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Nation Building Re:Monster

general ostruppen

General Ostruppen

Character sheet

Your past life name?


How old were you before?




What was your past life like before you died?


Strengths and weaknesses you had before?


Your physical build before?



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Character sheet

Your past life name?

John Celeran

How old were you before?



John was a caring and nice person, he was the kind of guy who went out of his way to help those around him and generally cared for the world and it's inhabitants. John was the person who got up early and worked through the night. He was the kind of person the people around him liked to have around in a bad situation, and he was always the first person people would go to if they had an issue.

What was your past life like before you died?

John was a businessman, a cunning and intelligent one at that. He was on his way up in the world quickly before he was killed by a corporate agent sent from a rival company.

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?

John was intelligent and he knew his way around money well, a genious economist. He was also in good physical condition. However, he tended to work himself too hard without taking rests and his generosity proved exploitable.

Your physical build before?

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Character sheet

Your past life name?

Adam Lobe

How old were you before?



Calm and somewhat cold. He claims he sees the world objectively but in reality his interpretation is still clouded by his own emotions and pre-conceptions. He is very curious, but not in a good way, and will happily mess with anything just to see what will happen.​

What was your past life like before you died?

-A biologist with decent skill, but he performed much better if the subject interested him. He died when he fell into a freezing lake while gathering species samples.

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?

-Intelligent in his field, but lacking in social skills.

-Risk-taker, but never complained if his gamble didn't pay off, even when it killed him.

Your physical build before?


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Your past life name?


How old were you before?


Your physical build before?



It is often a challenge for Zephyr to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with his relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. Zephyr is imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy. Zephyr is quick, imaginative and strategic minded. He has high self-confidence, a strong sense of independence and can be very decisive. He is hard-working, determined, open-minded but most of all, Zephyr values being called a Jack-of-all-trades. However, he can be judgmental, overly analytical, loathing highly structured environments that suffocate those not born into them and his hopelessly obvious to romance.

What was your past life like before you died?

I was a former senator of the state of Hawaii, turned entrepreneur and philanthropist. I represented, supported and funded environmental groups, farmers, foresters, fishers and artists. I used my influenced to bring awareness and advocates to these professions. In doing so he brought down hunger rates, returned art to the rougher part of cities and helped the regrowth of forests and coral reefs. His accomplishments were well know within his community of friends but he keep to himself most of the time. He died during a tropical storm that changed trajectory and headed from Mexico to Hawaii. He was deep sea fishing when the storm suddenly swallowed him.​

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?

- He placed a high value on the safety of himself, his family and his friends. It kept him from going out to parties and other events in his life.

- He was kind by nature and just a generally nice guy that people enjoyed being around.​
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Past Life Name: Enrich Hartmann IV

How old were you when you died: 15

Personality: Cold, Uncaring a majority of the time, only cares about the well being of a select few and is really difficult to get a reaction out of him

Past Life: Kidnapped as a toddler, Erich spent his life as an elite child soldier, fighting in conflicts from Ukraine to Congo to the drug wars of Latin America,using a war style unseen since the 1700's, the strategies of the Caroleans, he died diving in a grenade to save his mercenary platoon

Strengths and Weaknesses:

+Good willed

+Can get people pumped up real quick

+Steady aim

-Inability to show mercy

-Gets hotheaded easily

-Doesn't trust nobody

Physical Build: Lean, yet Muscular
Character sheet

Your past life name?

- Tinkaa​

How old were you before?

- 28​


- Wishy-washy, have no goals and motivation in life, willing to help, yes-man, slow witted, easily panic, good at reading atmosphere, poor in communication​

What was your past life like before you died?

- Tinkaa was an engineer, eventhough he wasn't very good at it. He learnt some things about electrical and mechanical. His academic achievement is in bottom rank compared to all of his collagues engineer. He worked in a village. People of the village treated him well and often he was being feed by the villager. He used the small knowledge he know to make a practical tools for the villager. When he assumed that he was good enough to work in the city, he moved to the city. His skill wasn't valued in the city. The competition in city 'ate' him. He died in poverty.​

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?


good at reading atmosphere and people feeling

know basic practical engineering stuff

kind, really want to help


wishy washy

not really smart​

poor in communication

Your physical build before?

- tall and slightly skinny​
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[QUOTE="Fayr Kraudis]

Character sheet

Your past life name?

- Tinkaa​

How old were you before?

- 28​


- Wishy-washy, have no goals and motivation in life, willing to help, yes-man, slow witted, easily panic, good at reading atmosphere, poor in communication​

What was your past life like before you died?

- Tinkaa was an engineer, eventhough he wasn't very good at it. He learnt some things about electrical and mechanical. His academic achievement is in bottom rank compared to all of his collagues engineer. He worked in a village. People of the village treated him well and often he was being feed by the villager. He used the small knowledge he know to make a practical tools for the villager. When he assumed that he was good enough to work in the city, he moved to the city. His skill wasn't valued in the city. The competition in city 'ate' him. He died in poverty.​

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?


good at reading atmosphere and people feeling

know basic practical engineering stuff

kind, really want to help


wishy washy

not really smart​

poor in communication

Your physical build before?

- tall and slightly skinny​

Hey if you are going to join then Ima need your skype and I will deal with your other character sheet tommorow
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]Hey if you are going to join then Ima need your skype and I will deal with your other character sheet tommorow

I'm doing the wrong procedures to join in? Sorry for that.

About skype, I don't have any skype account. And to be honest I don't really know that my internet connection are good enough for me to use skype.
[QUOTE="Fayr Kraudis]I'm doing the wrong procedures to join in? Sorry for that.
About skype, I don't have any skype account. And to be honest I don't really know that my internet connection are good enough for me to use skype.

Its all fine and dandy, I don't need to make calls really. I just need to get ahold of yah and explain the 2nd cs you have to make. The one you have now is your first step completed.
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]Its all fine and dandy, I don't need to make calls really. I just need to get ahold of yah and explain the 2nd cs you have to make. The one you have now is your first step completed.

Oh, so that's it. Thank you for explaining it.

Other means of communication maybe? I don't have a skype account, or should I make one?
Character sheet

Your past life name?

✒Amelia Cyan J. Hale

How old were you before?

✒ 19 and a half


✒Looks at the good side of people, even if there are barely any in her own person. She looks harmless (mainly because she is... unless she is trying to survive), but her mind and heart have different, and darker, colors. She communicates like an innocent teen, always looking for work or a place to put her electronic knowledge on, and would often smile like a goofball, even if no one else was smiling with her.

✒In her efforts, she lived for herself, and only for herself. No one has changed it in her ever since.

What was your past life like before you died?

✒Cyan's family migrated to Japan after her father was hired to move there and assist a project. It was pretty short-term, and they didn't need to live there for long, but her parents seemed to have liked the community, and decided to settle in their small apartment with their three kids.

Her father was a kind man, and at times she would sit on his lap as he took things apart, built different things from it, and show them how it worked. That was where she got the interest to find how things work... especially computers.

Cyan was the youngest of the three siblings. Their oldest was Geno, 32 and married, and sometimes only stopped by for monthly dinners. The second, Yassi, was 23 and a single mom to a little boy, and worked at who knows where. Cyan would often hear them over meals, when they were together, talk of 'how things were before', and of things she didn't 'truly experience'. She was not fascinated of the life they once had, or as it used to be, and could not care less, but she did want to change one thing...

... and that thing appeared when her father lay dying of lung problems. Cyan stayed by his side as he struggled to breathe, trying his best to smile despite the pain, and she was the one to feel powerless and helpless when he could no longer gasp in the air he needed. She had been alone, shouting like a child for help that came too late.

Eventually her mother remarried, but Cyan refused to be tied down to one place, especially in a place she no longer felt at home. She left after ensuring herself that her family was better off without her, and vice versa.

She made money from her skills, but in the work force of Japan and the requirements of software companies, she was considered too young to enter professional careers, her experience degraded by most. Cyan had no choice but to work twice as hard to pay for her living and educational expenses.

On a weekday, it was rush hour, with main train stations packed with similarly hustling people. Cyan was running late. She had run down the stairs three steps at a time, and saw the approaching train in the distance. Wanting to reach the other side of the platform with ease, she ran just a little beyond the yellow line that kept the people back. But on that specific day a man had wanted to commit suicide. Just as Cyan ran past him, he jumped. Instead of landing on the rails, however, he bumped hard into the hurrying girl, making her lose her balance, and she fell in the way of the train. Her entire body collapsed into a fountain of blood and entrails, leaving nothing to save and bury.

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?

⭕Her continuously seeking independence

⭕Undying perseverance

⭕Gallantry towards people she needs

⭕Light and persuasive manner of tone

⭕Darker shade of mind

✘Indifference to most things

✘Bodily neglect

✘Being naive at times

Your physical build before?

Past life name-Hugo Madrill

How old were you before-31

Personality-Hugo is a loud person, He is very friendly to people in general but has a very short temper and his first reaction tends to be violence. Hugo while short tempered and sometimes violent is very protective of those he considers true friends. He also tells very bad jokes that he thinks are hilarious

What was your past life like before you died-Hugo moved from Russia to the United States with his parents and two twin younger sisters as a sixteen year old boy.

His family lived in a small town in a apartment for a long time with Hugo and his parents running several small jobs in the hopes of moving to a larger less cramped apartment. By the time Hugo was eighteen they made enough money to buy a house in the suburbs

Hugo didn't really care about college and eventually started working as a bar tender for a bar in the city eventually Hugo took ownership of the bar and continued to work out front as a bartender. His build and temper started as many bar-fights as they tended to stop, and he was eventually killed by slipping and falling on a broken bottle of beer stabbing him during one of these fights.



He learned to read people and how they're feeling

He used to have a very intimidating build which he learned to use to great effect at intimidation

Because of the many fights he has been in he became quite good at fist fighting




His short temper which lead to many fights

He had a tendency to drink like a fish

And he tended to be overconfident in fights thanks to his abilities with fist fighting

His loyalty to his "true" friends could be considered a weakness considering he'd be willing to practically die to protect them


Your physical build before:

He used to be tall.at nearly seven foot tall with broad wide shoulders,a barrel chest and thick arms and legs while intimidating most people tended to miss his pot belly.
Character sheet

Your past life name?

zylar krane

How old were you before?



tactical but easy to piss off

What was your past life like before you died?

i had a wife and a child called xander, i used to be the tactal head for the U.S Army

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?

esay to piss off, tough build, tactical, near sighted

Your physical build before?

big and strong​

Character sheet​

Your past life name?​

zylar krane

How old were you before?



tactical but easy to piss off

What was your past life like before you died?​

i had a wife and a child called xander, i used to be the tactal head for the U.S Army, my best friends name was carl, i used to play on he internet a lot specifically warcreation, when i was little i moved from foster home to foster home, but none wanted me, after that i enrolled in the army and the rest is history

Strengths and weaknesses you had before?​

esay to piss off, tough build, tactical, near sighted

Your physical build before?​

big and strong


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