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Futuristic Rebel Galaxy - A Space exploration RP

The turrets suddenly stopped firing and turned on their own men, firing upon them. Apparently Vand had a plan for that aswell. Meanwhile, back upon the Vand's ship, his systems appear to have come back online as can be evident to multiple tiny drones pouring out from portholes across the ship which flew sporadically to the newcomer's ship and latched themselves onto it and began draining it's weapons systems of power.

"Blast! Come you--" He was interupted the engine cooling tank firing up, "We've go juice to the engines, sir!" yelled the engineer. "Awesome, I want this ship able to fire right now, heave to men, put your backs into!" Hector yelled the orders so everyone can hear them.

@TeaMMatE11 @OGTomahawk
Crysalisis said:
The turrets suddenly stopped firing and turned on their own men, firing upon them. Apparently Vand had a plan for that aswell. Meanwhile, back upon the Vand's ship, his systems appear to have come back online as can be evident to multiple tiny drones pouring out from portholes across the ship which flew sporadically to the newcomer's ship and latched themselves onto it and began draining it's weapons systems of power.
"Blast! Come you--" He was interupted the engine cooling tank firing up, "We've go juice to the engines, sir!" yelled the engineer. "Awesome, I want this ship able to fire right now, heave to men, put your backs into!" Hector yelled the orders so everyone can hear them.

@TeaMMatE11 @OGTomahawk
Large numbers of little drones latched onto the Resistant. Many were taken out by AA guns but a large number remained. Those few that made it found nowhere to latch onto. A ship with shields would be having a hard with these drones as they drained energy from their shields, but the Resistant did not rely on shields, she was protected by grade-A1 refined titanium armor plating. Nothing electrical was exposed on the outer hull.

Firstmate reported. "Those drones appear to be attempting to drain energy, sir. They're not getting through."

"This is too much tech for a simple pirate ship. It is imperative we take him down." Avo paused for a second, and then smiled. "Most of that ships crew is engaged aboard the militia vessels. Prepare a boarding party. We're taking the bridge." Avo acquired his helmet from beneath his captains chair and put it on. "Firstmate, you have the con. I'll lead the party." Avo rushed to the armory to retrieve his HERA plasma carbine, and then to his ships small hangar that contained a single shuttle. The pilot was already prepared to get underway. Twelve other men piled in with Avo. The pilot pushed the throttle forward the shuttle shot of the hangar.

It was a whole new environment as the shuttle pilot pulled serpentine-like maneuvers to dodge the fire being traded between five different vessels. Tracers arced over their heads. The pilot roughly landed on top of the pirate ships bridge. Robotic welding arms on the belly of the shuttle cut a hole that led directly into the pirates bridge. Air vented briefly before the shuttle latched itself into place, sealing the hole. Avos men jumped through the hole one-by-one and shot at anything that moved.
"Turn off the defense systems!"

"Yes ma'am!"

This is no ordinary pirate ship. With tech like that...

"All systems back online, captain." Just then, the lights turned on. "Alright. Ready the weapons."

Constant beeping was going on. As for the soldiers...at least the turrets stopped. It still was a massacre. "Oh God..."

Taylor turned her attention to the pirate ship. "Alright, fire at will." Once again, the bombardment upon the pirate ship continued with pulses of lasers and missiles firing.

Through a hidden earpiece Vand had on, he heard, "Ship systems critical." After hearing that, he issued a retreat, "All hands back to the ship." To cloak his retreat he threw down a smoke bomb which cover the cargo deck in heavy smoke. They were met by a captain from a vessel that had come out of warp not even moments ago. "Wha... who are you..." He noticed his drones had been deployed. "Ah.. so YOUR the one who triggered my drones eh? I was saving those.. anyways, my name's Vand, Lord Vand Feverus, please to make your acquaintance."

@TeaMMatE11 @OGTomahawk
@TeaMMatE11 @Crysalisis

Avos men had taken the bridge. Two of them sat at a computer console and hurried to take control of the rest of the ship, it would be a few minutes before they had access. Avo swiveled at the sound of the pirates voice. Although wanting to, he didn't return with a pun. Not waiting even a second he raised his rifle and pulled the trigger. The rest of his men, save the two, did the same.
The pirate's personal shielding absorbed most of the damage but a few of the bullets got through, leaving him with wounds, he quickly ran for cover, "Aw come on, Im trying to have a civilized conversation here and your shooting at me, not very polite." The two men at the bridge heard the clicks of pistols, two of Vand's men had guns pointed straight at their heads. Without hesitation they pulled the trigger.

Hector's ship cam back online, "Too much damage was sustained, pull back to Rust City for repairs." The ship turned and engaged warp towards Rust City.

Crysalisis said:
The pirate's personal shielding absorbed most of the damage but a few of the bullets got through, leaving him with wounds, he quickly ran for cover, "Aw come on, Im trying to have a civilized conversation here and your shooting at me, not very polite." The two men at the bridge heard the clicks of pistols, two of Vand's men had guns pointed straight at their heads. Without hesitation they pulled the trigger.
Hector's ship cam back online, "Too much damage was sustained, pull back to Rust City for repairs." The ship turned and engaged warp towards Rust City.

This needs to end. Now. Avo thought as he took cover behind a control panel. His remaining 10 men did the same as they dispatched the two pirates that shot their shipmates. Avo called out, "SURRENDER! AND I'LL MAKE SURE YOUR TAKEN OF." He then attempted to sweeten the deal. "IF YOU SURRENDER I CAN HAVE YOUR CRIMINAL RECORDS ERASED. I CAN GIVE YOU A FRESH START." Avo was attempting to appeal to the crew. Vand would pose no threat without them.
"Erased? Where's the fun in that? Maybe I like being chased all over the galaxy." Vand stated, "Oh and your men... trying to take the ship it won't work. You NEED me alive to pilot this ship, mate. Its security locked, it'll only respond to me." Vand said. The appeal to the crew didnt work as well as he thought it would, the crew ahd loyalties to Vand, "Eh nice try, mate. But Vand treats us like royalty, we wouldn't find any different as long as the dogs called the Royal Militia still exist."

"Cease fire!" Taylor shouted.

"Salvos, again, on my mark. 3...2...1...fire!"

FMS Neptune did a broadside barrage onto the pirate's ship. "Ma'am, I'd advice going back to Rust City to get repairs..."

"I'm not done here, at least not yet." Taylor thought that she could push her luck.

"But ma'am, the ship has sustained heavy damage-"

"Is it still running?"


Taylor sighed. She needed to head out soon. Another EMP and they were done for.

@Crysalisis @OGTomahawk
@Crysalisis @TeaMMatE11

Well, it was worth a shot. Avo nodded to his men. All of them started pouring fire onto the pirates. The gunfire was deafening.

(Wanna roll a die to determine how this turns out?")
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OGTomahawk said:
@Crysalisis @TeaMMatE11
Well, it was worth a shot. Avo nodded to his men. All of them started pouring fire onto the pirates. The gunfire was deafening.

(Wanna roll a die to determine how this turns out?")
(sure. How do you want to set up the die)

Taylor looked out at the broadside as it connected with the pirate ship.

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@Crysalisis @TeaMMatE11

(Let's say a 12 sided die. 1-4 and Vand wins with him killing/capturing Avo and his men, 5-8 and Avo wins with him capturing/killing Vand and his crew (and taking the ship), 9-12 and your ship destroys Vands ship forcing everyone to abandon ship. That sound good to everyone?)
Vand used emergency maneuvers remotely from the ship's computer.


But to no avail before the ship exploded Vand issued an abandon ship command, Vand managed to escape in a small fighter, "Curses.. well there goes my ship.."

@OGTomahawk @TeaMMatE11
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Explosion of the pirate ship. "Captain, pirate ship down." Around in the bridge, there was applauding all around. "Get us out of here, we need repairs." The FMS Neptune warped back to rust city for repairs.


Avos firstmate hailed him. "Sir, that ship's about to blow! Get out of there."

"Alright, everyone in the shuttle! This is a lost cause!" Avo shouted to his men. Fires erupted sround him as he was the last to enter. The shuttle seperated from the ship and flew as Vands vessel exploded like a powder keg. The shuttle made its way back to the Resistant, who was largely unharmed by the battle. The crew was silent. They had lost two of their own. Avo could see it in them. "They didn't die for nothing, gentlemen. That's still one less pirate lord on the loose." He paused for a few seconds. "Make way for Orvollo."

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