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Futuristic Rebel Galaxy - A Space exploration RP

"Rust City Starport, this is FNS Neptune, awaiting for docking," Taylor said over the comms.

"Roger that. Port 95 is open for capital ships."

Taylor then said to the pilot, "get us to the gate."

"Roger." Commands for docking were in place. When they were in range, the port attracted the ship with magnets. They pulled in the ship carefully.

While the ship was being re-fueled and re-supplied, the comms were on.

"--Space pirate--Orvollo station--"

Radio was static-y, but Taylor heard enough to know what they meant. "No way we can catch them."

Edward woke up from his blank, he looked around. Being in a crate doesn't help the fact that he can't see much. Hearing voices only made it worse, as he could be killed, murdered, fucked, any other illegal action. I could kill myself. No.. Too stupid.

Edward slowly opened the crate a little bit and peeked out. "I'm fucked." I could go guns blazing and shoot them.. No. I'll have to hack into the Cargo Ship. The crate wasn't that big so his laptop couldn't fit too well, but he made it work. After a few moments, he got full control over the Ship, giving the ship a code to autopilot towards Orvollo Station, as fast as it can.

The ship zoomed, the crate Ed was in rolled and bounced than broke on top of Edward. "Bullshit." He had his gun ready, pointing it at the two people. "Keep your hands up!" Edward's first time, he never really had use for a gun, it was only to meant to scare someone or shoot a lock out.

"Ah, so you must be my hacker," Jax said, taking a few slow steps towards him. "Let's be reasonable here. If you keep up this speed, we will all die upon impact. And if you shoot any of us, then the others will give you the same treatment." Verci was on her computer trying to counter whatever programs he used to get the ship under his control. Ivan, his muscle, pulled out his two pistols and aimed them both at Edward. "What's your name? I'm sure we could reach a peaceful agreement."

A member of his crew called in through his earpiece informing him of the pirate and reward. "Ok, let's make this snappy. I now have an opportunity to make a lot of money and I don't want you keeping me from it. If you know what's good for you, you don't want to keep me from it either."

"So I can't kill you cause than I'll be shot. Suicide." Edward shoots the roof of the Cargo Ship, air shooting out of the ship. Ed quickly throws a NRP down and a shield forms around him. "Good luck!" I'm gonna have to keep shooting these down, though I don't have enough.. Please reach Orvello.

"Also! My name is Edward. Edward Tahoma. Nice to meet ya'll!" Suicide, a group suicide. It's either the air or impact, both kill, both I'll hopefully survive.

"Sorry Vex. Im going after that Pirate Lord. All hands! to Stations, ready for warp to the Orvollo Station!" With that being said he jumped to warp and moments later arrived at the Orvollo Station. "All hands man your battlestations, ready the turrets and broadsides. Fire up the shields and ready deflectors, I want to be in and out of here without a scratch, do I make myself clear!" The crew replied and scurried to their stations, Hector noticed a ship already here, "That's no Militia vessel... I'll keep an eye on you..." @BlankName
Outside the Orvollo station the Private Military ship lurked. "I want all men to guns, if not then to the command center!"

"Yes ma'am" replied one of the troops. The ship then docked in using controls in the Command Center. Troops guarded the outside and inside of doors. Only people looking for a contract were aloud in. They'd have someone killed or you not killed in minutes. They were known or that.
"Shit!" Jax exclaimed. He wasn't going to waste any more time here. Both him and his two subordinates made a mad dash towards Xeikil. It wasn't too far and even in the same room (a benefit of a cargo ship). Enough materials were flooding towards the breach to allow them time to reach it unharmed. Once all three were inside, he activated the airlock. Virci managed to get the bay door open and Xeikil left the cargo ship. He was surprised to see how heated things truly were outside. He could win this prize, but not without the Dark Ranger. He called the ship and his second in command took over. They should be there soon, but for now they were on their own.
'Pirate Lord vessel detected' Hector smiled, "Perfect. We have a target men! Ready yourselves, tonight we claim a prize!" He acted strangely like a pirate. "All hands make ready to fire broadsides! Ready turrets to open fire! Give no quarter!" The little ship that entered was picked up on his radar, "What's this? A fighter? Where is your mothership little guy..." He said to himself. In a moment the flashes of his broadsides (12 per side) would be seen open firing on the Pirate Lord's ship who returned fire with his 18 guns. "Good hit, heave to and recharge those guns for another round. The Advocate, a large warship taking on the Arcturus a battle-cruiser, a ship twice the size of his. An epic battle will ensue, truly.

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Avo was paying the dock master for for his fuel when the holographic table infront of him lit up with an alert. "Orvallo station. Pirate lord spotted. Multiple ships engaging." Avo hurried up the transaction and barked orders to his bridge crew. "Make ready for the Orvollo system. We have a high-level target that's already about to be snatched from under us! NCO, get those fuel lines off us. We're leaving." The Resistant had just disconnected from the dock and the Nav officer was inputting the coordinates to Orvollo station when a nearby cargo vessel started hemorrhaging atmosphere. Avo watched as Militia ships flew right past it, more concerned with getting rich than helping an honest freighter.

"Damn them all." Avo cursed at the vessels. "Cancel that jump. We're helping that freighter." Avo changed course and pulled up next to the damaged cargoship. He docked with the ships upper cargo doors. "Prepare to take on survivors! Get a boarding party ready to search the ship and rescue any trapped astronauts." Avo himself made his way to the hatch and prepared to take on survivors.
'Weapons Malfunction' The ship's computer said, "Oh for God's- Seriously? NOW you decide to not work.." He said, angrily, "Buncha bull... piece of shit is what you are.. stupid ship." He mumbled as his ship took another hit from the Pirate Lord's cannons.
After the cruiser was refueled and resupplied, Taylor then said to the pilot, "Jump to the Orvollo sector."

"Yes ma'am."


Within a few seconds, the cruiser was next to the pirate ship, seemed to be firing on a smaller ship. "Ready all weapons, lock all lasers on the ships, load the rockets with HTEAP (High explosive tipped armor piercing) rounds."

The bridge came to life. "Put all shields at 100%, deactivate safety for weapons. Shut off all engines."

"Ready...aim...FIRE!" Flashes of lasers and rockets came out of the port side of the ship. The sides came to life with blinding orange explosions.

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Upon the arrival fo the new ship which just jumped out of warp and was able to fire so quickly, obviously this is a skilled captain. "First-mate setup a tranmission.." Hector said. "Frequency acquired......... Wavelength matched....... connected to their comms, sir" The first-mate said, "Good..." A few moments passed, they recieved a transmission, 'Goodday captain, currently My weapons are down.. My shields are functioning at minimum capacity, I am incapcitated. I hope to rejoin in a few minutes.' End of transmission.

The Pirate Lord's ship turned port to the ship that just fired the rockets, they devastated the shield but left the hull unharmed. He charged up his 18 guns then fired them in a blue flash, the Photon particles barreled at his ship, though weak to shields, they are excellent hull piercers. In lieu of firing this, one of his turrets fired a steady particle beam to weaken his shields.


(Wait.. SMALLER?!... Also Bolded Italics is Pirate Lord's and regular is mine)

The blasts rocked the ship a little.

"Shields at 50%!"

"Fire at will. Release the bombers."

2 squadrons of bombers came out of the hangar, bombing the top of the pirate ship. The rockets fired sporadically, lasers were pulsing.

All of the Pirate Lord's scatter turrets aimed at the bombers circling overhead, taking them out one by one. At this point, the shield have taken major damage as well as a few stray bombers and lasers piercing the ship's hull weakening it. The ship prepared to fire another round.

"Cease fire! Reload and target the weapons systems. Fire on my command."

All of a sudden, the explosions stopped for a few seconds. The turrets all turned their attention to the weapons on deck and in the hull of the pirate ship.

"Ready...aim...fire at will."

The rockets and lasers opened up, in one big salvo. The next rounds that fired, fired when they reloaded.
The Pirate ship fired up it's deflectors, making it immune to damage, but was completely used up by the time the salvo was done. After a few moments, a pulse emitted from the ship, it was an EMP. This was a boarding attempt by the Pirate to shut down all her systems and prepare to board her.

Hector had no way to prevent the EMP, all of his systems went down along with any other ship in the area who had no EMP defenses or was smart enough to run away.

@TeaMMatE11 @Shog
"EMP inbound!"

Great. "Shields up!"

The shields again, as much power as the ship could muster. It wasn't enough.

The power was cut. "Get the systems back online!" Taylor shouted. FNS Neptune is equipped with the latest in defense tech, as far as I'm concerned. systems should be back up in a minute.

"Get ready for the landing party! Alert all soldiers."

"All soldiers, this is NOT a drill. I repeat, this is NOT a drill!" Taylor said in the radio. the systemwide PA was off.

A few squadrons of soldiers awaited in the hangar bay, with guns ready.
The sight of approaching boarding ships flew in and dropped off a boarding party, the Lord was still in the main ship, the EMP affecting his ship aswell. The First-mate was on the first wave of crew members, he was a tough fighter. He carried heavily modified Photon pistols and an energy sword, "Alright mateys, Lets not disappoint the Captain. Give em a show, eh?" Yelled the First-Mate, as he shot one of Taylor's crew members, "Ahahahaha!"

The commander of the squad, yelled, "Open fire!"

blasts of lasers came out from the squads of soldiers on the ships.

Taylor was helping the engineers to get all systems back online. Another minute... She was sweating like crazy.
Jax tried his best to avoid taking damage. Xeikil was not designed for combat with such large ships. He was doing pretty good until the EMP struck. The ship's power shut down, but it's momentum stayed and it was heading for the pirate ship. Great, just what I needed.
The bay doors opened on the Arcturus (Pirate Lord's ship), a slightly bigger boarding vessel flew out and proceed to dock with Taylor's ship. This one carried the captain, Lord Vand Ferverus. "Alright ye scurvy bilge rats, surrender and ye might just leave here with yer lives." He let out an evil chuckle, He carried a grenade launcher which fired proton grenades, he called it the "Broadsider".

Hector awaited his ship to get it's systems back online, "How much longer?" He yelled out, "Just a few more minutes, captain!" His first-mate yelled back. "Awesome, who knew this guy had an EMP on his ship. He sighed.

@Crysalisis @Shog @TeaMMatE11

Having rescued the cargo ships crew, The Resistant made for Orvollo with all haste. Avo called out over the intercom. "All hands general quarters! Man your battle stations. This is not a drill. Repeat. This is not a drill!" The ship exited light-speed and Avo immediately made his presence on the battlefield known. "Rapid fire all guns! Lock missiles! Charge forward plasma battery!" The ships turrets traversed and lobbed HE shells at the much larger pirate vessel.

Avos first-mate reported, "I'm seeing multiple Militia ships. They appear to be disabled via EMP, and are being boarded. The pirates ship has sustained major damage."

Avo shot back a response. "Ready AA guns. No pirate is to lay a finger on my vessel. Let's steal theirs out from under them." The Resistant came up aft of the vessel and fired its powerful plasma battery. Large streaks of blue plasma cut into the pirate ships engines.
All the soldiers in the main hangar took cover, lobbing over grenades, and popped in and out of cover while firing.

Just a few more seconds...then everything should turn back on... Taylor thought.

Just then, the systems came back online. The defensive turrets installed in the hangar, after running diagnostics, turned their attention to the boarding party, and opened fire.

At least we got the indoor defenses up, she thought. The crew continued to work on the comms next.


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