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Fantasy Reaper

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"No kidding , I am Dave Donaldson, people call me Donaldson though. Also put that hand down I work for a living." he looked over the guy wirey and fit, good demo wasn't easy on the body. "You're late you know. I don't rightly care for being late that's how people die in this squad so we need to adjust that, before the end of the night I will need you to give me a reasonable excuse of why...and if its not good I'll make you do something I am not sure yet I like to get creative." He smiled laughed and put his hand out for a handshake.
Sarah got up from the ground when she was released, glaring at Revnoir's back. She hated him. She'd be happy if she never saw him again, though she doubted she'd be that lucky. One thing was for sure, no matter what he did to her, Sarah would never show him any respect. She'd rather die.

Sarah smiled at Donaldson as he wished her luck. She liked him, he stood up for her. So she showed him respect. "Thank you sir," she told him as he walked away to talk to the guy who just walked in. Then she turned to her squad leader, attitude back. "I thought we were going to do something useful, not bully the new recruit."
Revnoir just smiled and sighed quietly. "You guys are so popular. Not that I'm complaining, seeing as I doubt anyone would like to babysit freakishly large children." Revnoir just chuckled to himself, probably thinking of ripping Reapers apart limb from limb.
"This gun wasn't so easy to get..." Aki dropped his salute and grabbed Dave's hand, staring into his eyes.
Comet stared at everyone while leaning against a wall silently, trying not to be a nuisance. She looked around for her squad leader, and saw a gruff man talking to another one. "Oh god..." She sighed, as she sat down next to the wall and thought for a moment. She decided that she would just stay there, and say she has no clue who her leader was. She was kind if terrified right now, as she had seen the girl get tossed around like a rag doll. But, she decided to stay quiet and observe the situation before acting.
Revnoir noticed the girl against the wall, and scowled. Is she lost or something..? He called out to her. "Are you looking for someone?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.
She froze upon hearing the man's voice and smiled. "Y-yeah... I have no clue who my Squad Leader... Is..." She stuttered, feeling stupid because of it. She got up from the ground, and dusted off her pants. She kept smiling, however, trying not to look weird.
Revnoir frowned and walked up to her. "Do you at least know which squad you're in?" He asked, crossing his arms. Revnoir didn't seem to be irked by this girl, oddly, since he usually can't stand stuttering.
She stood up calmly, and looked at the man in the eyes kindly. "I think it was... Squad 8? Yeah. That sounds about right..." She explained, thinking for a moment about the number. Then, she nodded affirmatively. She looked up at the man again. "So, are you a Squad Leader?" She asked politely, not wanting there to be any harsh relations in this facility.
Aki turned to look at Comet and Revnoir. Aki looked like thoughtfull for a while and then spoke. "Do we need our equipement now?"
Revnoir sighed. "Poor guy, I wonder how many recruits are gonna join his Squad." He muttered under his breath. "I am a Squad Leader, but not yours. Donaldson is your Leader. You two are both in his squad." He said nodding towards Aki. He then looked over at Aki and shook his head. "You won't need your equipment until you're either training or out there killing Reapers. At least, that would be in my squad. We're not all identical."
She nodded. "Alright, then are we going to train?" She asked, facing Donaldson this time. She wanted to know, so that she could get busy and get something done. She really wanted to not be the center of attention, but it was unavoidable. So, she tried to remain calm as much as possible. She didn't want a bad rep on the first day, so she calmly relaxed herself.
Ayame watched the new recruits come in.

'How come I had to get stuck with this piece of work.' She thought.

Ayame wasn't going to let this girl out into the field anytime soon that was for sure.

Ayame wanted a cigarette but she had quick a few years back when she got pregnant with her son.

Her rookie sure wasn't going to be easy but Ayame didn't make it a habit to quit.
"Hey, Ayame, how much do you want to bet there won't be any members in my Crazy-Man Squad by the end of the day?" Revnoir asked, giggling like a child. A lot of people who were even slightly informed about the Squads knew Revnoir. They knew him as the Psycho, the Human Reaper (probably because his threads resemble Reapers' abilities and the fact that he's insane) and sometimes even the Devil Himself. Not names people would like to be called, but being his crazy self, he actually likes the names. Except for that middle one. Strikes a nerve.
"Hmmm, I think one idiot will stay."

She answered. "Hopefully they won't be like mine or we'll find their body in a ditch somewhere. You have less patience than I do."

Ayame sighed and walked up to where her rookie was staring hatefully toward Revnoir.

"Get yourself together, lets go."
Aki yawned once and placed his gun on the ground. He then started doing push-ups as to not get bored while waiting for orders.
Ayame poked the young recruit with the toe of her boot in the ribs as she passed.

'At least they're not lazy.' She thought absentmindedly.
Aki frowned slightly as he did the push-ups. He then stood back up and looked around for anyone to ask to help him.
Revnoir stretched, seriously bored. No interesting people this time, huh? Too bad... That last guy from 5 was really something, getting his hand stuck in the wall. Poor guy was just a bit too slow. He thought, smiling to himself at the incident where a recruit tried to punch him but missed and punched the wall.
Sarah shifted her gaze from Revnoir to Ayame, her eyes only softening a little. She scoffed. "Finally done judging everyone? Fine." She started walking, ignoring everything that went on around her.
Ayame only looked after her moody recruit.

'Does she even know where she is going?' She thought. 'Oh well, I'll find her after she's done with her hissy-fit'

Ayame walked toward the main building to get more coffee. She was going to need it.

She turned toward her colleagues.

"Donaldson, you look tied up. Revnoir want to come with me to get more juice? It looks like your new recruit is a no-show."
Revnoir gave her a smile. "I'm pulling an all-nighter again here so yeah, I probably should. I wonder what I'd do without coffee." He hurried over, sighing. He's pulled all-nighters almost every other day for the past few weeks, and he's starting to show it. He's more irritable and snappy.
Comet kept against the wall, again sitting. There was nothing to do, but she didn't really mind. She just sighed, happy all that stress hadn't made her flip.
(I'm sry molten >n< I didn't know scarecrowe wouldn't be on for this long. if you really want I could transfer you to Squad 7? with Ayame (rereadingit50times)? )
As Ayame and Revnoir walked toward the main building Ayame called behind them.

"Better give them something to do Donaldson or your recruits with be weak and useless from being unused!"

[i'm cool with that. My only recruit just stormed off so...]

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