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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Cain ended up at the room that the main entrance connected to the outside world. He glared at the Reaper beside him that was looking around in panic. It started searching the room frantically, screeching in fear of what Cain was about to do as he pulled his gun out of it's holster. He may not have had his shotgun, but a handgun would do just as well. He aimed it at the Reaper, getting angry quite quickly. "Does it look like she's in this room..? Tell me, do you think I'm blind?" He growled, before a gunshot sliced through the air like a knife.
At the sound of a gunshot, Leah jumped. She backed away into a discreet room, not unlike the one she had used to enter the base when she went to retrieve Aura. She quickly closed the door with a small *click*.
Cain growled and stomped off to find Leah on his own. He wasted no time in ordering more Reapers to search for her, he wanted to find her himself. He may not have known exactly who they snatched, but he had told them to grab someone who looked unimportant. Whether they followed that is up for debate, but that didn't stop Cain from slamming doors and ripping them open looking for the Weaver.

(brb, dinner)

At the sound of a rampaging Cain, Leah gently melted the lock on the door into place, then did the same for the handle itself. She then retreated into shadows behind stacks of who-knew-what.
Cain ended up infront of the door that Leah had retreated behind and attempted to open it. He frowned when he couldn't, but his sadistic smile popped into view when he felt the heat of the metal. It wasn't as hot as the other side, which was melted, but even then he could tell that a Weaver had been here. "There you are, sweetheart." He snickered, shooting the handle off the door and kicking it down. He looked around the room with a smile, moving his hand to flick the lights on. "A Fire Weaver, I see... It's a shame you'll have to lose those..."
While she had waited, Leah had laced the ground with flame threads, and now the soles of Cain's shoes had begun to melt.

Leah sprung up from behind her hiding place, a fiery quarterstaff materializing in her hands. She lunged forward, aiming to strike Cain in the gut.
Cain grinned, feeling the heat on the soles of his feet. The second Leah jumped out, his grin grew wider as he dodged her attack and pressed the barrel of the gun up to her Core. He pushed her backwards, keeping the gun to her chest at all times. He pressed her up against the wall, putting some pressure. "So they found you, huh?" He asked to nobody in particular. "Well, no matter, you'll have to do. Why don't you tell me your name?" He asked, grinning widely. If she tried to move, he'd fire without hesitation. He could always just get another Weaver.
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A wall. One moment, she was attacking, the next, she was held to a wall by a gun. Leah hated walls.

Her jaw was tensed and her breathing erratic, but she relaxed enough to test her bravery. She scoffed at him.

'Pfft, a gun? A gun is so...' She paused, stalling... 'Childish. A weapon for someone who's afraid of an actual fight!' Well, she might as well see how much time she could buy.
"Childish, huh? Really..? How childish do you think it'll be in the end when your Core is shattered and the bits of your heart are splattered all over that wall behind you, I wonder?" He said, pressing the barrel of the gun against her chest harder. He grabbed her by the arm, spun her around, and pulled some handcuffs off of his belt. They had been somewhat concealed by his long hoodie. He snapped them onto her wrists, keeping them behind her back. He pushed the gun against where it would hit her Core and pushed her towards the door. "So, let's see how well you walk or do you find that childish, too..?"
(*sigh* Comic book onomonopeias. Just.... Ugh.)

Well, that was not a very pleasant mental image...

'Please...that's not a very pleasant mental image. I'd rather be a bit happier before I die, if you don't mind?'

Wow... Handcuffs? Uuh... A little bit pointless to bind a fire weaver with. Of course, of most bindings, it had the highest melting or burning point....
Zero hurried around, freaking out because he's never had his head chopped off. There would be some minor mental damage as his whole brain had to regenerate, but his Core took it's responsibility for the time. It would also take some time for it to regenerate. What am I, a god damn dulahan..?! He couldn't speak, so he kicked Deus in the balls and sat against the wall with his arms crossed. You could just imagine him pouting like a child.

Cain smiled, pushing her towards a certain room. "Remember, if you melt those handcuffs... One, I'll be sad. Two, they'll melt to your hands and they'll burn you. Think a bit ahead would you?" He could tell what she was planning, and pushed her into an empty room. He called Zero's cell, as he needed at least one Sin present for whatever he was about to do.

Zero started freaking out, since he couldn't answer the phone. He started frantically signalling for Deus to answer it for him and see what he needed.

'Excuse me, but I dislike when my mental capacity is underestimated. I know how melting something works.'

Leah grunted when she hit the wall of the room into which she was throws.

Another. Damned. Wall.

This was turning out the be the most perfect mission-gone-wrong. And what in the hell did Cain need his stupid phone for!?

Speaking of phone... Leah discreetly leaned against the wall and used it to click on her earpiece, with a little difficulty. She whispered one word, one that could easily be mistaken, but still discernible.

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Cain sighed, waiting for Zero to pick up. "Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm not insulting you. Just... Reminding you."
Leah used the wall to turn her earpiece off again. To disguise the word, she conspicuously hid the sarcastic word 'sure' in a fake cough.
And so the wait began... The amazing wait of when Zero would pick up. Meanwhile... A rat nibbled at crumbs of food left in the kitchen.
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Yulier was starting to get worried, and checked to see where Aura's earpiece was at the time. She was making sure it was on, worry growing in the pit of her stomach.
She was starting to freak out. What if a Reaper had attacked him? What if he was dead? She quickly stood up, focusing on the direction her instincts were telling her to go. She was getting better at tracking Sins, but it was still hazy so she only had a general idea of where he was. She hurried off to find him.
Yulier crossed her arms, scowling and narrowing her eyes. "What's under the tarp..?" Please let it be confetti. Let my dreams come true.

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