Majestic Dinosaur
Based on the short description you've given, I do feel like your character's powers are a tad overpowered, but that may be because I'm missing the details. If it isn't already part of what you have in mind for her powers, I'd suggest some limitation to this energy shield. Maybe a time limit, or a threshold to how much damage the shield can sustain. If it helps, maybe just double-check the abilities of other characters and adjust the powers to make your character on a more-or-less equal footing with them.
Based on the short description you've given, I do feel like your character's powers are a tad overpowered, but that may be because I'm missing the details. If it isn't already part of what you have in mind for her powers, I'd suggest some limitation to this energy shield. Maybe a time limit, or a threshold to how much damage the shield can sustain. If it helps, maybe just double-check the abilities of other characters and adjust the powers to make your character on a more-or-less equal footing with them.