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Re: Digimon Legends

Drimogemon throws Renamon back to the jeep. The mole begins to stoming toward the group. Datamon grabs the device he was looking for. From the back, the device is a jungle of wires pumping a shining light through them. From the front, black hand grips on both sides of the device, on the bottom three square buttons side by side, and a screen with strange alphabet engravings on its sides. Datamon pushes the middle button of the device. The item shakes violently, Datamon smiles and turns to Drimogemon. Drimogemon's drill begins to spin again.

Datamon reveals the device to Drimogemon and says,"Hehe, Proto Digivice activate! Slide Digievolution!" The screen lights up with a white back ground and letters displaying: Initiating Slide Digievolution.

A beam shoots from the digivice at Drimogemon, the digimon howls,"Slide Digievolution!" The digimon's body begins to distergrate, and leaves a wireframe shape of its original form. Then, hexagonal rings shoot from the Proto Digivice at Drimogemon. Drimogemon's body begins to rebuild it self. Proto Digivice's beam fades and the rings disappear. Drimogemon appears, different.

The mole like digimon yells,"NiseDrimogemon!"

Kayo's digivice displays:



HP: 40

Strength: 2

Body: 0

Spirit: 16

Fear: 0

This is a Beast species Champion level digimon. Similiar to Drimogemon, but an imperfect copy. It's drill is purple and far weaker then Drimogemon's, also this digimon has a french style mustache instead of the usual whiskers. Its signature attack: Bogus Iron Horn Drill - The user slams its spinning horn into the target. If the attack hits, the opponent's next attack's %Number is weakened by 20%, though if the opponent skips his/her battle turn, this effect doesn't apply(special attack charging counts) . Spirit: 4 DMG: 14 %Number: 75%

Datamon turns to Kayo,"No Yggdrasil gets lazy with digimon designs sometimes, so he has reused the core data of a digimon to create it. It is common to see variations of a digimon. Example: A digimon called Agumon has variations of, BlackAgumon and ToyAgumon. With my device, I can turn a digimon into one of its variation, and not all variations have equal power. Only 5 years of research to make this."
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Kayo glances down at the screen. That strange device made the Drimogemon weaker somehow. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Hang in there Renamon! We can do this!" IF these damn dice don't keep screwing me over, she thought. "It's time for our comeback! Close attack with high power!"


(FINALLY! lower than 90... just barely. still a miss... jesus i don't remember spilling salt yesterday xD )
(Isn't high power -25?)

NiseDrimogemon dodges the attack by a hair, by jumping backwards. NiseDrimogemon sees its reflection in the wall. He plays with his mustache, then tries to drill through the wall, not a crack. NiseDrimogemon yells and starts ramming the wall. The digimon's drill begins to spin fiercely, as before.

Datamon shrugs and turns on the jeep's back light,"that's all I can do for you now. Good luck with the rest." Datamon returns to his home and closes the diamond wall behind him. Inside, Datamon whistles and begins to spin in his chair with no care in the world.

The jeep hums. The tunnel is a bit better lit now. Drimogemon turns to Renamon, and continues to charge a Bogus Iron Drill Attack.
Kayo sighs, rubbbing her forehead. "Luck really isn't with me today.... but i'm gonna win if it kills me! Low power this time! Wear it down, THEN go for the kill!"


(Hey dice system, there's numbers below the 80s. A lot of numbers. You know that, right? ... i had a feeling i needed to use a low power just to frickin hit this thing.)
Renamon's attack connects with NiseDrimogemon, the mole is tackled back a few feet, creating tracks in the diamond floor. The oversized mole looks down at Renamon, his attack is ready. The digimon slides himself back two feet.

NiseDrimogemon yells,"Bigus Iron Horn Drill!"


The digimon thrusts himself at Renamon, the force puts Renamon in mid air. The drill keeps spinning, a purple wind begins to whip around. The air begins to circulate around Renamon. The drill stops creating the wind, but purple air is still around Renamon.

NiseDrimogemon snickers,"Sparkly dust is hard to see through!" The digimon begins to do a victory dance, that shakes the tunnel, again. Actually, the tunnel seems to be noticing the battle, cracks from various attacks are growing, and shards of diamond begin to sprinkle down in some areas of the tunnel.( xD you are not a lucky one. You know you can describe the attack connecting after you roll)
Renamon, confused and dazed, calls out to Kayo. "It's not a good idea to attack right now. Look at the bottom of the move list!" Kayo, a confused look on her face, reads the description for Amaterasu Burst. Ill have to skip this turn, but my chance to land an attack right now is even worse until that purple stuff wears off. Here goes nothing...

"Renamon! Begin charging Amaterasu Burst!"

Renamon's eyes begin to glow a deep yellow as he assumes a meditative stance, upper paws passed together in front of his chest, sparkling yellow energy swirling around him, still mostly masked by the purple dust.
The diamond dust begins to more steadily throughout the tunnel. NiseDrimogemon's eyes squint at Renamon. Nothing could be seen, but the digimon didn't like his opponent standing so still. NiseDrimogemon goes for another attack,"Projectile Low Attack!"

A ball of energy begins to grow in front of NiseDrimogemon, the ball has a 4 feet radius and small bolts of energy running through it. The ball shoots to Renamon, the fox doesn't move when it impacts. The energy dispersed, the purple mist also disperses. There the sight of wind riding around Renamon appears.

NiseDrimogemon takes a step back.
Renamon focuses on NiseDrimogemon with piercing glowing yellow eyes and shouts, "Amaterasu... Burst!"


Renamon thrusts both his paws outwards, and 8 clones of himself appear almost circling Drimogemon, with space enough for him to attack. all 9 Renamons slash at NiseDrimogemon from different angles, and then the 8 clones disappear.
NiseDrimogemon is in awe of the clones. All broke out of sparking energy, then lunged at him. Simultaneous attack, NiseDrimogemon curses the clones the clones in a jumble of sounds. NiseDrimogemon lays on the ground.

The digimon huffs, he tries to raise a paw, but in vain. 1's and 0's peel from the digimon's skin, until only the wireframe remains. The digital skeleton begins to creep inward, lines shift and bubble, then it becomes an backpack size egg shape. New 1's and 0's are generated on the egg shape. Now a beige egg with a purple horizontal-zigzag line through its middle.

Datamon grips the keyboard, but lets go. He returns to the tunnel and turns off the jeep's lights. Datamon picks up the Digi-Egg. Before Datamon stops at the room entrance.

The digimon says,"You can get training to be this world's hero tomorrow. You can sleep in my bed, sorry I don't have dinner for you both. I don't carry food since," Datamon knocks on his metal body,"see you in the morning."

A stream of and binary code flows around Renamon and pushes itself into Renamon's chest.
Kayo stared in awe as renamon performed his special attack. Seeing Drimogemon defeated, she smiled wide. That... was so much fun! I've never felt so alive before! She watched Drimogemon's "death" curiously, and went to examine the egg before Datamon picked it up. She looked back over to Renamon. "You were amazing just then! Are you okay?"

Before he could answer, code pushed itself into Renamon, and he turned to kayo, smiling. "Never better. That battle made me stronger. It's called leveling up. the more we Digimon fight, the stronger we become." At the words "leveling up" Kayo smiled even wider. "Man, I can hardly believe this, it's like this world was made for me!" Renamon looked quizzically at her, wondering how she can come to such a conclusion from his previous words. "Well, whether it was made for you or not, you certainly performed rather well in your first battle given not knowing the rules." Kayo giggled, and scratched the back of her neck nervously. "Yeah, I guess I kinda did."

Renamon smiled. "Well, you must be tired after this experience. I suggest you go rest. I doubt Datamon has some nefarious plan for you like I first feared. he likely would not have helped us if so. I will keep watch out here just in case though, leveling up is just as energizing for us digimon as sleeping is for you humans."

As if on cue, Kayo yawned. Renamon was right. She hadn't gotten much sleep before she fell into this world either. 'Well, then i guess i'll see you tommarow?" Renamon nodded, and waved at her as she went back into datamon's place and laid down without a word, falling asleep very shortly after. Renamon then Sat against a nearby tree and diligently kept watch over his human partner.
The night ticks away. Datamon goes through some curious data. Files of various humans the digimon has picked up during the year he's been on this Deposit Island. He looks over at the sleeping Kayo. He bangs his head on the keyboard.

"I'm not a bad guy, its about the endgame. For over coming Yggdrasil, unlocking the secrets of this universe, no one cares how many experiments happen...Though even experiments need careful testing..."

A message appears on screen, in a strange language it reads: "Daily check coming your way." Datamon waddles out the room, and makes sure to close the diamond wall behind him. He jumps into the jeep, and drives throughout the maze of tunnels, twisting around in circles for precautions, though his sensors could pick up anything in a mile radius, you never know. Datamon stops the jeep in a tunnel.

There a sphere body bat waits for him, DemiDevimon.

DemiDevimon says,"well how was today's round up, heard you might of picked up another human. I have a transportation team ready behind to take em to the Drain Center."

Datamon shakes his head,"oh, well false alarm. Turned out it was just a strangely shaped tree."

"But you make mistakes Datamon."

"That is true, I'm not mistaken that it was just a tree."

DemiDevimon sighs,"Devimon won't like a dry day."

Datamon scoffs,"Well, err, we have plenty already. Who needs any more?"

DemiDevimon agrees and retreats to the darkness of the mountain. Datamon returns to his home. In the morning, he wakes up Kayo with a loud screeching sound coming from his computer.

"Time for training," says Datamon.


I lean back in my chair,"so this is the Digital World, great evil unfolds, I've been chosen...So what I ask is, why do I want to help." Veemon leans forward, with a bulging stomache.

Veemon says,"maybe this guy is my partner. We don't like bothering anyone's business."

I take a sip of tea,"No, I want to figure out both sides story. But, why not just go in with a zesty spirit?" I've been wanting to do something different. I know I'm a day dreamer, that's fine. Though playing around the thought of passion, I don't like.

I begin to think, maybe I can find passion in just doing, ayleast this once.

I push in my chair and head to the bedroom Babamon hurriedly points out to me, as she is busy dusting the house. My room is a simple bed and sheets in a room smothered with shades of blue. I slip into the sheets and struggle for sleep, until I do.
Kayo jolts up at the ear-splitting noise, eyes forcing themselves wide open. 'What?! What the.... this isn't my room! Oh, right... Digital World." She sighed, and thought about telling Datamon to never wake her up like that again, before thinking better of it. He might be a big metal jerk, and Renamon seems very suspicious of him, but tolerating him was probably the quickest way to learn the ways of this unfamiliar world. I guess I can grin and bear it for now, Kayo thought. She got out of bed and stood up, stretching and yawning. Renamon heard the noise as well, and approached the two. "Sleep well Kayo?" The Digimon asked. "Y-yeah, like a rock." "Yes, I'll bet you did. Even though you've adapted well to this world, you were bound to have some fatigue from being pulled into another dimension."
The morning's forest looses more of its beloved trees to a Datamon and a jeep. Datamon focuses on the map on the dashboard, he groans. I should drop them off here, but what if they-no the point of this "experiment" is too have them show what they are made of. This spot is fine, you are getting too close to the rats, Mamemon said never get too close to the rats.

Datamon stops at a mossy boulder. He looks back at his passengers and say,"alright, Lesson 1: You and Renamon need to connect a bit more so you can digivolve, he will explain what that is, you already have the ability too, just focu. Lesson 2: I'm dropping you off here." Datamon hands Kayo a map of Deposit Island.

"Konta Village, maybe a nice place to try to base, just chill in the forest, if you feeling brave..You could go straight to the Shrine of Lust. Again Renamon can give you that info"

The seats of the jeep spring up and throws the two in the air, and plops them on near grass. Datamon drives away, he gets a call on his eye. His left eye is filled with the sight of DemiDevimon.

DemiDevimon is yelling over some noise,"Devimon wants to do some final checks! Come ASAP, errg, there is a bit of a tantrum going on right now." Datamon groans and speeds away back to the mountatins.
"Hey! We could have just gotten out the normal way you know!" Kayo yelled towards Datamon, but he had already driven away. "Don't mind him, he's out of our hair now anyway. Or fur, in my case." Renamon stood up, smiled warmly and held out a paw to help Kayo up. She gladly did so, laughing softly at Renamon's joke.

Kayo studied the map, frowning in concentration. "Datamon really dumped a ton of information on me at once. I don't think staying our here is all that wise... what's this temple of lust Datamon mentioned? it doesn't sound good." "That's because it isn't. That threat to the world you were told about? It consists of seven demon lords, and one of them resides there." "Oookay, we're definitely not going there yet. I've played enough rpgs to know that it's just plain stupid to waltz into a boss dungeon after your first battle. Konta village though... it's always a good idea to visit any towns you know about right away. I think we should head there."

As she said this, her stomach growled rather loudly, causing her to blush slightly. "Yes, sounds like a good idea," Renamon said, before adding, "and your stomach seems to agree. There's bound to be somewhere to get food there." Kayo started to follow the map, moving a little faster now at the prospect of sating her hunger.
After quite a walk, the forest unveils Konta Village. As always, huts with traditional tribal decorations, trees sprouting in various areas, Lake Lady sparkling in the background, but villagers marching two a hut a bit north of Kayo. Biyomon and Patamon heave large wooden planks, some fly or walk, but the pace is fast. Right next to the hut is a Angemon engrossed in the strange activity of Konta Village.


Me and Veemon have strolled to this "nearby" forest for two hours. Veemon keeps saying,"don't be a wimp almost there." Now I have the ability to ignore is talking,skill didn't help me though when I fell in a ditch. We stop my a, oak like tree, and start to eat the lunch Babamon made us. I'm hungry, but with a tentacle sticking out of my sandwich, I chew shyly. Then we finally make it to Lady Lake.

I bend over and look through hundreds of feet of water, with perfect clarity. Underneath is hundreds of little water digimon going about their lives. I begin to reach out to Lake Lady. Then Veemon slaps my hand away. I forgot that Babamon told us before that Seadramon wouldn't like the whole touching of his home. I look beyond the lake, there the bustling Konta Village, with a few villagers around the trees chopping quickly. Very quickly.

Me and Veemon look at eachother, and we head to the other side of Lake Lady. Veemon doesn't talk at all.
Finally catching a glimpse of some sort of settlement through the tree, Kayo takes a look at the map Datamon gave her, confirming that they've found Konta Village. "Well, we're here... finally." She wipes some sweat from her brow, and slumps down at the base of a tree, exhausted. "Let me just rest for a bit, then we'll go meet the villagers. My feet are killing me."

Renamon nods towards her. "Take whatever time you need." The bipedal fox-like digimon glances over towards the village, straining to see all he can. He catches a rather peculiar sight, a plethora of digimon hastily chopping large amounts of wood and bringing it into one of the buildings. Hmm, that's odd. I wonder what's going on... must be something urgent.

Kayo slowly stood up, walking over to Renamon. "Okay, let's go. I need to eat something before I-" She then noticed Renamon staring towards the village. "I-is something wrong?" The digimon turned to her. "Not sure, but there is something odd going on, that's for sure." "Huh. Well, let's go figure out what it is then." The two approached the hut that was buzzing with activity, and Renamon took notice of the Angemon among the other frantic digimon. "Hmm, that Angemon over there," he nodded towards the mentioned digimon, "is probably overseeing whatever the villagers are up to, and will probably be the one with answers." Kayo nodded and approached the Angemon, waiting for it to notice her. I just hope we're welcome here, she thought.
The crowd continues to surge through the hut, to Angemon's dismay. He sees the new human. He quickly leaves his watch and walks toward the human with a smile. She looks a bit worn from her trip here, and hospitality is the best way to get my mind off of things.

Angemon says,"welcome to Konta Village. I'm one of the head tribe or village leaders, here we kind of switch around with the two terms. Come you must be hungry, this is actually the area where are cooks are the busiest," Angemon looks at the crowd again,"but today seems to be a surprise occasion . " Agemon begins to lead the group to a group of tents a little ways from the busy hut. Sprawled on the ground is 5 humans and half a pit if soup over a weak fire.

Angemon says,"You can socialize or go on to Lake Lady, really free to do anything at your heart's desire. I must investigate the crowd more."

3 boys and 2 girls. Only one is awake, a girl wearing a black long coat and sunglasses. Her hair is tied in a bun, and her hands play with two huge ears poking out of a backpack.
Startled by angemon's nearly overwhelming friendliness and hospitality towards a complete stranger, kayo simply nodded and followed him, utterly speechless. She'd only seen this much kindness and so little suspicion towards complete strangers from townsfolk in rpgs, yet another striking similarity to those worlds she only thought existed within a screen.

The Digital World seemed extremely similar to many of the rpgs she's logged countless hours playing. To Kayo, it was almost like this world shouldn't feel, look, sound, smell, and- confirmed after taking a bite of the soup she was offered- taste, as real as it did.

As she looked around at who else was gathered around the campfire, Kayo saw yet another reason to accept that the digital world was as real as it could be. there were other humans. Most of them were still asleep, but one of the girls seemed wide awake. Kayo sat down near her. "Hey, good to see another human here... did you just end up here out of nowhere too?"
Ren woke up on the ground, Furubamon licking his face. "I don't want to get up for another hour yet..." Ren whined, half-asleep. "Ren, wake up!" Furubamon said, continuing to lick his face. We aren't in your bed anymore!"

The canine-digimon said. Ren then sat up. "Okay... Either I've been kidnapped or someone has been drugging my hot chocolate.."

The forest, only life can spring from such a place. An old man-like digimon names Jijimon, thinks of how lucky he is too be chosen to search for humans. Yes, it is out of the Konta villagers anger at their failed protector, but still Jijmon is grateful.

Today, Jijimon has made 5 wonderful rounds throughout the forest. He has eaten a nice brunch of berries and broth. He sketched a beautiful picture in a tree. And he spotted a human with a Furubamon.

Jijimon stands behind a tree getting ready for his speech about the wonders of the Digital World and begin a journey of pain and joy.

Opposite of Jijimon is a group of DemiDevimon bickering about how to capture the Digidestined.



The girl looks up at Kayo," sup, I'm J.J." The girl in the trechcoat returns to picking with the loopy ears in the backpack. Though the ears twitch. A white creature with a horn, and attached to those ears, pops out from the backpack and says,"I'm Terriermon-how-are-you-cool-that-is-awesome-digimon-" the girl pushes Terriermon's head back into the backpack.

She says,"chill Terriermon." The girl looks over at Kayo, grunts, and focuses on playing with her digimon's ears.
As Kayo approached the trenchcoat-clad girl, Renamon followed her, standing at her side and gazing thoughtfully over the strange new human and her even stranger backpack. Those ears sure do look awfully familiar, he thought.

Kayo nodded at the oddly-dressed girl. "J.J., huh? My name's kayo, and this is-" before she could finish introducing her fox-like companion, J.J.'s own digimon begins to rather enthusiastically introduce itself, much to the annoyance of its companion. Kayo stares blankly for a moment, not sure what to think of these two, but hastily breaking the awkward silence. "A-as I was saying, this is Renamon" she said while gesturing towards him. The yellow-and-white-furred bipedal digimon nods towards J.J. "Nice to meet you both." The digimon then frowns a little, and says, "I can imagine how annoying terriermon must get, but you could at least let him talk to us for a bit. I don't mind him at all, do you, Kayo?" Kayo shakes her head, then looks back towards J.J.
J.J. frowns at Renamon,"Terroermon isn't annoying, I'm just punishing him.And that is all you need to know." Terriermon starts to struggle a bit in the backpack. Her tiny arms try to poke through the top. J.J. pulls out a straw and puts it in the top. The tiny arms take the straw and a low breathing can be heard.

Then a loud noise is heard from across the group. A group of villagers crashed their carts of logs into each other. Near villagers begin to yell at each other for the mishap. J.J. pulls out Terriermon.

J.J. says,"Shut up formation." J.J. hold Terriermon by her head. Terriermon creates a ball of green energy from her mouth. J.J. throws Terriermon at the group angry villagers.

Terriermon yells,"Terrier Blast!" A boom, then a group of knocked out villagers appear from smoke. Terriermon is smiling in the ruins. The little guy runs back into J.J.'s backpack.
Ren noticed the old man walking through the forest he approached him. "Excuse me, im... This may seem like an odd question, but where am I?" Ren said nervously.
Kayo decided not to say anything about the villagers terriermon koncked out, or whatever she's being punished for. She was more interested in why they were being so rowdy before. Kayo turned back to J.J. "Soo, umm, do you know what the hell's going on here? The whole village is going nuts."
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J.J. ignores Kayo, and continues to play with Terriermon's ears. A group of Patamon gather around their fellow villagers and carry the rest of the logs, leaving their knocked out friends. The Patamon have dirt and scratches across their bodies. Also, the Patamon seem to be using a lot of strength the carry the chunks of wood.

When I entered the village, I glanced at the united crowd, and got myself in the torrent of its movement. I try to break free from the crowd's stream, but there is always a digimon hitting me with wood. The crowd was made of pink bird digimon and some orange ovals with wings. I finally give up my fight and hope wherever the crowd is going, it won't be too dangerous. Also, I lost Veemon in the chaos.

Veemon pats Angemon on the back and says,"so how's village life buddy?"

"They don't even listen to me anymore. They've become their own chaos," says Angemon.

"The old iron fist doesn't work anymore? That sounds bad, I remember when it was simple and we didn't have to be a leader or a human pet."

"You have Yggdrasil's Mark? Why didn't you tell me?"


The group of villagers that were knocked out start to wake. They march to Kayo, angrily.

One yells,"you better help get more wood. With you humans wrecking everything, the ark will never get finished."

J.J. looks over, and lets Kayo deal with the lion's pit.

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