out to greet the officer. I had always been polite to men of the law, and I had a deep rooted respect for them, regardless of my..... Status. I knew I had a guilty expression on my face, I had never been pulled over for a ticket before... 

I stood next to my car, bashfully waiting for the officer. 

@Geozaki @TurboAnalog
"o-ok..." Lilly replied to Autumn. She put all of her concentration into keeping her hair its normal colour and stopping it from changing colour, which was hard. She was scared, very scared, and she could feel Autumn's nerves, she'd always been sensitive to other people's emotions. But she managed to keep it red... for now at least.

@FrostFire @TurboAnalog
Sean climbed out of his car, leaving the door open, and walked over to Autumn. "Are you aware of how fast you were going miss?" He asked, seeming professional. A beeping sound suddenly emitted from his car. He looked through the window of the truck. Without asking permission he opened the back door of the truck. "Hello ladies" he said to the two of them. He looked at Lilly. "Cool hair" he said ruffling her red locks. His professionality seemed to have died down a little. One of these people was defective... but which one?

@FrostFire @Geozaki
I looked down at the ground, but up again when he opened the door and ruffled Lilly's hair.

"I... No. I'm really sorry, Officer", the respect was seeped in my voice.

I was relieved that he was being nice, and my voice was cheery when I spoke next.

"Oh, yes! She gets it from me.", I smile and ruffle my hands through my own very red hair. 

We had a routine for whenever something like this happened, and we went through it so often, it was as if it was actually the truth. Well. It was to some extent. Lilly was my daughter, just not genetically.

"I'm really sorry, Officer. It won't happen again.", I really was ashamed of myself for doing that, it was so very unlike me. I had always been a goody-two-shoes...

@Geozaki @TurboAnalog
Seeing the 4 leave Jack comes out and tracked down the one who talked to animals, he had to know if he was a danger or not. He gets to the place the footsteps stoped and in seeing the hatch he walks over and knocks 4 times, then waits. He was going to try and be nice because he saw the footprints and guessed that the boy was mad but, he was still on guard.
Gennadi's eyes shoot open upon hearing the knocks on the hatch. Would a hunter knock? What if it was that family? He heard the slithering of Willow and was reminded of how horrible he treated her before he went to sleep, "Willow...?" She hissed back, good, she's not mad. He sighed happily, "I'm sorry for how I acted before. I guess... I was just too happy about.. Making new friends and-" She hissed again, interrupting him. He laughed and stood up. Walking to the closet he threw off his shorts and on a white dress that fell to his knees. Willow hissed, "Should've worn this to bed, much more comfortable." He climbed up the ladder and put his ear against the hatch, hearing and smelling if it was a hunter or defect. Oh... It's the crocodile from the lake... He opens up the hatch,

"Um... Yes?"

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