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Realistic or Modern ⋆✩ ☆ Reach for the S t a r s

Sounds great! I agree on Kade and Leah's love/hate relationship. I think he'll like her personality but doesn't like she ruins his plans if she ends up ruining them. Then again, lol I feel like a lot of the characters here are here to sabotage his plans for them. I'm going to edit the rooms really fast and I guess Saul is finally free from Dante LOL.

I have a feeling Klara is at the very top of his hate list if Dante doesn't exist anymore. xDDD
So now that we only have 6 people in this band, Kade will demand his own room which will be the guest bedroom in case of anything that happens. Maybe someone wants to do the deed and doesn't want their roommate to awkwardly stare at them. Anyways, Lilian and Saul will be rooming, hopefully that doesn't change their relationship too much.
Triple posting here but coffee shop roles have been updated. Roommates have been updated. Photoshoot will be updated...soon. LOL. I'm still pretty unsure if I want to start off the role play the same way with waking up and everything. I might want to have an event before the coffee shop but I'll let you guys know for sure by tomorrow. :)
Going to take some time to reply to some relationships things before I run off to exams for another class.

Ben @Sasil

Sasil said:
I think the two probably have a understanding of some sort. Like you said I think Ben is pretty laid back about most things unless you say or do something that really pushes his button does he really pull out all the giant Russian. Maybe they work well together on some things.
Consesnsus reached, then.

Leah @NessieAlways

NessieAlways said:
If the joke still works then Leah would totally eat up that part of it treating Lillian is if she really was outgoing and sociable.
This is an excellent idea. I like it.

NessieAlways said:
If they did have a healthy friendship, Leah would treasure it a lot.
They'd have a friendship that would be made up of Leah talking enough for both of them, but she'd still be mindful of Lillian's say in certain situations. She'd stick by also seeing that Libra and Aquarius are the best match. Leah might even consider Lillian her best friend based on their zodiacs even if all Lillian wants to do is run away from her.
Lillian will only think about running away from Leah when Leah is making a excessive amount of bad puns and there just so happens to be available places to run to.

But uh, regardless of the kidding. I'm entirely for the healthy friendship thing.

Saul @Pine

Pine said:
SO Saul doesn't mind the height thing.
well that's disappointing news

also, agreed on the staying-out-of-each-other's-way thing.

Pine said:
If we're talking specifically about the guitar rift thing, that would just be Lillian taking his bait, so he would mostly be amused by any attempt for her to bicker with him in that moment and he'll probably troll her a little bit. I doubt she would appreciate that, but those instances are so few and far between, I don't think that there would be any long-lasting feelings from it.
You're most certainly right.

When I think about it, though, Lillian won't as much interrupt a rehearsal just to bring that up as she'd just stare at him with this perplexed look and try to carry on playing. She's totally not going to let slide the chances to mention it in conversation though.

But agreed. There probably wouldn't be any long-lasting feelings over it.

The only exception to that may be when whatever they're preparing for is very urgent and she's stressed enough about it - in which case the bickering would most certainly start right then and there. I doubt Saul is oblivious enough to still mess around under those circumstances, though.

Pine said:
Basically, there would have to be something very circumstantial and almost random for him to move them past that acquaintance status. I can't think of anything right now, but maybe we could work something out if you want to?
FirePolaris said:
Anyways, Lilian and Saul will be rooming, hopefully that doesn't change their relationship too much.
Laughs very loudly

In long term I doubt sharing a room will cause any significant changes in relationships between Saul and Lillian? Given that their policy is given at the moment to be not to interfere with each other.

Imagine them first learning that they were assigned the same room though. I don't know enough about Saul, but Lillian will probably be slightly uncomfortable about it all at first, and will very likely very politely suggest (or at least have thoughts about suggesting) that she go sleep on the floor/couch alone on the first day? And if Saul is the sort of person to just go "ok" and sleep at the centre of the bed, it will result in her eventually having to request sharing a bed again.

Which will all be very silly and probably quite awkward.

Joking aside, Lillian rooming with Saul creates a few possibilities for the direction in which things go. Since being in an unfamiliar room with a bandmate she barely knows isn't exactly the sort of environment in which Lillian will show the all laid-back version of her personality, she'll probably prefer staying in the living room / somewhere else most of the time to avoid complications.

However, I'm thinking there's a pretty good chance that after a while she'd either have had gotten to know Saul well enough, or have simply gone past caring. Provided the correct circumstances, I'd say it won't be too far-fetched to imagine a friendship-ish relationship developing over time just because of the fact that Lillian will have no-one else to talk to at night?

Bleurgh my mind is a mess and I'm probably doing a terrible job trying to gauge the personality of other people's characters. Somebody help me.

Thanks for all the work updating the info, FirePolaris. @ the coffee shop roles: time to make all the characters very stressful.
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mmmmm yes i think in this case i'm going to be addressing everyone a little bit *rubs palms*


I can imagine Leah looking at him all crestfallen after learning about this, then when she mentions that Scorpios and Aquarius don't get along, he would definitely laugh at her. Saul conveniently forgets that he once tried to perform magic when it comes to laughing at other people's superstitions... xD

He probably wouldn't notice her trying to talk to him more, since he perceives her as a bit of a chatty Cathy. I think he would usually be receptive about it enough, and mostly be amused by whatever antics she may be up to, but of course everyone has there off days. I'm thinking maybe he can have periods, a couple of months at a time, where he'll grow annoyed by her, but then end up warming up to her again. I can't see this ever being major enough for him to retaliate against, though, but it would be more of an avoidant kind of thing where he leaves whatever room if he can and/or furrow his eyebrows/roll his eyes more.

I like the idea of her taking comfort in him being indifferent to the morality concerning lying. xD Be still my heart. He wouldn't challenge her to any sort of lying-off, since he's already established himself as superior in his mind. When it comes to the publicity aspect of their lives, that's probably where she'll see him lying most. Saul will come up with ridiculous and theatrical lies if he is REALLY annoyed by someone with a microphone and is hoping to baffle them into stunned silence long enough for him to slip away (i.e., when I was little, I built a device that let me communicate with aliens and they told me that George Washington still slept with a stuffed animal when he was working for the Men in Black). Other times he may fabricate a realistic story that an interviewer could eat right up, up until they look back at other things he's said and it painfully dawns on them that they were just chatting amiably with him about his private life that was about 85% bullshit. I like to imagine that he was able to bring a particularly dedicated fan to tears once (though I don't imagine that there are really TOO many people crazy over a scrawny little bass player lmao). The fact that he wouldn't feel any remorse for this would probably be enough to make her feel better about herself for the rest of the day l ol.

Drawing back to what I was saying before... yeah, definitely a rocky pseudo-friendship/acquaintance. When all else fails though, he'll forget about whatever he may have been kind of mad at her about if it means that he can get buddy buddy with a certain hedgehog again.


Haha, I think you're absolutely right. In a way though, I think it just kind of... complicates things even more between them, if you'll believe that.

The problem is that Saul likes Klara as a person. Maybe a little overbearing at times, but she's ridiculous in the best kind of ways, seemingly unfiltered thoughts, no hesitance in picking on others sometimes, seriously amused by the her leaving things lying around everywhere... just about everything.

However, his feelings about her being his fellow bass player has only gotten worse in this iteration. Since there isn't anything major for him to displace his hatred on, I can imagine that he was nothing but cold to her in the beginning (which she may or may not have noticed, since he's a lot more obvious about this than he ever was with Dante - with Dante he feared for his life if his true feelings were to ever be noticed). He still adamantly insists that there's no need for two bass players, and this fact (in his mind) would be all the more glaring since there is only a single guitarist. Saul takes this as a personal offense, suggesting that he wouldn't be able to handle the role on his own, and that would have him mentally frothing over with rage in the beginning, esp. because of the low opinion he holds for their band. This would outwardly manifest with nastily sarcastic remarks (a tone I don't think would be seen taken up with any other band member) and a bitter expression just about any time she speaks. He was probably a very unpleasant person to be around when the band first came together.

... But again, he likes her. Saul's initial hatred would make her extroversion glaringly obvious, but... I'm imagining that if she does notice his resentment, she probably wouldn't be bothered by his childish pouting, and it's the kind of philosophy of "they'll leave you alone if you ignore them" that will eventually let him take a step back and regard her as a person, then he wouldn't be able to help liking her. I imagine that this transition took at least six months. He's a drama queen like that.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if she would have ever been able to mistake him for having a crush on her...? If she has any recollection of the initial way that he treated her, anyway, though perhaps three years is long enough for her to be able to sweep that under the rug. He would have been quicker to jump to the conclusion that her casually thrown out pick-up lines are vicious taunts, and when he finally returns the favor, he's going to be downright nasty about it. If she still persists after the, though, then that would be the beginning of his doubts about her intentions (and then the awkward time where he was concerned she was actually flirting with him). That could be what inevitably leads him into the confused mess he is today (as described in the following paragraph) which is overall an... improvement?

I think overall, while he has warmed up to her in just the same way as during the era of Dante (though, again, it's taken a lot longer), now all of this is coupled with a heightened sense of paranoia. Saul likes to think that she really does just speak her mind, but he can't help but worry over the possibility that everything she says layered with subtext of veiled jabs at his performance as a bassist and will occasionally wonder if she's capable of that, and maybe she is vastly more intelligent than him and so much better at being two-faced to the extent where even he could be fooled, and oh gosh if he lets his guard down then surely she'll just see him as another nuisance far beneath her and privately make fun of how easy he was to fool etc. Needless to say, just being around her is going to cause him unduly stress and his mood is going to be ALL over the place, and sometimes I think it would all genuinely overwhelm/pain him.

This is all, of course, largely just the mental game that he's playing, if you want to call it that. Again, once he starts to doubt her "sinister" intentions (which, come to think about it, I might take back that six month mark and just make it dependent on when she decided to start throwing out pick-up lines), he would be able to simmer his fury down enough to where he can control his outward behavior. In spite of his intense feelings of resentment towards her, I don't think he would have ever done anything remotely malicious to her like he did/would have to Dante (deliberately giving him food poisoning, attacks on his reputation, and I even had started formulating this idea where when Dante would inevitably be taking his lady friend to the bathroom of the cafe Saul would claim he has to pee really bad and gosh it's an emergency and then proceeds to stuff as much toilet paper he could in the toiler so that when Dante resumes trying to get it on with bachelorette #59 the toilet would start flooding the bathroom). This is because he has enough sense to recognize that all of her slights against him (which just maybe aren't even meant to be insults) are just mental warfare, whereas Dante had deliberately made life hard for him. (Btw, I know Dante was never existed in the roleplay. I'm just using him to compare the two ways Saul tends to handle his "enemies.")

So... the major change is that he's going to be assuming implications in most of what she says even more now. Though if I were to be honest, it probably won't seem much different from what has already went down in the roleplay because I think originally my plan was that Saul was having a bit of an... off day?

I need to go now, but I'll be back to finish this later today. Some things to come will be that I think this will also put a strain on he and Kade's relationship and also I might be getting some ideas for an actual relationship with Ben. :U

Alright so Kade. *rubs palms* So in the absence of Dante, a lot of the things that Saul had appreciated Kade for have become a little... irrelevant. The no relationships policy seems to have worked out on its own, and without a band member around to lust after anything with two legs, it isn't something he is really concerned (rather, annoyed) about. Similarly, where he used to revel in Kade making everyone's life miserable, I think that pleasure has dulled down substantially. He liked it when things inconvenienced Dante for obvious reasons, then watching anyone very serious about their work there (Zaddie) squirm, but I think (un)fortunately his overall opinion of his fellow bandmates has improved because in everyone's own way they're all tolerable and they just aren't entertaining enough when they're suffering. Maybe with Klara sometimes but there's this tiny, possessive part of Saul that wants to be the sole cause of her suffering in case he ever gets pushed to that point.

Then overall without Literally The Worst Roommate He Could Have Asked For™ to distract him, he places a lot of the blame for this 1:2 guitar-bassist ratio on Kade's shoulders, leaving Saul every bit as cold and bitter towards Kade as he is with Klara. If it weren't for the fact that he has to be around/work with Klara more, then he would probably hate Kade even more than he does her. Klara's kind of provocative nature doesn't really help in this regard, either.

In spite of all of this, Kade probably won't find himself being any more than a mild annoyance to Saul. Saul figures they could do worse for a manager (older, stuffy, boring) and enjoys keeping a professional relationship with Kade. Saul still has no qualms with Kade's money-oriented way of thinking. Then, since Saul doesn't have any sort of evil mastermind-esque plot to busy himself with, he may occasionally entertain himself with trying to strategize their approach to publicity also anything Klara can do I can do better O B V I and offer his counseling to Kade when something randomly occurs to him and he sees they could mutually benefit from it. Also, I can see Saul pulling petty little pranks on Kade (I'll think of examples later), but he tries VERY hard to make sure it can't be traced back to him because chiefly he wants to be able to maintain their business relationship as it is.


I mean, technically it would only make sense if Saul and Ben were rooming together, being the only two guys left (barring Kade), but I'm not complaining lol. So now that Dante's out of the picture, Ben's the butt of Saul's "titan" jokes. Now that I've seen more of him, I think overall, Saul just... wouldn't have a strong opinion of him. Outside of his ridiculous ludicrous height, he doesn't have much of a reason to be entertained by Ben, especially since he still has enough survival instinct to know not to mess too much with a guy that's easily a foot taller than him. Saul does frequently remind himself that Benjamin could kill him if he wanted to any time he sees Ben getting angry about anything. On top of that, there isn't really anything he has to hold against Ben, since thankfully he HASN'T had to beat Saul up yet (as far as I'm concerned u tell me lmao).

Maybe some neat little things to take note of though is I... think Ben's the only one left in the band that smokes? Saul kind of likes the smell of smoke sometimes (what a weirdo), so he may sometimes wander out and approach Ben when he's smoking, or at least hanging in the general vicinity. Previously he probably had an excessive abundance of that smell coming off of Dante, but with it just being Ben now it could be a little treat for him sometimes.

Also, I think kind of at random he would develop an interest in knowing about Ben's Russian background. Most of the time it's probably in the back of his mind, but then on some days he would suddenly remember and then become insatiably curious about it. Saul would want to ask him all about it, but I think unless Ben ever brings it up himself (in which case Saul would feel secure knowing/thinking that it's something Ben enjoys talking about), he'll just kind of bottle this up and always wonder. Or maybe do some lowkey stalking around the house.


Sorry, but looking back on it, I think my comments last night were half-assed at best. xD I need to get back into the groove of things but first the new episode of Gotham was getting close to airing which is vry vry importante BUT now I've re-read over Lilian's cs, so that's giving me a few more ideas + the fact that they're rooming together now. *rubs palms*

So real quick additional comments - Saul is probably thoroughly amused by Lilian's theatrical complaints (so long as they remain theatrical), and he may even pitch in with his own ridiculous comments when he comes up with one. Additionally, Saul hasn't had much in the way of professional training for his bass playing and mostly just learned things by ear. He probably still struggles with reading sheet music sometimes, so any time Lilian pulls out her Basics on Music Theory 101 knowledge on him, it would probably go right over his head. He isn't too interested in learning, either, and I can imagine her maybe trying to sit him down and teach him a thing or two while Saul verbally or non-verbally expresses 50 Shades of I Don't Care.

And again agreed about the rehearsal thing. When it comes to their last practice before a performance, like... if he's going to be fucking around at all, it's just going to be his lazy ass frustrated that everyone is still having to get their shit together and ~*~*~ oh not me I have everything down perfectly ez pz b3st b@ss player around ~*~*~ and just neglecting in playing during half the rehearsal lol. That might be enough to make her snap, and then, oh dear, Saul makes some catty remark about there being another bass player again and how she was APPARENTLY doing just fine without him... xD But whatever way they may quibble over any of the above things, that wouldn't be quite enough of an offense to earn his permanent annoyance, like we were talking about.

Now, this roommate situation...

I don't know man. I have a roommate right now and I hate them for the most petty reasons (while simultaneously loving them) but gdi if their late at night Skype calls and the way they breath through clenched teeth doesn't drive me up the wall... I can see something as small as the way that Lilian conducts to herself irking him, but at the same time, again... these two kind of are conscious enough about other people, personal space and etc. that whatever problem they may have with each other in sharing a room would be too minute for them to ever actually bring it up.

And yeah, sorry, his personality section is a mess tbh. I want to re-write it but that would take so long and I should PROBABLY do homework at some point in my life. x____x So... yeah, first day learning that he's rooming with her... lmaoooo. Smooth transition from not really caring about her to some state of mild panic. Those first few days would be Saul caught between him adjusting to this newfound loathing for Klara and also trying to gauge her limits/comfort levels/etc. so that if one of them ends up kind of stepping on the other's toes... he doesn't want to be the first to make the offense. (Hilariously enough, if she carries this same mentality of not wanting to impose on him in any way, then their room is probably FREAKISHLY clean, esp. compared to their fellow bandmates's.)

That being said though... he still is kind of selfish, so the instant she offered to sleep on the couch he wouldn't even pause to think about how uncomfortable she may be and instead would be all perky and "Sure! I mean, if that's what you want..." pleasesayyespleasesayyespleasesayyes Ehehe... and similarly, he wouldn't object when she eventually requests to actually be able to... y'know... SLEEP IN HER OWN BED. (Depending on how long this goes on though I feel like maybe SOMEONE in the band would notice her sleeping on the couch all the time and confront Saul about this and be like wtf dude.) He would probably revert back to his kind of panicking mode so he wouldn't think of offering for him to spend a night on the couch, once again. I guess in a way that would help break that ice and they could finally stand sleeping in the same room, though Saul will DEFINITELY BE LIKE ON HIS SIDE AT THE FAR EDGE OF THE BED THE BEST HE CAN. I guess I should start headcanon-ing how he sleeps right about now. Off the top of my head, I think he's probably a bit of a restless sleeper (esp. now having to share a bed, which he's never had to do and mentally at least once ever night he's like God why can't there be two beds in here) and has nightmares quite frequently. Sorry, Lilian. At least he tried kind of.

However uncomfortable he may be rooming with her, though, at least he isn't repulsed by it. So consequently (?) he's probably going to be spending a good amount of time in his room messing around on his tablet when he can help it (whatever that entails... Netflix idk). If nothing else, though, I think them sharing a room with each other will help him warm up to her enough, and at this point he may be more comfortable around her than anyone else in the band. I think the idea of her having late night talks with him would be interesting, though. Given circumstances, unless whatever she talks to him about is something he decides is too petty (Saul pls), he would make a genuine (very clumsy) attempt to talk to her. (Generally with the band and all other things he stays out of conversation unless specifically addressed so there's that.) So yeah, I think there is at least some mixture of them knowing each other well enough though with Saul that could mean anything and getting past the point of caring. Three years is a long time tbh.

seriously what the hell is this character of mine anyway i'm so sorry guys

Since Dante is gone, Klara probably have more of a hate relationship with Saul than the love part. I believe the first 6 bitter months he had towards her, it might be more of a one sided part for him. She'll probably be pretty nice to him at first even if he was nasty to her only because Klara is initially just nice to everyone she meets. It's the fake "kindness" she exudes at the beginning of every relationship. Then as months pass, she'll return his resentment with mean remarks and then it became sarcastic, and maybe at times just straight out attacking him. LOL I think her feelings towards him probably fluctuates depending on her mood for the day. Mean remarks doesn't affect her much if she's having a good day. She'll probably consider it as sulking or he's trying to act cute and all. Yes, her mind is pretty weird, she twists things to how she likes them. Then if she's having a pretty terrible day, she'll probably take it out on him if he says anything that's just even a little bit offensive.

But if he warms up to her eventually since it has been three years, I think their relationship will be still the same as if Dante was her but a little bit more shaky. There will probably be more bad moments than not and there probably won't be the misunderstanding that Saul likes her. Lol but pick up lines, Klara dishes that out to everyone. ;D

Earnestly, after putting up with his bullshit for so long, no one can blame her lol. I'm trying to figure out... he's already way too much into everything she says, I wonder if he would even notice if she started actually insulting him? If nothing else brings him around to liking her, it would probably be the way he sees her interact with all the other band members. To be fair, it's not like he would be outright harassing her (almost always looking for some social cue before he speaks), but I mean... come on Saul rly.

Thinking back to the pick up lines... previously I think we had mentioned that she started using them when he made a snide comment during rehearsal? If she just freely throws these out around everyone, I think that actually that's the death of him mistaking her as potentially having special feelings for him. R.I.P. awkward misunderstandings about who likes who. I hadn't ever really thought of that. So yeah, hes probably really defensive at first when that happened, making his replies kind of even more cutting (all in tonality) than what they would have been previously, but then he might even have fun preparing an arsenal of replies (may or may not include stringing a bunch of random French words together), and then progress to whatever rocky relationship they had today. I'm thinking if the pick up lines start early on, the duration of his ultra cold period towards her could be knocked down to four months, but that's still ridiculous when taking NORMAL people into consideration (lbr, they're both weird lol).

Either way, I think on Saul's part everything is going to be really tense between them, especially if she does ever return his malicious words and he knows for a fact she meant to attack him. He might even be shocked by this for a moment... then get really ultra defensive and switch his mentality to "I was right all along I knew it time 2 start preparations." Then I imagine the next day she's in a better mood and treating him nice as ever, then he's just left... confused. xD

So, yeah... everything as it was, but more volatile, no longer totally one-sided (you earned this for yourself u little shit), and no mistakes about romantic feelings? *nod nods*

Yes! Sounds about accurate. So no more misunderstood feelings, just slight bitterness at times from Klara. xD Yes, I think we did agree that she probably replied to his snide comments with her pick up lines but she uses that to bug other people, ie. Ben, the only other guy in the band. But mainly I could see Klara trying to comfort Saul in an implied manner. "It's okay Saul, there will always be someone better than you." And then she'll probably laugh afterwards.

As for Kade, this guy only thinks about everyone as his money bags. He probably is quite lenient with them most of the time as long as money is being made and scandals are low (which shouldn't be a problem anymore). So I agree with their business relationship, he'll probably try to get to know everyone on a personal level so he can hold things over them but that's a hit or miss for many. LOL.

Okay guys, so I'm going to catch up on a ton of stuff and give you guys some new events so we can start off with the role play in a more interesting manner. ;D I like everyone's relationships so far!
Hey guysss! So I decided to edit a few things and get the ball rolling so soon you'll see a brand new event coming up in a couple of minutes. Take a good look at it because I'd like to discuss a few things before I start my post for Klara. :)
Yesss. I am going to replace the photoshoot with the interview. This will have more press and delve into more scandalous parts of their history.

Alright speaking of scandals, I was wondering if anyone wants to volunteer their characters up for any scandals? We don't need that many, maybe just one or two tributes. I'd like to flesh out the scandal a little bit before I post Klara.

Oh and it's up! Please check it out.
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FirePolaris said:
Yesss. I am going to replace the photoshoot with the interview. This will have more press and delve into more scandalous parts of their history.
Alright speaking of scandals, I was wondering if anyone wants to volunteer their characters up for any scandals? We don't need that many, maybe just one or two tributes. I'd like to flesh out the scandal a little bit before I post Klara.

Oh and it's up! Please check it out.
I feel Leah would somehow have part in most scandals depending on what they are xD
NessieAlways said:
I feel Leah would somehow have part in most scandals depending on what they are xD
I haven't thought of any ideas yet so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas what kind of scandals they want their character to be involved in.

We can do the simple:

- They somehow found out that Ben and Leah shared a room and a huge dating scandal blew out. This could lead to a decrease in fan base. (This works for Saul and Lilian as well.)

- Member x NPC
I also put down a schedule of their day so check that out too! (*U*)

Oh god I should be doing homework right now. I'm so behind. T^T
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Well I sent you Leah's back ground story a while back so she can be having her past jump out at her.

Since she's lied about it contradictions will occur and what not.

It could also happen to Saul since Pine mentioned him lying about his past too.

Ben and Leah rumors should be fun!

Love rumors are always scandalous.

Also drunk indecencies or someone saying something wrong.
As you know, media prevails and things get shifted their way. I figured it'll be fun for everyone to either have a small scandal or

random true/weird rumors circling around.

I think Ben and Leah's scandal will probably the funniest ones . Paparazzi probably found out from a fan or something who managed to look through a window at night.

Klara is probably the best one for drunk indecencies. I think a partially true rumor would be alcoholism where during a performance, she might have messed up by accident because she drank prior to the show.

Cassie is a diva so maybe she was captured with someone?

Nessie's idea is pretty sweet for the whole past contradiction coming out.

Anyways you're free to think of anything for your character and your character does not have to be involved in any scandal or have any rumors. You'll just be answering some basic personal interview questions while your band members get interrogated. LOL So let me know what kind of idea or personal interview questions you have in mind!
Pine said:
I... think Ben's the only one left in the band that smokes?
I actually hadn't noticed this.

I actually imagine Lillian not liking the smell of smoke at all, so the least you'll see from her will be her just happening to not be in the room whenever Ben is smoking. She'll probably have tried to persuade him to not suck on the little stick of cancerous death at some point, but overtime I think the more likely scenario is her learning to tolerate it a bit more and an agreement on Ben's end to keep the smokey exhale away from the general direction of Lillian's face.


Pine said:
any time Lilian pulls out her Basics on Music Theory 101 knowledge on him, it would probably go right over his head. He isn't too interested in learning, either, and I can imagine her maybe trying to sit him down and teach him a thing or two while Saul verbally or non-verbally expresses 50 Shades of I Don't Care.

It won't be as much as Lillian wanting to "teach" him anything (too lazy. Eh.), but more likely - maybe when they get invovled in composing/arranging stuff, she'll probably naturally explain things in technical terms only to be met with Sauls I-don't-care response.

Can't help imagining Lillain trying to do a part of a composition and filling in something "correct" theory-wise and then one of the more raw-talent players in the band (Saul/Klara) just effortlessly coming up with something else very clever, and leaving Lillian baffled over the fact that she didn't think of that - because there is little correlation between being capable of explaining why something works brilliantly and being capable of being capable of actually coming up with that something, and Lillian probably leans much towards the former.

Pine said:
But whatever way they may quibble over any of the above things, that wouldn't be quite enough of an offense to earn his permanent annoyance, like we were talking about.
I have this probably non-accurate mental imagine of Saul considering Lillian this very boring no-nonsense person and making it one of his minor life goals to mess with her (mostly because Lillian, even being angry/upset about things, is still mostly harmless, and...probably amusing to him in some way?).

But yeah, probably not enough to put a strain to the relationship on both ends, but most certainly the first things Lillian complains about when it comes to Saul.

Pine said:
(Hilariously enough, if she carries this same mentality of not wanting to impose on him in any way, then their room is probably FREAKISHLY clean, esp. compared to their fellow bandmates's.)
This is actually very likely the case. I would call making this canon.

Messiness possibly elevates back to normal levels a few months in, though - the band house is probably not comfortable enough for Lillian to all-out slouch around in, but she won't be able to keep up the extreme diligence in organising things all the time.

Pine said:
(Depending on how long this goes on though I feel like maybe SOMEONE in the band would notice her sleeping on the couch all the time and confront Saul about this and be like wtf dude.)
Due to the speculated ridiculous politeness involved in the first days of their relationship, Lillian will most likely be extra careful to avoid (it's simply counter-productive to the whole "avoid conflicts" goal if an arguments happens over that) - perhaps reading/writing things outside until later into the night so she'll be the latest one to go to sleep and therefore free to come up with all the excuses (hopefully no other members has a sleeping schedule too messed up. Klara?).

I don't imagine Lillian to be one of those people who can withstand continuously staying up late, so she'd probably get really tired after a few days, cumulating in her eventually deciding to concede and going back into the room.

So, uh, the bottom line it's agreed that this couch thing probably did happen in canon history, then? If so, would it be more of a secret thing no-one talks about anymore, or one of the anecdotal stories that get brought up once in a while in interviews and such?

Pine said:
Off the top of my head, I think he's probably a bit of a restless sleeper (esp. now having to share a bed, which he's never had to do and mentally at least once ever night he's like God why can't there be two beds in here) and has nightmares quite frequently. Sorry, Lilian. At least he tried, kind of.
Similar thoughts would probably have occurred with Lillian - both the struggle of would it have just been simpler if I tolerate the awkwardness of having to share a bed in the earlier days and would it have been a better choice to actually have kept on staying away later.

My headcanon of Lillian sleeping is actually that she's incapable of staying still when sleeping as well? Probably tossing around / rolling up the blankets and things. That's likely also one of the things about herself she really doesn't like but can't really change. So uh, potential hilarity.

Taking her and Saul's personalities into consideration, though, there's actually a chance that they'd end up having this agreement about tolerating each other's behaviour when sleeping and, and about just...not bringing up the topic?

(Or, if that doesn't work out, I'll probably overwrite the headcanon so that Lillian becomes one of those people whose states of "asleep" and "dead" are indistinguishable. That should solve a lot of questions as well.)

Pine said:
If nothing else, though, I think them sharing a room with each other will help him warm up to her enough, and at this point he may be more comfortable around her than anyone else in the band. I think the idea of her having late night talks with him would be interesting, though. Given circumstances, unless whatever she talks to him about is something he decides is too petty (Saul pls), he would make a genuine (very clumsy) attempt to talk to her.
I think Saul will quickly learn to easily discern between Lillian just wanting to complain about things, and her actually trying to make a conversation happen. (If he's okay with the theatrical complaining, this is actually a lot healthier than it seems?)

If he's willing to talk about them, his nightmares will make a neat conversation topic maybe. If Saul's reactions of suddenly waking up are severe enough, Lillian will probably ask.

I'm unsure about Saul actually doing anything music-related in the bedroom late at night, since they can't play at that time and he doesn't really seem like the sort of musician who'd spend time in front of a desk thinking about a piece (Lillian is one of those people, for reference.) But uh, if there's anything Saul does that seems interesting enough for Lillian to go over to ask about it (or the other way around) - having some common topic probably makes sustaining a conversation between them a lot easier, and as you said - three years is probably enough for them to move past just acquaintance status.

(I get the feeling that the direction of this development went a lot from the two of them only staying out of each other's way, towards them attaining a mutual agreement so that they'll have someone/someplace to not have to maintain that exaggerated degree of composure. I kind of like that.)

@Pine .

In the meantime, new in-character. Yay. And very hyped about the new event.

FirePolaris said:
We can do the simple:

- They somehow found out that Ben and Leah shared a room and a huge dating scandal blew out. This could lead to a decrease in fan base. (This works for Saul and Lilian as well.)
I have the feeling that Saul and Lillian are both...just really not great material for sustaining dating scandals. Totally go for the Ben-Leah thing though, it gun be hilarious.

NessieAlways said:
Also drunk indecencies or someone saying something wrong.
If Klara pulling Lillian with her to do things includes things that involve alcohol, there's actually a very significant chance that Lillian makes the mistake of overestimating her own tolerance? And if it's just the two of them I...don't really trust Klara to be the one to stop her from doing very silly things.

This might actually work well because Lillian's public image is like, the direct opposite of drunk. And if it really happened, it might cost the band's image quite a bit (sorry Kade.) @FirePolaris ?

Also, circumstances can probably be manipulated so that she says something she didn't mean, and that ending up problematic. Maybe her trying to defend a track she penned or something along those lines? Her approach to music is a viable target, especially the whole "music for the sake of music" idea can come across wrong in so many ways if, say, she has to respond to accusations about a lack of passion/emotion - especially with the band being in a dangerously "been around for too long / not exciting anymore" position?

Haven't worked out the details. Ugh.

Are the interrogations going to be individual, or will we have the chance of accidentally turning an interview into an argument between bandmates?
@eheu Interrogations will start off individually because you'll be in charge of your own reporter NPC and any questions they ask, your character will answer. However, there will be times the questions will have multiple answers from multiple band members. In that case, argument time. Lolllls.

And that's a potentially fun idea! Klara could drag Lilian out to have fun. Lol maybe they had a little more fun and Klara kept encouraging her to drink. I'm not sure what you want Lilian to say or do so that'll be up to you.


I was thinking maybe someone got the drift that Klara and Saul have some kind of inner bitterness towards each other. But they're suppose to play out the happy loving band image so maybe Klara could be like, No please, I love Saul. Look how cute he is. And Saul could either agree or disagree with her? Lol I don't know unless you have other plans in store for Saul.
FirePolaris said:
"It's okay Saul, there will always be someone better than you."
HOW TO PISS SAUL OFF 101 I'M LAUGHING SO HARD. Then he would have been all bitter-smiling and trying to be show-offy however he can for like the next week.

Pffft Kade trying to find leverage Saul is a closet brony he even has a ponysona pass it on.

I'll try to see if I can come up with ideas for rumors and scandals. Looks like I'm going to be doing some research in a moment on what sort of stupid shit goes down in Hollywood. This idea just flashed in my mind, but maybe one of the stranger rumors floating around could be that Saul is actually a trans man l ol. because he's so smol and his voice isn't exactly deep and he can be slightly flamboyant i guess i mean he isn't exactly a dudebro and the really weird underground part of the fandom is over here trying to speculate on tit size

But yeaaaaah I could totally see that happening! Like, if anyone ever asked if he hated Klara (even within the band), he would vehemently deny it and go into gushing mode. Ex. dialogue, "Oh, uh, no! I mean, how could I? Klara's honestly just... such a delight to be around. She's so funny, I mean, I really do love her. We end up playing around a lot, it's a lot of fun." And so Saul accidentally makes a really dirty innuendo (that's the best I can think of atm), and as is in his nature, he would have no idea what he had said and one of his bandmates would have to have sat him down and explain some things to him. I can imagine the interviewers continuing to pry, and him having no idea about it, and just adding on to the problem with answers like "Oh, she said that? ... Yeah, I mean, she's cute too, absolutely." i'm laughing so hard at all of this and then it isn't until after the fuck that he realizes what he's started This is something he kind of does regardless of the band policy of acting like a happy family. I guess it's an inconvenience to him or something when people find out he hates them???? I mean look at how much he kissed Dante's ass lmfao.


eheu said:
Can't help imagining Lillain trying to do a part of a composition and filling in something "correct" theory-wise and then one of the more raw-talent players in the band (Saul/Klara) just effortlessly coming up with something else very clever, and leaving Lillian baffled over the fact that she didn't think of that - because there is little correlation between being capable of explaining why something works brilliantly and being capable of being capable of actually coming up with that something, and Lillian probably leans much towards the former.
Oh, yeah. If I were her, I would be pissed off because Saul quite literally NEVER practices outside of rehearsal. It honestly probably shows sometimes, but I guess if Klara had made the proper """""challenging""""" statement he may obsess over perfecting something, but he wouldn't want anyone to SEE him having to work so hard. So... yeah, as far as Lilian knows, he never practices (unless he couldn't figure out any easy way to write off bringing his bass with him).

eheu said:
I have this probably non-accurate mental imagine of Saul considering Lillian this very boring no-nonsense person and making it one of his minor life goals to mess with her (mostly because Lillian, even being angry/upset about things, is still mostly harmless, and...probably amusing to him in some way?).
Saul doesn't exactly think Lilian is as entertaining as Leah or Klara, but in his little hierarchy of people, at least Lillian isn't as SINFULLY dull as he thinks Cassie is. (Seriously, in his own way that he isn't even fully aware of, he probably hates Cassandra more than anyone in the band.) I think any attempt to bother her would just be kind of the usual sort of mini-social experiments that he performs on anyone. It wouldn't be anything that she would notice, I don't think. Probably just him acting weird tbqh, but he wouldn't try that any time early on when they're getting used to the idea of rooming with each other (I'll just say he's too freaked out to think about how logically he should be rooming with Ben and then at a certain point he's comfortable enough with the arrangement that he doesn't care to bring it up).

eheu said:
Messiness possibly elevates back to normal levels a few months in, though - the band house is probably not comfortable enough for Lillian to all-out slouch around in, but she won't be able to keep up the extreme diligence in organising things all the time.
Mmmmm yes. I think Saul may have made similar slip-ups in neatness so their room just sort of unconsciously morphed to something... normal, dare I say. I'm assuming that their room at it's natural state is still rather tidy, though. Probably no clothes on the floor and most things on desks and stuff or pushed up against the wall, maybe? At least you can PROBABLY find things.

eheu said:
So, uh, the bottom line it's agreed that this couch thing probably did happen in canon history, then? If so, would it be more of a secret thing no-one talks about anymore, or one of the anecdotal stories that get brought up once in a while in interviews and such?
I'm calling it canon. *nod nods* Maybe that depends on Lilian? I can't imagine Sim having any problem with telling people if it gets brought up. I don't think he sees it as something significant ('cause y'know THIS fucker was over here cozying up to having the bed all to himself).

eheu said:
My headcanon of Lillian sleeping is actually that she's incapable of staying still when sleeping as well? Probably tossing around / rolling up the blankets and things. That's likely also one of the things about herself she really doesn't like but can't really change. So uh, potential hilarity.
*gigglesnorts* saul waking up in the middle of a bad dream and then oH GOD WHAT JUST KICKED MY LEG oh wait

eheu said:
Taking her and Saul's personalities into consideration, though, there's actually a chance that they'd end up having this agreement about tolerating each other's behaviour when sleeping and, and about just...not bringing up the topic?
Yeah, I don't think they would ever bring it up, unless one of them just so happened to be REALLY TIRED and kind of let a comment slip haha.

eheu said:
I think Saul will quickly learn to easily discern between Lillian just wanting to complain about things, and her actually trying to make a conversation happen. (If he's okay with the theatrical complaining, this is actually a lot healthier than it seems?)
If he's willing to talk about them, his nightmares will make a neat conversation topic maybe. If Saul's reactions of suddenly waking up are severe enough, Lillian will probably ask.
Yes yes and yes. I don't picture Saul ever waking up TOO abruptly from them. If anything, he may just kind of shudder and then he's awake. I know Hollywood has people shooting straight up into a sitting position and panting rly hard but that's something I've never personally seen happen. xD So I think it may go unnoticed by her, since that reaction can be written off as some other cause. The most disruptive thing will probably just be when he gets up to grab something to drink/whatever other biological need, and sometimes just flat out gives up on sleeping for the next few hours (I imagine him going to sit/lie on the floor with his tablet so that the light doesn't disturb her). That she could just chalk up to general restlessness (not entirely untrue) and it's up to you if she would ever inquire about this further. If she DID ask, he probably wouldn't mind sharing (tho that depends on the nightmare) but I think he usually can't remember what he was dreaming about too well.

eheu said:
But uh, if there's anything Saul does that seems interesting enough for Lillian to go over to ask about it (or the other way around) - having some common topic probably makes sustaining a conversation between them a lot easier, and as you said - three years is probably enough for them to move past just acquaintance status.
Yeah, that could be a thing. Idk about any specific examples... I used to have it where Saul would just draw kind of casually sometimes (pen sketches of some kind of surreal shit) but I'm not entirely sure if I want to keep that as a trait for him. :I Without anyone's demise to plot, he might be a little lacking in the hobby department rn. But overall yeah, I'm sure there were enough casual instances where they could strike up small talk and go from there. *nod nods*

eheu said:
(I get the feeling that the direction of this development went a lot from the two of them only staying out of each other's way, towards them attaining a mutual agreement so that they'll have someone/someplace to not have to maintain that exaggerated degree of composure. I kind of like that.)
Yeah, I think that sums it all up pretty nicely. They aren't exactly the most chummy of people, but they tolerate each other at the absolute worst haha.
Alright ! Sounds good guys. Klara will be up tomorrow afternoon ish and yes, she has a terrible sleeping habit @eheu.

Omg if Lilian sleeps outside for the first couple of nights they became a band, Klara is going to think Saul is some kind of pervert and Lilian is trying to stay away from him. Lol while she didn't voice it to him, she probably mentioned it to Leah & Cassie as a warning. LOL anyways her suspicion probably disappeared after year one but it's still pretty funny to think about.

And leave it to Klara to know how to piss people off. :D
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FirePolaris said:
Omg if Lilian sleeps outside for the first couple of nights they became a band, Klara is going to think Saul is some kind of pervert and Lilian is trying to stay away from him. Lol while she didn't voice it to him, she probably mentioned it to Leah & Cassie as a warning. LOL anyways her suspicion probably disappeared after year one but it's still pretty funny to think about.

Leah's over he smhing really hard and "Well he is a Scorpio."

I cannot believe oh dear. I think misunderstandings may be the biggest thing that defines this Klara/Saul dynamic.

Lillian is not very visually artistic. She has her preferences in style and admires pretty things, but when it comes to actually drawing or crafts she would be at a total loss, so she'd probably be quite impressed by his casual sketches if she ever gets to see them. I'm picturing them to be the morbid sort of surreal, though, and if so it may raise some concerns about his actuall personality (In the earliest days Lillian would probably notice the bratty part of his character first but the drawings are probably a strong sign that Saul's either more sophisticated or more twisted than he appears to be).

Incidental thought - would Saul be someone who'd be willing to talk about philosophical things? Like, outlook on life, meaning, fear of death, all those things. I do imagine them showing up quite frequently as components of Lillian's theatrical ranting, especially when she's frustrated but has nothing to take it out on. Saul has the choice of judging her very hard about that, but I somehow have this feeling that he'd actually be willing to sulk along with her entertain a subject like that.

Aside from these bits I actually think we have quite sufficient grasp about the relationship up to this point? Much thanks for the discussion.


FirePolaris said:
Omg if Lilian sleeps outside for the first couple of nights they became a band, Klara is going to think Saul is some kind of pervert and Lilian is trying to stay away from him.
I don't know if Klara would also approach Lillian about it but if she does, Lillian will be very desperately trying to convince her that it's not the case (depending on Klara, this might or might not work as expected.) She'll be trying to write it off as something very insignificant, mostly because the situation alone is awkward and stressful enough and she doesn't need the extra complications that are other people's opinions - but then again, while it'd be apparent, Lillian won't be outright asking Klara to keep it as a secret so...anything Klara does with that information is up to you.

FirePolaris said:
And that's a potentially fun idea! Klara could drag Lilian out to have fun. Lol maybe they had a little more fun and Klara kept encouraging her to drink. I'm not sure what you want Lilian to say or do so that'll be up to you.
As for this, yeah.

I totally imagine Lillian just tagging along at first and like half an hour in she would somehow have managed to convince herself that making a serious to finish an entire bottle of vodka is a good idea.

Not sure what ensues next, though. Open for suggestions - if Klara is terrible enough a person to dare Lillian to anything at that point, Lillian would probably not be sober enough to remember the fact that Klara probably doesn't mean like, 80% of the things that she says.

Ordinarily I would have gone for the bar fight scenario, but with the characters being celebrities and the personality of this particular character, I'm not convinced that it'll work out that well.

Augh, no idea, really. I will now cry for help as I proceed to go to sleep.
eheu said:
I'm picturing them to be the morbid sort of surreal, though, and if so it may raise some concerns about his actuall personality (In the earliest days Lillian would probably notice the bratty part of his character first but the drawings are probably a strong sign that Saul's either more sophisticated or more twisted than he appears to be).
*considers re-applying this to the character even more now* Ehehe, yeah, it's very contrary to the way he generally tries to present himself. It would definitely be some morbid surreal things. I always imagined it being a really rough style with a lot more sharp angles and disproportions than what you would find in a realistic style. These sketches could be vulgar, violent, flat out strange, and sometimes gross. Like, if he ever does try to do something a little more neat, it would put a great deal of emphasis on things that people wouldn't necessarily want to see, like a man with an exaggerated amount of rolls on him, and maybe a gruesome look at someone's eye (crusty, eye boogers, emphasis on veins), stuff like that. If this is a thing (and I'm imagining it's a hobby that he just kind of picks up randomly, sometimes with long months of never drawing anything but then also it's just not something he's really serious about). Saul wouldn't ever say that she can't look, but he would probably say something to try to dissuade her like "Oh, it's not that good, really" or "I don't think it's anything you'd really want to see."

eheu said:
Incidental thought - would Saul be someone who'd be willing to talk about philosophical things? Like, outlook on life, meaning, fear of death, all those things. I do imagine them showing up quite frequently as components of Lillian's theatrical ranting, especially when she's frustrated but has nothing to take it out on. Saul has the choice of judging her very hard about that, but I somehow have this feeling that he'd actually be willing to sulk along with her entertain a subject like that.
It really depends. He loves thinking philosophy, talking philosophy, but he's very guarded about what he's willing to share. First, she'd have to directly ask him for his permission. At first, he would probably keep his answers short and somewhat vague. At this point, Saul's paranoia is bordering on how paranoid he is around Klara, and if Lilian shows any sign of judging him, he will probably revert back to fluffing up his answers with what he thinks she would want to hear. As long as whatever she says is something that he could consider an intelligent and well-formed idea (drunk ramblings aside, which he would just be amused by), the only thing that she needs to worry about from him is him looking a little surprised, but he may (cautiously) reciprocate what she says well enough. In his own way, he's very open-minded. If Lilian manages to consistently show that she won't judge him, he could begin to open up to her, but it would take a lot of work to totally get him to have an honest conversation with her, but it's not impossible and that would be an interesting dynamic that he has with absolutely no one else. At the very least Saul's totally 100% down to show a bit of dark humor and he may even accidentally let that slip sometimes even if she doesn't seem to take well to it whoops.
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