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Realistic or Modern ⋆✩ ☆ Reach for the S t a r s

Aw. Well, if it's anything you want to talk about, I'm all ears. u w u

That makes more sense, okay. xD *nod nods*
Just went through the current cast. Not entirely sure what I think of these people.

That was meant as a compliment. Most certainly.
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eheu said:
Just went through the current cast. Not entirely sure what I think of these people.

That was meant as a compliment. Most certainly.
Lol my usual thoughts will always be, "What a crazy bunch!"

And yesss I meant keyboardist. The 2-3 am thing was messing with my brain.
*peeks out from lurking*

Hey gang. I have the weekend off so I I'm freer then I have been. But once work starts up again on Monday I will be kindaish busy but not? You know work-like stuff.

Anywho glad to see some more familiar faces!
Finally got my CS up!

Everybody meet Leah!

Leah: "Hi everybody! "


Po just let me know if I need to change anything and what her position will be.

Leah: "Oh can I play banjo? I've always wanted to play banjo!"

Me: No Leah.

Leah: "Aww but..."

Me: No.
Rightio. I need to get the new relationships done.

@NessieAlways ~ Honestly? I'm sad for Cassie because of a few things. Leah is taller than Cassie, like everybody else in the band! Red hair signature? Nope, that's gone. Well, at least Cassie's hair is a brighter shade of red. And we have another fashionista over here too! *sighs*

But. Leah's really... likable, and bares a resemblance to her roommate Klara. Cassie is probably intrigued by Leah's interests in the zodiac and Greek mythology (both which I am also obsessed with). Though she's always cautious to believe anything anything the girl says. It isn't a turn off really, and it doesn't affect their relationship at all since Cass likes to keep relationships anyway. Cassie thinks it's just annoying and unconscientious.

In short, I'd say... friends? I guess?

At one other note, I think Leah is a little bit too young. The cs sheet that Pola (right? just checking) posted required the ages to be between 22-26. So add a year in there, will ya? (I think, maybe.)

And, I personally looooove Leah. I see a little bit of me in this one especially asking the lines of her interests. (o'v'o)

(Why do I feel like I have too much to say in this post?)
Dropping a heads-up here for the rest of the members: I've got a first draft of a character sheet sent to @FirePolaris by private conversation first, since I will be using a character different from the one I played in Aim for the Sky for this, and I figured it would be best to have any problems sorted out on the sheet before I make anything official by posting in the signups thread.

Sorry for the wait, folks.
Don't sweat it, eheu. We can wait. :'D


Mmmmmm oooooh Leah is fun and interesting but maaaaan those puns were painful. xD

For your reference, Saul's a Scorpio. I can't remember if I ever wrote his birthday down (shame on me), but I remember that for a fact, at least haha. I don't think he would have any qualms with sharing that tidbit of information if she ever asked.

I can't help but think that his view of Leah just depends on the time of the day. Kind of like Klara (and I can see him drawing a lot of parallels between them) he was probably put off by her extreme extroversion, but warmed up to her for her quirks. I can imagine him being enamored by her rapid-fire puns and cringing at them the next, and if he ever caught her in one of her lies (catching any contradiction with something she said in the past), he would just be amused by that. He has a tendency to lie about his past, too, if anyone ever presses to ask, but he would get some sense of superiority by being "better at it" (as he perceives). On the other hand, I can't really think of anything she would say that could offend him at the moment, but I'm sure there's something. It all just seems so situational and maybe they're on shaky grounds (in his opinion), but I'm not sure?? Oh but he would love to let Sonic crawl all over him if she would let him.
Sorry guys. Midterms were over so I went home and played games all day. I'm back and ready to get things started.


;D Leah looks good. Her age does have to be 22-26 but her position can remain as the lead singer.


I meant to reply a lot sooner but I forgot. ;D Feel free to put your CS up.

And I think we might have lost @Amaranthine so Leah will be our lead singer. Furthermore, I'm hoping we still have @Myrrh Scented. I will have to rearrange sleeping situations and everything once everyone's CS is up. Since @Amaranthine is gone and she was sharing a room with Ben, Leah might have to take her spot HAHA. I mean :( poor Leah.
FirePolaris said:
Sorry guys. Midterms were over so I went home and played games all day. I'm back and ready to get things started.

;D Leah looks good. Her age does have to be 22-26 but her position can remain as the lead singer.


I meant to reply a lot sooner but I forgot. ;D Feel free to put your CS up.

And I think we might have lost @Amaranthine so Leah will be our lead singer. Furthermore, I'm hoping we still have @Myrrh Scented. I will have to rearrange sleeping situations and everything once everyone's CS is up. Since @Amaranthine is gone and she was sharing a room with Ben, Leah might have to take her spot HAHA. I mean :( poor Leah.
I think this is more of a poor Ben situation xD

Leah will be totes cool with it =P

And okay!

I'll add a year to her

Leah: "Yay! Happy Birthday to me!"
NessieAlways said:
I think this is more of a poor Ben situation xD
This gun be good.

Also, got the character sheet up, now open to discussions regarding impressions/relationships/whatnot.

Update: Got started with a list of impressions & possible relationships between Lillian and everyone else. Haven't got the time to finish it and I'm heading off to rest now. See you folks tomorrow.
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I admit here that actually really have no idea about the relationships.

First impressions with Lillian depend largely on circumstances, so it’d probably be easy to conspire on past events so that the current relationships turn go in the direction one would want it to. Also, since there are now seven members in the RP and two people per room, I have no way to anticipate where she’d end up, so there’s that variable there.

That said, a rough take on everything. Here goes.

Klara @GiannaCoco

Lillian will probably greatly appreciate Cassie’s efforts to keep everyone in line. She’ll also probably find the bit about nudging bandmates to work harder particularly agreeable, since she is herself the more rigorous sort of musician. Will probably especially feel the need to keep up with the diligence when around her - a good thing.

From what I’m getting from the CS and how you write her, a lot of Cassie probably just goes on in her head without her ever showing it. Lillian will likely find that amusing if confusing sometimes, but probably won’t ask about it.

She’ll find her admirable in general, so mutual respect, most likely? And if things go well in the beginning, possibly friendship; but probably more “work friends” than anything close.

Saul @Pine

Oh, this person.

I honestly believe that everything about this relationship depends on his end. Provided that Saul doesn’t find a reason to hate her first, then...sure. They could be on okay terms. Lillian would agree with the logic and rationality, and know herself to be no-one to question his morals. I imagine maybe a couple little arguments with his tendency to do ridiculous things with his riffs in rehearsals, but Lillian will much appreciate how he doesn’t let it slip on performances.

Anecdotal: I don’t know how bothered his is over the bit about him being the shortest male member of the band, but he will notice at some point that he’s also the only male member of the band to not be taller than all the girls. If this is of any importance to a relationship.

Lillian will not take sides on the quarrel between the two bassists because they are the same in that giving her that much less to do with her left hand.

Kade @FirePolaris

Probably considers him a nice person but a terrible boss.

It’s mostly the part about last-minute notifications about things conflicting with the part of Lillian that obsesses over having events nicely labelled on a calendar so that they were predictable. She’ll certainly be bothered about this, but while she complains, she’d try her best to comply with all that he asks for, since she knows that Kade most certainly knows what he’s doing.

Leah @NessieAlways

Actually the person Lillian is most likely to develop a healthy friendship with in this cast, when I think about it.

It has less to do with anything about Leah that’s particularly likeable, but the fact that there’s really not much in her that Lillian really dislikes, and that’s really important. Yes, the puns can probably get overwhelming sometimes, but it isn’t something in particular that she’d mind.

Also, Lillian is partially just re-written from Heather in Aim for the Sky, and with Lillian’s personality the Libra joke probably still works. I intend to keep it.

And that would be all.
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Kind of getting worried about @Myrrh Scented here but we can go on with 5 people, right guys? (8)) My quick thoughts before I go to bed with midterm anxiety.


Kade & Lilian: Being the more quiet and reserved type, Kade probably likes Lilian and likes that she doesn't challenge him. He'll probably tease or mess with her from time to time but otherwise, he's fairly indifferent to her. Kade likes picking on the quiet type so he probably gave her a lot more work than other people just for fun.

Klara & Lilian: Being the more rambunctious and loud, I could see their personality differing a little bit. But Klara likes to talk to people and will possibly force Lilian into a conversation even if it's just Klara rambling about her day. I could see Klara trying to bring Lilian to do things with her (forcefully I may add). They probably are okay with each other as long as Lilian isn't the type to complain and nag.

Phew alright off to bed guys. <3
FirePolaris said:
midterm anxiety.
Best of luck on midterms, I type, ten minutes before heading off to my own midterns.

FirePolaris said:
Kade likes picking on the quiet type so he probably gave her a lot more work than other people just for fun.
That is so morally not okay.

But uh, as long as it's not unmanageable amounts of it, just keeping up with the work she might find less of a hassle than trying to talk Kade into changing anything.

FirePolaris said:
as long as Lilian isn't the type to complain and nag.
You have erroneously assumed that Lillian starting conversations is not at least 60% complaining about things. It's the immediately discernible, "I can live with this but I just want to blame things for other things" complaining that's not entirely serious, so...not sure if that changes anything with the relationship.

Lillian is totally going to be okay with Klara bringing her to do things, though. Klara being one of the people Lillian is alright with having fun with seems reasonable.

Aaaaaaand midterms.
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Oh no, I wasn't trying to assume anything. Klara will probably be the type to start conversations but I meant as long as Lilian doesn't play "mother" with Klara, I think they should be quite cordial with one another. As for Kade, he's a horrible person but it's easier for him to take advantage of the quiet than those who opposes him.

And yesss, midterms. Lol I did fairly well, thank god.


Klara & Leah:

I think Klara and Leah would have a lot in common with their whole happy exterior. I think Klara would find Leah's puns to be really funny and she probably sucks at making puns so she'll just laugh at them. They should be pretty good friends since they're not rooming together LOL. Furthermore, I'm not sure if you want the group to find out Leah's lying habits since they've known each other for 3 years now. But if Klara does happen to find out Leah's compulsive lying habits, she probably would be pretty wary about the things she says. That may put a small strain in their relationships. Any other ideas?

Kade & Leah:

Lol I think he'll be pretty amused by her. Kade again finds anyone who follows his orders to be completely agreeable. I might have more ideas tomorrow once I'm more awake haha.
Emg I think I am holding this up. I greatly apologise. I will work on my little ideas with the two new characters just after breakfast! Sorry again!
Dear god, I think the worst thing about creating a role play is watching it go down because people just disappear on you. I love this concept and as much as I want it to work, I don't know how far we can go and I'm not really sure how many people are still here. So if you're still interested in continuing, please let me know so I can figure out what to do.

Thanks guys!
OKAY. Since I am behind I am going to catch up.


Ben and Leah are going to have fun as roommates (Going to be nice and not to awkward.)

I can also see, for relationship wise (I am unsure if you have started the idea how the two get along I couldn't find it in the thread so I am going off that you havent done so yet. If I am wrong I apologize.) I think Ben and Leah would get a long pretty well. Though he may find Leah's jokes kind of random to begin with but he can't help stifling a chuckle or two. Even if the situation calls for him being silent. He likes bad jokes. Though he really hates getting lied to so I think in the time that they have known each other, if he caught her in a lie that is, he would probably call her on it.

That being said they are just a few ideas. Let me know what you think.


I agree with you. I think the two probably have a understanding of some sort. Like you said I think Ben is pretty laid back about most things unless you say or do something that really pushes his button does he really pull out all the giant Russian. Maybe they work well together on some things.

My brain is dead I'm sorry ; u;

Come on guys we can't let this die.

I've had a hellish week full of needing to studying and not studying and gah. I'm still and forever here ofc.

I'll reply fully to all things tomorrow but I need to go to sleep now oops.
Same here. More exams and deadlines and all in this upcoming week, but still, here.


I read your cs forever ago and just never got around to making a comment ahhhhh.

SO Saul doesn't mind the height thing. In fact, he probably didn't even notice until some random day months later. He was maybe mildly exasperated by the height thing at first, but it didn't take long for him to remember that the other guys are RIDICULOUSLY TALL so he's just kind of taken it with an almost... morbid sense of humor now lol.

Overall I find myself agreeing with you. Like, first glance, he probably wouldn't think much about her. She seems compliant and adjusts to the people around him, and... he's kind of the same way, so I think they would mostly just be staying out of each other's way, if that makes sense? Early on he would just be wrapped up with figuring out how to cope with those that he find... less agreeable. If we're talking specifically about the guitar rift thing, that would just be Lillian taking his bait, so he would mostly be amused by any attempt for her to bicker with him in that moment and he'll probably troll her a little bit. I doubt she would appreciate that, but those instances are so few and far between, I don't think that there would be any long-lasting feelings from it.

Basically, there would have to be something very circumstantial and almost random for him to move them past that acquaintance status. I can't think of anything right now, but maybe we could work something out if you want to? *crawls over to thinking corner*

Also with the possibility of Dante no longer being a thing, that may end up changing the dynamics of Saul's relationship with everyone. He kind of has a hierarchy of hate and without that pedestal there at the top... xD
;D Yay! So it looks like we have everyone here but Dante (Myrrh). Andd that's alright, we have 6 people and characters. I've decided and we're going to start over on a new IC2 to make it easier for everyone to interact without having to delete posts and all the confusion. I have to go to class now so I'll talk to you guys in like three to four hours! :<
GiannaCoco said:
@NessieAlways ~ Honestly? I'm sad for Cassie because of a few things. Leah is taller than Cassie, like everybody else in the band! Red hair signature? Nope, that's gone. Well, at least Cassie's hair is a brighter shade of red. And we have another fashionista over here too! *sighs*
But. Leah's really... likable, and bares a resemblance to her roommate Klara. Cassie is probably intrigued by Leah's interests in the zodiac and Greek mythology (both which I am also obsessed with). Though she's always cautious to believe anything anything the girl says. It isn't a turn off really, and it doesn't affect their relationship at all since Cass likes to keep relationships anyway. Cassie thinks it's just annoying and unconscientious.

In short, I'd say... friends? I guess?

At one other note, I think Leah is a little bit too young. The cs sheet that Pola (right? just checking) posted required the ages to be between 22-26. So add a year in there, will ya? (I think, maybe.)

And, I personally looooove Leah. I see a little bit of me in this one especially asking the lines of her interests. (o'v'o)
Cassie is the quiet type so I can see Leah trying to break her out of her shell a bit.

Probably not to the point of making Cassie wild but at least enough to be part of conversations instead of listening in.

Leah isn't trying to take away the signature red hair or Cassie's fashionista title, but reading that she's self absorbed, I can see where Cassie would feel threatened? Is that what you meant by your first sentence? Leah wouldn't read too much into it and would actually just let Cassie have her moment in the spotlight. She'd make jokes about Cassie being a music princess though. Oh yes...those will come your way xD

Friends would be good for the two =)

Pine said:
Mmmmmm oooooh Leah is fun and interesting but maaaaan those puns were painful. xD
For your reference, Saul's a Scorpio. I can't remember if I ever wrote his birthday down (shame on me), but I remember that for a fact, at least haha. I don't think he would have any qualms with sharing that tidbit of information if she ever asked.

I can't help but think that his view of Leah just depends on the time of the day. Kind of like Klara (and I can see him drawing a lot of parallels between them) he was probably put off by her extreme extroversion, but warmed up to her for her quirks. I can imagine him being enamored by her rapid-fire puns and cringing at them the next, and if he ever caught her in one of her lies (catching any contradiction with something she said in the past), he would just be amused by that. He has a tendency to lie about his past, too, if anyone ever presses to ask, but he would get some sense of superiority by being "better at it" (as he perceives). On the other hand, I can't really think of anything she would say that could offend him at the moment, but I'm sure there's something. It all just seems so situational and maybe they're on shaky grounds (in his opinion), but I'm not sure?? Oh but he would love to let Sonic crawl all over him if she would let him.
Knowing that Saul's a Scorpio would be a heartbreak for Leah. She's and Aquarius and those two signs don't get along well.

The two signs have a lot of communication issues, so I can see Leah trying to make up for that by talking a lot to Saul and trying to better their communication.

If they both hide things about their past Leah could seek him for comfort when ever she's said a big lie or one that she regrets, which isn't often. She wouldn't tell him straight on, "I lied," but just being around him would make her feel not so judged. She would be oblivious to him trying to be a better liar than her, but if she were to ever find out, Leah would take on the challenge and purposefully lie to him or in front of him drawing out her competitive side.

If they're on shaky grounds Leah might try to win him over once in a while which might to good at times, but then she'd just slip up and cause them to be on shaky grounds again. I could see them having a roller coaster friendship. Sometimes they're on good terms, other Leah's trying to get him to like her, and others they probably wont even acknowledge each other's presence.

Oh and yes, Saul can play with Sonic =)

eheu said:
Actually the person Lillian is most likely to develop a healthy friendship with in this cast, when I think about it.
It has less to do with anything about Leah that’s particularly likeable, but the fact that there’s really not much in her that Lillian really dislikes, and that’s really important. Yes, the puns can probably get overwhelming sometimes, but it isn’t something in particular that she’d mind.

Also, Lillian is partially just re-written from Heather in Aim for the Sky, and with Lillian’s personality the Libra joke probably still works. I intend to keep it.
If the joke still works then Leah would totally eat up that part of it treating Lillian is if she really was outgoing and sociable.

If they did have a healthy friendship, Leah would treasure it a lot.

They'd have a friendship that would be made up of Leah talking enough for both of them, but she'd still be mindful of Lillian's say in certain situations. She'd stick by also seeing that Libra and Aquarius are the best match. Leah might even consider Lillian her best friend based on their zodiacs even if all Lillian wants to do is run away from her.

FirePolaris said:
Klara & Leah:
I think Klara and Leah would have a lot in common with their whole happy exterior. I think Klara would find Leah's puns to be really funny and she probably sucks at making puns so she'll just laugh at them. They should be pretty good friends since they're not rooming together LOL. Furthermore, I'm not sure if you want the group to find out Leah's lying habits since they've known each other for 3 years now. But if Klara does happen to find out Leah's compulsive lying habits, she probably would be pretty wary about the things she says. That may put a small strain in their relationships. Any other ideas?
Okay so Klara and Leah...

I feel like if Leah had an older sister it'd be Klara.

They're both bubbly and very extroverted, but Klara seems to have a sense of maturity that Leah lacks.

I can totally see the two of them going back an forth with jokes and puns. They'd be terrible, but both of the girls would find then incredibly funny.

Leah would love hanging out with Klara. They'd understand each other in so many levels it'd be like they're one person.

I do think the group can be aware of Leah's lying and even know her well enough now to notice when she's lying and when she isn't. I feel like most if not all of Leah's relationships could have a strain on them because of this, but she can't stop herself from not lying.

FirePolaris said:
Kade & Leah:
Lol I think he'll be pretty amused by her. Kade again finds anyone who follows his orders to be completely agreeable. I might have more ideas tomorrow once I'm more awake haha.
I don't know if Kade will be too happy with Leah xD

If he's meticulous, I can see there being some tension between the two with Leah's spontaneity. Leah wouldn't do it on purpose and would quickly apologize if she were to ever ruin one of his plans and would try to make up for it. This could probably lead to Leah following his orders most of the time.

If he takes on the therapist role, however, Leah might patch up their tension by talking to him a lot. She wouldn't do it with the intention of making him like her, she'd just talk for the fun of it. That's were his amusement of her would come in.

I can see these too having a love/hate friendship going on. He loves her because she's amusing, but hates her because she's unpredictable and puts dents on his plans.

Sasil said:
Ben and Leah are going to have fun as roommates (Going to be nice and not to awkward.)
I can also see, for relationship wise (I am unsure if you have started the idea how the two get along I couldn't find it in the thread so I am going off that you havent done so yet. If I am wrong I apologize.) I think Ben and Leah would get a long pretty well. Though he may find Leah's jokes kind of random to begin with but he can't help stifling a chuckle or two. Even if the situation calls for him being silent. He likes bad jokes. Though he really hates getting lied to so I think in the time that they have known each other, if he caught her in a lie that is, he would probably call her on it.

That being said they are just a few ideas. Let me know what you think.
Ben and Leah roomies for life!!<3

Leah's going to either keep Ben up all night talking about nonsense or rock him sleep as she goes on and on. Leah does try to get along with most people so I don't see why she and Ben shouldn't be friends =)

Leah being all pretend psychic and what not was probably afraid of Ben at the beginning. Him having an angry aura and holding grudges. She used to tip toe around him, but once she got to know him and he warmed up to her jokes Leah became more comfortable around him.

I can see Ben being the person that makes Leah attempt to stop her lying. She doesn't want to lose his friendship and will think twice before lying to him. More times than not she'll actually go forth with her lies, but the rest of the time she'll just stay quiet preferring not to speak at all than to lie to him and ruin their friendship.
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