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Fantasy Red Hood Society

"Now now," Red chided the demoness. "Let's not escalate things... Let the dragon eat before it sets the forest on fire." She raised a brow at her former contractor asking to show no hostility when the situation was so clearly tense. She looked to the demoness as the woman began showing her dark aura. "Zera," she said warningly. Then to the dragon, she'd approach if the werecreature lets her, extending a hand. She's trying to diffuse things. "I can show you another hunting ground, maybe teach you some manners on the way to not steal from..." Her gaze flicked to the demon beasts, "... From whatever those are."

astrodrak astrodrak Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

(note guys, I've got to go for a few hours so... try not to let things get too wild and go on too far without me please?)
Any intelligent creature would've heeded Zera and Red's words and simply would've left the beasts alone, heading somewhere else to hunt. Kendra, however, was not very smart. She valued pride above all else, and the thought of backing down in the middle of a fight like some wimpy coward was absolutely horrific in her eyes. She'd much prefer to fight and get her ass kicked then flee and be thought of as some prideless fool. So it was only natural for Kendra to merely laugh at Zera's words, shaking her head.

"I don't care if they're no normal demons," She snorted. "I can take them on! I'm no weakling!" She roared, flapping her wings and rising awkwardly to her hind legs. She stood shakily, spreading out her forelegs and twitching her claws eagerly. "Come get me, you sniveling brutes!" She spat, accidentally knocking Red away with her tail in the process. She glanced toward her and muttered a careless "oops" before turning back toward Zera's pets, liquid green fire oozing from her jaws as she lowered herself back onto all fours and got into her battle stance.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Moolock Moolock
Ackara sighed, slowly standing. "Are you sure Marr?" She asked. "We're not just risking our lives now... And witches are evil, you should know that best. I don't trust it." The witch wasn't even given the title of a person like the word Them, but it instead.
Axeykins Axeykins

"I am sure. I trust the witches. They are similar to us, stigmatized and judged by the humans. The humans always trying to control them believing it will make a difference." He let his hand slip down to hers. Gripping it lightly and pulling her in the direction of the witch's house. Making no hesitations to knock on the doors. While the one who had messed with his pack had been a horrible person and tore them all apart, he had seen more good come from making one as an ally than anything else. "Hello? Is the Witch who owns this house home?"
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed FireMaiden FireMaiden



Oh the sweet sounds of chaos filled his ears. The Alpha stood for a moment, soaking it in. Letting it rile his bloodlust even more. He had to be part of it. In on the action, even if it was simply observing in the midst of the fray he needed the sweet smell of blood on his fur again. And if lucky he could take hold of the wolves. Make a pack of loyal slaves once more, show them power never seen by the likes of any before and take his kingdom back.
Black Jade Black Jade
"Yes, in fact I am," Harken replied. Though she was standing behind them. "Oh! Aren't you the wolf from before? The one we saw in the forest and few miles from here?" She asked once she saw Marius. "Honus is most likely inside, I'd be careful in how loud you speak, I don't wish for you to get hurt. What is it you need?" Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

Ragnarok: The Demon Sin of Greed


Ragnarok sat on a tree, an apple in hand as he flipped it into the air, and dropping it back into his hand. He took his mask off, taking a bite into the juicy, red, and amazing fruit, the taste mixing into his mouth. He kept biting, finishing the apple as he tossed it over his shoulder, letting the apple drop to the ground.

He sighed, cracking his neck as he removed the bandages over his right arm, revealing the tattoo of the sin of Greed on it, as well as the demonic force curse mark surrounding that tattoo. He sighed, gripping his fist as the dark entity known as greed surrounded his fist. "I wonder how the humans are doing." he muttered to himself, as he'd been training ever since he came back, trying to get his strength back.

It was back, of course, and he was stronger than ever. He stood up, on the branch, putting his wrap back over his hand, as the battle continued by him. Should he watch? No, he didn't need to-He stopped, looking down to see a familiar face.

Ragnarok dropped to the ground, walking to the Alpha. "Well, well, well . . ." He muttered, "Look who it is. How's life going Chief?"
Axeykins Axeykins
Ackara frowned at Harken, a slight growl emitting from her throat. Going to a witch?! When one had torn them apart?! She was starting to think Marius might have lost more than his memories to the witch. "We need-..." That frown deepened and she looked at Marius. What did they need here. She didn't think going to a witch would be of any help whatsoever.
Axeykins Axeykins FireMaiden FireMaiden
"Ah! Good, good. We are in need of assistance. Some safe place to stay for a short while, out of the cold and grime until strong enough to make it on our own without troubles. Or at least some supplies to help if you can." He bowed his head politely to the witch. He squeezed Ackara's hand a bit tighter. "And if you can, a check up or some herbs for her as she is...well....as you can see. Burdened with pups. I must warn you though, more recently we have not had a good experience with a witch. So are still a bit weary of you. Her more than me."
FireMaiden FireMaiden Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed JokerValentine JokerValentine Malice Queen Malice Queen
Draven's ears perked up. He hadn't heard that voice in centuries. It was one he could never forget. "Hello Demon Sin of Greed. It has been a very long time." He shifted into his human form to look the demon in the eyes as he spoke. Ragnarok was one of the few beings that had his respect. "How have you been? Been causing trouble as usual, making any deals with some poor unfortunate souls?" He grinned, sharp teeth glinting in the lowlight. Creating an eerie break in his very young and slender face. He was centuries old and a force of which hardly any have ever witnessed yet hardly looked a day over twenty.
Black Jade Black Jade
(I shall post this here too as I am not sure how many more we can fit in the rpn chat x3 I think the limit there is 13 https://discord.gg/sFAm8hk We can make sure that info and stuff gets passed from one chat to the other too to really help.)
FireMaiden FireMaiden Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Axeykins Axeykins Malice Queen Malice Queen

Honus lay his friend down on one of the upstairs bed, not caring that it was not his home. At that point in time, his only concern was Syl, and if he had to clean the sheets of her blood because Harken was so mad then so be it. "Syl.... Syl tell me you're ok..." the man said rather quietly, before hearing voices downstairs. Hairs raised on the back of his neck, fearing a certain intrusion. But he had left his bow out there in the fray, running away to save his beloved. Honus was torn between investigating and staying in wait. "I'll get you some water," the man said, going downstairs to find anything to help her. But he came face-to-face to the very enemies he despised. Those dogs had followed him here, as if through some sick trick. "I gave you a warning," he said trying to feign his anger, but he no longer could feel it so strongly.
Red had noticed things going from bad to worse and as the tail swung her way, burst into a flock of ravens, flocking into the sky. She reconstructed herself quite quickly, rubbing her abdomen where a few of her birds had taken the brunt of getting hit with the tail. She wasn't fast enough. Regarding her "friend" demoness icily, Red nodded. "I'm heading off. You and your pets can take care of this if you want."

With that, Red dissolved again, this time reforming herself as a simple white cat and dropped into the trees, bounded down, and out of sight. Quietly, she raced through the forest back to the cabin. When she came back around, she heard voices inside and instead of taking the door, went around the back to the window she'd opened earlier. It was quite a ways up but with a little magic, she scalled the walls to the second floor. There on its web where she'd freed the moth sat the owner: the spider. She hissed at it softly and the spider scuttled back into the darkness. Hopping gracefully through the window to land lightly on the floor, Red skirted around to a bed that seemed... occupied? So the hunter had moved her here. With a little grin, Red hopped onto a dusty chair to be level with the injured huntress, now asking herself a question that could warp her future in this forest; Do I help her...?

Red dropped back to the floor, took a few paces, and scrambled up onto the bed side with all the grace of someone not used to being a house cat. Once settled, she simply curled up, putting her nose on the injured huntress's stomach, her paws nestled among the blankets. From here, she could see some of the door and kept a level gaze on it for Honus's return.

JokerValentine JokerValentine Malice Queen Malice Queen
"Of course I can help. You may come inside though... well speak of the devil and he shall apper," Harken muttered upon seeing Honus. "Deary, I am entitled to gslp those who live in this forest. They are in need of assistance, so I will give it. You two go on inside, I'm pretty sure there is tea. Now Honus, you have a guest here to, yes? Please, take me to see them so I may help. Since, I'm sure she's wounded."
Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed JokerValentine JokerValentine Malice Queen Malice Queen
While the voices away from her were still muffled she could hear Honus with clarity, though her mind wasn't registering what he was saying. The young woman's mind was thrown back to the time when they had first met. It was the night her brother had transformed and savagely killed their mother and father. In her blind and reckless pursuit, the grief-stricken Sylvia had ran into a pack of werewolves during her pursuit. It was Honus who saved her that night, destroying one of the foul beasts as it tried to turn her like her brother. From then on she held a deep respect for the members of the Red Hood Society. She told Honus her tale and he took time out of his duties to check on the lonely girl whenever possible.

Several pleasant memories swept through her mind – most of Honus and her…but some of her family. Those memories would soon turn bitter as visions of her brother turning, and the bodies of her parents covered in blood. With a sharp gasp Sylvia’s body would finally express a form of life. She was writhing in the bed, unsure or where she was. Once she realized she was in a bed and safe from harm, she stopped flailing like a madwoman, taking the time to regain composure and analyze her surroundings. She was in a hut, a quaint and homey thing; even though she was injured for a moment she felt…at peace, for once.

She heard voices downstairs, a lot of them but one voice stood out more than the others – must have been Honus. The huntress struggled to get her body upright in the bed, let alone swing her legs off the end of the bed, but she managed to stand…barely. Sylvia would stumble and collapse back onto the bed, a soft cry coming from her as her ass falls back onto her ass. "D-Damn it..." she cursed at herself – she hated being injured...and bedridden was the worst.
Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed FireMaiden FireMaiden JokerValentine JokerValentine
Ryann didn't know how to respond to all what was going on. Her breathing quickened as she noticed others seep from the trees. She turned, looking at the scythe man, taking a step back and bumping into Lucius. Ryann turned to him quickly, ready to attack. She lowered her hands as she seen it was just him. Watching Lucius, she looked where he motioned to, taking notice of the creature and scythe man disappearing into the woods. Every nerve in her body wanted her to chase after them and take out the creature, but from the roaring she could hear, numbers seemed to be the better choice. She followed Lucius, taking silent steps, missing every leaf she could.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

(I don't know who to tag anymore.)
Lucius turned and stopped her "Back to back. I said. Stay in the clearing. We are being hunted." He said as he looked around putting his back to hers. "Yes i mean the beast is watching us. Waiting. It has us trapped." He said as he scanned the treeline

Barbas Barbas Ember Spark Ember Spark
Everything became still for Ryann. She looked out to the tree line, letting her hand wrap the chain of her weapon around it. She didn't like being stalked, being the prey. Taking a breath, she lowered to a crouching position, making sure she had Lucius' back. He was left by others so it was right for her to help him. It came with an exciting hunt that seems to be turning around on the two. "If only your buddies didn't leave you." Ryann said in a singsong voice. "We wouldn't be here right now."

Barbas Barbas ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Red had startled from her calm spot rested against Sylvia's side and lifted her head at the woman as she awoke with a start, then begin to move about. The being, as a cat would, rose and went to stand at the end of the bed away from the flailing. When she finally settled down, Red tilted her head, sitting herself down to flick her ears. She watched the huntress sit, then... stand? Oh boy. The standing didn't last long, and she hadn't expected it to. When Sylvia fell back on the bed, Red crossed the blankets to sit beside her, nestling comfortably against the huntress with a wave of reassuring calm. The smell of a bakery returned as she sat, the cat looking somewhat satisfied.

Malice Queen Malice Queen
While the ancient Wendigo was stalking the two Red Hoods, he suddenly hears something flying above him. Looking up to see where the sound was coming from, Clovis is surpised to see a dragon. Watching as it landed near the Red Hoods, the beast decides to simply watch.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic Ember Spark Ember Spark astrodrak astrodrak
"Thank you so much. You are a very kind Witch." He gave her another polite bow. Motioning for Ackara to follow him into the house. "Let's get you some tea Ackara and a comfortable place to sit. I promise you we will be safe here." He gently tugged on her hand. His gaze however, went to Honus. It was obvious he was going to be here, but he thought they wouldn't run into each other so soon. what with the woman he was carrying being injured."We are only here for help Honus. The same as you. Please do not start anything in this house because you know that will do more harm then good." He huffed sternly before turning back to the witch. His expression softening greatly. "I Cannot let such kindness go without repayment either. Take it or not but I give you my honor as warrior. If you ever need something simply ask."
FireMaiden FireMaiden JokerValentine JokerValentine Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Malice Queen Malice Queen
Lucius looked up to see a dragon and he immediately pushed Ryann away and began to run pulling her with him out if the clearing and towards the Direction where the other Hoods had gone. He made dure she jept up as he watched around the teo of theM for any signs of the wnedingo
Ember Spark Ember Spark Barbas Barbas astrodrak astrodrak
Any intelligent creature would've heeded Zera and Red's words and simply would've left the beasts alone, heading somewhere else to hunt. Kendra, however, was not very smart. She valued pride above all else, and the thought of backing down in the middle of a fight like some wimpy coward was absolutely horrific in her eyes. She'd much prefer to fight and get her ass kicked then flee and be thought of as some prideless fool. So it was only natural for Kendra to merely laugh at Zera's words, shaking her head.

"I don't care if they're no normal demons," She snorted. "I can take them on! I'm no weakling!" She roared, flapping her wings and rising awkwardly to her hind legs. She stood shakily, spreading out her forelegs and twitching her claws eagerly. "Come get me, you sniveling brutes!" She spat, accidentally knocking Red away with her tail in the process. She glanced toward her and muttered a careless "oops" before turning back toward Zera's pets, liquid green fire oozing from her jaws as she lowered herself back onto all fours and got into her battle stance.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Moolock Moolock

"Now now," Red chided the demoness. "Let's not escalate things... Let the dragon eat before it sets the forest on fire." She raised a brow at her former contractor asking to show no hostility when the situation was so clearly tense. She looked to the demoness as the woman began showing her dark aura. "Zera," she said warningly. Then to the dragon, she'd approach if the werecreature lets her, extending a hand. She's trying to diffuse things. "I can show you another hunting ground, maybe teach you some manners on the way to not steal from..." Her gaze flicked to the demon beasts, "... From whatever those are."

astrodrak astrodrak Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

(note guys, I've got to go for a few hours so... try not to let things get too wild and go on too far without me please?)
"Alright then you wish to battle my babies? Go ahead." She said before boruka growled and ran forward to join his bretherin while Zera gently brought her pinkies to her lips and blew letting out a loud whistle before more crashing came through the woods before suddenly three more beasts burst from the trees near by all screeching and roaring viciously.
IMG_2262.JPG IMG_2264.JPG IMG_2267.JPG
"You want to fight my babies. You get to fight all of them." She said as the six all growled and roared viciously at the dragon. "I'll give you one more chance to back down. We can talk about this alright." She said to the dragon in one last attempt at reason before she let her pretties do there thing agains the dragon
The warnings given to me, was unheard onto my ears, all I can hear now were the sounds of my weapons. As the group began to surround the weredrak, I dashed in, leaving a bloody trail of red mist behind me. Standing in front of the weredrak, I swung my scythe around and let out a audible groan that was meant to be words. "Don't.....Touch.." I felt the weapon taking more and more from me, and was ready to fight, ready to kill once more. Gripping the scythe tightly around the now opened bandaged grip, the aura was now contained around the edge, "Swipe my sharp edge down, deliver a fatal blow!" it spoke loudly into my thoughts.

astrodrak astrodrak Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
FireMaiden FireMaiden Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Malice Queen Malice Queen

"Your honor as a warrior..." Honus seemed to chuckle at the words the dog was saying, "say it a bit slower, maybe you'll hear the irony. As a warrior. Not a dog, not a beast, not someone who lost their way and got bitten, a warrior." Honus decided to approach a bit closer, again making no attack nor action but through his words alone. "Your warrior's honor died when you lost your humanity. Marius or not. But I abide by my own promise, a true warrior." Honus seemed to direct his attention rather selfishly towards Harken. "Listen, uh, Harken. You're a bit busy, I get that. I know you have all of 'patients' here to attend to. Syl is resting on the bed upstairs, and it is not a custom to just invade a home and make it a den," he flashed a look at Marius and Ackara. "She just needs rest, I think. To do my part, let me look after her. You have some dogs that want their treats."
"Honus, if you wish you and you're friend to stay here, you will not speak ill of my other...clients. And again, under the same threat, you will speak to me with respect," She said, an underline growl audible. "I am willing to take a look at your friend to see if rest, is reakky all she needs. I suggest, you consider her health over your own distaste towards me." Harken then snapped back into her kind and generous self, heading inside. "Now, you two may stay here for the time being, but if your safety is put in harm in anyway, you may have to leave. Though I can tell you somewhere else you two will be safe. So, tea anyone?" Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed JokerValentine JokerValentine

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