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Fantasy Red & Silver


DA is just so cringe at times. Put in Sonic or Five Nights at Freddy into the search bar and sort by new. Its the worst horror story on planet earth.
PurpleTurtle said:
No comment.
It's tru tho.

What about Erica x Neil shippers? I feel like we're just geting left out. I demand fanart, a canon kiss and fanfiction on my desk by Wednesday.
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Khadame said:
What about Erica x Neil shippers? I feel like we're just geting left out. I demand fanart, a canon kiss and fanfiction on my desk by Wednesday.
And that fanfiction must be a LEMON!
Nonono, it's all about the ratios.

The tag Romance must be in every story. However, the Humor to Drama Ratio for every single story has to be 1:3, as humouristic fanfic would only be in the form of bad, corny jokes or a crackfic. Everything else is unaccepted.

Furthermore, the ratio of Angst and Drama has to be 1:1, as it is almost one and the same. Angst will, however, focus on Erica's fear of commitment to Neil while Drama will deal with the fact that Erica does initially not want the marriage and will weasel her way out of it. The Tag Hurt/Comfort may be present, but only at a 1:2 Ratio with Angst. This will deal with the aftermath of the marriage. Finally, we have the Adventure tags, which can be used 1:2 with Humor fanfictions. They will deal with Erica trying to convince Neil to fight alongside the Reds. Exclusively.

The Ratings, M, T, and K+ will go. Drama and Angst have a set M rating, Humor has a K+ one and Adventure will have a T rating. The rating K is for kids and we don't allow kids.
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Seeing as no one but me seems to ship this I'm inclined to believe that collaborative fiction is not helping. Unless I focus on the more obscure pairings around Ada, which include, but are not limited to: Ada x Lara, Ada x Erica and Ada x Masyet. But they're all trash, so I instead choose to write my own Erica x Neil fanfiction, since no one else will do so. #Erineil2016
ViktorxSiegfried slash Mpreg xD God I hate myself for that
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I'm ready with the first part of the epic saga though. I call it the Shipping Bible.

Well, in one corner we have the ships that are not very popular in the fandom: Siegfried x Erica, also known as Beligrocest, and Lara x Ada, known as Whispering Blood. While both have their appeal (Siegfried may be the one who will understand Erica more than everyone else and will support her through every decision, while the other pair... great lesbian hate sex?), it is highly unlikely those will happen.

More popular are ships like Masyet x Malistaire, going by the name of Masliyaire. Their appeal is the Master/Servant relationship and the strong belief that Mali will fall in love with him once he has finally captured him and brought him to the queen, and eventually break him out of prison. Or maybe it's just 'cause they're hot.

Speaking of homosexuals, Erica x Ada also seems to be a thing. The ship name of Beligrocest has also been given to them. Their appeal lies in the fact that Erica obviously likes Ada to some extent. What if those feelings ran deeper?

We don't talk about Siegfried x Masyet (called Gregor's Wet Dream). Trash ship.

Tegan and Asher usually not shipped; one is as good as dead and the other was not mentioned enough. However, they are, funnily enough, shipped together, and called "Memoryloss".

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