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Fandom RBY Institute ooc

Favorite Pokemon Region?

  • Kanto

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Johto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hoenn

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Sinnoh

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Unova

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Kalos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alola

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
lol. Wow. You're still up that late?

It's 10:46pm where I am right now and I'm about ready for bed. Just a couple of posts to work on before calling it a night :closedeyessmile:
I have classes that start in the afternoon and go into the night, so it's not unusual for me to go to bed as late as 3am and wake up long after the sun's risen.
Mmm~I see this ooc is filled with night owls^^

Well, ever since one of our techs left, I've been coming home late (closing shift), so I'm pretty much the same. Though I derive my energy from sunlight and my most creative times are during the day, so that's when I generally post. When I get home I usually just want to relax.
I finished my last final today, so I should have no more responsibilities for the rest of the month. I think I should have a post up by Friday.
Briefly considered calling it a Pokemon Duel instead of Pokemon Battle Challenge, but I figured Gas and Luce would just crack more Yugioh jokes <.<

I finished my last final today, so I should have no more responsibilities for the rest of the month. I think I should have a post up by Friday.

Congratz. I hope you did well.
^I'm going to crack one anyway. It's time to d-d-d-d-duel!

Also, has Justin been wandering around without a shirt?? lol
Yep. Justin's been in swim trunks since the start of the rp. I think you're the first to comment on it though lol

Edit: Also, congrats Lucem! Time to take some well deserved R&R!

Edit P2: Something just clicked for me. Otto has blue hair. Mina has pink. They're totally RBY's Jessie and James.
Last edited:
RIP Otto is going to get curb-stomped in this battle. But such is the fate of one who stands for justice!!!
Ooh just wait until you see my post. By the time this is all over, Otto is going to have songs sung about his bravery.
hosaki hosaki
Are you good with the battle mechanics of this rp? I'm pretty sure Theo will be fine since I've played with him in the rolz room a couple of times, but this will be your first run. Any questions, feel free to ask=)
hosaki hosaki
Are you good with the battle mechanics of this rp? I'm pretty sure Theo will be fine since I've played with him in the rolz room a couple of times, but this will be your first run. Any questions, feel free to ask=)
I think I might be okay...? How would a move like Mega Drain work? Also do I just take the highest of my dice rolls?
Okay, I think I get it. Are we going to battle real time and collab a post, or just do a post back and forth? Theo713 Theo713 Also, I gotta make some preparations.
Theo713 Theo713
hosaki hosaki
Battling is done in the rolz room. So real time. Lemme know when you guys are doing it and I'll be there to ref- just until I'm positive you both get the rules and in the event new rules are made regarding moves, dodging, etc.
Hey, sorry about last night. I had to get to bed to get ready for work. I have a short day today, so I get off at 4. Should be home about 4:30, maybe 4:45 depending on Friday traffic. To give you an idea of when that is, Its currently 10am where I am (since I'm not sure if the timestamp on things takes in to account various time zones)
I always have a hard time posting for a character that I haven't used in a while. Writing this was a struggle.
I always have a hard time posting for a character that I haven't used in a while. Writing this was a struggle.

I'm glad you managed tho. It's always nice to see what Gray's up to^^

Despite the fact that everyone here seems to be detailed writers, there's no actual post length requirement. I don't mean for this rp to be struggle to get words out. But I do mean to reward players who contribute to the episode with their writing. Every post brings us another step closer to the end.

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