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Fantasy Re-birthing of the Dinosaurs

"and always good to have one"he took off some of the paracord on his axe and tide the dinosaur to it
Debiddo nodded his head as he followed her"hope we can find some more"

Debiddo started to grab some fruit to tide him over until they got done
"one more should do I'll gather some fruit for us"Debiddo took off his shirt and put some fruit in it using it as a bag
Debiddo pick a couple more fruit and tied off his shirt making sure not to crush them and them he held it in his left hand and then started to head towards Charlie his job was to protect her.
Charlie shot another dinosaur and picked it up. "We should head back. Night fall is when the large dinosaurs come out..."
Cadence kept running and running then without looking her foot ran into a rock. "Ow!!!!!!" Cadence moaned. Shen cried her foot felt like it's been twisted. Cadence slowly walked back to the lake and put her foot in the water hoping it would help.
Debiddo took the dinosaur and tied it up to the other one and nodded his head as he started to head back to camp hearing someone hurt themself"we should head back"
Charlie follows Debiddo closely, as the sun starts to disappear from the sky. She could hear the howls and roars of dinosaurs not far in the distance.
Debiddo started to hear the house and roars and started to walk a little bit faster to get back to the camp.
Charlie once they got there, it seemed everyone else packed away their stuff and left. "Where did everyone else go?" She asked surprisingly.
Cadence watched the big moon rise and reflect into the calm and peaceful. She turned around and grabbed some wood to make a fire. She then started getting mad turning herself back into a triceratop. She then quickly killed a baby dinosaur. Turning back into human she cooked the meat over the fire.
Debiddo saw that everyone else left it was going to be more harder now to protect themselves if there's only two people here"
Shadowscale was inside a cave sleeping as the cave had small Bits of gems and Crystals Growing on its walls as this is were shadowscale mostly stayd and Hot areas,as the Moonlight was dim inside the cave mostly compleatly dark as the large Gembonded Rex sleep Pesfully,no noise,No movment just silence,as he rested he would wake up and Give out a Deep yawn mostly a roar,he would shake his head and Open his eyes slowli and Look outside seeing it was the night sky,as he Puff and would Lay his head down and close his eyes once more and Try too fall asleep as he desiers too be asleep more time till it was Daylight.
Debiddo walked over to a tree in punched it making it fall down and fall into chopped wood he then made a fire around the last two tents that were spending and started to cook two dinosaurs that they got"if this still one of you guys out here I still have a job to do so I won't leave you unless you leave"
Charlie turning her dinosaur over the fire. "I really did wonder where they went... Maybe they found a better place for shelter, or just..." She paused not wanting to think about it.
"better shelter they would have left a guy here to show us the way I think you should check your tent just in case they left a note that means they left us out here"Debiddo you have lunch he was being but that was the truth
Charlie got up and went inside her tent, looking in all the places that were obvious. Nothing. She walked back out sighing and saw something behind Debiddo. It looked like blood.
Debiddo followed her line of sight to behind him when he saw it this smell hit him blood why didn't he notice it before he went over to the area and touched it lifting up his fingers and rubbing them it was blood at least they didn't leave them from being scared"get your gun out we need to be on guard just in case whatever it is still around"he starts pulling out his axe and pulled the protector off of it ready for any attack

@Queen of Fantasy

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