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Re: Digimon Legends

Kayo glares at J.J. angrily as the girl just let her deal with the chaos herself. "Don't ever expect my help if you get in trouble! Or your questions answered either!" Kayo was surprised at herself how angry J.J.'s actions, or inactions in this case, made her. She was used to being ignored, being that one awkward girl in school that just kind of fades into the background. Here though, they're both in the same boat, humans brought here to fight the seven demon lords. So why does this girl think she can just blow Kayo off like that? as Kayo continued to seethe, glaring at J.J. with a "who the hell do you think you are?!" expression, renamon rested his paw on her shoulder. Without even speaking, Kayo somehow knew he wanted her to focus on the more prominent threat of the villagers. "What the hell are you yelling at me for?! did MY digimon knock you out?! NO!! TAKE IT UP WITH MISS I-DON'T-GIVE-A-DAMN OVER THERE! " Renamon's grip tightened on her shoulder. "The last thing we need is more conflict," he whispered into her ear calmly. Kayo took a few deep breaths, then began to speak more calmly. "I'll help, just calm down a bit okay? Look, I just got here, if humans are wrecking stuff I'm not, and I have no idea who is or why they're doing it, but I'll gladly help you. Just show me where to take the wood."
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The roughed up villagers glare and a Biyomon says,"well, forest kind da surrounds the village." The digimon make their back into the river of workers. They shared their story of the annoying humans with friends. A Patamon, that overheard the bickering, it sees whether the new human would just take the fall for the other one, investigate the village's ark crisis, or even continue to look around the Digital World. The little story unfolding is quite entertaining to Patamon.

J.J. shrugs at Kayo and says," you have to chill. I have half a mind to stuff you in the backpack. But your fox there, he knows how to be cool. Oh, good luck getting the firewood." Another boy wakes up, scrawny, pale, brunette, and he makes his way to the pot of soup left from last night. He makes a bowl for himself, then falls back, and soils the soup bowl on himself. He falls back to a deep sleep.



Jijimon stutters at how quick he would have to give the lecture. The digimon straightens himself, goes into a heroic pose, wipes off some dirt from his staff, and begins the lecture:

" You have been chosen to embark on a amazing journey. Your friend there will help defeat the Seven Demon Lords that plague this world! You are a hero of Yghdrasil be proud of yourself. Get ready for a journey of a life time."

Jijimon swears that a beam of light is highlighting him and his exposition. Then, he is hit by a rock.

The group of DemiDevimon, after much debating, decided troop #54 can lead the capture of the human. 50 in all appear from the trees and bushes. They swarm over Jijimon.

The old digimon yells,"haha, is that all you have against me-ow-take that." The digimon seems to keep the swarm around him at bay, with the mighty strength of the staff. Though a few DemiDevimon begin yelling for reinforcements.
Kayo calls after the villagers, "I meant point me to where this ark thing is! I'm not stupid, I know what trees look-" She turns back to Renamon. "They're ignoring me... sure, the way I addressed them might not have helped but, I really do want to help if this ark thing is so important. What the hell is with us humans having a bad rep around here?! We're only the ones who are supposed to save the whole damn world, a little respect would be nice!" Renamon sighs. "I understand your frustration, Kayo, but outbursts like that will never get you the respect you believe you deserve from the other Digimon." Kayo visibly calmed down.

Then J.J. spoke up. Kayo turned to her with a slightly apologetic expression. "Y-yeah, I know, I'm just, frustrated, y'know? Nothing going on here makes any sense to me, and all I wanted was some answers... " she then shakes her head, deciding to take action. "But if I can't get any, then I'll just show these digimon that at least some humans care about their plight far more than they think." She took some wood that had just been chopped and just decided to follow the crowd of Digimon, Renamon following suit, both hoping that they're heading towards the ark.
Villagers watch with corners at the human. At the hut, the inside is wodden walls and a pit. The digimon go down either a ladder or a makeshift elevator. Digimon coming in and out. A turtle on its hind legs seems to be watching the line if digimon. When Kayo is spotted, the turtle like digimon pulls her out.

Kamemon says,"alright, why are you here? I filled the pot if soup for you humans 2 days ago. How much do you have to eat? Whatever, I'll refill it, now get out."

I'm tugged by the shoulder, Veemon stares up at me.

Veemon says," Guess your done with sight seeing."

I say,"Where did you head off?"

Veemon points to Angenon behind him.

Veemon says," we gotta stop the arc, a favor my friend there." Angemon begins to shake his head. Veemon ignores him and stirs an idea.
Kayo facepalms and shakes her head. "The soup is fine. A few of these digimon stormed up to me and demanded that I help carry wood, and now I learn I'm actually not supposed to be here... Whatever. This whole village can just go screw itself if everyone is going to give me mixed signals and be rude." She began to storm off, and as renamon walked up to her and tried to reassure her, she sharply turned to him and said in a low, frustrated tone, "I think we should leave this place. We're obviously not welcome here. but I have no idea where I should go now..." Kayo slumps down at the base of a nearby tree, mentally exhausted by all the confusion and frustration.
Angemon, was contemplating the situation, he is looking at the crowd from afar. This is where he sees Kayo steaming at a tree. Angemon thinks he should comfort her, the digimon have probably giving her a hard time.

Angenon flies near Kayo, he breathes in deeply and walks over to her.

He says,"Um, I am guessing you are not enjoying your stay at Konta Village. The villagers are quite hostile to humans these days."
Kayo sighs and stands up as Angemon approaches her. "Yeah, I noticed... but, why? From what I've been told, we humans are the best hope of defeating the demon lords. The way the villagers are acting makes me think they don't care if this place is destroyed, along with the rest of the digital world!"
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Angemon shrugs," Resentment. About a year ago, Chain Breaker finally settled on the island. The villagers, as most digimon in this world, put their faith in the Village Hero and humans." Angemon's eyes sink. He points to a hut," Konta Village is a name of tradition, this was actually a city a year ago. Their heroes failed miserably. They had faith in the next shipment of humans, those are thought to have just run away from the island. Only a few humans actually pop up in the village after every Drop now. I guess you cannot blame them for wanting to be independent and building something for their self."
Kayo listens intently to Angemon's story, deep in thought, with a bit of sadness in her eyes. She then looks back up at Angemon. "I'm just frustrated because I have nothing against these Digimon, and they choose to hate me for a failure I had nothing to do with... but you're right, I can't really blame them. On top of that, it seems like every other human around here is just sitting around doing nothing... But I'm just doing the same thing right now, aren't I?" She paused for a moment, looking down, but then looked back up, and seemed to have made a decision. " Y'know what, if I'm not welcome here I might as well make better use of my time. I'm going to explore the forest for a while." She then turned to Renamon, and gestured towards the woods behind them. "Come on, let's see if we can earn the villagers' respect... or at least a level up or two." Renamon nodded towards Kayo, then turned to Angemon as she began to walk away. "Thank you for explaining the situation. I think that was all she needed to set her mind straight. May our paths cross again." With that, Renamon began to follow Kayo back into the woods.
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Angemon smiles as Kayo leaves, he makes his way to his own home, a little hut with wings on the top. There Veemon and Dexter sit. Veemon massages a bruise on his head. Dexter raises his brow at Angemon.

Angemon says," I can finally say, that I am only one clinging onto this village."

Veemon points to his head,"hey I tried to sabotage the ark, they snuck up on me."

I let out my first giggle in a year. Veemon gives me a snarl. Angemon peaks at the sky.

Angemon says," I have been thinking of training with Babamon. Maybe if I get to mu next form, they will accept me again."


A gentle breeze lingers in the trees. Trotting echoes near Kayo, but quickly disappear. Then, the sound of a few branches snapping can be heard, and a thump. Trotting passes again. Only the sound of insect buzzes are left.
Kayo freezes in her tracks as she hears a strange noise nearby. She looks to Renamon. "Did you h-"

Renamon put a clawed finger to his lips as if to say "keep quiet", then nods, and gestures towards the pocket Kayo's digivice was in. Kayo looks confused for a second, then her eyes widen with realization, and she hurriedly reaches for her digivice and pulls it out. Just then, the sound snapping branches echo through the trees, and Renamon scans around for any visible signs of whatever is making the noises. Kayo looks at her digivice intently, hoping it will pick up on any hostile Digimon if that's what's making the noise.

Renamon whispers, "Stay close but keep moving. Be ready to act at any moment." Kayo nods and begins walking very slowly, making sure Renamon stays by her side.
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There lays a unconscious small boy. He wears a black shirt and shorts, both tattered. He also wears two peculiar items, a helmet and chest plate. The helmets is made of a shiny metal with a clear strip vertically through the middle, and wires stemming from the side helmet. The chest plate was made of the same material, clear strips running randomly through the plate, and a orb glowing faintly through that is smack in the middle.

The digimon descends on its prey. Favorite part of the hunt, the meal. The digimon plays with this strange creature, it looked human but EaTr data was leaking all over its body. Then the digimon looks at Kayo and Renamon, not too interesting when the digimon just found the biggest meal of its life.

Kayo's digivice displays:



HP: 50

Strength: 60

Body: 0

Spirit: 20

Fear: 0

This is a Champion level Insect digimon. Kabuterimon hunts down prey with EaTr data, a type of data found in Virus digimon. All Kabuterimon are born with a need to challenge any Kuwagamon. Its favorite move is

Electro Shocker: User shoots a ball of electricity at the opponent. If hits, enemy is paralyzed until after the user's next turn. (Paralysis: User can only use projectiles and opponent's %Number for next attack is increased by 3)Spirit: 6 DMG: 5 %Number: 75%
Kayo's eyes widen in shock as she sees the unconscious boy. "Oh god... what the hell happened to-" Just then, a hideous amalgamation of flesh with insect-like wings lands near the boy, seemingly testing it to eat. Kayo glares in disgust at the creature, then glances down at her Digivice, seeing the familiar enemy data, along with something she swore wasn't there before- an option called 'Digivolve.' "So that's this special power I'm supposed to have.... Alright Renamon, Digivolve to Champion!"

Renamon steps in front of Kayo, and a cloud of ones and zeroes swirls around him, as he shouts "Renamon Digivolve to.... KYUBIMON!"


Kayo is temporarily awestruck by the creature that now stands before her- on four paws rather than two, with eight more tails than his rookie form has, his fur now seeming to be made out of bright yellow flames. Her awe is doubled as she looks at Kyubimon stats, also doubled, and a smile begins to adorn her face. Snapping out of it just in time, Kayo takes a deep breath. "Use a close attack with low power! Get it away from that poor kid!"

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Kabuterimon is pushed by Kyunimon's attack. The digimon's tendrils dig deep into the ground, the dust clears to show the fox standing over the strange creature. Kabuterimon snarls at its opponent. Its wings begin to buzz and muscles tighten. Going to return the favor with a Close High Power.


The fox's body bends as Kabuterimon's ram, the digimon slams into a tree. The tree breaks. Kabuterimon returns to the food. The digimon opens its mouth, the tendrils inside begin to move in almost random ways.
Kayo cursed under her breath, but quickly regained her composure and then shouted to her digimon, determined as ever. "Get up! Don't let it touch him! Ranged High Power attack!"


Kyubimon rises to his front paws, then his back, recovering rather quickly somehow. He then flicks his 9 tails towards his opponent, a firey projectile seeming to come off of one of them, flying towards Kabuterimon.

Kabuterimon stops, breath slows and falls over the boy. The muscles go limp, but the exoskeleton of the digimon keeps its buddy just over the boy. A crack, the body lowers. Pieces of Kabuterimon begin to break away and turn into binary code. A wireframe body sinks down. The body begins to bend and reshape as the binary code curls up inside.

A large blue spotted egg lands on the boy. And rolls off into the forest. Victory.

Then the boy's body seems to be disintegrating. Not as fast as Kabuterimon, but visible as it inches up his once toe. The sound of, something with wings draws near. Only a couple moments left until it reaches its destination.

Veemon brought be back down to the hut. I idly watched Kamemon and Veemon fight. Veemon had a strong bond with his friend Angemon, I would give him that. Though Kamemon's argument of independence was also enticing.

Finally Veemon says," Activate the Digi100 System!"

I give him a confused look.

He says,"just pull out your digivice, Babamon told you!"

I silently fumble with my digivice. I push the center button, the screen lights up and Veemon just goes after his opponent.

My screen displays:

'High Power Close Attack!"


Veemon slams himself into Kamemon, the two are hurled through the hut wall. The gut collapses on me, lucky that its only a few logs. A new crowd of once workers watch their fearless leader. Kamemon has fire in his eyes.I remember about my digivice and look at the screen.



HP: 50

Strength: 1

Body: 10

Spirit: 1

This is a Rookie level Cyborg digimon. Though it may look like a turtle, its design is a pun of the digital camera. Though this digimon may also enjoy swimming and other water related activities. Its favorite attack

Shell Guard - User is protected from attacks for two of its opponent's turn.

Kamemon tackles Veemon back, and into the crowd. I shrug as Veemon is raging at his opponent. The digivice displays," Projectile Low Power"

Veemon shoots a ball of white energy at Kamemon, it connects
Kayo breathes a sigh of relief, and appraoches Kyubimon and the boy. "You were awesome out there! I had no idea you had that kinda of power!" kyubimon simply smiles towards her, before looking to unconcious boy and saying "Oh no... It's just as I feared."

Kayo stops in her tracks as she notices the boy desintagrating. "What's happening to him? He's human, right? He shouldn't be disintigrating into data or whatever happens when digimon are defeated!" Kyubimon shakes his head. "He isn't exactly human, I'm afraid... he-" Kyubimon's ears perk up and he looks towards the sky, before turning back to kayo. "It looks like we have other things to worry about... stay alert, I have a bad feeling about this."
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Kamemon stands his ground with this attack, but scratches all over his body. The digimon slowly, turns around.

Jamemon says," I don't think I should bother with the likes of you, pet."

The crowd mutters, Veemon fumes. I'm focused at my digivice since it said Kamemon is charging an attack. I try to call to Veemon, but the devil shoots another ball of energy.

Veemon says," how about a high power shot?!" The attack hits Kamemon in the back. The digimon falls, face frozen by the sudden blast. Kamemon's body unwraps into binary code, and shapes into a emerald egg.

I pick up the egg, the villagers burning holes with their eyes. Veemon stops and realizes the situation. No Angemon, no safety. We try to escape the village.


The wings beating stops. A hand curls around a tree, then a black, slender figure appears.

Tge figure says," well, I must thank you human for getting rid of that nasty Kabuterimon. I mean I was about take care of the problem, but wow you out did yourself."

The figure's hand reaches out from the shadows, a red symbol on the top of the hand, a skin tight glove tattered at the fingers; which expose pale skin, and a silver ring.

The figure smiles at Kayo," mind coming with me for a bit?"
Kayo jumps as the mysterious figure appears. Kyubimon immediately steps between it and Kayo, watching the suspicious being's every move with narrowed eyes.

Kayo takes a few steps back from the figure, tightly gripping her digivice in one hand, glancing at it and hoping to see info on the shadowy being. "...I... s-see no reason to! I'm not stupid enough to just tag along with anyone I meet in the middle of the wild, especially ones that show up out of nowhere! Come out where I can see you then maybe I'll consider it."
The figure laughs," really, didn't you meet Renamon and Datamon in these same peculiar woods, in this peculiar world? Why I believe you sound like a hypocrite, I don't like being told a lie little girl, neither should you."

The figure walks into the light, seems to be wearing a skin tight suit colored black Ann decorated with bat symbols. The figure, seems male, has tatters in the suit that show off more pale skin, at the mouth his suit seemed made to show of the pale lips and sharp teeth. He also has two arms that extend to his feet and two tiny horns poking through at his scalp.

The figure says,"My name is Devimon."

Kayo's digivice displays:


HP: 100

Strength: 100

Body: 100

Spirit: 10

This is a Champion level Nightmare Soldier digimon. This digimon's design is heavily based on the "Devil" or "Satan" of Christianity. It is said, just as the devil, that the first Devimon was created when a Angemon fell from Yggdrasil's Cloud. Now all Devimon are created with a hatred for Holy digimon.

Devimon picks up Kabuterimon's Digi-Egg. The digimon examines the designs to an extreme degree, he would trace the designs with his fingers and a face of thoughts.
Kayo's eyes widened as Devimon called out her hypocrisy. "H-how did you know that? Have you been... watching me? This whole time?" Kayo glanced down at her digivice and began to panic as she read his stats. 100 hp? 100 STRENGTH?! 100 BODY!!?! This isn't good... this really, really isn't good... not even Kyubimon has a chance against him I'll bet... Kayo began to back away, Renamon trying to stay between her and devimon as she did so.

Kayo swallowed hard and timidly spoke up. "U-m... we'll just be going now... I-if you don't mind..." This is really bad this is really bad this is really bad! Kayo was panicking now. She knew that renamon probably couldn't take Devimon, and then there's no way he'd let her escape, whatever he wants with her... but what else could she do?
Devimon looks toward Kayo, the girl had the eyes of a lab rat. Humans were so easy to break, Devimon plays around with thoughts of torture and agony in his head-then he realizes. The digimon gives a slight grin and stares at Kayo. He puts the Kabuterimon Digi-Egg on the ground, but still traces the patterns with his hands.

Devimon looks up and says,"Kayo, you are too paranoid. I haven't been watching you this whole time, Yggdrasil has. Angles have gifts from Yggdrasil, I was given the gift to speak to his creations, common but useful gift. That digivice of yours has a decent story to weave, it can even tell me your darkest secrets. Yggdrasil likes to know everything about his heroes," Devimon believes that that comment should get Kayo a bit more paranoia. Devimon returns to Kayo," I'm not going to hurt you. Since that pesty Kabuterimon is out of the way, my soldiers can now take over that village with ease. So how about this, you can pick up you friend here," Devimon taps the boy's body with his feet," take him to some shelter. Or, you can probably run back to the village with enough time to spare to get an evacuation going. Though if you have any brighter ideas, then I'm willing to here."

Devimon leans on a tree and picks at the bark.
Kayo looks down and thinks for a moment. She had a decision to make, and quickly. Does she save the boy, or warn the village?

The village didn't seem to want my help, or care what happened to me... except for that angemon... but then there was what Devimon said. If that's true, then... he might have planned for me to be another martyr for their cause.... part of me thinks it deserves to burn.... but this boy... he must be more innocent than them.

Kayo sighs, and glares devimon straight in the eyes. It seemed as if she was able to mask her fear behind her anger at Devimon. "This isn't over." She turned to Renamon, and pointed towards the boy. "Pick him up. We're getting out of here." Renamon nods, somewhat solemnly, but does as his partner tells him. I had a feeling this is what she would choose, whether Devimon fed her paranoia like that or not the fox-morph thought to himself. the two turned and started heading off looking for some shelter, not looking back.
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Devimon clasped his hands,"then I will rally the troops." Devimon applauds Kayo until she is out of sight. He goes quiet when Kayo is completely out of site. The digimon flies away.

In the mountains, in a makeshift cavern

, hundreds of DemiDevimon lagh and cheer. The varied and how awake on was too. One DemiDevimon saw a phone on the cavern wall ringing. The digimon listened content, its mouth was gaping. The call ends the DemiDevimon begins to holler to everyone, only takes 10 minutes for everyone to realize it was time to go.

They pour out of the cavern.

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