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Fandom /refracted mirror/ - ( A Realistic Pokemon Hosted Project) (WIP)

Borkus Lazorus

Senior Member

refracted mirror/rorrim detcarfer

A Realistic Pokemon RP




Tell me, my friend. What do you think rules this world now? If you were naive, you would say money. If you were a futurist, you would say intelligence. But if you were smart, if you knew the stakes at hand; it's power. 


Look at the world now. It's changed so much after the cataclysm that shook our world over more than a millennia ago. Some historians, revisionists, they're all the same now, say that we fell from our graces. Well, I say that we've merely accepted our true selves. We've risen, for the worse or for the better, it's all subjective now. 


Humanity's always had a thirst for blood, for conflict, to be dominant. It just took a spark to unlock it. Look at our culture. Before, it was all about dominating each other through politics, we were afraid of even touching that big red button. Now? We decide our conflicts through blood-sport, through cock-fighting, through beasts of power that trump mankind's ability to adapt. People who can fight are more respected than thinkers, than politicians, than peace-makers.  Less subtle but not shocking. To me, anyway. All those Pokemon rights activists out there can preach about closing down the League. Fools. The League is the government. The League is everything now. You don't try to cut down a bridge that you're standing on. Do you? Sorry, I tried to find a better metaphor but my....verbal lexicon is at a all time low today.


Nevertheless, I digress. Today is a day where we celebrate a time of how we weathered another storm, of how we have truimphed over the great beasts that rule what was once our land, how we have grown as a species.


Happy New Years Eve, everyone. Cheers.


- An excerpt from a speech by Dukewell Archie, Petalberg Seafront Mansion

1557 N.B, December 31st, 8:00 PM


Who in the everblazin' fuck are you? 

I'm Borkus Lazorus, a teenage wannabe roleplaying douchebag who has been approximately roleplaying for less than a year and may have slight delusions of grandeur. 

What is this so called /refracted mirror/?

/refracted mirror/ is something I've been dreaming of every since I started role-playing. It's been a belief of mine ever since I saw the art above and many others like it that Pokemon could be something more than what it was. It's not grimdark for the sake of being grimdark. I was merely unsatisfied with the universe itself. It had so much potential and I wanted to make good use of it. 


/refracted mirror/ has been a colliquial name for a Realistic Pokemon AU that I've cobbled together from other sources of fiction on the Internet and then some. It represents everything that is perfect to me but yet, represents a believable scenario of what if ghosts and majestic creatures with untold amounts of power walked the land among us. 


So, I came here on this forum. First, I started Sight of Serendipity to test the watering grounds and see if it could walk. It did. Next, I started Pallet Blues to see if it could jog. Sort of, not quite. I'm starting Callsign: Cossack Eight next as another experimental roleplay but this time, I want /refracted mirror/ to sprint past the cliff and jump over the chasm. 

Where's the world-building?

There you go. 

When will the hosted project be up? 

I've been trying to farm posts for the last few weeks. I've managed to reach my 250 post. The hosted project will be up after the change to format. 

What are my requirements as a roleplayer?

To simply put, there's three rules.

1. I expect at least a basic amount of literacy and paragraphing when doing your posts. Also, Quality over Quantity. If you can match your quality and quantity, it's a win-win scenario. 

2. No NSFW, creepy, tentacle hentai, bullcraping, Rule 34, futanari, nightmarish bullshit. M'kay, tiddywinkles?

3. Have FUN! And I encourage you to make things that I never dreamed of possible. Forge something in this universe that's new. 


That's all for now. This thread is going to mainly act as a FAQ and recruitment thread for anyone interested. I will be potentially moving all my other RPs to this hosted project as well in the future. A OOC, Character Sheet and IC thread will be made as soon as I can make the hosted project. 




1. Pokemon, also most commonly known as the Para-Kingdom, are non-indigenous creatures to Earth from another realm, universe or dimension that possess a trait like no other species. The ability to evolve more powerful adaptations at a higher rate than most earth organisms. 

2. This also takes place on Earth, very much the same like this one. However, due to the invasion of the Para-Kingdom, Earth has become beyond recognisable now. The South American Continent has been slammed into the Asian Continent for one. Africa has been shattered into itty bitty pieces. There are landmasses, which didn't exist before, that have been added to our enviroment. Europe is mostly sunk underneath the ocean.

3. Civilization is under attack by Wild-Mon, although this has severely decreased thanks to the help of the Ranger Corps, which act as Animal Control on Steroids, and the Indigo League, the latter a subject of intense debate around the world.

4. Most of canon still exists in this world, although it is heavily altered beyond belief. EG. Gym Leaders, the entire Pokemon League, Coordination, the Legendaries, the antiagonists from the games etc etc etc etc, you would not even believe, etc etc. 

5. This is not a world which is struggling to exist. It is past that now. Society has been united and now, it is just like now but with the existence of Pokemon. Attacks from Wild Mon are frequent however. There is one world in this world, however.


Intricacies of Mon

1. There exists no moves in this universe. 

2. Some pokemon are very, very dangerous to train. (E.G, Dragon Types, Ghost Types, Fairy Types.)

3. Genetically Modified Mon do exist in this verse.

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The more I think about it, the more I realize how horrifying certain pokemon will be in this rp when you take pokedex entries into account XD.
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As a grass type pokemon lover, I think I'm relatively safe. 

Victoreebell aside, Not many carnivorous types out there, granted most can cut yea to ribbons with razor leaf. 

But it's better than raising a fire type. 

And easier to bond with then say a steel type, Argon cuddles, enough said.
I'm a ghost type and dragon type lover, so... yeah, I'm not that safe. However, i also like water, dark, and steel types, so I should be fine.
I feel like one of the few in the world that favors grass TT~TT
I think I'm probably in a lot of danger as well since I'm Dark (For one there's bite and many are paired with other dangerous types, such as Houndoom) & Psychic (I should be okay as long as I don't make them mad. I may need a tin foil hat ...) all the way.
I think I'm probably in a lot of danger as well since I'm Dark (For one there's bite and many are paired with other dangerous types, such as Houndoom) & Psychic (I should be okay as long as I don't make them mad. I may need a tin foil hat ...) all the way.

Yeah, I'd be careful around houndoom and alakazam if I were you...
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The more I think about it, the more I realize how horrifying certain pokemon will be in this rp when you take pokedex entries into account XD.

Well, mostly. I'm not going to include most Pokedex entries. (Like the one where a Magikarp can jump over a mountain.)

As a grass type pokemon lover, I think I'm relatively safe. 

Oh, really? You think your grass types are safe? That's cute.  :)

I think I'm probably in a lot of danger as well since I'm Dark (For one there's bite and many are paired with other dangerous types, such as Houndoom) & Psychic (I should be okay as long as I don't make them mad. I may need a tin foil hat ...) all the way.

Don't freak out about the Dark Types. They're only seen as forbidden because of superstitions that have been built up about them since their inception into this world. Witch-doctors and priests and all that religious stuff. And there's only a few psychic types that are really dangerous in the grand scheme of things. I'm mainly talking about Drowzees and Hypnos. Alakazams aren't that dangerous. 
Well, mostly. I'm not going to include most Pokedex entries. (Like the one where a Magikarp can jump over a mountain.)

Oh, really? You think your grass types are safe? That's cute.  :)

Don't freak out about the Dark Types. They're only seen as forbidden because of superstitions that have been built up about them since their inception into this world. Witch-doctors and priests and all that religious stuff. And there's only a few psychic types that are really dangerous in the grand scheme of things. I'm mainly talking about Drowzees and Hypnos. Alakazams aren't that dangerous. 

Large difference between safe and safer then normal.

A rhino is safer then a lion, but I ain't sayin you should go up and give it a hug. 

Hell doing that to a bounsweet could get your life ended with a swift kick from it's guardian. 

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