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Futuristic /Simple] Apocalypse

Mira walked quietly down the deserted Street. Causiously looking around for any signs of a threat. In her hand was a large hunting knife. A 9x19mm Walther P99 was holsters at her waist. She looked farther down the dark Street. She saw one of them approaching. The undead ruled now. She ran up and have it a good stab through the head. She pulled the knife out and continued down the road causiously.
The sound of moaning and flesh being cut could be heard everywhere, the shifting of feet and stumbling of the rotten and decayed was the only sound that was present on the ruined street. One of them approached mouth open showing its decaying mouth and yellow teeth, its mouth leaking murky black liquid ready to tear the soft flesh of humans to sunder, but it never happened, one instant it was tensed and ready to strike like a wolf ready to pounce on a deer, the next a flash of something shining and the sound of the air being cut was the only warning it received and following that the vile creature’s body hitting the pavement with a thump, its head which had been removed from its body rolling across the ruined and trash ridden ground of the pavement, only to stop across a black combat boots which proceeded to stomp on the decayed things head causing brain matter to ooze out of the vile things eyes and leaking onto the already ruined pavement staining it in more bleed. The sound of footsteps could be heard and a black humanoid figure was seen walking by the corpse it's black trench coat bellowing in the wind
She continued to walk silently down the street. Killing a strey zombie here and there. She was used to it, being alone in a world full of the living dead. The sound of shuffling feet echoed off the building around her. The air often smelled of rotting corpses. She learned to get used to it after a while. The smell became normal to her. The street was still empty for the most part. She had read that zombies eyes were sensitive to light, witch is likley the reason there are more out at dark. Her long red hair blew through the slight breeze. She checked her compas and continued to head in the same direction she had been each day. She hadn't seen another living soul for months, and she wasnt planning on it.
The thumps of zombies hitting the pavement, heads and limbs missing from their bodies of the dead, the only warning the zombies ever received was the sound of the air being cut. a lone man walking through and over the dead bodies. black trench coat that went down to his knees rustling slightly from the breeze dark blue jeans that showed the wear and tear on them, his black combat boots crunching against the rubble pavement and the skulls of the dead that where in his way. His right hand extending to his side flicking his wrist causing blood to shoot off of his blade and splatter on the pavement and dead corpses, The blade he wielded was a strange one the handle of the blade was made out of metal with black binding around it and the blade appeared to have no guard. He would gaze apon the dead bodies and rotten corpses with boredom and uninterested, sighing he would twirl the blade around with skillful hands and sheath it, the sheath for the blade was located on his back. as he sheathed it the wind would blow more causing his messy black hair to ruffle slightly and blow showing one of his bright blue eyes that seemed to be glowing. he would frown, pondering something. he would take another sigh and shove his hands in pants and continue to walk down the streets ignoring the ravens feasting on the dead corpses
She looked around for any more undead foes. She wouldn't dare let her guard down. One slip up and that would be the end. She would be one of them, an undead monster. She stared to whistle. Causing a few strays to wander out into the street. She chuckled and threw herself at them jamming the blade through the skulls of her enemies. Thick dark blood oozes out of the undead. She kicked the zombies off her blade and moved onto the next. She killed of the last few that had come out and continued to whistle. A bandage fell from her arm, revealing a large gash. It had stopped bleeding a while back so she didn't care the bandage fell. A zombie grabbed her shoulder knocking her to the ground, she dropped her knife. She shuffled around on the ground grabbing for the knife. Unable to reach it she pulled out her gun. Doing something you would never want to do in a world full of flesh eating zombies that love loud noises. She shot the zombie in the head and let out a sigh as the lifeless beast fell on her. She pushed it off and grabbed the blade. She holsters the gun and grips the knife. Breathing heavily from the attack she stands and looks around for any more strays.
As He continued to walk down the pavement he stopped in his tracks as the sound of a 9x19mm Walther P99 gunshot going off, its sound echoing off abandon buildings and traveling all through the area. He raised a eyebrow 'what dumbass shoots a gun around in this area' sighing 'well might as well see what it not like I have any choice every zombie in the area will be heading their ' he would turn to where the sound originated from He would go and fix his black trench coat and black and readjust his sword sheath and start waling and musing in his head 'well things may just get more interesting around in this hell hole' ignoring the sound of the dead's moans and shuffling behind him.
She quickly runs into a near by building. A trail of blood is left behind from where the wound on her arm an torn open once again. She shines a light around looking for any undead inside. She quickly scans the area and sits down relived. That door won't hold for long. She tells herself as she tears a thing of cloth off her shirt. She covers the wound back up and leans on the wall. She pulled her gun back out ready to shoot if any of them busted down the door. She was sweating, and breathing heavy. "This is the end..." She mumbles and looks back at the door. "Not like a knight in shining armor will come and save me now..." She mumbles and tilts her head down. Waiting to be eaten alive by the monsters that began to swarm the door.
He would arrive to where the gunshot originated from, noticing no one was there he would see the corpses and approach them and squat down to investigate on what had happened noticing that most of them were killed by a knife 'smart' and then he would find the one that she shot in the head 'not smart' he would look at how where they where killed and the position of their dead bodies and the blood spray marks he would see a vision from piecing together all the information he had learned he would see *how the person killed the zombies with a knife until the last one managed to pin her down and the person had no choice but to use their gun* sighing he would stand back up gazing around for any signs of where the person would have gone, as he was looking around he would spot a small blood trail on the ground that lead to a abounding building. he would walk up to the door and listen,

he could hear erratic breathing . frowning he would look around for another entrance, he would notice that on the upper level a window was their its frame and glass having fallen off years ago from no one checking on it. He would backpedal a few steps run using the wall as a step stole to grab the window edge and Holst himself up and into the building he would squat down a combat knife in reverse grip ready for any surprise attacks, he would look around the room with a critical eye noticing the torn up bed, the drawers that looked like they where opened in a rush, most being half opened and a few having been torn off and the cloths littering all over the place 'hmmmm the people must have tried to left before the virus could spread' he would stand up straight and loosen up his grip on the combat knife he would walk stealthy thought the rooms looking for any infected or incase he had to make a quick escape he would finally start heading down stairs and spot the girl with her back facing him and her gun pointed at the door.
She backed up from the door, ready for it to break down any minute. She had thought she heard something upstairs. It was probably just a zombie. She looked back not seeing the man at first. She had to look back again before she could clearly make out that is was a human figure. Or undead figuer. She wasn't going to take any chances. She pulled out her knife and got ready to charge at it. She looked back at the door, seeing if was holding pretty well. She then looked back at the figure that had yet to move. She whistled at it, expecting it to move twoards her. She then raised her gun. "L-look I'm sorry to intrude on your hideout." She said shaking. "I mean no harm." She gulps and looks back at the door. "I will only be here for a little, just please don't attack." She stayed where she was. Terrified of what would happen.
I stare at her with a bored expression then lunge at her taking her by suprise I would smack the gun from her causing it to hit against the wall, I would slam into her bring her to the ground with me once we hit the ground I would straddle her and grab both of her wrist and pin them with one hand over head with the other arm elbow pinning her chest down with his forearm
She screams as he attacks her. "Please I m-mean no harm!" She yells as he pins her down. She struggles to get free. "Let go of me!" She continues to move around trying to free herself. She was unsuccessful in doing so. She finaly calms down. "Look this is a really screwed up world, but the last thing I want is to be killed by another human!" She starts to negotiate. "We are in the same situation, trying to survive. I promise I won't attack you just let me go!"
He would remove his forearm that was pinning down her chest and cover her mouth and he would lean in closely his mouth right next to her ear "shut up" he would say in a cold voice. But the damage was already done the sound of moaning and feet being dragged outside could be hear *BNG BANG* the sound of hand and body could be heard slamming against the door 'FUCK' he would still hold a firm grip on her continuing to pin her down with her arms above her head
She was going to try and say something before he covers her moth. This is it... Im done for. She thought to herself. Her eyes closed and she just let whatever was happening happen. She heard the zombies banging on the door. She didn't know it but she was clearly shaking. There is no way that door would hold. Just more and more of the undead would pile near the door. There is no way it could last. She opened her eyes and faced twoards the door.
he would gaze down at her noticing she is shaking and not in her right state of mind he would curse silently under his "fuck" 'if I leave her she will die' he would hear the sound of the door groaning and dents being formed in it 'Damit the door can't take any more zombies slamming against it' he would quickly get off the girl and notice she was in shock 'you have got to be kidding me' he would quickly pick her up in a his arms carry her in his arms in bridal position he would start to run down the hall heading the back exit that he discovered while he was scooping around for any exits he would need once he made it to the door he would notice that zombies have almost broken through the door 'fuck!!' spinning around with the girl still in his arms he would he would head to another bed room he saw with a giant hole blown into it from a tank shell he would sprint to the hole and leap off it while in mid air he would notice the streets swarmed with the living dead not a spec of ground could be seen through the swarm the dead corpses of the living dead as he would look his foot would make contact with he roof of the house very close from the one that he just jumped from skidding slightly he would come to a stop and skillfully run on the roof to the other house and jump to the next roof and the next one and the next one while he was doing this he would think 'things really have gotten more interesting heh'
She noticed that he had stopped pinning her down. She tried to push herself up but her body wouldn't budge. I am done for gold. She convinced herself. But the next thing she knew she was being carried away. She wanted to escape from his grasp. But it was too late. She noticed something. My gun, we left my gun! She looked back at the room that was now filling with zombies. She closed her eyes and swore under her breath. When they landed on the other roof she let out a short sigh of relief. She looked up at the strange man that had saved her life. "My gun is still in there isn't it." She said looking back at the building. "Oh, and thanks for that."
he would would glance down at her for a moment and then look back up focusing in his task 'i'm almost to the safe house' he say in his mind as he was running with her in his arms he would notice a zombie on the roof shufking around it would turn to face them only to get shoulder rammed off the roof by him, grunting from the impact he would spot a 3 floor building 'good im almost there he would pick the pace once he reached the edge of the roof he woul leap between the gap of the roof he was on and the open window of the 3 floor house but made the mistake of not caculating of the girls mass in his ar,s and would roll omce he made it through the window with the unknown girl in his arms. as they continue to roll they would come to a stop with his back impacting the floor. blinking away the dizzyness and dots in his eyes he would notice that the girl was on top him, her legs straddling his waist and her body laying onrop of him. he would gaze into her eyes "could you get off me" he say in a slighty annoyed tone
She chuckled slightly and moved off of him. She looked around the room, searching for any undead that may be ready to attack. She looked back at the man. "Where are we?" She said and offered her band to help him up. Her eyes still gazed around the room then met back with his. She looked at him confused. "Why did you save me back there?" She asked, sounding a little worried he would try to pin her down again.
he would sigh and prop himself up on his elbows and stare at her "to answer your question in order we are at my safe house safehouses and the reason why i saved you was because if i didn't you would be one of those things" he says jerking his head to the window tomthe walkers that are walking around.
She looks at him and smiles. "Thanks for that." She runs her hand through her hair. "So, this is a safe house? Are there any other survivors hers?" She starts to walk around the safe house. She walks over to the window and looks out at the undead that were roaming around.
i get to my feet and strech "you are the first surviver i have encounter in minths" after finishing streching i would would walk to the table and take off my trench coat exposung his black tight muscle shirt that showed his well tined hard muscles from years of survivng and fitness and 2 kukri blades strap to his waist with the handles pointing straight he would remove sheaths from his waist and place them with his trench coat on the drawer he would then pull out 2 black desert eagles .50 cal and 4 extra magizine clips for them on the drawer too once he finished he would notice her staring out the window and say aloud for her to hear "dont worry those things cant get in here"
She walked over from the window and smiled at him. "I wish I could say you were the first, but sadly I had to." She cleared her throat. "Take him out." She nudges him. "You know what I mean." She streached her arms. She pulled out her combat knife and twirled it around a few times.
"Hmmm really now I think you and me are going to be fast friends" he smirk at her his blue eyes glowing "well we won't be going anywhere anytime soon now with the hard at the front doorstep" he would would turn and start to head for a door and open it, the door led to downstairs. He would start to head downstairs.
She smiled and slid the hunting knife back onto her belt. She followed him downstairs and looked around. "So, how long have you been here?" She said as she sat down on the bottom step.
"For a few months" he say as he made it down stairs into what appeared to be a huge room with couches, a TV a kitchen and other things" (picture it like the houses in darkness that we play)

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