Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies


Evil Overlord of the Rebellion
Standing at the window situated behind his deck, in the highest tower of Academy City's main building, Headmaster Nilast ran a hand through his slightly greying hair, cut prim and proper. A good group of students this year, he decided. Many showed promise, many showed charisma, many showed courage. There were plenty of qualities present in the students this year that had been lacking in the last few years, the qualities that really set aside a group of young witches and wizards and allowed them to excel.

With a small grin, he turned to his assistant, Head of Administration, Professor Nexter.

"Seems like it's going to be a good year, eh Nexter?" He asked of his old friend.

"Indeed, my friend. Entertaining, if not good, one could conclude." Nexter replied, pushing his glasses up along his nose to their proper position, and brushing his sleek dirty blonde hair from his eyes.

"Well, it's always entertaining, it comes with the territory of being in charge of a bloody magical academy." He let out with a chuckle, fixing the cuffs on his rather extravagant suit. "We have an opening ceremony to wrap up soon."

"Oh let Woodwind ramble on about the Academy's history a little longer." Nexter shot back, rolling his eyes. He'd sat in on enough of Woodwind's lectures to know just how passionate he was about history, and just how boring it was to listen to the man talk.

"I think that's enough torture for one morning." Nilast concluded, and without another word from Nexter, the two of them disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the dimly lit room filled with portraits and trinkets eerily empty.


"And with that, the final battle against the dark wizard Domo had been fought, with the Academy's founder, Artemis Highland coming out as the victor. From there he stayed the Academy's Headmaster for a stunning seventy years, and under the tutelage of him and his allies turned teachers, many young witches and wizards who shaped the face of the world as you all know it today arose. His son, and former commander of the Battle-Mage sect of the Northern Border, Marco Highland, and the world renowned researcher and fighter, Vent Aterus, for example, being two students from this era. We'll go over these famous people and more in the coming history classes, but my point remains, students, that you have a history, ages upon ages of tradition and legacy to live up to, that will shine through your actions and words! You represent the future of the Academy now, so hold your heads up high!" Professor Woodwind wrapped up, in a particularly exciting manner, as students and staff alike erupted into applause and a deafening roar of cheering. He smiled a wrinkled smile, his lengthy grey hair tied back in a pony-tail, waving as he left the stage before the collective student body and took his seat amongst the rest of the teachers.

From there, appearing in a flash of light, were the Headmaster and Head of Administration themselves, the faces of the Academy, Headmaster Nilast and Professor Nexter. The crowd grew ridiculously silent, very quickly, as the Headmaster cleared his throat. Bringing his decorated and beautiful wand from a pouch at his side up to his throat, he projected his voice in a magical display befitting someone of such importance.

"The official opening ceremonies are now at a close, and the students are free to go about the remaining time this weekend at their leisure. Classes start bright and early Monday morning, with schedules and room assignments at the various help centres around campus. Go now, students, you are dismissed!" He wrapped up, with the crowd erupting into cheering and applause once again, the mad rush of second-year and higher students who knew the ropes rushing out the doors and towards their respective dorm rooms and favourite places to hang out. It was only Friday night after all.

The first years had been instructed to stay, so they could get their room assignments and schedules given to them personally.


Tybalt Hale, a fourteen year-old first year student, was waiting rather nervously with the other first years. He kept quiet, and shook the shaggy dark hair from his eyes. He kept to himself, his hands stuck down his pockets, as his strange yellow eyes glanced about, surveying the situation. It seemed they had to wait for all the other students to clear from the grand hall to get their schedules and room assignments. That'd be a little while, enough time for people to socialize, Tybalt guessed, as he glanced back to see the progress the higher years were making. It seemed slow. They were being rowdy and rambunctious.

OOC - Info and Sign-up:

Everyone who signed up is a first year irregardless of age. So you'll all waiting together. :3

Here it is, sorry if the image quality isn't the best or anything. I had to use a camera.

For anyone having trouble reading my writing, I'll also put the legend right here for quick referencing.

1) Lake Astrumregis

2) Forlorn Woods

3) a clearing


a) First year boy's dorm

b) First year girls' dorm

5) First year's cafeteria & Student Centre


a) Grand Hall

b) Academy main building

7) Mount Aterus

8) Academy City

9) Teacher's Residence

10) Residential Neighbourhood

11) Academy Stadium

12) ???
Tabitha Ayama had noticed the young man, the first year, based on how he was dressed. She sighed. It was her first year here(I'll edit that if you want) and she was more than happy to help out the other new groups of students, and, heck, make a few friends along the way. So, she walked over to him, and, said, "Kon'nichiwa, watashi wa tabasa gozen, eh, excuse my Japanese, I'm Tabitha Ayama. But, you may call me Ayama. And may I ask who you are?" And, if Tybalt where to look at the young girl's feet, he'd notice she wasn't wearing shows. She followed the Japanese culture of no shoes inside. She didn't wish to dirty the floors.

Aphrodite sighed. She was a first year, yet she was already sick of this place. It's just to perfect here, she thought. It was simple, she hated perfection. And she hated a lot of other things, being nice, for instance. She'd tell you just what she thought of you. And, she was the literally fire red head. She controls fire rather well, so she thought she'd every right to act like her element. And, she also believed she was just like it. Hot with a capital H. So, she stood up, and made sure she'd be in front of the stupid line to get her schedule, and rooming arrangements.
Tybalt jumped a little, surprised someone had spoken to him. She came off very forward, but still friendly. She was exotic and foreign, he assumed, he'd never actually heard someone speak Japanese before. He glanced about and tried to make sure she was talking to him, which was easy to ascertain since he was slightly apart from the rest of the crowd.

"... Uh, hi. My name's Tybalt Hale. You can just call me Ty I guess." He gave his response in a halfhearted manner. He wasn't the best at speaking with people. He wasn't anti-social, just incredibly awkward.
Rowan yawned loudly, her mouth as wide as it could be. Her chauffeur, a rough looking man who looked like he could pass for one of the chimney sweepers in Mary Poppins, stared back at her, partly glaring. Rowan was sitting in the back of the old Rolls Royce without a seatbelt, arms and legs sprawled out widely. She hardly acted as delicate as she looked to say the least, and her childish eyes gazed around with a look of maturity that did not suit them. Rowan was odd looking. While her facial features were that of a porcelain doll, she wore the expression of a child compensating whether to leapt into mud or not. Her cropped and tussled hair only added to such an effect. Rowan shoved her feet in the back of the driver's seat.

"Stop staring at me and hurry up. I don't want to be late for my first day of class."

Rowan now sat forward in her seat, compacting herself by hugging her knees and tucking her head in. That was how Rowan liked to be after all. Either taking up the most room out of anyone or the least. She figured she would practice some magic meanwhile. Of course, she would have to go small and be quiet, which was quite a challenge. At least Rowan loved challenges though. She stuck her hand out in front of her stiffly, and began to murmur incantations.

"He which was awarded,

the ability of transformation

and decided to not decide and be rewarded

gained the features of many and admiration

the wings of a bird, the colours of a peacock and

the body of a mantis

Kenya, come forth."

Her butterfly, named Kenya, was a large morning cloak. Appearing, Kenya dashed about in confusion.

The way that her magic worked, after all, was that she captured creatures and set a teleportation spell on them.

She preferred, however, the put the incantation into a riddle or poem for three reasons; one, so that they would not appear if she simply said the name of the animal, and secondly so that enemies or an audience wouldn't know what was coming. Third of all, it was easy to remember that way.

"Kenya, dismissal."

The butterfly returned to where-ever it was. Longing for her companion, Rachet, she decided to do another summoning.

"He who is missing limbs,

yet not an amputee

Causes many whims

Rachet, come to me."

The ball python appeared, immediatly wrapping around her. The previous poem was one of the shortest, but it was the most often used one. Rowan pressed herelf against the dreamsicle ball python, watching as the school neared. She crawled out of the car, bowing in thanks to the driver.
"Ty, I like that. It's Kawaī. Cute," She said, and smiled at him. She didn't care if he seemed to not be all that social, it was fine with her. She'd just too lively to let this kid go without having friends. So, that's what her plans where, to become good friends. Even if he didn't want to, she had a way with making friends, "May I ask what you are talented in? I'm talented in Ācherī, archery." ​She liked this kid, she didn't know why, he just seemed to be giving off good vibes.
Lucas knew all about the war in the past. his father had fought it long ago, as did many Silverstreams before him. Almost all of them were dead now, not that there were many to begin with. He fiddled with his father's old wand, ivory with silver ivy trails engraved along it's length. "The Dragon's Tooth" he had called it, and much like it's namesake, it was a blood soaked weapon for killing back in the day. Nowadays, it was but a memento, a gift for being accepted into the academy. Tucking his wand back into his robes, he turned to see his soon-to-be classmates, distracted from the opening speech. he has heard most of the stories before.

Finally, the opening ceremony concluded and the older students filed out leaving the first years behind.

"Hey, you!"

Lucas tried to give a friendly greeting at the strange boy beside him

"You new too?" He asked lamely. Of course the boy was new. That's why they were still here.
Tybalt swallowed. He glanced around nervously again, and sighed.

"I'm not really good at much." He said, hoping she'd take it and leave it. He shouldn't even be here, technically. This was kind of a huge mistake.

Deciding he needed to change the subject, Tybalt's eye caught Professor Woodwind as he made his exit with a group of third-years. That's what he'd use to change the subject.

"... Uh, Professor Woodwind's speech was entertaining. H-History is really i-interesting." He stammered out, not wanting to seem rude but hoping the girl would either leave him alone or stop talking to him.
The trip here was rather uneventful for Jeremy, and the whole time he had been fiddling with what little money he'd brought along. Over and over he'd said quietly "Gotta make this last" ... and indeed, he didn't know how things worked here. In all likelihood, he'd have to revert back to being a vegetarian for a while, until he could earn money again somehow. Good thing he had brought his backpack and filled it with various seeds and dirt... he may have to grow his own food. Granted... he had been doing so for the past year, living as a captive in the basement of his family home. Luckily, in that time, he had also read extensively about herbal medicine and healing plants as well as basic gardening. Maybe he could be a healer of sorts? Who knew? Certainly Jeremy was uncertain of what lied ahead for him. But as with all things in one's destiny... he would soon find out.


Later in the day, Jeremy arrived with the rest of the students. Such a motley crew of kids... and not one of them was older than him by the looks of it. "Great... now I'll be the vegan chef... doctor... AND babysitter. Someone just kill me already" he mumbled under his breath, fairly sure no one would see him. Exerting his will over one of the seeds in his pack, a thin vine emerged, slithered down his leg, drew a candy bar from his pocket, and raised it to his mouth. Yeah, that was kinda Jeremy's thing... plant manipulation. It was useful, but nowhere near as potent as elemental techniques... darkness... or whatever the heck the rest of these kids knew how to do. "Meh. I don't really care. I'm just here because it's better than living in a basement." ... that much was true, without a doubt. And so, Jeremy would have to try and make the best of his time here.

Everyone was conversing amongst themselves, and Jeremy didn't feel comfortable approaching people he didn't know... especially MAGICAL people he didn't know. Who was to say someone wouldn't turn him to stone or melt his eyeballs out of his head? And so, the older student simply walked off and sat alone, finishing off the candy he had taken from his pocket. If nothing else... in bothering no one, hopefully HE wouldn't be bothered by them in return. ... the speech he heard was, as with most speeches, well written and planned... designed to get a rise from the students. Jeremy simply shrugged and finished the last bite of his candy, then simply sat by and engaged in a few rounds of people-watching.
Aspen sat silently, her green eyes focused on the tabletop beneath her entwined fingers. Her hair formed a curtain, effectively cutting her off from the sight of all the older students rushing by her. She bit her lip, nervousness gripping her. She had always been quite exceptional in school but this was something completely different. She noticed the noise dying down and tucked her hair behind her ear, sitting up straight. Glancing around at the others who were left sitting, she felt intensely shy. Aspen Grey had never been one to initiate anything in the way of conversation. She had been quiet in school, only speaking to her closest friend. That was alright with her; she wasn't much for conversation and people tended to make her a little self-conscious. Here, at least, people wouldn't know her parents.

Aspen drummed her fingers on the table, waiting until the schedules would be distributed. She was quite eager to start classes on Monday and get a feel for what life would be like here.
Ellessa Yu'ul Hardie slowly, but confidently made her way towards the line to acquire her boarding assignments and schedule. Pressed firmly against her chest was a diamond knotted rope holding Visher the demon slaying sword to her back in it's fabric sheath.

Her thumb was tucked under the strap as if it were some sort of book-bag as she walked, patiently finding a place amongst the great many other first years. Drawn along her the backs of her hands and all along her arms were the intricate tattoo's necessary for her practice of Ashuran, the secret art passed down through her long lineage that allowed her to absorb her magical abilities to strengthen herself.

She gazed out among the other students, somewhat relieved to see weapon meister's among their ranks. Thinking back to when her grandfather had ordered her to attend this magical school, she had been certain that she was going to be cut off from everything she had known. Duty however was duty, and despite her inner desire to disregard his orders, she obediantely complied.

The brilliant red shoulder sash of her loose fitting martial robes trailed on the floor gently behind her as she walked.

Politely uttering her pardon's and excuse me's, Ellessa melded into the line, wondering just what kind of people she was going to meet at this facility, and if they could really turn her into a more adept spellsword
"Yes, most interesting speech. I do like history. It lets us know how we can make mistakes, again, but can teach us which mistakes not to make," She said, and then gave the "cliche anime cute girl smile" where she tilted her head, and smiled, "You'll find what you're good at, I know it. I'm just decent with a bow, and I might be able to use it with magic, that's why they have me here. But, I could always learn all types of magic. Magic is unique, and I love it."

Aphrodite hissed to herself. This was taking too long. Those stupid upperclassmen needed to move their asses. She wanted her schedule, and rooming arrangements. Hopefully she didn't get roomed with one of those dumb ass newcomers that are so stereotypical to schools.
David Anderson felt wildly out of place here. All of the other first year students wore casuals,robes,or something resembling a uniform. Him? A black suit with dark gray pinstripes,and a crimson tie. His garnet cuff links winked in the half-light of the indoor ampitheatre that was the auditorium. Like the other first years,he was asked to stay behind to receive his class schedule and dorm assignment immediately from the staff. He saw a young man slip a glorious looking wand into the folds of his robes,and was interested. He must come from a long dynasty of Mages. Approaching,he was very aware of many of the gazes in his direction. I must look like Richie Rich in this suit. Oh well...I like my suits. He approached the young man,and tapped his shoulder. "Hey. I'm David Anderson." He held out his right hand for shaking. "Pleasure to meet you. I couldn't help but notice your wand. It looks magnificent."
Tybalt raised an eyebrow, finding the overly friendly girl almost overbearing. He supposed she wasn't trying to be, but he wasn't totally comfortable at the moment.

"... Uh, thanks I guess." He offered back as a reply, bringing one of his hands out of his pocket to rub the back of his neck. Man, how long were the upperclassmen going to take getting out of here? They needed their schedules and room assignments.

Wanting to get to somewhere away from the large crowd making him nervous, Tybalt sighed.

"... So, what do you think life here will be like?" He asked, hoping if she wouldn't leave him alone, he could at least steer the topic of conversation away from personal effects.

Glancing at the front of the line, he spotted a really angry looking girl. Noting in his head, the meek and somewhat spineless Tybalt decided to stay clear of her.
"It'll be different, that's for sure. I wonder if they allow pets, I've always wanted one. I want a kitty cat, what about you? You look like someone who'd have a puppy dog," She said, smiling again. She also did detect a hint of nervousness to his voice. She'd always noticed when people seemed nervous, and right now, this kid seemed like it, "Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me, if I'm being too friendly, you can just tell me, and I'll leave you alone." She was being honest, if he didn't want to be her friend, she'd be fine with that. There are plenty of other kids here for her to befriend.
Lucas turned to David, somewhat startled by the sudden introduction, but shook his hand warmly, hoping to make his first friend at the new school.

"Names Lucas, nice to meet you. So you saw my wand, huh?"

Pulling it out so the new bow could take a closer look at it, he turned it over. Countless nicks and scratches lined what looked to be a once flawless wand.

"It was a gift from my father along with these robes. They are a reminder of what our family once was. you have interesting clothes as well. where do you hail from?"
Tybalt swallowed a lump in his throat.

"I-I'm just not used to crowds." He said, telling a half truth. It was true he didn't like crowds very much, he didn't want to offend Amaya by telling her he'd rather she left him alone. Or about what happened in his examination, and about how he got to the school. He was constantly on the look out for the other first years that were probably already spreading rumours about him. With a sigh, Tybalt glanced back at Amaya. "I don't really like animals at all, even puppies. If I had to have a pet I'd prefer a fish." He added in response to her previous question.

".... Or better yet, a pet rock." He attempted a joke, a very slight smile coming to his otherwise neutral and alert visage.
David subconsciously adjusted his tie and collar. He really got into the suit. "I'm from a base in Ontario. Soldier parents,but otherwise normal. I just really like suits." Now closely examining the wand,it was even more glorious than it was at first glance. Ivory,probably illegally gained,but beautiful nonetheless,inlaid with shining silver in an intricate ivy vine pattern. The signs of wear gave it an air of experience and untold wisdom. "That wand is beyond beautiful." He had to resist the urge to stroke the surface of the wand,to feel the shining surface of the magickal focus. "Lucas,you're lucky to have that wand. It's a symbol." He clapped his new friend's shoulder. "One that I wouldn't mind rallying under." He gestured to the head of the line. "Wonder what courses we'll be getting. And where our dorms are."
Aspen's over sensitive hearing made the hall deafening. She stood up from table, planning on moving closer to the front so she could get her schedule early. As she made her way down the aisle, she tripped over her own feet, stumbling slightly, her cheeks turning a bright red. Why can't you walk without tripping? the voice in her head muttered. Aspen took a breath before taking the seat closest to her. She noticed a quiet boy and talkative girl sitting next to her, seemingly deep in conversation. She angled her body so she wouldn't seem like she was attempting to get their attention.

"Come on," Aspen muttered, waiting for everyone to clear out. She was eager to get her schedule and find a quiet place on the campus.
Jace stood in a corner of the room alone during the speech in which he througly enjoyed. Jace noticed a few of the first year student getting together making introductions, he wasnt anti social but he was very goal focused and his goal was to make a name for himself.

He begun to walk over to the boy with the different clothes and the one with the intresting wand to say hi and introduce himself, he was nervous he had never been around this many people fact he had never been around any trying to survive in the wilds alone and by himself. As he got to the boys he cleared his throat which felt like a rock was in it due to his nervousness, would they like him he began to wonder and finally he spoke up "Hello my name is Jace" he stated not knowing what else to say at the moment.
Ayama smiled at the last remark. She found this guy funny, and, she'd grow on him. She just knew it. She always does that, even if that person can't stand others, she grew on them. Everyone needs a person in their group who's overly bubbly. And that was her. So, she just smiled, and waited for the rest of the upperclassmen to leave.

Aphrodite sighed. This is taking ******* forever, she thought, to herself. Most likely. Hell, people here could read minds! Maybe her thoughts aren't so safe. She needed to see one of the teachers so she could make her mind stronger, and make sure those mind reading assholes can't read her mind.
Damien Riddle approached the group of other first years, he adjusted his square eyeglasses and let out a slight cough

"*cough cough* damn cold..." he had come down with a bit of a cold in the days before coming to the academy, his parents think its because of all his sleepless nights and stressing over coming here

"umm, excuse me? hi, are you first years as well?" he asked nervously to the group.
"Soldier parents, huh? did yours fight in The War as well?" Lucas asked, once again tucking his wand safely away into his pristine white robes. Keeping a good appearances was definately something Lucas could agree with.

"Looks like we're about to get assigned rooms, hold on a second" Lucas mentioned, redirecting his attention back up to the podium up front.
Clearing her throat up at the front in a very loud and direct manner, another teacher called for silence, this time a female with long thick black hair and a lab coat.

"Alright everyone, I'm Professor Leslie Burnham. I'm also in charge of housing and student services. So, without further ado, here are the first year student's sleeping arrangements." She began, snapping her fingers and creating a dazzling display of lights above the student's heads. "Find your name and you'll find your room number, and roommate." She clarified for anyone who wasn't paying too much attention.

The dorms all have three floors, with two rooms on each floor. Each room is like a two bedroom apartment with individual rooms and a shared living room with a kitchen, bathroom and laundry area.

The dorm room arrangements currently are:

Girl's dorm:

Aspen Grey & Cyr Felner in Room 101

Eroria Sheol-Warden & Tabitha Ayama in Room 102

Titania Fullbuster & Rowan Bunting in Room 201

Ellessa Yu'ul Hardie & Aphrodite Foco in Room 202

Vative Delusor in Room 301

Room 302 empty for now

Boy's dorm:

Tybalt Hale & Bane Valentine in Room 101

Lucian Riddle & Jace Valenheart in Room 102

Room 201 empty for now

Resmion Auveille & Jeremy Verdance in Room 202

Gray Dalenforth & Lucas Silverstream in Room 301

David Anderson in Room 302

"Would everyone kindly proceed to their assigned rooms, your possessions that you have brought with you have been placed there already. Go sort out your things, then you're free to do as you please until Monday morning. Your schedules will also be with your possessions. With that, I bid you all adieu." She concluded, turning on her heel and leaving the grand hall, while the shining message board stayed in place for all the students to see.
Resmion was a little nervous to be going to this prestigious academy. "I am still surprised that they would actually invite me," Resmion thought to himself. He had butterflies in his stomach, but he was pretty excited as well. Upon hearing the announcements, he made his way to Room 202, and found all his stuff. "Huh. They have all of my stuff here. Mother did say that my stuff would taken care of," Resmion said surprised.He then pulled out his spellbook. "I do wonder what is my roommate will be like," he thought to himself.
Aphrodite sighed to herself, and whispered a rather nasty word. She wanted to room alone, but oh well. She'd make sure right away that she was the dominant of the two. She didn't like this chicks name, either.

Ayama smiled to herself, and began moving quickly to room 102. She had really been wanting to get her hands on her bow again, and it was most likely in her room, if it wasn't, the rare, angry side of her would be seen.

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