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Futuristic Rebel Galaxy - A Space exploration RP


Hydro Dragon
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Hector stared out the windows of his captain's cabin into the deep, dark abyss everyone called space. In the distance, he saw Rust City one of the many stations orbiting this red dwarf of a star. He wonders how his parents back home are doing, if they are well without him. He walks over to his console and slows moves the thruster throttle forward, prompted to activates it's four 75 megawatt combustion engines. For a ship the size of the Advocate, it has and decent acceleration. He slowly approached cruising speed towards the space station, which seemed thousands of miles away.
Captain Vexella fixed her right glove was she walked down one of many chambers in her ship. It was 0700 hours, according to the ship's computer, and it was time for her to refill on supplies. The automatic doors slid open as she walked past. Crew members that had passed her either saluted or smiled as they gave her a respectful nod. To them all, Vex gave a charismatic smile as she gave them a wink. She loved this ship and her crew to pieces. This was the dream job of practically anyone looking for adventure, and, boy, it was an adventure. Once she reached the cockpit of the Night Flier, or NF for short, she sat in her pilots chair and started setting coordinates into the computer. Next stop, Rust City. She pressed a couple buttons and switched on a couple switches before she grabbed the thruster, a white lever on the control panel, and gradually pushed it forward.
The ship's radar was going off 'Unidentified Vessel approaching' hailed the ship's computer. "Oh really now?" Hector said to himself, "First-Mate, hail them please." The First-Mate nodded as he pressed a few buttons which prompted a hail with the vessel. @AdorkableMew
Avo sat idle in his command chair on the bridge of the Resistant. The ship cruised a well traveled spacelane at a slow speed. A holographic table infront of Avo displayed a real-time radar image of the traffic entering and leaving an old port. Despite being a hotspot for pirate activity all was quiet. It seemed that the mere of Avos ship was enough to ground brigands, for now anyway. As the clock that displayed the galactic time standard struck 2300 he called for a systems report in a disinterested tone. The station officers replied one by one. Finally the first mate reported, "All systems nominal, Sir." Avo acknowledged with a nod and waited for something to happen.
Jax sat in front of a holo-table that showed traffic at the ports of Rust City. Nothing unusual was happening, so he decided it was safe to go. Rumors were that 1 gram of crystalisis was being stored here and he wanted it. He only had 2, maybe 3 shots of it left if he was lucky. Even 1 gram could give him 3-4 more. His crew didn't like having it on boards, but Jax had worked on the containment field himself and was confident that unless some super powerful laser or something sot at it that it wouldn't leak. Probably.

He also wanted to pick up a few parts for his next project. If he could create a worm hole for the Dark Ranger to use then nothing could contain him any more. Unfortunately, he had no clue how long it would take him. He was looking for parts, but he was still busy mucking with the theoreticals of it all. Regardless, he would search for parts.

He went down and docked Xeikil with 2 members of his crew: his muscles and his hacker. With those two, there should be no problem what so ever. The dock door opened into the vastness of space and he took off towards Rust City.
Edward sat in a cargo pod, on his computer, seeing what to do. "Hm.. Shouldn't have smuggled myself in here.. Uncomfortable." Since Ed was alone, he could speak with freedom. "Nothing on the radar.. Oh wait." Ed looked closer at the screen, a small dot to his corner. "Lookie here. A ship.. Close to where I'm going. Or where I am going." He was about to knock on the cargo and ask, but that'd be suicide. It took him a bit but he got through part 1.. Of getting into the ship, it was a slow decryption, but it worked. Part 2, figuring out how to access the data, he had to get through something. A hole, backdoor, anything that can allow him to walk in and take the data. He had to do it quick though, couldn't have any trackers.

Edward finally did it, he portknocked way too hard but he did it. His tunnel and trafficking was ready, it's time to dig. Imagine digging down a hole, it takes a bit, but in the end you find something. Whether it was what you wanted or not. Ed found a few data points, he just had to match them up without any.. Oh shit.

Fuck! Tripped over the strings, fell down the hole, abort! Edward force shut down his laptop, taking out the live USB and switching it out. He took out his phone, switching the data card. "Safe. Hopefully."

'Incoming Transmission', the computer screen above Vex's head read. She murmured to herself, "Great." She figured it was for identification. She answered the transmission, "This Captain Vexella." @Crysalisis
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'A woman captain?' He thought, "I am Acting Lieutenant Hector Thatch of the Royal Militia, my ship identified you as an unknown vessel." He said, 'Though by the looks of it, you look relatively harmless...' He thought. He turned his ship broadside, his 12 proton cannons facing her ship, "Trust me I regret having to do this, but the Royal Militia has had enough smugglers, they require us to scan cargo space.. for any... illegal goods..." He said, 'Sometimes I wanna go AWOL... Maybe I will one day' These aren't the thoughts he should be having. "Failure to comply will be met with lethal force... blah blah blah... Just let me get this over with please." @AdorkableMew
After a few more hours of patrolling Avo decided to leave this planet behind. The small port that was attached to it wasn't likely to have anymore trouble in the coming days. He decided to set course for the Rust City military port. "Nav, pull us out of this shipping lane, and set course for Rust City." The navigation officer replied "Aye Aye." And went to work. The Resistant came about, pointing into the void of space. Avos command screen litup with the short and straight route to Rust City. He slid a throttle on the side of his chair forward and the ship effortlessly and smoothly jumped to light-speed.

It was one of best things about this ship. He didn't need to inform his hands to brace before entering light-speed. The Resistant was so smooth in its transition that it wasn't necessary. His crew started to walk about and do random things. Only Avo, the Nav officer and engineering had anything to do whilst at light-speed. The rest of the stations such as gunnery, comms and ATC had nothing that could be done right now. Even though he liked to run a tight ship he allowed them these few minutes of relaxation.
Showing no fear at all, Vex just crossed her arms as she replied, "I am an active Lieutenant for the Royal Militia as well, Captain Thatch. Do what you must, but I assure you, there are no illegal goods on this spacecraft. I just need to restock on supplies for my crew." 'This is annoying.' Captain Vexella waited impatiently to pass. @Crysalisis
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"Can't trust anyone here. I trust you got the same orders then 'Lieutenant'?" He questioned, proceeding to scan her cargo hold. The sirens on his ship blared, which could clearly be heard through the transmission, "What the blazes... What's going on men?" The ship's computer hailed, 'Anomaly detected' His expression was clearly confused, "Anomaly..? Excuse me, Captain... something wierd is being recording on my ship." @AdorkableMew
'Orders...?' She hadn't received any orders recently. Why hadn't she? "Have we received any transmissions from HQ?" She asked her first-mate. "No, Captain." 'Of course. Now, he'll think I'm a smuggler. I can show him my license but those are easily faked. Damn.' @Crysalisis
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The anomaly seemed to disappear, "Odd. Anyways, there are different divisions of the Militia you must come from a different division... I wont question it." He paused, "If you need an escort to Rust City I'll be happy to oblige." The ship beeped, the cargo scan was completed. "Cargo all seems legal." @AdorkableMew
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If everything went according to plan, Jax would be in and out of Rust City without incident. His hopes were quickly dashed when his hacker, Virci, detected another hacker.

"Captain Jax," she said. "I have detected someone trying to hack our systems."

"Can you trace their location?" Jax asked.

"I can point you to a ship, but that's it," Virci replied. "They picked up on their mistake quickly and fell off the grid. My program only had enough time to locate a general area and there was only one ship in that area."

She uploaded the coordinates to Xeikil. "Time for a detour." He changed the course and headed for the ship with the hacker.

After the interaction of the 2 ships, another vessel entered into Rust City's sector.

"Captain, we're here."


Taylor stood on the bridge, looking at all the staff on the bridge. On the outside, blue lights lot up the front and sides of the capital ship. The side read, "FNS Neptune." The metal was painted black and red. Cannons and lasers were mounted on both sides. Hangars for the fighters were open, with a force field protecting them. It looked like it just came out of a factory, the way it was taken care of.

Staff were walking along inside the bridge. Taylor turned around and took the Captain's seat.

She looked at one of the staff. "You know what to get, right? Supplies and fuel."

Cargo scans shouldn't be a problem. It was extra ships with no fuel, food, drinks and safely stowed ammo crates.
Edward Tahoma

Edward surfed through the Web, bored. That was a little sad, didn't know I would trip that easily. Ed's radar auto-opened, and a beeping noise annoyed the fuck out of him. "What now." He looked at the red dot slowly approaching the Cargo Ship he was on, he quickly closed his laptop, stuffed it into his bag and took out his Duke, ready.

Than he noticed he needed to force shut down his laptop again. He took out the Live USB and hid in a box, ready to shoot at point blank, well if he needed to.

This all comes up to chance, whether they'll let me go with my sins placed or kill me with my sins unplaced. Though, I'm ready, I think I got my NRPs. The shield should work in here if necessary. Actually this.. Is the most shitty motivational talk.

The Resistant exited light-speed on a course for Rust City. The ship was a long distance away. From his command chair Avo could see that it was a busy day, with several ships visible on his scope. "Comms, inform port control that we're coming in for fuel. Also ask where we should dock." Avo personally made sure the safeties of the ships weapons were online. Accidental discharges in this port were met with deadly force. He didn't want piss off the giant government battleships that were present.


Avo piloted the ship towards the port. He flew like he owned the place. With some fancy work from the ships thrusters Avo did a barrel roll over a large new-looking cruiser. The two ships came close enough that a person on one could touch the other. He keyed his starboard thrusters and settled in parallel to the other ship. Avo stuck close to it incase of any attempts to scan his ship. If The Resistant was scanned it would also pickup the other ship. This tactic messed with the scans results and made them inaccurate, usually.
"Alright, what is this kid doing?" She watched as the small ship barrel rolled over the bow of the ship. "He should get fined. Lieutenant, let Port Control know we're here. If anything, they should prioritize us."

"Yes ma'am."

She stood up again, and looked at the planets and stars.

They steadily cruised at a decent rate to the starport.

She gave him a nod, "Thank you, Lieutenant, and I wouldn't mind an escort." She gave a small smile. She was relieved that she had passed. Vex hated being stopped just because her and her men used to be criminals. It became rather annoying. @Crysalisis
As Jax approached the cargo ship, he pulled up the intercom and contacted the ship. "Attention! This is captain Aron Monroe from the Royal Militia. Allow me an my men to bored your ship and search for any illegal materials or else we will be forced to use immediate and lethal force."

A hurried and panicked response came through quickly and Jax was alwed easy access to the ship. He had a fake ID ready to show to the captain since they always insisted on seeing it. This time was no exception, but the Captain quickly accepted it and let them roam the ship. Virci as trying to detect all active in the area, but nothing showed up in the storage area.

As they were walking through the storage crates, Jax was busy talking with the ship's captain. "I was first drawn to your ship when a hacker was detected. It was determined that someone on your ship would be the culprit. I could have use for someone of that skill. If you happen to be harboring an illegal passenger, then I advise revealing them to me. If you cooperate, no action will be taken against you or your crew."

Jax signaled Virci to start checking for biological signals. It was more innacurate and could be impossible to read if this space had too much traffic, but it was better than nothing. He used his right gauntlet to do the same.
Avo matched the cruisers speed, staying close as the two ships approached the station. The threat of scans seemed to have passed. The Comms officer reported, "Port control sees us, Captain. We are a go for docking at gate 20."

"Copy that. Bringing us in."

Avo split off from the cruiser and rocked the ship side-to-side, indicating a salute. He quickly located the gate. It was on a smaller outstretched arm of the space station. Once he got close enough he let the ships computers do the rest. Once securely connected to the station with a vacuum seal he spoke into the ships intercom. "Now hear this. Now hear this. We have docked with Rust City space port. We are here for fuel, but I want an inventory on all items before we depart. Over." Shortly after that two large hoses on poles seperated from the station and connected with the Resistant. Avo probably had 3 hours before the tank was full.

(Note: I realized it's stupid for a spaceship to run on diesel. So I'm going to say that "fuel" means coolant for a nuclear reactor.)

"Lead the way, Captain." The transmission cutout as Hector waited for Vex to move. As he did, the ship's alert system blared, red lights osciliated. A code red intiated by someone or something else, 'Incoming Message' Through static a message is heard, Hello-- I am-- I mean you-- He could not made heads or tails of it, as quickly as it came. It was gone, "Wierd." @AdorkableMew
Hector followed Vex in a 'V' formation, or partial atleast. A transmission to all Royal Militia ships is broadcast, 'Infamous Pirate Lord Vand has been reported seen near the Orvollo Station, any Militia vessels recieving this message should engage and defeat him.' The broadcast ends, "A Pirate Lord eh? Would make a fine prize." He stayed with Vex as promised. @AdorkableMew

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