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Fantasy Re-birthing of the Dinosaurs

Cadence finished her meal. She looked around for a place to sleep for the night. Cadence kept walking carefully making sure that she wasn't going to hurt her foot anymore. She started to hear something. Cadence stayed behind a tree peeking on who or what was making those noises. Trying to stay absolutely quiet.
Cadence saw a man with an axe. She was afraid she didn't know if she should attack or not. Cadence slowly started walking back hoping he would walk away.
Debiddo look to the bushes and saw the girl from earlier backing up"hey it's you I'm not going to hurt you just be careful out there something running around"he then started to back away going back to the fire knowing that it was only fair if she did you turn into that Triceratops he knew that he could stopper he pulled off his dinosaur and started to eat it
Cadence sighed in relief not getting hurt. She then realized it was then same man from earlier. Then when Cadence looked further she saw the same lady there too, but something seemed different to Cadence. The rest of the people and camps were gone Cadence slowly walked away from the trees and bushes. "Hey what happened to everyone else that was here from earlier?" Cadence asked curiously.
"I don't know something to text him do you want some fruit"Debiddo unraveled his shirt revealing all the fruit
Cadence really didn't trust them and she was a bit afraid but she hadn't had anything good to eat in a while so Cadence walked over and sat down. "Yes please." Cadence said taking a piece of fruit and eating it.
"what's your name my name is Debiddo and that is Charlie and if you want Tuesday you can sleep in my tent I'm going to be up watching for any danger any which way"he pointed to one of the tent
"danger by I mean whatever attack or camp earlier I'm going to keep an eye out for it so we won't get jumped again"
"Well if you need help I shouldn't be too far away from just holler." Cadence said smiling finishing the fruit she was eating. "Thanks for the food also, but I best be going. Bye!" Cadence turned around and started walking away.
"hope you be safe out there holler for us if you need help to have a night"Debiddo wave goodbye as he finished his dinosaur
Cadence turned around laughing a bit. "Oh I don't think I need help. I might look like a defenseless what you call a .....damsel in distress but I can defend myself no need to worry for that." Cadence laughed.
"Well I'll keep that in mind bye!" Cadence said waving her hand and walking out into the woods. Not too far she noticed a cave. "Score!" Cadence said laughing. She laid down on the floor and went to sleep. @Yonsisac
She sighed. She didn't know what to do. With everyone gone, she had no help with her studies. "There is no need to be here anymore."
"when I get you to safety that's when I want to get paid and I'll leave you then"Debiddo look up at the starry sky and hope that they will have a safe travel
Nighscale would yawn onces more as he open his green eyes and look around,as he streaches and give a Growl,he would look outside the cave and he was not tired anymore so it was better to go get some delecies-mouthwatering meat,he would get up and slowli walk out of the cave as a large gem coverd Rex comes out,he looks around and would see the plains were he ussually hunts down some Other Dinos or Mamals,he would begine too stomp his way towards the Plains as he keeps and eye out for any good worthy Game for food.
Charlie sighed once again, wanted to have it relif her worry. "All of this is too much..." She says groaning and Putin g her head into her hands.
"you will be alright I think you need to eat and lay down I'll make sure nothing happens in the middle of the night"
Nightscale made it too the edge of the Forrest the plains Infront of him,as he would maintain still and not move hiding and wating,as he would see a few Longneck making there way across the plains too the other side full of Green trees,as this was Nightscales chance too strike,he lowerd himself a Little and got in a Running position and onces the Longnecks were in the right spot,Nightscale would Charge foward and give out a Loud oddly metalical Roar,as the Longnecks look towards him and game out alertive Roars and started too run.

Nightscale aims at the smallest and the Younghes being a easy task as he would lower his head and his sharp Cristal Horne aming at the Little one,but ones near a large adult longneck would slam hist head on Nightscale sending him back a Little but the Long neck hurt itself as he just slam a giant walking Crystal in short,its head was bleeding and was hurt and try too make a Run for it,as Nightscale roard againa dn would charge towards the long neck as the rest have manage too get to the other side.

Nighscale would be beside the long neck and would leap towards its neck and bite its Crystal Jaw as a Clear snap can be heard killing the long neck,but bad luck and the long neck,s Corps shifted and fell ontop of nightscale and his Crystals sinking deep in the corps,the weight and his crystals stuck made it mostly imposible too move.Nightscale gave out roars of anger as he strugels too remove the giant long neck from ontop of his but cant,he roars in anger and continues inly maing deep Claw marks and unable too remove it but he continues.
Charlie nodded, getting up and walking into her tent. She sat on her mattress and covered herself with the sheet. She shivered from the cold and closed her eyes.
Allysa watched the sun fall into the horizon in her human form, closing her eyes and relaxing for a bit. But the loud roars and cries from the hunted prey filled the air, causing Allysa to sigh a bit. Peace isn't a thing anymore, is it? Usually at night Allysa would turn into her Spinosaurus form for safety, so she did. Her eyes flashed yellow, a sail grew from her back, and her DNA was quickly changing. Soon she was a spinosaurus, towering over the small tree she was once standing by. The carnivore looked around, slowly walking through the forest.
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Debiddo walk back and forth in front of her tits watching out into the dark night so nothing will sneak up on them

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