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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Daggora Keket

Unlucky in Life ;P
Raven-Wing Academy, often shortened to RWA, is a school for those of the 'Supernatural' persuasion. Those of us with gifts and abilities, while known by normal humans, are also hated. Hunters are humans who hunt down and kill the gifted. Because of them RWA was built as a safe haven and a school for the Gifted , as it is shielded from the Hunters with a special force field. Now the Hunters are trying to shut down the school, and some have even found a way to infiltrate the force field at certain weak spots, and even disguise themselves among the residents at RWA and students, and even one or two staff members and teachers. Good luck dear Students, you never know who around you could be an ally or an enemy. May you choose who you trust wisely.
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Daggora smiled as she walked through the brightly lit, stone hallways of RWA. It was her second t last year, and she couldn't wait. She went to stow away her stuff in her assigned dorm room, Number 105 in the west wing, before heading to check out the grounds and meet new, and maybe old, friends and classmates. After she put her bags on her bed, she thought about where to go, making up her mind quickly. Goal in mind, she smiled and trotted down the hallway to her next destination, the courtyard.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad6b2577_RWACourtYard2.jpg.1deb478ed3e5a79d43c0a38b2a91b6cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad6b2577_RWACourtYard2.jpg.1deb478ed3e5a79d43c0a38b2a91b6cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad6cfde7_RWACourtYard.jpg.49041a7618edc9377661d6adf1486f23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad6cfde7_RWACourtYard.jpg.49041a7618edc9377661d6adf1486f23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hunter looked around the unfamiliar campus, a small bag slung over his shoulder as he searched for his room. He wasn't too lost, so he didn't feel the need to ask anyone for directions. After a bit of wandering about, he had finally found Room 102. He took a mental note of its location as he set down his bag and sat on the edge of his bed. The sharpshooter had no idea how this entire academy thing would go down, but he felt a vague bit of excitement at the change of pace. Hell, it beat walking around New Zealand and, later, Australia. With a tired sigh, he set down his bag, getting out his phone and putting in his earbuds. Soon enough, he was laying down on the bed, either waiting for himself to get motivated to move or perhaps someone might come along. He didn't really care.
Biting her lip as she made her way down the hallway to the courtyard, Daggora passed a room with the door cracked open. Her curiosity got the best of her and she knocked slightly on the door, while slowly opening it a little bit to reveal a boy laying down on a bed while listening to music. She knocked a little louder on the door to try and get the boys attention.
"Hm...?" Hunter paused his music and pulled an earbud out, glancing towards the door to see a girl there. "Hello there." He spoke in a deep voice, his accent coming out. "Can I help you?" He asked, being truly sincere with that remark.

@Daggora Keket
Daggora smiled as the boy spoke. "Hi! I'm Daggora. I was just heading to the courtyard to see if anyone was there when I saw your door was cracked. I-uh kinda figured I would stop and introduce myself." She waved sheepishly at the stranger. "Maybe make new friends and all that you know..." She stuck her hands in her pockets and bit her lip again, waiting for the boys response.
Hunter nodded slightly throughout the girl's introduction, taking a mental note of her face and her name, lest he forget later. "I'm Hunter." He replied rather bluntly, before figuring he should speak a little more. "I would go outside, but it's been a long day for me, been traveling a lot. But hey, I figure we could run into each other when I have more energy." He gave a patient smile, wishing that he was alone and able to just fall asleep. Yet he didn't mind the company of Daggora thus far, she seemed bearable.

@Daggora Keket
Daggora smiled slightly and rocked back on her heels.. Awkward... She thought. "Well....um....nice to meet you Hunter. I'll-uh..let you get back to your...um...music?" She stuttered and stepped back into the hallway. "Umm...I'll see you later...maybe." She waved one more time before quickly walking down the hallway, leaving the room behind. "Idiot, now he probably thinks your some kind of perv or something." She muttered to herself as she walked away.

(Going to bed now, see you guys tommorow!)

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Aptual awoke from under a tree, just next to the entrance gate. Her eyes slowly opened, she yawned an scratched behind her ear. When her eyes were fully opened she started to look around "Oh yea! This is my new school! Yay!" She cheerfully exclaimed as she jumped up, full of excitement. Doing so she heard her belly rumble "I guess the first thing to do today is eat! I wonder what they have? Maybe a sweet salad!" Aptual jumped up and down, clapping as she thought of the adorable food they might serve. Then she ran off, putting her hands out to the side and giggles as she ran to the canteen.
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Hunter mentally shrugged as Daggora left, figuring everyone had their little quirks and whatnot. He put his earbuds back in and played his music again, closing his eyes and just letting his weary self rest. You're safe now. You can relax. You don't have to kill anyone now, he told himself, more than happy that he could attend this academy. But while he did miss his family, he knew their safety was a priority. His, well... He can handle himself.

Caroline leaned against a cool stone wall in the shade of the courtyard. She was finally approaching her final year of school, and she would soon be free to live her life. Her eyes slowly peeling open simply to scan the area lazily. Since most people were either new or consorting with the new, she found this area to be relatively quiet. Only the rustle of the leaves from the few trees within the courtyard interrupted her otherwise noiseless rest. The area was nearly devoid of human life, which suited her nicely. Though eventually she would need to go interact with others, now was her time.

She pushed herself to an upright position, then took a few moments to gain her bearings. Once she was sufficiently awake, she exchanged her left forearm for a cannon, inspecting it carefully. She used her cloth to wipe up any dirt that may have lingered and tweaked a few of the industrial screws that kept it intact. Of course, these were all cosmetic, as her cannons were functional regardless. But she had standards, and that meant that she needed to keep them up to date.

Hearing a noise in the bushes, her alarmed eyes darted up to intercept it. She relaxed when she discovered it to be a simply squirrel searching for its nuts. Though it was a false alarm, it sure did wake her up. With developing clarity, she fine tuned all the intricacies of her cannon, focusing on keeping it spiffy and ready for action. Hopefully, she would finish soon so that she could finis unpacking. As far s she knew, her boxes were still just sitting on her claimed side of the room waiting to be opened. Oh well. She'd get to it eventually.

Hunter wasn't really feeling the whole sleep thing at the moment. Perhaps the new environment had him tense, or the noise of people outside had him curious. With a grand stretch, he sat up and yawned, shaking off that dizzy feeling after sitting up too quickly. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and walked outside his dorm, closing the door behind him.

He just trailed down what seemed to be a main hall out to the courtyard, looking around at the various flora around him. After spending most of his time in what was basically desert, this was a welcome change. He spotted various people around the place, some in which their powers were very obvious and some that looked pretty much normal.

After his brief glance over the area, Hunter found a shady spot under a tree, which he promptly sat under. He seemed pretty content with this spot right here; not too far from people, but far enough for him to not be too close to anyone. From his new spot, he looked on, with eyes concealed by his sunglasses, at the other gifted with curiosity, trying to figure out their powers. A lot seemed to have some sort of transformative or animal capabilities, yet one stood out to him. That girl had a cannon on her arm, holy shit.

@Kazehana (mentioned)
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"Room 114..." Joseph looked up from the slip of paper to see a huge campus and in front of him. 'Wow..."' Joseph thought as he entered the place. He went straight into putting his stuff away, and found his room quite quickly after looking at an map. "I actually hope I have an decent roommate." Joseph said as he sat on the bed and pulled out his phone before playing some games on it.
Albert sat on the roof of the courtyard watching the new students mingle throughout the school.

He remembered that time for him, the feeling of aimlessness,the curiosity, sometimes even fear.

"They'll find their confidence soon enough" he says aloud to no one in particular.

He intended to ensure that they were confident in themselves and their abilities. He was gonna be hard on them, but hey diamonds form under pressure.

He took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke into the open air...
Raven was the one to hear Albert's remark from his perch above "Even though, sometimes they might need a little encouragement." Added Mr. Raven as he swooped down from the tree he'd been on and landed on the large mans shoulder, his claws ripping his shirt a bit by accident as he landed. "My bad," he said noticing what he had down to the shirt "Sorry if I'm intruding on your personal time, it gets dreadfully annoying having to lists to those damned crows chatter." He grumbled, cawing back at the crows as a means to shut them up. By this point it was a game to them, if he got annoyed they won so Raven tried not to pay attention to them. "Damn scavenger's...I tell you, if you were me you'd have the same thought." That's when he too saw the students in the courtyard, if he were not a professor he normally would have gone to greet them but he always loved to see his students reactions when they saw him in class and actually spoke. It always amused him.

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"No problem Mr.Raven, I've got a ton of this same shirt." He chuckles a bit

"I remember being in their shoes, back when you were my teacher" he laughs again.

"I wonder how the students are gonna take your great reveal this year."

Despite it being his first year as a teacher, Albert was once a student at the academy. He was a bit of a trouble maker but made some of the best grades in the school,but science was his passion... As a kid he was well on his way to becoming a world renowned physicist. Until his run in with the hunters.

"You think we're going to have any fainting?" He asks with a grin.
Aptual ventured around school as she made her way to the canteen, humming and skipping while doing so. She took a detour from going to the canteen and found a bored that had a map of the school on it. "Wow! there sure is a lot of places to explore. I wonder if any are haunted!" She started to squeal as she imagined all the adventures she would have here. Her belly rumbled again "As much as I want to eat I would love to find someone to eat with." She muttered, as much as she loves food, food tastes better with other people.
Daggora continued wandering around the school with no purpose in mind. She tilted her head back and stared at the ceiling while she walked. This turned out to be a very bad idea, as she accidentally ran into someone. Stumbling back she quickly took her eyes off the ceiling and focused on the other person. "Sorry, my bad. I wasn't looking at where I was going."


Caroline ad noticed the influx of people into her vicinity, though she didn't act upon the event. Instead, she kept cleaning and polishing her cannons, almost unfazed by the audience. She knew that the professors were watching, so she couldn't exactly do anything about them. But the students were becoming rather opaque. Could she really just pretend like they weren't there? Probably. She switched cannons to clean the other, satisfied with the first. Perhaps when she was done, she might be inclined to socialize. But she doubted it. Maybe eventually.

Hunter raised a brow when the girl's arm changed back to normal, yet her other arm became a cannon. Kickass. He decided to not stare any longer, instead averting his gaze to what seemed to be a professor and a raven. It seemed that the man was talking to the bird, but he couldn't hear their conversation. Just assume the guy is a bit off and move on. He focused on each of the gifted in the courtyard, figuring out their abilities and wondering who could kill him and who he stood a chance against. This has become a normal thought process for Hunter. It's not like he was going to actively kill these people, but he didn't know if they'd do the same. Best play it safe and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

After he was done gazing at various folk, Hunter relaxed and leaned back further against the tree, eyes half lidded but not closed. Keeping your eyes closed around this many people was a death wish, in his mind. Though he did up the volume on his music, drowning out any outside noise. The slow melody lulled him closer and closer to sleep, leaving him barely awake and just staring blankly into space.
Aptual fell to the ground "Owie Owie." She rubbed her head before looking at the girl. "I could have died! But I didn't so it's fine!" Aptual smiled at the girl before jumping up "We shall discuss matters while we eat! Also, you have no choice." Aptual giggled and continued to have a beaming smile. She started to skip to the canteen "Come on slow poke!" She called out, waiting for the girl to follow.

@Daggora Keket
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Hearing a lot of sounds outside, Joseph decided to take an peak. What he did't to see was a werewolf girl in front of him, heading his way. "OH shi-" was all he managed before he got bumped into the girl, painfully. "Shit, that hurts." He muttered as he slowly got up.
Koziak walked up the stairs and into the school with his bags on his back and his right side, and Loki on his left side. The school's looks were far from what he imagined it to look like. Loki this place looks nice, what you think? Loki looks up to him and just nods. He walked through the stone hallways towards his dorm. When he arrived he unlocked the door walking in. To his surprise his roommate hasn't arrived yet so of course he gets first pick. He tossed his bags onto the left side of the room. Loki, that's our bed there. He said pointing to the bed on the left. The other one is off limits. He looks at the bed thinking about his roommate. I hope my roommate isn't the type that gets under my skin. He goes to his bag only taking out his katana set and hanging them up on the wall behind his bed. When he finished he pushed his bags up under his bed and plops onto it. He lays down closing his eyes for a rest with one leg propped up and the other stretched out and his hands behind his head with Loki laying on his right side.

(mentioned: @Aowyn)
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Brooke was carrying two suitcases full of stuff; One in each hand as she skipped through the hallways cheerfully, making her way towards her dorm room. 'I wonder how many new friends I'll make here. I'm sure I'm make loads of friends!' As she got to the Dorms, Brooke started looking out for her dorm room. "Room 111... Room 111... Room 111!" She smiled as she entered her room, throwing her suitcases onto her bed before starting to unpack them, Hanging a picture of the sea above her bed before starting to put her clothes and other items away.

Brooke was finishing up putting her clothes away when she heard her stomach rumble.
"I should go get some food. I wonder what types of food they have here. I bet it's all great food!" She smiled to herself as she placed her, now empty suitcases underneath her bed before skipping cheerfully out of her dorm room and towards the cafeteria.


Francis walked through the hallways, an annoyed expression on his face as he passed all the dorm rooms carrying only a singular suitcase
. 'Room 114. I bet I'm going to be stuck with someone else; I probably won't have a dorm to myself, I'm not that lucky' Upon entering the room, He noticed someone else had already put their stuff in the room. "I guess I was right" Francis sighed as he carelessly chucked his Suitcase onto his bed.

Francis patted all his pockets before sighing. He then walked over to his bed and opened up the suitcase, pulling out a packet of cigarettes.
"I'm going to need to get more soon" He sighed as he pulled one of them out of the pack before chucking the packet onto the bed; He placed the tip of the cigarette into his mouth as he brought his other hand underneath the cigarette, snapping his fingers and having a small flame appear, lighting the Cigarette. Francis let out a sigh of relief as he leaned up against the wall, taking a long drag of the cigarette before taking it away from his mouth and blowing out smoke.

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metalcity said:
Aptual fell to the ground "Owie Owie." She rubbed her head before looking at the girl. "I could have died! But I didn't so it's fine!" Aptual smiled at the girl before jumping up "We shall discuss matters while we eat! Also, you have no choice." Aptual giggled and continued to have a beaming smile. She started to skip to the canteen "Come on slow poke!" She called out, waiting for the girl to follow.
@Daggora Keket
Daggora smiled at the girl. She seemed nice enough. 'No choice, huh?' She thought. 'Eh, What the hell, I am feeling kind of hungry anyways.' She smiled and looked up the girl, who had already started heading towards the cafeteria. "Coming!" She yelled, and ran to catch up with girl. Finally caught up, she decided to introduce herself. "I'm Daggora by the way. It's nice to meet you. I haven't met very many people yet so far today."

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