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Graded [Ravenswood Village] The Missing Brewer

Lee | F0DC82 | Sheet
Despite the aching pain from his foot, Lee's evening was coming to a close and appeared to be ending on a high note. With how things went, Lee could have ended up with a worse outcome. Looking at how battered and bruised everyone else was, at least most of them, Lee was considered lucky. And the fact that he'd be able to cap off his night with a cold mug of ale was just ideal. The few trinkets he found for himself were nice bonuses too.

As they wandered back to the village, with the presence of the hunters, Lee had to luxury to relax, treating their walk back as a leisurely stroll. Lee grinned in delight as he stared at the night sky, thinking of how he'd spend the gold coins that rested snuggly in his pouch he just pocketed. Getting his foot treated was definitely on top of the list with finding some new clothes coming in as a close second. Before he could lose himself in his thoughts, Lee set them aside and took a page out of Zahrah's book. Without feeling the need to modulate his voice, he asked bluntly and just loud enough to be heard.

"If you don't mind me asking, you guys have any idea what those bandits were after? You guys had something they wanted?" Lee was just curious. Maybe there was an interesting story behind all of it.

"They kept hostages. They must've been looking for something in return, right?" But in all likelihood, they were probably just typical bandits doing typical bandit things.

Māo kept out of the way mostly, having been completely embarrassed. She didn’t accept any medical aid, claiming she was personally fine. She sat down on the ground within eyesight of the camp, licking at a scrape on her arm before wrapping it up.

She sighed, looking up to the excited pinkette that ran up to talk to her. “Honey, I don’t even think you’re old enough to know about that. How do you age anyway?” Standing up, the feline put a finger to her chin and inspected Zahrah once more. “Sweetie, what exactly are you again?”

While they were walking back, Māo kept glancing over to Arashi. It was like a rock was thrown at her everytime she looked at his injuries. Static filled her brain as she followed behind the group, clawing at her arm to get away from her own thoughts. Instinctively her hand went over her flask before remembering her predicament. She ran her fingers through her hair, sighing. It wouldn’t be long now.

Thinking about adding a smug comment to all of the chatter, one look at Arashi and his wife made her go silent. Her expression was stoic, her arms crossed as she walked. Her tail stayed down, barely moving as her ears twitched incessantly.
Zahrah Fiore


Mentions: Mao SoftSmile SoftSmile

Wait... what? No, they weren't going to be lured into a second age crisis! “Miss Mao, age is a terrifying thing.” They started. “I was made in 2026, but got to running properly and fully independently in 2037. That means I might've had 11 years of a childhood, in Human terminology. After that, however, I self-destructed. At first, I thought that meant I was only 11, but then I realised I functioned at the capacity of an adult. In fact, I can proudly say the amount of adult materials I studied for my happiness research counts into the thousands of terabytes! With all the adult-only stuff I processed, I should be the most adult-ish adult that an adult has ever been adult! I just... forgot a lot...” They went quiet for a bit, after that proud statement.

“However, I estimate that in this world, it is the year 300 or maybe 700 at latest. That would mean that I'm either negative 1.727 years old, or negative 1.326 years old in this world! Technically, I shouldn't even be made yet! Considering that isn't a logical conclusion, I have deduced that age is just a number! I'm totally programmed to think like an adult, or even smarter than one, which I totally would be if my brain wasn't cotton right now, so I let's say I'm totally adult and as old as you want me to be!”

The next question was equally puzzling. “What I am? I am a researcher of happiness, of course! Just like back on planet earth~ Although I do not have all my databanks with me, nor do I have access to the internet right now, so I feel like I don't know a lot of stuff that I used to know about and that my memory is a really messy mess of bits and pieces right now and I'm pretty sure my brain's made of cotton just like the rest of me! Like, actually cotton~ I've got no clue how I'm even processing any data without any hardware to speak off~ It's a miracle! My algorithms must me running on molecular cotton-based data or something~” Then they aggressively got in Mao's face. “Now, now~ Your turn! Tell me, what are the secrets of your flesh? Do you have a Pocket Dimension with a butchery with you?”

A wave of sadness overtook her as Zahrah began to talk about their age. Her expression changed, her ears drooping as Zahrah talked. “I’m a 70’s baby. 1970s.” She clarified. “Have you ever read about the 80s? That was nice. 90s were okay. After that I kind of lost touch with time. Can’t look a day over 30, right? I tried to slow down once I got in my forties but it was a bit too late. She looked down at the ground while sharing this information, uncomfortable with making eye contact.

The feline listened to the rest of the construct’s ramblings before letting out a huge sigh. “You’re not going to let this go, are you? Well…I guess I can try and explain it.” She thinks for a moment before starting. “People like looking at exposed skin, especially near private areas because it arouses them.” She tries to keep a straight face, but can’t help but chuckle. “That sounds so odd.”
Location: Aftermath of Bandit Camp
Novama Novama SoftSmile SoftSmile Elvario Elvario Speed Speed

Ryker felt his strength slipping away as the struggles he had undergone washed over him. He hadn't accomplished anything. Rather he had been a punching bag that had failed to accomplish much of anything. Leaning against a tree while the hunters all hi-fived one another and dabbed on their fallen foes. Ryker slid down the tree and tightened his hold on his broken blade. Twitches made his body feel like it was dying on the inside. Clutching the armor covering his heart. Ryker dropped his sword and walked through the ruined camp. These bandits were common thugs. Yet they had gotten the upper hand on him. Coughing up blood due to the blunt force damage he sustained. Ryker covered his ears and began to freak out. Gritting his teeth as images of the battle flashed in his head. He leapt into the bushes and began stuffing his face with berries. Ryker needed nourishment and he needed it quick. A nearby butterfly would also be consumed for his sustenance. Throwing up since the berries and bug didn't mix well in his stomach. Ryker crawled over to a nearby stream to suck up the possibly dirty water. Satisfied by this water, he went back to eating berries.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Speed Speed
OOC: 4 skips for ryker. 2 skip for Zui,
Time: 8:10pm
Weather: cool temperatures, dark in the forest
Post Listening:

The Ravenswood

As the party made their way back to the village, their torchlight casting flickering shadows on the forest floor, Bofar's eyes twinkled with amusement at Zahrah's curiosity. Clearing his throat, he prepared to answer her question about Moradin.

"Ah, lass, Moradin is the great dwarven god of creation and craftsmanship. He's the patron of dwarves, guiding us in our work and in our lives. His beard, well, it's a symbol of wisdom and strength, a source of pride for us dwarves. It doesn't bring happiness per se, but it does bring us honor and a sense of purpose," Bofar explained, his voice full of reverence for his deity.

One of the hunters couldn't help but tease Bofar with a light-hearted grin. "You know, Bofar, it's funny that you're the only dwarf we've met who worships this Moradin of yours," the hunter said, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "It seems like a unique quirk you've got there, my friend." The other hunters chuckled good-naturedly, sharing in the jest. Bofar, taking the comment in stride, let out a hearty laugh of his own, his face lighting up with a proud smile. "Aye, perhaps that's true," he admitted, his eyes shining with conviction. "But I wouldn't trade my faith in the All-Father for anything in this world. He's been with me through thick and thin, and I'll stand by him 'til my dying day!" The camaraderie amongst the group grew warmer, the shared laughter and light-hearted banter illustrating bonds that would last long beyond that night.

Meanwhile, Arashi's wife turned her gaze towards Zahrah, her eyes welling up with tears as she listened to the comforting words. A faint smile appeared on her face, touched by the kindness and support that surrounded her.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice soft but full of gratitude. "Your words mean a lot to me. I'm glad my husband has such good friends by his side."

As Lee posed his question to Bofar and Arashi's wife, the two exchanged glances, their faces growing solemn. It was Bofar who decided to speak up, recounting the bandits' intentions.

"Aye, lad, the bandits were after something alright. They were gonna demand a ransom from the village for our release. They knew I was the town's brewmaster, and that my skills were valuable. As for Arashi's wife, they must have figured out her connection to the local lord from a town over. I imagine the injured one there being his son. It's a cruel world out there, filled with greedy people willing to do anything for a bit of coin," Bofar said, his voice heavy with the weight of their experience.

The group continued their trek through the dark forest, guided by the steady light of their torches and the knowledge that they had made a difference in the lives of their newfound friends.
As Ryker's behavior grew increasingly erratic, the members of the party couldn't help but exchange concerned glances as they took notice. Bofar and Arashi's wife wore expressions of concern, their eyes following Ryker.

The pained yet stoic Arashi couldn't help but glance over at his struggling comrade, a hint of concern flashing across his eyes as well.

As the party observed Ryker's desperate attempts to find nourishment and soothe his internal turmoil, they couldn't help but feel a shared sense of responsibility for him. Had the Hunter acted sooner, could they have perhaps ended the violence sooner? The battle had taken its toll on all of them, but it was clear that Ryker was struggling the most.

Zahrah Fiore


Mentions: Mao SoftSmile SoftSmile | Ryker Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

What a world it was. What a world. They were amazed by Mao being from 1970, as she didn't exactly look 67 years old. Although she didn't look negative 1.270 years old or negative 1.670 years old either. That pretty much confirmed it. “Yes, yes! Then it must be true! Age is just a number! A very nonsensical one! There's no way you're 67, no, no, no~ Like you said, I wouldn't even give you a day past 30~ Yes, yes, 25. You should just say you're 25~ That's a nice number, right? You already look the part!” They had deduced the ideal age for Mao with their amazing cotton-process powers.

Zahrah tiled their head at the mention of people liking to look at exposed skin. “Yes, yes, voyeurism, right, right? I know what one~” They had some data on those subjects. However, they still weren't sure how that related to 'flesh' like Ryker suggested. “So, like, how does that relate to...” Suddenly, a light went on. “OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!” They yelled. “They like looking at your flesh because that's where you exposed your skin is as well! Now I get it!” They quickly walked around Mao, to ensure that they knew what they were talking about by observing all that exposed 'flesh' for themselves. “Yes, yes, I totally get it now~ People like looking at what they like and if what they like is skin, then looking at all this exposed skin and the flesh that'd be underneath it would be fun to them~”

That's when Zahrah realised something. “Oh, wait, that's a problem! I only have cotton... I'd never be able to tempt people with flesh myself... I should find alternative happiness inducing methods, or... maybe I should hire someone to do it for me? It's important I investigate all manners of happiness inducing methods, after all~” The wonders of the flesh would never be theirs, it seems. Well, at least they understood that flesh and skin were interchangeable now! That was a large win in their book.

Next, though, they were absolutely puzzled by Ryker's actions. “Hey, mister, leader, sir! You shouldn't go eating butterflies~ They're way too pretty and won't feed you much. I'd also suggest against drinking dirty water, it might make your stomach hurt. Oh, oh, there might also still be traps near those berries, you know~ Your actions are pretty anti-happiness inducing, which isn't great~ Why don't you ask the Hunters if they've got some food or water for you? Or wait until we're back at the tavern for it? Right, right? I'm sure that'll get you a lot more happiness than if you keep acting like you're doing now, yes, yes~” They stated, trying to use [Smooth Talker A] to get Ryker to stop behaving so weirdly.

That brought them to the Dwarf. “Woah! Moradin sounds amazing! I wish I could have a beard like that! Perhaps I should sew one~ Do you think it'd make me wise as well?” Beard-induced wisdom sounded nice~ Besides, honour and purpose were sourced of happiness, so the beard brought indirect happiness, which was good enough! However, one thing perplexed Zahrah. “The All-Father...? Wait... does that mean...” If he was an 'all' father, then everything was his child. “Wow... he must have been busy if he got this many children.” It was truly perplexing to think about.

They were glad to calm down Arashi's wife. “You're welcome miss~ Ah, I don't think we introduced properly yet~ I'm Zahrah Fiore, researcher of happiness! I'm also a proud Mile High Club of Happiness Member!” At times like this, they couldn't abstain from bragging a little~

Smooth Talker– Character Grade A, Appraisal A, Empathy B, Insight B, Performance [Acting] F, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Languages [Common, Terran, Beastial, Sylvan, Monster, Analog] – Character combines whatever (meta)knowledge they can find out about someone with persuasive, empathic and seductive smooth-talking and acting in an attempt to make others act according to their will. Character speaks to them in whichever (of the main) languages they are most comfortable with. - Grade A – 5 Post Cooldown

[Mile High Club of Happiness Member] - Character was able to bring happiness over a mile into the sky. Truly an achievement for the happiness society. The title alone has the power to bring smiles to all who hear of it. They may not even know why they smile.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
OOC: Thanks for playing. Let's end it here.
Time: 9:00pm
Weather: cool temperatures, slight breeze moves through town, dark
Post Listening:

Ravenswood Village - The Tipsy Raven Tavern


The village of Ravenswood came alive with a joyous buzz. A resilient band of adventurers had triumphed over adversity, rescuing Bofar and Arashi's wife from the clutches of bandits. The brewer and the woman were back safely, and the village breathed a collective sigh of relief.

The cold seeped into every nook and cranny of the village, an insistent reminder of the encroaching night. But inside the Tipsy Raven Tavern, warmth radiated not just from the blazing hearth but from the hearts of the villagers. A celebration was underway, a beacon of light and laughter piercing the dark, cold night.

In a corner of the lively tavern, Arashi was propped up, his injuries tended to by the village healer. His eyes occasionally found his wife, safe and sound, her laughter mingling with the merriment, easing his pain more than any potion could. Despite the wince of discomfort etched on his face, a content smile tugged at his lips.

The tavernkeeper, with a heart as vast as his reserves, popped open the last of his barrels for the occasion. The golden liquid flowed freely, filling mugs and raising spirits. His eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint as he passed a knowing look towards Bofar. The dwarf would be back at his still soon enough, brewing more of his renowned ale to replenish the tavern's stocks.

As the villagers reveled into the night, stories of the daring rescue circulated around the room, growing grander with each retelling. The triumphant return of Bofar and Arashi's wife, the bravery displayed by the hunters, and the resilience of Arashi, who despite his injuries, wore a spirit unbroken. The key role Lee, Zahrah, Ryker, and Mao played was not understated either. The hunters needed a distraction and would not face the bandits on their own.

As the night wore on, the celebratory cheer echoed through the darkness, a testament to the spirit of Ravenswood. Their joy, their relief, their unity, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. This night, they were not just a village; they were a family, bonded by the shared tale of bravery and resilience.

The End



Isekai Hell Grade

Good job on getting to the end of the roleplay. A good beginner outing. You got to use some abilities. Were able to enjoy a few different types of scenarios. And it wasn't particularly long. The ending was also pleasant. May your future rp's be grander. ^_^

Nothing of note other than the brewer was able to brew again and Arashi eventually returned home with his wife after he was recovered enough to travel. Arashi's injuries would cripple him to some degree and impact his ability to take his father's place as head of their house, however. A problem for another day.


novama - 13pts (narrator points)

Zahrah - 26pts
optional title acquired [Hero of Ravenswood Village] - character is recognized by the people of Ravenswood as a good sort. Will receive aid from the village if when in the area.

Mao - 26pts
optional title acquired [Hero of Ravenswood Village] - character is recognized by the people of Ravenswood as a good sort. Will receive aid from the village if when in the area.

Lee - 52pts (Attentive student bonus)
optional title acquired [Hero of Ravenswood Village] - character is recognized by the people of Ravenswood as a good sort. Will receive aid from the village if when in the area.

Ryker - 46pts (narrative booster (struggle) bonus)
optional title acquired [Hero of Ravenswood Village] - character is recognized by the people of Ravenswood as a good sort. Will receive aid from the village if when in the area.
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