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Fandom Red vs Blue Rebooted

Kif did a whatever shrug and replied, "Later Sage." Crash Crash Crash! "I'll go take a look... HOLY SHIT." Kif say more red soldiers and a jeep.

Meanwhile, Kaboose walked with California. "Pst, do ever get the feeling you are being watched?"
"More men!!! and a jeep. This is great I can finally get red of you !!
"That be more of a blessing than a curse"
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As Nathan saw California he booked it to the Warthog placing his younger brother at the passenger seat waking him up"Oh, hey, what's up?"He asked his brother as he drives the Jeep towards Red Base"Oh not much, except for the Freelancer that may kill us"He told Ethan as they make it to Red Base"Ok we're here, get in the base now I'll handle this"Nathan said as he walked towards Agent California


(Hey I might not be able to reply soon since we're going on a slight roadtrip :/ )
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VirtualNotoriety said:
As Nathan saw California he booked it to the Warthog placing his younger brother at the passenger seat waking him up"Oh, hey, what's up?"He asked his brother as he drives the Jeep towards Red Base"Oh not much, except for the Freelancer that may kill us"He told Ethan as they make it to Red Base"Ok we're here, get in the base now I'll handle this"Nathan said as he walked towards Agent California


(Hey I might not be able to reply soon since we're going on a slight roadtrip :/ )
California held his sniper as he walked toward the Red's Jeep "Hello there Nevada."
Kaboose followed California on his side.

From afar, Kif peeked out of the side of the red base ramp. "Oh geez, more guys."
Jetstream said:
Kaboose followed California on his side.
From afar, Kif peeked out of the side of the red base ramp. "Oh geez, more guys."
California crouched down and ordered Kaboose to do the same as he lined up his sniper rifle
And as California lined up shots, two more drop pods came out of the sky and embedded themselves into the ground in the middle of blood Gulch. One's door slid off as a large soldier exited and stretched.

"Okay, new shithole." Wilkes muttered as he looked over the suicide inducing dull landscape "Not much different from the last one."

As soon as he finished saying that the door to the other drop pod launched off drawing his attention as a battle cry erupted from inside.

"GET SOME!!!" roared a female soldier as she leaped out and immediately emptied her entire clip at him.

Once the gun clicked empty Wilkes looked down at himself to see that not a single bullet even grazed him, already he could feel his eye twitch in annoyance as he looked at the other soldier.

"You with the gun, mind explaining what that was?"

"Preemptive strike!" she shouted before reloading her gun quite sloppily "No enemy shall stand in our way!"

Sergeant Wilkes sighed harder than he thought he could "Rank?"

"Private Oleski ready loot burn and pillage in the name of blueness!"

"Oh this day is just starting wonderfully." Wilkes sighed once more before turning towards blue base "Come on Private, let's see if the guys here managed to destroy the place before we even got here."

With a pumped salute, Private Oleski followed Wilkes towards the Blue base.
Kaboose fell back to the blue base in a rush. A bullet hit him on his foot and limped. "Ow ow!" Panting, he saw two blues come right inside.

"H-h-hello...... ow" his foot was bloody.
"Sir, an enemy!!!" Private Oleski warned immediately once spotting the injured Kaboose

"He's wearing blue, private, there's a kind of theme going on here." Sergeant Wilkes mumbled as he ignored both of them and took stock of the base.

"Or maybe it's a red who painted himself blue just so we wouldn't kill him!" Private Oleski grumbled "I say we shoot him in the head just in case."


"Then I vote we shoot him in the head just for shits and giggles, Sir!" Private Oleski said again while keeping her gun pointed at Kaboose "If he's red he's got nothing to live for anyway, why would we as benevolent superiors deny them the pleasure of death?"
"My pinky toe hurts" he replied to Oleski. "I'm Kaboose." trying to sound chirpy, but the pain made him cringe his voice.
"Shut it Red!" Oleski threatened "Don't think I won't paint this base with your riddled carcass and-"

"Oleski, shut up. Kaboose, its just a flesh wound you'll walk it off eventually." Sergeant Wilkes said before turning to face them "Oleski, get up top and keep watch, I don't want any reds getting the jump on us my first day here. That'd suck, like a lot."

"I get to kill them if see them right?" Oleski asked

"I don't care."

"Got it!" Oleski shuckled before hefting her rifle and making her way to the roof of the blue base.

"And you, flesh wound or not I want you on the radio calling your teammates back here. ALL of them." Sergeant Wilkes said "I'd do it but my history with radios in this fucking war have already left me with more than enough Ulcers and adding to them doesn't seem like the best idea."
"oh, ok." He agreed and tried to walk around in a circle, while on the radio: "*static* Hey, uh, all of blue team? Yeaaah, um can you all like. Come back to base? We uh, got a new boss man from Command. He is helping me already and I like it. And there's a girl up on the roof, uh, do not. Get. Shot."

(*lost track who's a blue* blue team dudes, >> try to come back if you're out in about)
"I'm the guy who saved your life" he said chewing his food. He was scrolling through the channels searching for a good show.

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