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Realistic or Modern ⋆✩ ☆ Reach for the S t a r s

I will not allow this to die yet. o3o

People are probably just really busy with school and such....they'll be back.

Right (:'()
Still waiting on @Trace @Pine @Amaranthine @Banana Panda

I'm pretty sure we lost two people at the moment. @Pine is waiting for Trace, I believe. I have two midterms next week so I'm going to be quite MIA for a few days until midterm week is over.

What are your suggestions with our keyboardist and rapper? I believe Trace might be back but I think Banana is gone.
I really have no ideas. I mean, we could go without them but I have no alternatives besides replacing them. But I guess it's up to you guys.
GiannaCoco said:
I really have no ideas. I mean, we could go without them but I have no alternatives besides replacing them. But I guess it's up to you guys.
I feel like we're at a part of the role play where it's hard for people to jump in and just kind of join the crew. I might have to double up or kill them off or find a way to get rid of them all together. Ugh I just wish it wasn't midterm week next week so I got more time on my hands. Let me know if anyone got other ideas while I figure out what to do with our dead crew members.
Guh, I really need to get a post in. I should do that today. *shakes fist at future self*

I think luckily a rapper isn't essential to the genre of music that these guys are delving in, as far as I can tell. If anything, we could maybe just have the band collaborate with some NPCs that could be like, depending, some people trying to make a name for themselves through YouTube or something. A keyboardist... slightly more essential. I would have to think about that, because I feel like if we do replace one of these people at this point, it should be with someone that one of us has roleplayed with in the past and we know won't drop a roleplay on us. Unfortunately, these people seem to be pretty rare (which especially seems to be the case in the realistic genre if you ask me) and I don't know anyone off the top of my head that would be interested. I would also say think that... well... the band really doesn't need two bass players, but that would really change the dynamic between Saul and Klara, and that's probably one of my favorite relationships that we have left. :/ rip in pieces zadie

Someone had previously suggested that one of the members got into a car crash. Idk how much I like the idea, myself, but a coma would be pretty convenient for if we wanted to leave open the possibility for them to return in the future, and that could also stir up quite a bit of drama.
Pine said:
Guh, I really need to get a post in. I should do that today. *shakes fist at future self*
I think luckily a rapper isn't essential to the genre of music that these guys are delving in, as far as I can tell. If anything, we could maybe just have the band collaborate with some NPCs that could be like, depending, some people trying to make a name for themselves through YouTube or something. A keyboardist... slightly more essential. I would have to think about that, because I feel like if we do replace one of these people at this point, it should be with someone that one of us has roleplayed with in the past and we know won't drop a roleplay on us. Unfortunately, these people seem to be pretty rare (which especially seems to be the case in the realistic genre if you ask me) and I don't know anyone off the top of my head that would be interested. I would also say think that... well... the band really doesn't need two bass players, but that would really change the dynamic between Saul and Klara, and that's probably one of my favorite relationships that we have left. :/ rip in pieces zadie

Someone had previously suggested that one of the members got into a car crash. Idk how much I like the idea, myself, but a coma would be pretty convenient for if we wanted to leave open the possibility for them to return in the future, and that could also stir up quite a bit of drama.
I'd really love to have Zadie back but I think we'll just go on and pretend she never existed. I may have another character to be introduced in as a new rapper/keyboardist (if no one comes back) in the future. This is probably after midterms is over and I got some more free time. In any case, I don't know when @GiannaCoco @Sasil @Pine @Amaranthine @Myrrh Scented

I think those are 5 we have left. [/block]
I do have a back up idea but I'm not sure if it'll work out. If it does work out, I'll let you guys know but if it doesn't work out, we'll just continue with the coma routine.

ACTUALLY thinking back now, there's someone that I was recently-ish in a roleplay with that stuck around for an incredibly long time and was a p damn good roleplayer. I don't really know their roleplay preferences intimately, but I think she could potentially be my number one on reliable people that I could bug, if need be? :U

I'm a-okay with Saul getting roughed up a bit, but if we're leaving some members goes unharmed, I'd rather be on that boat (just because everyone else is so enthusiastic and Dante getting hurt is giving me ideas heuheu).

I hope I'll get off my ass and post soon. I do have a bit of homework I need to do tomorrow and a v important episode of Gotham to watch though, so I'm not making any promises of when (considering how well that went last time).
@GiannaCoco @Sasil @Amaranthine

Let me know. I'm going to probably disappear until Friday when all midterms are done and I'll regain some life again.
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TO be honest I am happy with either way. Perhaps more characters would make it a bit more lively or it could slow the rp down. Though things have been going pretty slow as it is so maybe that won't happen.

Though thats not a problem either because life is life. It gets in the way and I totally understand that. I'm trying to get used to my new work schedule as of know so I have been a little less then active but I assure you I am still here stalking and watching O.o

In short; I'm with either having the car crash or merging xD
Ahhh... my opinion is the same as Sasil's. I'm satisfied, and will definitely be excited with either options and I don't really have anything else to mention.

Keyboardist: Klara @FirePolaris

Drummer: Ben @Sasil

I haven't heard from @Amaranthine for a while. If we don't hear from her at the end of this week, @NessieAlways will be the lead singer. [/center]

I hope this is alright with everyone. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Once Nessie and Eheu place their CS up, I'll let everyone know how to incorporate them into our role play. As of now, @Trace and @Banana Panda's characters will cease to exist. RIP.

Hey guys!

I'm Nessie!

Thank you all for having Eheu and me in your wonderful roleplay!

I'll have my lovely obnoxious Leah up later. I'm cramming for a test that I'm more than 100%sure I'll fail.

Looking forward to RPing with you guys!
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xD Nah, it's fine. I needed to get off my ass and write something. I also wasn't sure if we were going to bring in the new people as if oldbies never existed or post-coma and I probably should have asked lmaoooo.


Re-working relationships will be interesting. *rubs palms* If Klara was never the bass player, then Saul's kind of competitive side would never have reared up with her, and I'm trying to figure out how that would have changed things hmhm. It might just be the same thing minus that dash of hatred he had for her every now and again... maybe.

(screams internally at the cast of this roleplay these are all amazing writers and people and hello @Pine I am so glad to have the opportunity to write with you again)

I currently have some complications going on in life, and also had a few questions I had to clear with @FirePolaris regarding this merge, so the character sheet might only be up a bit later. Apologies in advance for the wait.
Coolio. I'll be waiting on those cs's.

And heyyy. Welcome Nessie and eheu! I'll be looking forward to RPing with you too~
Awesome! Midterms are officially over for a week for me which means I'll have this weekend to play fix it Felix and update everyone on this role play. Thank you for sticking by me and hopefully everyone will be consistent this time around.

I do love Klara's and Saul's rivalry and her sarcastic quips towards him. I've spoken to @eheu and we figured out the spots. Klara will maintain her bassist position and I'm super excited to see @eheu character for the guitarist!

Ehehe, as am I. I'm sure at this point this roleplay won't fizzle out after just a few posts, either, so that's good lmao.

*pats you* Good luck with sorting out irl things! ;w;


Ooooooh I'm okay with this. So... three guitarists? xD
Pine said:
*pats you* Good luck with sorting out irl things! ;w;
Thank you. You do not know how much I needed that good luck.

Pine said:
Ooooooh I'm okay with this. So... three guitarists? xD
I was under the impression that my character, whoever he/she ends up to be, will be assuming the Keyboardist spot Klara left. I suspect a typo.

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