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Re: Digimon Legends


One Thousand Club

(Don't worry I'll make a better looking title.)

Introduction For Those Not Knowledgable Of Digimon Our world has a parallel world, Digital World. This dimension holds hundreds of beings called digital monsters a.ka. digimon. These digimon are sentient and act as humans would, they can be just as greedy or good.

Digimon also have a unique aspect to them, their bodies mature as they strengthen them, usually by fighting. This is a list of levels of digimon:


Rookie is about the average level that you will see most digimon. Higher levels are rarer to find since they require years of training ones body. Or you can cheat.

Humans,strangly, can temporarily level up a digimon. For this reason, in great times of war, it is common to pluck humans from our world to be used to fight.

Story Digital World is greatly divided. A organization of digimon called Chain Breaker are trying to release the Seven Demon Lords.

The Seven Demon Lords were one of the first digimon ever made, and some of the most powerful. Each Lord represents a sin and act as there sin. So they were quite the horror to the young Digital World. The creator of Digital World, Yggdrasil, decided to delete the Demon Lords and seal their data fragments into seven pillars across Digital World.

Chain Breaker decided that Yghdrasil was not a good god and turned to pray and try to release The Seven Demon Lords. Yggdrasil sent man of its finest warriors to defeat Chain Breakers, its warriors fell. This was known as DownFall.

Now as Chain Breaker begins to unshackle The Seven Demon Lords, Yggdrasil as gotten desperate and begins to pluck humans at random from our world. Because of its random picking, maybe the not best of minded will get power...

You will begin on an island in Digital World. There we will begin our adventures!

Let us begin.

How This Is Gonna Role

Everyone will begin with a rookie digimon of your choice(you may make up digimon). You will also be given the ability to turn them to champion with a digivice(you may decide what it looks like).

After we get do.e steam going, I will allow you to chose other paths of digievolution(leveling up) to get to higher levels.

Advanced: *Can digivolve to ultimate with items called Crests

*Later on, can digivolve to mega

*After even a stronger bond, can achieve X form of your Digimon, a form stronger then mega

*Ability to channel power of The Seven Demon Lords, or other powerful beings

02: *Can use special items you find called Armor Digi-Eggs to achieve multiple ultimate forms

*Can fuse two digimon together

Tamer: *Can Digi-Cards to give your digimon various temporary abilities

*Can digivolve to ultimate

*Can fuse yourself with digimon to achieve mega

*Can turn defeated digimon to Digi-Cards

Spirit: *Does not use a patner digimon

*User turns himself into champion and ultimate digimon forms

*Can fuse with others who have Spirit to achieve stronger forms

*Can decode data

*Can find items called Spirit Data to find more digimon to turn into

Data: *Can achieve ultimate

*Can achieve mega with strong bonds

*Can achieve Burst Mode with your willpower. Burst Mode is a increased power of the current level a digimon is

General: *Can digivolve one digimon to mega, after acquiring a strong bond

*Can have up to 5 digimon

*Cannot digivolve to Champion

*Can at first fuse two digimon, can progressively fuse more digimon together

*Can Xros Up, turn digimon into armor or weapons, or other itrms(depends on the digimon)


The Battle System we call Digi100 is described in Overview.
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In the small village of Konta, the tribesmen gather the digimon to the center of the lake. Tribesmen are scolded at the empty promise, of stopping it. The tribesmen argue that this would help there fight against Chain Breaker, but the villagers thought other. Rocks and twigs thrown at the Tribesmen, before all stopped to look up.

A woman wearing black, fitting, dress. Her pale skin is not hidden. Her right hand points to the clouds, and her other hand holds a mirror to her vanity. A crowd of bat-creatures crowd over the lady amazed by the sight above. Another man, with similar attire and skin, walks from the shadows and joins his lady. He laughs and calls for some bats to fetch Datamon, to begin preparations.

In a mountain range, a short hag looks out the window. A blue furry creature grunts and continues sweeping. The hag says a little speech,"oh, just because it happens a lot now does not take away its significance. This is the next round of Yggdrasil's heroes, the next try for this era. Celebrate! They may go to there deaths, but short life is still powerful! They can do so much in there little time."

The blue creature says,"you give me this speech every month when a new wave comes in. I'm going to clean the toilet."

In the sky, over an island, 20 holes randomly appear and release 20 humans into the Digital World.

@GimmickPuppet @Bardiel @Revan The Courier @Genma @DergTheDergon
It was 3 am on a saturday night. Kayo laid in her bed, handheld gaming system held in front of her face, just like she'd been for the past 6 hours or so. She'd hurriedly scoffed down dinner because of her parents' stupid 'no games at the table, no food anywhere but the table' rules, and ran into her room to play her new game. 'Just gotta beat this boss before i pass out...' she thought. Finally, the battle results screen appeared, and she plugged her system in to charge before promptly drifting off to sleep because she hadn't slept a wink since Thursday night.

Suddenly, Kayo felt a strange sensation, like she was... falling. She slowly opened her eyes, expecting to wake up on the floor like she usually did after this kind of dream, but instead her eyes widened in shock as she looked down and saw land below her, getting closer and closer. all she could do was scream.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-OOF!... Owww..." she landed hard on her backside. Thankfully, she wasn't injured or anything. As she slowly stood up and took in the strange, otherworldly atmostphere of this place, she decided she was probably lucid dreaming or something. She had heard it felt pretty real, but... this was almost TOO real. "Where the hell am I..."

A yellow fox-like creature crouched silently in a nearby tree. He had heard the panicked cry of the falling human girl. "More humans... I just hope they can pull it off this time. I will introduce myself when the time is right. I sense great potential in that one..."
The city night, cars will drive past the crimes, lights reveal scenes of happy drunks; and the skyscrapers truly stand. I sit on the edge of an abounded building, being renovated. The workers are usually fine with my rooftop viewings, just don't make too much noise. I'm quiet when watching car horn symphonies.

I sigh, again. I walk toward the rooftop door, thinking the night is old. I open the door, take a stop, and fall. I'm worrying about hitting the bottom of the stairs. Then I worry about hitting the bottom. I fall through some kind of hole, adorned with 1's and 0's. The hole opens up into an island, I'm still flailing, but when I hit the forest floor the it doesn't hurt, alot. I begin to wander through the forest.


A little guy flies through the air. Fat sideways oval body, top half if body is orange and rest is white, two little wings on its back; a Patamon. This Patamon was on a mission from the village to find those humans before Chain Breaker does. Rounded up 3 humans so far, Patamon is proud if himself as he trucks on looking for another human. Something flashes past Patamon, a rusty jeep.

The driver a odd cylinder body cyborg, named Datamon. Datamon is driving through trees with a similar mission as Patamon. Datamon looks at a monitor on the jeep dashboard:

Human on next right.

Datamon takes a sharp right, a few miles later, Datamon slows to a stop a few yards away from a girl. Datamon slowly gets out and sneaks behind a bush, it eye flashes and saves a photograph of the girl in its memory banks. A blip on Datamon's senses, a Renamon is close the girl. Datamon locks onto the other digimon's location and did a estimated diagnosis-that was the girl's digimon.

Data.on sneers," just a rookie anyway. I'll be fine even if she gets in my beautiful plan's way." Datamon emerges from the bushes and greets the girl," well hello."
As Kayo contiuned to start at her surroundings, entirely lost and confused, she saw a flash of light in the corner of her eye. she turned in the direction she saw the flash to see a strange robotic creature moving towards her. she immediately began to back away, her eyes wide with fear and shock. "U-um, hi? What... are you? And where am I?"

At seeing the Datamon approach the girl, Renamon jumped down and began to head that direction. He needed to get her away from that thing... it was up to know good, that was for sure.
Datamon smiles," oh my name is Datamon, you see I've been trying to make sure all of the humans had a warm welcoming-" Datamon stumbles when he sees Renamon going toward him. Datamon backs away. The digimon remembered what it was up against and regains its balance.

"Uhh, now I don't want any trouble."


I stop at a tree. I glance at the sky, littered with floating islands. I climb up the highest tree I can find, a mountain with various rivers flowing down its sides in the east, a massive lake in the west, a black pillar in the north, a beach in the south, all surrounded by a ocean also adorned with 1's and 0's. A idea, but my phones screen is only static. I put my pho e away and lay in the tree's branches.

I yell," anyone here?"

A little blue-hair devil walks over to my new home. He knocks on the branch.

He sighs, then says,"I activate the mark." A circle of light appears on the creature's forehead, then disappears.

I yell,"who are you? And what was that thing on your head?"

The devil says," Veemon, and don't worry Yggdrasil's Mark varies its location digimon to digimon. Also something from your world should turn now."

My phone lights up, it contours to my wrist. Its light disappears but is now a strange oversized watch with a stylus.
(sorry for late reply did not get a notification about your last post :/ )

Renamon glares at Datamon, and says "Good. Then I trust you will not lead this human astray."

Kayo stared at this new creature with wide eyes. She should be scared of this thing she'd never seen before in this world like she'd also never seen, but... she felt right away she could trust it somehow. The yellow and white furred creature spoke, and turned to her.

"My name is Renamon. You must be very lost and confused. Do not worry, all will be explained in time." He paused for a moment, then said "I activate the mark." As he said this, a circle of light began to glow on Renamon's right arm, disappearing just as quickly. With that, she felt something strange happen in the back pocket of her jeans, realizing that somehow she was wearing her normal clothes, even though she had gone to sleep in her pajamas before waking up here... wherever here was. 'an object you carry should have transformed into something different. Take a look." With a quizzical look on her face, kayo carefully reached into her back pocket to pull out her phone, which was now a strange rectangular device with a small screen, a stylus and some sort of card swipe.
Datamon motions to the two to hop in the jeep. "So this is the Digital World, blah blah parrel world to yours, you've been randomly selected to save this world. Nothing too big. I am going take you to my home for you can be in comfort. Renamon do you have any objections?"


Veemon guides to a forest clearing, he isn't a very chatty digimon, on the way he only told me that he is a digimon and I'm in the Digital World. The world does feel real, a dream would be vaguely created, this is trees with such details, the occasional rustles around me, sounds of dome bird flying by-realistic reality.

At the clearing, Veemon stops. It scratches its head and goes to a moss boulder. Chants in a peculiar language, letters appear engraved into the rock, then fly off it. The letters became a circle over the rock, the circle shoots a beam at the boulder.

Veemon rolls his eyes at me,"this doesn't happen all the time. Only me and Babamon can get in and out this pebble. Jump in."
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Renamon shakes his head, confident now that Datamon was also on Yggdrassil's side. Kayo continued to look confused and lost. She got in the jeep, Renamon did as well, but she still had no idea what was going on. "A parallel world? I.... how did I get here? And if someone thought I could "save the world", they must be crazy..."
Datamon starts up the jeep and back tracks through the path if fallen trees. As he drives, he says," well no one thought you in particular could save the world-get ready have to make a sharp right. Yggdrasil, god of this Digital World, has been grabbing humans at random to use against Chain Breaker. Humans can hive us digimon powers, Chain Breaker is bad Yggdrasil good."

The forest opens up to a tunnel, with walls of diamond. The jeep's lights push through the darkness. After a few more road bumps, the jeep stops. Datamon turns off the headlights. The cyborg presses a button the dashboard, a chunk of diamond ascends on the right, revealing a small room holding a small bed and giant monitor.

Datamon walks toward his home,"come, make yourself at home. So are you liking that digivice you got when Renamon activated the mark..um." Datamon pulls a lever under the monitor, a chair and complex keyboard rise from the earth. The digimon spins in the chair before it begins typing.

"So what's your name human?"


Patamon almost gets hit the second time the jeep flashes by. Patamon shakes off some leaves and has a fit. The digimon flies back to Konta Village.
Kayo sits silently throughout the ride, absorbing Datamon's rather vague and hasty explanation, and her otherworldly surroundings, and trying to make sense of it all, to no avail. Renamon watches as Kayo becomes lost in thought, seeming to analyze her with his eyes. Kayo had no idea what he might be thinking, or what he even is... besides a Digimon, at least.

As they enter Datamon's humble abode, Kayo studies Datamon's rather large computer curiously as she listened to his words. "Oh, My name is Kayo." At the mention of her Digivice, she takes it out again examining it. "Digivice... so that's what this is. You said something about me being able to give Digimon powers... is that what this is for?" Renamon nods. "With that Digivice you can amplify my power for a limited time, as well as other Digimon you happen to capture. We call it Digivolving."

Kayo looked down in thought for a moment. "Weird, this all sounds like a game... but it feels so real..."
Datamon grabs two wires with an end attached to duct tape, it goes over to Kayo and puts them on her forehead. The monitor displays two windows: The right window shows a wireframe model of Kayo, and some numbers randomly appearing beside different body parts. The left windows shows an island with a mountain range on one side and a lake on the other side, and some kind if pillar.

Datamon points to the island,"this is fairly real. We have continents, Four Oceans, and everything in between, I think its real. Right now we are located in Deposit Island, South Ocean of the Digital World. We are in those mountains, and after a half an hour of calculations I'm going to send back home."

Datamon starts tapping on the keyboard,"Better you live then be another dead, you know?"
Kayo flinches as the wires are attached to her head. "Wh-what are you doing? What is this for?" When Datamon mentions sending her back home, Kayo gave the cyborg a confused look. "Wait... I was brought here to save this world from some great danger and you want to send me back? I mean, I'm sure it'll be dangerous, and I sure don't want to die but..." Kayo took the wires from her forehead. "I have a bad feeling about you." She glanced towards Renamon, and he nodded. Renamon moved in between the two. "Yes, I find it all very suspicious. Gathering data on this human without her consent, and then deciding you'll send her back, when she was brought here for a very clear purpose. I can't rule out the possibility that you're working with Chain Breaker." He stood defensively in front of Kayo, narrowing his eyes at datamon.
Datamon sighs," I just don't believe in Yggdrasil taking people, without consent, and using them for war. You don't stand a chance in this world. And I'm just making sure your body is adjusting to this world, you would be surprised how many start getting seizure or something else whhen they get here."

Datamon makes the right window full screen and scrolls through numbers.

"Ehh, you transitioned nicely."

Datamon glares at Renamon,"I do not need to be lectured to a Rookie dog, err, fox of Yggdrasil. I mean, you seem to be the noble type, when you found that you had Yggdrasil's Mark, jumping with joy,right?"

A small tremor in the room, Datamon ignores it and continues with his computer work.


Konta Village was born at Lake Lady, and its huts have blossomed around the lake ever since. Pink birds walk around on clouds or two feet, these are Biyomon, or you will find the various Patamon messenger boys around dirt paths or crowded air. The leader of the village is a Angemon, a angel with a blue sash and metal plates on his right arm. Angemon was talking to other leaders, a few old Patamon, about the current issues-when the Patamon scouting for humans interrupts.

The messenger Patamon says,"well only found three today, I'm sending out Messenger #23 for the next shift."

Angemon groans,"thank you for your help, let Yggdrasil bless you."

An old Patamon coughs when Angemon said Yggdrasil.
Kayo sighs, and looking very annoyed, starts to speak. "Look, I didn't ask to end up here, but between this Digivice, the fact Renamon seems to have so much faith in me, and the fact I've acclimated well to this world according to you, it seems like I'm supposed to be here. Call me crazy, but nothing has made sense to me since I woke up on this island. And how do you know I don't stand a chance? You don't know me! I'd rather at least get both sides of the story before I go back to my boring life on earth, and you really don't seem to like this Ygdrassil for some reason."

Renamon couldn't help but smile as Kayo spoke. Sharp and strong willed, this one. She just might stand a chance, he thought. Renamon glared back at Datamon. "You're with Chain breaker, aren't you?! No other reason for you to harbor such hate for the very reason you exist, that you would lash out at one of his followers simply for being one. Rookie I might be, but you know very well that with this young lady's help, you don't stand a chance against me. You will allow us to leave in peace, or you will sorely regret your actions."
Data on closes his eyes and sighs. It says,"I lash out at blind faith, I'm a scientist, and one who needs solid facts. Yes, there is faith in science, but not the same as Yggdrasil...I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude, and make you feel unwanted from my home."

Another tremor shakes the room, and dissipates. Datamon opens up a 10 windows of cameras in the tunnels. On one camera, a giant purple mole with a drill horn collapses a tunnel. Datamon looks down, his face becomes stern.

"You know what, if you want to prove to me you can survive in this world, stop Drimigemon. I hired him to help dig a nice lab in these mountains, but he went crazy for some reason. Now he is digging this whole mountain. If this keeps going the whole mountain could actually collapse on its self, big avalanches."

Datamon takes off the wires on Kayo's head,"your digivice's compass will take you too any digimon, most digimon, you wish to seek out."


I appear in a wide tunnel, with a huge river roaring through it. I stand on a stone walkway that leads to a small brick house sitting in the middle of the river. I try to walk calmy as Veemon seems used to the scene. The house inside is as small as it appeared.

The front door opens up to a dining room, in the left corner a stuffy kitchen, and a hallway leading to some doors in the back. I sit down and a short old lady greets me.

"Welcome to my house, my name is Babamon. I hope Veemon explained to you some things already."

Veemon grunts and sirs at the table. Babamon brings out piles of strange meats and fruits. Veemon begins to eat.

Babamon says,"Where to start?"
Kayo glances between Datamon and Renamon, not sure which to believe. Her suspicion faded to the back of her mind, however, when Datamon mentioned proving herself. A challenge... now he was speaking her language. Without much more thought put into it, Kayo looked at her digivice and saw where the compass was pointing, most likely that Drimigemon.

"well Renamon, looks like we've got some work to do." Without another thought, she exited the room, motioning for renamon to follow. Doing so, he smiled again. Brave and determined as well. Yes, she'll definitely do.
Datamon waves at the two as they leave the room. The jeep's headlights turn on. Revealing a behemoth in front of it, Drimogemon. Datamon looks at his monitor and eyes widen as he sees the Drimogemon just arrived at his front door.

He begins to do the cacuclations,"okay, good thing we decided to have a little challenge. Now what, she lasts 5 minutes, then I can probably get out if I hurry..."

Datamon stops typing and looks at his home,"I'm not a bad guy,right?"

Drimigemon yells,"Dig-dig-dig more and more!"

Datamom starts backing up his data on his monitor.

Kayo's digivice displays statistics on its screen:



HP: 100

Strength: 4

Body: 8

Spirit: 4

A Beast species Champion digimon. This digimon is usually seen at construction sites due to its incredible digging skills. This digimon is like a tank with all of its muscle. Its signature attack is Iron Drill Spin - User uses a a drill on its head to attack its enemies. If around massive pieces of earth, the user's DMG is +5. Spirit: 4 DMG: 15 %Number: 70% Fear: 10%
Kayo froze for a second. renamon looked back at her, arms stretched outward to protect her from Drimogemon. "Focus, Kayo! Look at your digivice, it will tell you what to do." She glanced down at it, and along with information on her enemy, there was a list of attacks. kayo found herself smiling. This is just like an rpg! All I've got to do is reduce that thing's hp to zero, right? Kayo took a deep breath, then shouted "Renamon! Use a Close attack with High power!"

Renamon slashes with both his claws at Drimogemon.


(thanks rng... you're a dick. i hate when a 75 pecent or more chance to hit backfires :/ .)
( xD its okay buddy)

Drimogemon digs underground, barely escaping the attack. The mountain tremors. The diamond walls shake violently. The Drimogemon bursts behind Renamon. He yells,"I'll dig you! Digging is what I was made for!" The drill on its head begins to spin rapidly.

Sparks begin to shoot through the air.


Datamon closes his suitcase. Though he cannot take his eyes away from the screen,"at least she figured out the basics of the Digi100 system. Hmm, Drimogemon is charging for a special attack."
Damn! It dug under- "KYAAAH!" Just then, Drimogemon appeared between her and Renamon. It was still focused on him though. Maybe digimon don't attack humans? She hoped not, but had no time to think about it. 'Whatever it's doing can't be good! I can't afford to gamble with another high power if i want to stop it.

"Renamon! Close attack with low power!"

Renamon swiped at drimogemon again, this time with one claw. (i assume i don't have to roll for this one technically? i still will just in case.)


(....good thing i didn't do high power again xD .)


edit; oh waitt its fear is 10 percent... balls.
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(well, cough, his fear would -10% from your accuracy,but he is charging)

Drimogemon yells as the claws connect. The digivice displays: HP:96

Drimogemon's drill is spinning, still. The wind begins to whip around, the diamond of the wall begins to crack.


The Digimon headbutts Renamon with the drill. The Drimogemon stays connected with Renamon and slams her down the dark tunnel. A large crack is heard in the darkness.

Datamon comes into the tunnel and jumps into the jeep. He yawns and says," by my cacuclations, that was 12 DMG. And Renamon has 38 HP now. Ouch a serious hit. Especially against an enemy with such a big HP." Datamon starts up the jeep's engine.

"You still sure Kayo?"
Kayo grits her teeth at Datamon's taunts, but says nothing. He is being slightly helpful... emphasis on slightly.

"Hang in there Renamon! High power, you can do it!" (plz god let this roll be good)


.... le sigh...
Drimigemon quickly darts to the right. Renamon's attack misses. The digimon smiles,"You can't dig like me! I dig the best!" The digimon gets in a battle stance attack. Datamon's night vision is turned on in his left eye.

Datamon taps on the steering wheel, and he says,"so you are sure Kayo." Datamon opens up his suitcase and begins to dig through. Strange metal trinkets fall into the passenger seat throughout the search.

Drimogemon attacks again.


The digimon tackles Renamon into the earth. He fiercly pushes him through the ground, and back into the tunnel from far behind Kayo, but far enough to here another crack.

Renamon's HP is reduced to a measly 22.
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"Dammit! I don't think my commands will be of any use from this distance... I can't see what's going on...." " Kayo looks over to Datamon digging through something, and looks sideways at him curiously, glancing every now and then then back to her digivice, hoping Renamon's hp doesn't keep going down.

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