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Realistic or Modern Rebellion: Rise Up


Snap out of it

The year is 2088 and World War 3 is at full boar. America has broken up after being invaded by the "New America". The current government has put extreme restrictions on its government and all cities are in martial law. The remains New Jersey is the current capitol after Washington was destroyed in a four day battle. The government prevents riots and rebellion by publicly executing 100 innocent people a day. The people are selected by relations to rebels. Now a group known as "The Wild Seven" are finished putting up with the actions of the New America and are ready to fight back.


Carson stood in public square on the chilly Wednesday morning. It was 9:00 and the first ten people to be executed were up. he watched in horror and disappointment as the ten innocent people, victims of this twisted government's way of showing control, where executed by firing squad. The cries and last words of those people rung in his ear. "Please don't kill me, Please don't kill me!" the words of a young girls voice echoed in his mind. Most of the time, when being executed the people would often make up lies to try to get out.

Carson had enough, he trailed through the crumbling streets of Newark. The people sitting on the apartment steps begging for money and food. He passed through much of the city until he entered the apartment the Wild Seven often hung out in. "Hey guys." He dropped himself onto the couch in the apartment and rolled himself over.
"Oi! Carson! Good to see ya!" Stef called out to the new arrival. he was just preparing for the next shipment off firearms to arrive. It usually came through a hole in the basement. It should have been here by now. He sighted, and went over to Carson. "take a seat" he said, in an impatient tone.
Arizona didn't bother look up at Carson or Stef, she knew this was their regular greeting to eachother. No less, no more. She fiddled anxiously at the rim of her shirt. She knew she was the youngest and it was out of place to talk in such ways- but since this was the Wild Seven Arizona knew she wouldn't be looked down for saying it. "Still bad out there, Carson?" She asked letting out a sigh. She knew the answer, it was the same as always. Nothing ever bothered to change.
Lying on the couch, the words still ringing in his ear. "Yeah. Another ten innocent souls taken out by a firing squad." He sat up and Stef's call. "Are they hear yet?" Carson nervously tightened his tie. "I got the groceries. Won't believe how much all of this costed. He placed the milk carton with a sticker reading 10$ on the counter next to Arizona."Here's your milk." He spun and looked at Stef "Here's your candy bar." He tossed the candy bar across the room in hopes he'd catch it.
Catching the bar, Stef gave his news " saw yet another plane shot down today. 2002 Westjet 737. And a nice one too. Damn shame the government never lets any planes go over unscathed." As he bit off a piece of the bar, he heard the familiar sound of a pickaxe. He went down to the basement door. "Firearms delivery!"
Matthew stood near by the shipment stubbornly staring off into the distance thinking about all the innocent lifes wasted. He remember when he use to cry about this kind of thing, but now, he doesn't see a difference between the innocent lifes being taken and a small bee sting. He also thought about what life would be like without the war. Everyone would be free to do what they want, and no one would even have to be around a single weapon if they didn't want to.

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