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Fantasy Reaper

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Aura turned to Zen. "Your Squad leader's office is through this door here. Go to the elevators and hit the button for floor 5 and you are in squad 4's barracks. If there is anything you need, just let me know. Im Aura of squad 7."
Lucio opens the door and looks at Aura, he notices the limp and turns to let him in. "I see you got that surgery." he said, "you know, if you had asked I could have trained you to a more powerful state without additives." he finally noticed the boy standing there. "oh, Zen, I see you are here. welcome, I have been awaiting your arrival." he beakoned for the boy to take a seat "please come in. we can have a proper discussion once the other new recruit gets here." he pushed a button on his desk and said "Arin, Please report to the Squad 4 Office." he sat down and offered Aura a seat as well. "in the mean time I will have Arin keep you company while I discuss something with Aura."

Arin was part way through an attack when he heard the announcement over the loudspeaker. he nearly missed the attack dummy. he walked to the squad 4 office and stepped into the door. "yes sir?" he asked.

"could you keep the new recruit company." Lucio said, pointing to Zen. he then stood up and asked Aura to follow him outside.
zen watched from his seat as arin entered . zen had already made note of his squad leader .the longer zen sat the more frost grew on his chair. zen did not speak as he looked over arin studying him
"about the Surgery." he said, bringing his voice to a whisper. "you can come to me. if yo ustart feeling...different." he said. "it messes with you, it changes you. most of all, it can make you feel inhuman."

Arin smiled at the kid across from him. "hello. I'm Arin." he said, the boy just stared at him blankly. "so...what is your name?"
"I only got the surgery so that my threads would be harder to cut or break. Im still using my own power.' Aura said calmly. "And thank you Sir." Aura had a thought. "Have you heard any news from my Squad leader? I heard she whent MIA..."
"zen..." zen could tell the boy was strong from his earlier observations .zen blinked as he looked to his arm which was now frozen to the chair he lifted it and broke the ice setting his arm in his lap
Lucio looks back and forth "not to get your hopes up, but the word is you may be a new squad leader soon." He said

Arin laughs "that's awesome. Your ice threads are really strong to freeze that chair without trying."
zen looked at the boy with his head tilted. normally most people would think it a bad thing not to be able to fully control your threads but this one thought the exact opposite"thank you" zen said in his monotone voice
(didn't get any notifications, so I just read everything)

Revnoir sat in his office, frowning at his computer screen. He was programming Aura's new AI, and was almost finished with it. He sipped at his coffee as Xillia was organizing his papers.
Serrina followed once again, turning around to the barracks. "I can find a quiet place on my own, it's fine." She said quietlyShe hadn't acknowledged the guy new guy from her squad. Who honestly seemed a little dark to her. She walked off, and behind the squads barracks started to play "Secrets" again. With the violin.
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"well, unfortunately serinna hasn't shown up yet." Lucio said, walking back into the room. he saw the frozen chair and used light threads to melt the ice. "let me cut to the chase. I enjoy choosing people with little control of their threads because it is more of a challenge to train them, and thus your training is also helping me get stronger as well as you." he sits in his chair and turns to face the boys. "Arin was my first new recruit since I got back from my last mission, so he well be your superior, but I doubt that will last long, seeing as I will be training you." he hands them both a folder which has past missions of the squad inside them. "we are a squad which is essential to the preservation of humanity. Our job is to take back areas of interest from the reapers and hold them until a settlement can be built and soldiers can be sent to protect the settlers. As leader of this particular group I can choose to go on any mission I like as long as it pertains to those rules, or under special conditions, like field testing my officers. because of the nature of our squad, Missions are hard and my soldiers need to be ready for anything. it is the reason I chose this squad, to prove that I can be strong enough to save this forgotten world. I do not intend to sugar coat it, many of my soldiers have died, our squad is the most active squad in the field, as we are constantly keeping reapers out of territories that the reapers would rather us not have. our success rate is probably 12%, given the nature of Reapers I am surprised we succeed so much. you will be going deep into the heart of Reaper country and camping out for days, months, even years waiting for a settlement crew to come in and take over." Lucio stared at the boys "we have a high turnover rate, and there is no getting discharged from this squad. What I am saying is...be prepared for death before we head out. Never expect to return here, Hope to come back, but do not expect it." Lucio looked at the two boys and waited for them to say something.

Arin took all of this in, he only had a second to enjoy feeling like someones Superior before Lucio dropped that bomb on them. he looked at his hands, wind blowing between his fingertips. he didn't feel ready for this, why had he been assigned squad 4? couldn't he do something easier? something safer? he looked up at Lucio who was looking at him and the other boy, zen, with a blank expression. "well...I....I don't...know what to say."

Lucio sat back in his chair, the silence had been broken by Arin, as he had expected. "Arin, trust in my decision to choose you. that is all I can say. Confidence will get your through your training, and it helps on the battle field, but in the end, it's your trust in yourself that counts the most."
Serrina realized she hadn't even checked in with their leader, she quickly got up and strapped her violin to her back. After 5 minutes of looking, she went up the elevator and found it on room 5. She calmly walked into the office. "Sorry... I'm late." And she was disappointed with herself as well.
zen was not surprised and maintained his composer . having been almost beaten to death on multiple occasions he no longer feared death if anything he welcomed it but not without a fight. killing was now all zen truly knew how to do he was rid of his emotions after a month of living with his adopted family they took the even slightest detail and used it against him to force him into things and use him "i understand " was all zen said after hearing what Lucio had said
(Umbra1 Research and Development)

"Done~" She jumped up from her seat, executing a few brisk movements to limber up .Being stuck on the table wasn't so bad when you were awake and knew what was happening, despite the pain, being asleep, the undercurrent of not knowing exactly what was going on, unnerved her to say the least. "Right, now what to do today?" She wondered, not exactly having planned anything after completing the final operation.

She could always just sleep and all, her energy not exactly at full capacity, but being in bed too long was never her thing unless someone was there with her; make of that what you will. She could visit her recruits, but she was never that clingy. Sure she cared, but she wouldn't just actively look for them unless something important happened. She could settle the score, but at this moment, she knew it wouldn't be a good idea with how Scourge and Revi continued bringing more distractions.

Maybe today was just one of those days...
Lucio welcomed Serrina into the room and explained everything he had just said to Arin and Zen. he then turned to Zen and smiled. "good, because I wouldn't want to force anyone to do anything they didn't want to. as recruits you have the option to leave right now if this isn't the right job for you." he said.

Arin looked at the door, then back at Lucio. "I'll stay." he said "You where the first person to look at me and see potential. most people saw me as a weakling. but now after only a few days of your training I feel much stronger. I could probably hold my own against a low level reaper."

"That is not enough. always strive to fight the best. you must visualize yourself as a warrior strong enough to fight the strongest known reaper alive. if you can see that in yourself then you can become that warrior. there is no cheat, no surgery, that can grant you the skills and strategies that a true warrior can come up with in the heat of battle." Lucio said.
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[QUOTE="Sir Grego]you have the option to leave right now if this isn't the right job for you."

[/QUOTE](come to mention it, it's true. If you dont think your character will fit your squad's profession, then just ask to switch to another. All changes will be accepted >u<)
Revnoir looked over at Xillia, but didn't say a word. The AI just had a few tweaks to be made, but he decided he should take a break. His head had started to hurt already from staring at the bright screen for an extended amount of time.

He stood up, and left the room. He brought his coffee with him, walking around the halls silently. His mind was full of thoughts, and he was never any good at organizing them. That's why he was so attached to Xillia. She made him feel at ease, where he would feel nervous when he didn't know where she was. He was known for this, for being protective of those he knew. That's why he kept all these secrets. He wanted to shield them from what was really going on, what the Reapers really were.
zen looked up at lucio and spoke the most he had all day " the only place i belong is a battlefield where the opponents are unforgiving and there is no ' giving up ' ''
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Aura was starting to feel better already. He was able to walk on his own now at least. He desided to go for a walk and whilst walking saw Revoir. "Hey Revnoir! I made it safe and sound."
zen looked to her but said nothing he knew that some people just weren't meant for certain things . he looked back to lucio to see what he would say about this

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