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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Kazehana said:
(She's totally allowed to tease him)
"Of course I am. I'm not ashamed of myself," she spoke with defiance. She quickly spun around and, upon seeing his back, smiled and immediately acted so that her thoughts wouldn't give it away. She held up her forearms and snapped her fingers outward, creating a flash of light that enveloped her as she duplicated. Once she was done, Rouge stood with one hand on her hip, looking rather done. Jaune put a foot up against the wall as she leaned on it, eyeing Damen to see what he would do next with that stupid ball. Verte looked around frantically, wondering why no one else seemed to find any part of this room suspicious. Violette just stood there, looking around to make sure they weren't in any kind of danger. It was Rouge who broke the silence, "Satisfied, yet?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen's eyes rose as he became quite intrigued "Well. . . .you all seem like the same person yet your different in personality" stated Damen as he cocked an eye at Rouge, he then looked at them all with his red eye. I don't even need my magic eye to be able to tell they are different in a way, thought Damen as he dispelled the ball of darkness "This is quite neat if you ask me" said Damen as he chuckled a bit.

(. . . .. . I totally just forgot why I had Damen bring Heather to a secluded room. . . . . he just met her! xD )
Johnny mental fight stopped he slowly turned to Crimson as his facial expression softened " 10 " states johnny in a serious tone as he stare at Crimson like he had two heads.

Rouge spread her legs, put her hands on her hips, and leaned forward, a bit more belligerent than Heather, and demanded, "Are you going to answer my question or not?" Violette decided to chime in, "Wouldn't it be best if we found out what he wants out of this first?" she observed, calmly looking over at Rouge. Jaune rolled her eyes, "Think about it. Secluded room where no one can see us, four beautiful women, disorienting us.. Put it together." Verte widened her eyes as her mouth gaped open, eyes darting between her duplicates, unable to say anything. She was clearly the only one still terrified.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny mental fight stopped he slowly turned to Crimson as his facial expression softened " 10 " states johnny in a serious tone as he stare at Crimson like he had two heads.

Alright Johnny, if this fails are you prepared to die? If this succeeds are you prepared to be my Beta in MY pact? Are you prepared to learn how to control the new werewolf state this has to offer? Which I my had is harder to control. Are you prepared witness the worst pain imaginable if you ever exit the werewolf state you choose you enter? He says in a very serious and stern manner.
Johnny stops and thinks Yea I ready but if I die its over but you be with your family. Johnny looks up with a serious face " Yes I'm sure " says Johnathan as he looks at Crimson.
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny stops and thinks Yea I ready but if I die its over but you be with your family. Johnny looks up with a serious face " Yes I'm sure " says Johnathan as he looks at Crimson.

Crimson walked up to Johnathan and put his hand on his shoulder a crimson light covered them and Crimson uses his flash step to transport them both to his dorm. Alright now lemme inform you. If this succeeds you'll be a Beta in my pact. You be very easy to anger as a new blood which will turn you into your werewolf form. When you exit your werewolf form you'll witness the worst pain imaginable. The transition into your werewolf form is painless though. When angers your eyes will turn and glow a cold steel blue since you're a beta. I well be able to sense when you're angry so I'll be able to help you through that situation so you won't turn. Now do you still want to be turned?
Kazehana said:
Rouge spread her legs, put her hands on her hips, and leaned forward, a bit more belligerent than Heather, and demanded, "Are you going to answer my question or not?" Violette decided to chime in, "Wouldn't it be best if we found out what he wants out of this first?" she observed, calmly looking over at Rouge. Jaune rolled her eyes, "Think about it. Secluded room where no one can see us, four beautiful women, disorienting us.. Put it together." Verte widened her eyes as her mouth gaped open, eyes darting between her duplicates, unable to say anything. She was clearly the only one still terrified.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"I wouldn't exactly call you all. . . .'beautiful'. . . .but I guess you're all equally. . . attractive" stated Damen, he sighed not knowing how to respond "I just wanted to see what your ability was. Nothing more, nothing less. Now that you have. . .G'day" said Damen as he headed to the door

(I got an idea :)
As Aedus got to the school gates he stopped If what happened last time happens again i'll have no one to help me Aedus thought worried I shouldn't stick out though i look like a normal person Aedus took a deep breath before exiting the school, trying to not make eye contact with anyone in case they figure out he was the one with Ent the other day.

Aedus decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway, as he was about to exit the alleyway two people stepped out in front of him
"Where do you think your going. Freak." one of the people sneered "I-I'm not a F-freak" Aedus replied "Yeah you are we've seen you hanging out with that cat freak and a 'Friend' of ours wants ever so much to meet you" The man said, looking to the side of Aedus "What did you say you were again?" The man asked "A hunter" A gruff voice growled out.

Jaune scoffed, "Well excuse me, I wasn't aware that you were good at judging beauty, since, you know..." Rouge stood up straight still eyeing Damen. Violette still had a simple blank expression on her face, knowing that that wasn't all he was after. Verte couldn't stop repeating "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," in her head a seemingly infinite amount of times, but never actually said anything. Rouge darted to the door, blocking it with her arm held out firmly, "Hold up. We don't know everything about your powers, but you know all about ours. 'Fess up, buddy," she demanded, unsatisfied with the transaction.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
Jaune scoffed, "Well excuse me, I wasn't aware that you were good at judging beauty, since, you know..." Rouge stood up straight still eyeing Damen. Violette still had a simple blank expression on her face, knowing that that wasn't all he was after. Verte couldn't stop repeating "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," in her head a seemingly infinite amount of times, but never actually said anything. Rouge darted to the door, blocking it with her arm held out firmly, "Hold up. We don't know everything about your powers, but you know all about ours. 'Fess up, buddy," she demanded, unsatisfied with the transaction.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked to her and glared at Rouge with his red coloured eye "*sigh* I told you that it's complicated. . . . you going to let me pass or what?" he asked still looking at her, sensing there every heart beat, breath, movement etc. He would know it, and was ready to make his way out.

(Well we could have a bit of a duel :)
Rouge glared at him, still unsatisfied with him skirting around her question like that. "Not until you give me answers," she was almost too serious. She held her arm out, unwavering in her decision to demand more from him. What's fair is fair. The other three stopped and stared at Rouge and Damen, unsure what she aimed to accomplish and wondering what would happen next.

(Idk she isn't much for fighting tbh it would only really be Rouge. The other three would have to help only indirectly or something. Plus no magic is kind of a huge disadvantage. I'll think about it, but for now, I gotta bounce. Dueces)

@Veyd Sahvoz
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny looks at Crimson and nods

Alright don't die He takes Johnny's wrist and bites into it. The views in Johnny's body starts showing and he begins feeling the pain of both werewolf blood fighting for control with is very tremendous. The pain causes him to fall to the floor and his body starts shaking Uncontrollably. There are black substances flowing through his veins. This continues for 30 minutes until Johnny's body just stops moving and his heart stops beating, but the two bloods are still fighting. The Silvermane blood prevails with the help of Johnny's will. The Silvermane blood starts changing his DNA giving him silver plated bones and a supernatural condition. Crimson himself kneels over Johnny and palms his chest releasing a pulse to get his heart beating again. Crimson sits on the bed until Johnny awakes.
Johnny feels the moment of the bite to the moment he thinks he dead. After a while he groans loudly as his eyes flutters open to see he still in Crimsom's dorm. He moves his head to see Crimson seating on his bed staring at him. " He.....y Cr....imson" says Johnny as his head starts to hurt. He tries to get up but he falls to the ground.
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[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny feels the moment of the bite to the moment he thinks he dead. After a while he groans loudly as his eyes flutters open to see he still in Crimsom's dorm. He moves his head to see Crimson seating on his bed staring at him. " He.....y Cr....imson" says Johnny as his head starts to hurt. He tries to get up but he falls to the ground.

Crimson starts clapping slowly when he saw Johnny waking up. The claps have a medium volume to it but to Johnny it sounds like a spaceship launching into space, hurting his ears.
"I-I'm a V-vegetarian" Aedus said, trying to continue walking, only to be shoved back. The hunter growled "Fool, i am no hunter of Animals. I am a hunter of scum like yourself, Of people who call themself 'Gifted'" The man replied. Aedus turned to look at the man. The hunter had emotionless and dead eye that showed no mercy, Aedus started shaking with fear as the man unholstered a gun

Aedus started desperately looking for a way out of the situation, every Exit was blocked
I doubt i could beat this 'Hunter' in a fight, and i doubt i will be able to run away, he's probably killed people with better 'gifts' than me Aedus thought as he began to hyperventilate, scared that he was going to die.
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Johnny covers his ears as he looks at Crimson. He smiles as he suddenly falls to sleep.

( Hope its OK if Johnny crash here tonight I be back on tomorrow around 9 gtg cya)
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny covers his ears as he looks at Crimson. He smiles as he suddenly falls to sleep.
( Hope its OK if Johnny crash here tonight I be back on tomorrow around 9 gtg cya)

Crimson grins (This kid is the first of many) falls back onto the bed going to sleep
UnwantedTruth said:
Pigeon looked up at the school in awe. "Wow...I can't believe I'm finally here..." she whispered to herself. She rolled her old, raggedy suitcase into the school. She swung by the office and got the key to her dorm before walking in the direction of her dorm.
Shafer sat on his brother's shoulders, wincing a bit with every step Sasha took. He tapped his fingers on the top of the other's head, mind rather hazy as he watched the students pass. He finally locked his gaze into Pigeon, eyes clearing from that cloud of boredom as he perked up. He steered his brother in that general direction, finally stopping directly in front of her, pretty much just trusting she'd be the one to stop and not ram into the pair.
The hunter looked annoyed when Aedus began to panic "At least try to die with dignity" The hunter commanded. I have to try to run away before i'm killed Aedus thought before he charged at the two people who had originally blocked his way, pushing them back slightly and giving him a chance to get away. Aedus continued running despite his lungs burning and didn't stop until he got into the store. Aedus decided to get all the ingredients and then just teleport back to the school. While he was shopping Aedus kept constantly looking over his shoulder in case the Hunter or the other men were behind him. Aedus payed for the ingredients and exited the shop going around the back of the shop Aedus lit a match and willed the flame to Go back to the school.

"So you are 'Gifted' I was beginning to have my suspicions, now i have no qualms about killing you" Aedus turned around to see who the voice belonged to even though he already knew who it was, The flame would take at least a couple of minutes to get to the school until then Aedus would have to hold out against the hunter. As soon as Aedus turned to face the Hunter, a bullet ripped through his shoulder causing him to cry out in pain, Aedus still held tight to the bag full of ingredients. Aedus went to take another match out of the box but he was shot in the hand causing him to lob them closer to the Hunter "If you hadn't of Run off i would have made this quick" The Hunter said as he shot Aedus in the leg, causing him to let out a scream of pain. The flame was now at the school, Aedus could sense this and started teleporting, The hunter however noticed that Aedus was concentrating and shot Aedus in the stomach just as he began to teleport.

As Aedus arrived in the school he let out another scream of pain, Blood leaking out from the bullet wounds in his shoulder, arm and stomach causing a puddle of blood to form around him. Aedus tried to get up but only caused more pain to shoot through his body which in turn caused him to let out another scream of pain
I hope someone finds me before i bleed out Aedus thought hopelessly

@ Anyone who wants to help

Night Wing turned a corner only to see Aedus bleefing out and other students screaming out at the blood, she gasped while running to him "Aedus....Aedus!" she said while ripping off a bit if his shirt and tried to use it to stop the bleeding. She saw it wasn't working much but kept doing it as she began engulfing her bloody hands in a warm light energy to sooth his wounds as she tended them trying to do something to help at least.
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Aedus was fading in and out of consciousness, trying not to fall asleep lest he die. When he heard a voice, looking up he saw a blurry figure, he noticed the figure had bluish green eyes "N-night Wing?" Aedus asked weakly

@Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
Aedus was fading in and out of consciousness, trying not to fall asleep lest he die. When he heard a voice, looking up he saw a blurry figure, he noticed the figure had bluish green eyes "N-night Wing?" Aedus asked weakly
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing kept putting pressure on the major wounds as she placed her hands, engulfed in the light glowing energy/aura, on his wounds soothing them go take a bit of the pain away "Yes…it's me. Don't talk…reserve your strength" she said, while wondering how in the hell he was bleeding this much.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing kept putting pressure on the major wounds as she placed her hands, engulfed in the light glowing energy/aura, on his wounds soothing them go take a bit of the pain away "

[/QUOTE][QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]
Yes…it's me. Don't talk…reserve your strength" she said, while wondering how in the hell he was bleeding this much.

"Your.... S-singing... earlier was.... amazing...Ent didn't..... know.... what he..... was... talking...about" Aedus complemented, not taking Night Wings advice at all.
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