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Re: Digimon Legends

Kayo was scouring the woods for a god place to make camp, Renamon following closely behind carrying the odd unconscious boy over his shoulder. Suddenly, a boy with long red hair came running towards kayo, a digimon trailing behind him. he looked terrified, like he was running from something. "Woah, where did you come from? I-is something wrong? Oh no... did you come from Konta Village?"
Kayo looked solemnly downwards, and said "Devimon happened.... an extremely powerful nightmare soldier Digimon. He has an army, and he's destroying everything in his path. I'm... not sure if the village has been hit yet, but it will be for sure."

The ground is soft and the grass softer, thought the boy. He looks at the sky he waited so long to see again. Little pieces of land were floating around in this fake sky, this isn't what he wanted to see. He wanted the real sky. But, he saw the angel that saved him, an angel looking down at him. He smiles at the angel.

His body seems to have sped up its disintegration, half his body is wireframe and the other half flowing binary code. Luckily, he looks responsive now.
Kayo continued to speak with ren, they exchanged names and she explained more of what she knows of the threat to this world. As the two spoke, Renamon carefully laid the boy down, and watched over him. The foxlike digimon turned to kayo as his eyes began to open. "It looks like he's awake." Kayo turned and looked towards the boy, and her eyes widened with shock and worry as she noticed the current state of his body. "Oh god... is he going to be okay? Is There anything we can do for him?" Renamon sighed. "I don't know... at this point i honestly doubt it... see if you can at least talk to him." Kayo approached the boy and leaned over him. "Hey, can you speak? If you can't just nod if you understand what I'm saying."
The boy smile, then purses his lips, and makes another smile," Mom said that a last meal should always be in order. Though even if food is scarce, the last meal will be the best you will have ever tasted. Do you have anything angel?" The props himself on a nearby trunk of a tree.

His eyes widen when looks at his wife frame legs, but he recovers, quickly. The boy looks up to Kayo, and stares for a few minutes.

"A berry, or that leaf with a dew drop could do. You look strong, but tired. And you probably don't where the sky is..."He turns back to the sky," my name is Jonathan. Are you from the tower?"
Kayo stares blankly at the boy, taken aback by his strange way of speaking, and that he seemed not all that bothered by the fact he was disintegrating. "L-last meal? You mean... you're really dying? Are you sure there's no way I can save you? Y-you're not making much sense.... My name is Kayo. I am from a very different world than this one, but I don't know about this tower you're talking about... who or what did this to you?"
The boy shrugs and says," well that's good if you're not from the tower, I think. The tower is where they kept me and my friend, and where you're going to take us." Jonathan points to the mountains.

The binary code starts to drastically slow down, 1's and 0's seemed to be frozen in the breeze. He pats on his legs, they felt like they were still solid, even of the eyes only see a frame.

"I think I can make it to the tower, not going to die yet, but I'm getting there. So when we heading off angel?"

In the distance, a giant black cloud speedily floats to Konta Vilage's direction. The cloud grows as chunks of smaller black clouds come from the forest or mountains to be devoured.

Then the cloud stops and descends in the distance. Shrieks can be heard and explosions. Jonathan shrugs.
Kayo stares at the boy for a while, blinking confusedly. Then, the strange phenomena with black clouds occurred, heading towards konta village. Kayo then heard the screams, and winced. She then sighs heavily, and stares towards the mountains where jonathan was pointing. "I'm not an angel, you know.. just a human like you. But... I guess we'll get going now... I was already planning to get far away from here... but, what is this tower and what did they do to you and your friend there? I-if you feel up to talking about it, that is. you can explain while we walk." Kayo stretched her hand out to help the boy up.
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The boy frowns at his legs and says," well, I can't move my legs, I can still feel them but moving isn't coming to me." Jonathan grabs Kayo's hand and pulls himself up. For a second he stands, then he collapses.

"To the Angel thing, what's wrong you don't have enough self-esteem? Angel is fitting for someone who has to leave immortals to save a life." Jonathan grabs on the soft fur of Renamon, and just gets on the digimon's back without questions, or asking. He would never believe he would feel something so soft again..

"I fell on this island, when I touched ground this robot took me in. He stuck a nice chip in my neck and sent me off to this tower in the mountains. Experiments day, at night they thre me in a capsule. And I guess they did this to me."

Jonathan examines Kayo, her clothes seemed dirty and her face didn't seem to healthy.

"When was the last time you ate. I'm just going to guess where going to be starving for awhile."
Kayo frowns as she realizes Jonathan can't move. 'Dang. Well I guess Renamon'll have to-" Jonathan climbs on Renamon's back himself. "Carry you. Yeah. Like that. A-about the angel thing, yeah I guess you're right... it just, doesn't feel right being called an angel... especially when I might not be able to save your life after all... and sadly you guessed right.. we'll just have to hope we can find something to eat somewhere." Kayo then froze in her tracks, realizing something odd about his story.. "W-wait, did you say a robot took you to that place?! Did it call itself Datamon?"
Jonathan adjusts himself on the digimon's back, his feet now on the sides of the stomach and his arms now in a more comfortable position around his neck.

"You can get used to the whole angel thing. And yeah, it called itself Datamon. Head scientists, he got giggles every time he got too stab something through me and my friend."

Jonathan's eyes begin to droop and his stomach growls.

"Hope you can find something to eat Angel."
Kayo looks down with a worried and sickened expression on her face. 'I knew that robot was bad news.... but if it was the same datamon, then why did he let me go?" Kayo shook her head. "Either way it was a mistake... If I find him, I swear..." she trailed off. As she heard Jonathan's stomach growl, she sighed. "Yeah, me too..." Renamon spoke up. "There are edible berries and fruits in this forest that I'll keep an eye out for... other than that, there's not much else for food around here. We should keep moving nonetheless... don't want to run into Devimon again, do we?" He started walking towards the mountains, carrying Jonathon on his back and looking around for any fuirt-bearing tree and bushes for his hungery companions. Kayo followed, and spoke up. "After you get a lot stronger, I'd love to try and wipe the smug grin off his face... but not right now..."
Jonathan goes into a dazed state for half an hour. He snaps out when a tree branch smacks him in the face. He rubs his off the leaves and sorta pets Renamon on the neck.

"So Angel's Knight, why do you think you got knighted. Did you get with her on your own, or someone else's will? Oh wait, I think I'm falling back.." A yawn and Jonathan began to tumble into a land of jumping sheep.
Renamon was confused at the boy's odd wording but decided to go along with being called a knight. "It is honestly a bit of both. Yggdrasil, god of this world, bestowed upon me the ability to make an oath with with a human, but we digimon who are given this power choose our human. I chose the angel, and so I fight for her." Jonathan then began to drift off once more. "He seems to be asleep again..." Kayo giggled a bit at this, shaking her head.

After a while renamon finally spotted a fruit bearing tree. "Ah! Food! Those look ripe enough... not the tastiest fruit in the digital world but they'll do." Kayo nodded and immediately picked one and bit into it. She shrugged. 'They don't taste bad, at least. When Jonathan wakes up again lets stop for a snack... hunger might be why he's so tired anyway. probably hasn't eaten in days." renamon nodded, and continued heading towards the mountains,Kayo walking beside him and the sleeping boy on his back.
A little leaf smacks his face, and the sinking sun's rays fill his eyes. Jonathan groggily looks around again, asleep maybe an hour. His stomach awakens again with built up rumbles. He picks at Renamon's fur to get some attention, partly the hunger and partly the mountains so close.

"Hey, Angel find anything to devour while I've been asleep? The hunger is quickly catching up with me. At least I think while I was sleeping I didn't disintegrate as fast, still have my hand in one piece." The nail of Jonathan's right hand's pointer finger disintegrates."Well at least I can get out of that old habit of nail munching. Disgusting really, happy I didn't do it in front of an angel."

Again, Jonathan focuses on the mountains and excitement for getting back his friend.
Kayo giggles a bit at Jonathan's antics, then looks down solemnly for a second, reminded of the fact he's literally fading away and there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it. She looks back up at him with a smile though. "Yup." she spots a place by he side of the trail to sit down. Renamon carefully sets jonathan down, and then he's handed one of the fruits from earlier. We found quite a few of these luckily, so eat up."

Kayo found herself looking off towards the mountains as the the group rested. She could just barely see the top of something very tall, narrow and pitch black in the distance. "Hey Jonathan, is that the tower?" Renamon, also looking that direction, seems worried. "I know what that is... it's the shrine of Lust."
Jonathan squints at the Shrine of Lust in the distance. That defiantly not the tower. He knew what is in the distance though, the place Datamon keeping talking about and would show pictures of to him. Jonathan quickly turns back to Kayo putting on his best worried expression.

"That isn't the tower, that place is luckily were I didn't come from. The tower is big and more mechanical, and is deep in the mountains. Actually, heavily guarded in the mountains. I haven't really thought of how you two are going to sneak in there; by angel standards you both don't look very strong."

Jonathan sighs and bites into the strange fruit, the skin flaky and the inside a bit liquidy. It had a sour taste at first, but after finishing the fruit he finds the core is sweet. Jonathan racks his brain for a good name for the fruit.

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