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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [Always Accepting]

The Zone
Strelok nodded as he continued. "да. Then you are from an Earth with a non-anomalous Zone." He said, shouldering his Kalashnikov as he walked. "As far as I am aware, the world I am from is the only one with a Zone filled with anomalies, artefacts, and mutants." He glanced over his shoulder to see the two listening intently to his words. "Before the first Chernobyl disaster in 1986, the remote areas around Chernobyl and Pripyat were used by the Soviet Union for research and development of psychotropic weapons and study of the Noosphere, the tangible if invisible field surrounding the Earth linked by, affected by, or affecting both human minds and thoughts." He explained, giving them a brief rundown. "A single human could never be able to affect the Noosphere in any noticeable way. This problem led to the creation of the C-Consciousness."

He paused for a bit, as if reflecting on just what the whole thing was. "The C-Consciousness was a secretive group of seven volunteers, connected to form a superconsciousness. The science team was driven by noble intentions - through their research, they wanted to eliminate the wars, injustice, and conflict tearing the world apart, by changing human psyche. To do this, they had to alter the Noosphere." He gazed out towards the concrete tomb of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, its towering ventilation stack stretching into the sky. He seemed to be in deep in thought, before deciding to move on. "But it failed. In 2006, an event known as the second Chernobyl disaster occurred. The C-Consciousness created a rift in the Noosphere and allowed it to directly affect the biosphere, creating a large area where physical laws were outright broken and mysterious phenomena not understood by modern science manifested themselves. That area was called the Zone."

He finished his explanation of what the place was, then raised an amused eyebrow at Ken's odd title and Callie's strangely bombastic introduction. "You are a strange pair indeed." Ken then asked about the neutral zones and factions. "да. There are many factions, most of which will likely shoot on sight. Some of the major factions are Duty, Freedom, and Monolith. I will explain more later. Loners are the most common; independent Stalkers not part of any faction. As for the neutral zones, there are few. Most are the bars and trading hubs, along with the Cordon and Rookie Village, to name a few."

He paused as he noticed someone standing on the cracked road up ahead. He crouched down and motioned his followers to do the same. "Жди здесь. Wait." He raised his rifle and peered through his AK's PSO-1 scope. He realised that the person was a young woman with chin-length curly brown hair and a pink sweater and skirt. For some reason, she was also holding an axe and grenade launcher. In other words, someone horribly unsuited for the Zone's harsh conditions.

Strelok lowered his rifle and stood up, slowly making his way over to her. "Эй, ты! Ты дружелюбный? " He called out, his finger on the trigger. "Are you friendly?" He repeated in English.

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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Marie soon noticed that Mario, too, was a little uncomfortable. Did she say something? Is he unused to attention and appraisal? She could only really guess in this state. Her tentacles stiffened, beginning to stand on end in the stress, and the height difference became startlingly apparent. After a short and tense moment, Mario spoke suddenly, as if coming to realization;

"Mama mia! They make-a video games out of us?!"

She blinked twice. Oh, of course he wouldn't know about that. He's from a totally different universe, right? But Luigi seemed to think it was "actually really cool!" Marie's tentacles relaxed, at least the news wasn't all bad.

"Do I have a video game, too?!"

Ooh! Marie's eyes practically lit up seeing Luigi's giddy expression. She couldn't wait to explain to them their virtual escapades throughout the years. Perhaps they could provide insightful anecdotes, delving deeper into the lore of the Mushroom Kingdom. It could be so exciting! But! She was getting ahead of herself.

"Well, we know each other now! It’s-a very nice to meet you! What’s-a your name?"

"Oh! I'm Ma-" she began, just moments before Ryuga finally figured out what was strange about the two brothers.


Saved by the bell. That's twice today that she had almost disclosed her real name. Marie turned around, and watched Ryuga figure himself out as well. She'd have to get better at keeping her names straight. Monika, Monika, Monika. That's her name until further notice.

"...can you two jump for a sec?"

Marie turned around suddenly, as Mario and Luigi leaped into the air. It was a sight to behold, and further confirmed that these were the real deal. Her tentacles seemed to curl on themselves in awe, as she looked up at the brothers, "Aww! That's so cool, that's so cool!" Again repeating herself in excitement. That was becoming more of a thing, she noticed. She'll try to keep an eye on it.

"This woman over here is Monika Niigou."

"Uhh, yeah. That's me." Besides the slightly embarrassing verbal tic, this was quite a satisfying interaction. Could anything happen to make today better?

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins )
(Small addition, sorry!)


"Then you are from an Earth with a non-anomalous Zone."

Callie was a little confused. What happened to cause the need to establish a Chernobyl Exclusion Zone? Is this Chernobyl anomalous? Was that what that horrible, many-faced monster was? "Uhh, I'm a little lost. What was Cher...noble?" Callie butchered the pronunciation, "What kind of disaster happened, twice? Why is there an exclusion zone around it?"

The man, Strelok, stopped suddenly. He crouched, and signaled for Callie and Ken to stand by. She watched him approach a figure a short distance away, on an old, cracked road. Callie knelt, and flipped the safeties on her Dualies, in case this person wasn't as friendly as these other two. The tank on her back made a subtle whirring sound that wasn't audible before, as it began stockpiling ink for further use. She didn't get a good feeling from this person.

"Are you friendly?"

She braced herself, placing her fingers on the triggers...

( CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Corrosion Corrosion )
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As Sento enters the restaurant, she is greeted by the Dagonian that he had rescued since the raid. She seems to be a very cheerful person and is so very active with her job. Smile before her customer, she says "Welcome! Table for one, or do you have a guest coming?" She seems to very enthusiastic about Sento, nto knowing that he is the armor clad savior.


Josuke Higashikata
-Tatsumi Port Island-

It would seem that during the meeting, Josuke have felt the atmosphere revert back to normal. The Dark Hour is over, much to his slight disappointment. With the meeting adjourned, most members of the group have left. Before leaving, Junpei spoke to Josuke, saying his anticipation of him going to live in this very dorm and joked about not having his classmates get jealous. Josuke giggles a bit from that. With Fuuka and Junpei left, Josuke would leave as well.

After quite some time, Josuke came back to his apartment and has his Stand repair the damages that have caused during the event. Afterwards, he lies down on his bed and before he goes to sleep, he wonders what will happen tomorrow midnight. He immediately shrugs it off, thinking that he and his new found allies can take care of it. He then falls asleep, and by tomorrow night, he will embark on a new...bizarre adventure.

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--Haru Okumura--
The Zone
Corrosion Corrosion Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt

Haru observed the buildings as she walked the lonely road of the boulevard of broken dreams, glancing at the windows and facilities where normal life would've ushered. She gripped her axe tighter as if to prepare herself from anything. After all, she did have to fight Shadows as a Phantom Thief, so killing demonic monsters are right up her alley.

Haru soon spotted three people in the distance. 2 males and a female. The female appears to be that of a child clad in purple holding two pistols of some sort. One of the men was a man with white hair, and the other was a typical military soldier.

Haru halted when the soldier spoke a foreign language, but soon switched to english--A language which everyone would understand, asking if she was friendly...Was he asking if she wasn't hostile?

"Yes, I am." Haru nodded as she cautiously lowered her axe. She still isn't sure wether to trust these three, but since she lacked the options...They'll have to do. "I suppose you three aren't here to harm me, are you?" She asked, walking closer to the trio. In case things go wrong, she could still fight back after all.

--Sento Kiryu--
Little Innsmouth Dagonian Restaurant, Canopy Kingdom
Zamasu Zamasu

Sento was greeted by the same Dagonian woman he rescued in the first testing phase of the Transteam System, last night. He optly smiled as he was asked what table he'd like.

"Make it a seat of one, for now." Sento answered, rubbing his neck. He hasn't had breakfast yet, so it might be a good thing to eat first. He decided to ask about the feral Fortune later. He didn't want to ruin her day, after all.
"Okay, over here." The Dagonian says as she leads Sento to a very comfortable seat. After settling down, she says "By the way, I'm Minette, and if you're done deciding, just call me okay?" She then hands Sento the menu and leaves him to decide what to order. The food that is served in this restaurant is of mixed Asian. There are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asian dishes, considering Little Innsmouth an Asian town.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Subject Delta and Eleanor Lamb.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Eleanor giggled lightly when Stella shook Delta's finger, her hand being much too small to fit in his. He wouldn't have put much pressure on her hand anyway if she did shake his hand. Oh well. Delta tilted his head as he was hit with hard nostalgia as his finger was shook. When Eleanor was much younger, her hand was too small to hold his so she usually grabbed his fingers when she wanted to hold his hand. He dropped his hand when he was released, looking over at Eleanor. She was so big now, he hadn't had time to stop and think about it. Now he could. He realized he missed her growing up to the age she was now. She was seven when he was forced to shoot himself, now she was seventeen. Eleanor noticed Delta's behavior and looked at him, "Are you alright, father? " She asked.

Delta snapped himself out of it. He grunted and nodded. Eleanor looked at Stella again, If you are new here like us, would you like to stick with us? Maybe we can find something or someone that can explain all of this." She said. She would very much like another member of their little 'group', meanwhile Delta hoped she wouldn't invite any more strangers on this adventure with them.

Blood Gulch
Corrosion Corrosion

Maniacal high pitched laughter echoed through the compound as the Chaos Witch herself tore through Rendain's thralls like they were nothing. She was on a mission to help, and hopefully recruit, Caldarius escape his jailers. "Look up and open your mouth so this'll bake your intestines!!!!" Orendi screamed at the Evolved Thrall as she casted a Shadowfire pillar over it. With a loud whoosh and a shockwave of heat the thrall disintegrated into nothing more than ash. "Assault frame charged in 3... 2... 1!" Caldarius, who was charging his frame, had just finished. Orendi had held off hoards of thralls and she was loving it. "NEXT! Next-next-next-next-NEXT!!!" She was ready for another wave. An explosion came from Caldarius as he broke out of the tube he was in. "That's better, now, let me assist you." He said to the 4'11 killing machine.

"If you want something killed you have to do it yourself. Get ready Caldarius! I'm coming for your fucking head!" Hylis, the jailer, screamed through the open comms. "Hmph, what happened to taking me alive?" Caldarius asked. "Screw that! Your going back to Tempest in a fucking shoebox!" The large creature landed on the ground in front of the hero and the Chaos Witch. Orendi laughed loudly, her hands lighting up with shadowfire. "I'm gonna punch your brains!!!" She laughed, leaping forward as Hylis grabbed his minigun and roared. Suddenly, before Orendi could reach him, a blinding flash of white light flooded her senses and a loud ringing made her cover her ears. Then, she hit the ground.

Instantly she jumped up and looked around, breathing heavy from both adrenaline and confusion. "Where the hell am I?! Where's flyboy?!" She didn't like this one bit. It didn't look like a Varelsi pocket dimention, and even if it was where had the Conservator been? Alright, well... She picked a direction and started running. She kept all her senses out for danger, as she looked ahead her right eye looked to the right as she heard a sound, created by the clinking of her own bracelets, and she skidded to a halt. She faced a rock, growling as she was certain she heard something there. She clamored over the rock, her claws leaving marks and she stood on it and looked around.

Wait, a structure! It looked... Different. Maybe there was someone in there. And if so, she would kill them if she didn't get her answers. She started running again, moving rather quickly. When she reached the structure, (blue base), she looked around for anyone. "If your in there yell so I can ASK YOU QUESTIONS!!!" She yelled.
The Zone

Strelok visibly relaxed at Haru's answer. "Good." He said, then glanced to his companions. "Нет. They will not harm you." He told her, before whispering under his breath, "Или, по крайней мере, я предполагаю, что они этого не сделают." He stood up and motioned his company to do the same, walking over to the girl. "I suppose you are not from around here. You look lost, девушка." Strelok observed, taking note of her attire, health condition, and weapons. "Have you just arrived?"

There was a sudden flash of lightning and deafening boom of thunder, followed by the dark clouds becoming even darker. Then they let loose a raging torrent of water, each drop heavy and hard, and soon, the entire Zone was shrouded by a white, watery curtain. The Marked One groaned in annoyance. "Черт. All the more reason to find shelter. Come on." He began to make his way towards the nearest intact structure: a group of derelict buildings not too far away.

And then the sky turned red.


A look of sheer terror suddenly overcame the normally calm and serene Stalker's features. "Сука, блять!" He cursed in panic. "BLOWOUT! RUN!" He immediately began to sprint towards the precious shelter at full speed. The sound of a massive storm and terrifying resonance grew closer and closer as did the flashes and microquakes.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

The two identical bases in the box canyon in the middle of completely nowhere remained silent even as Orendi's demand echoed off the barren walls of the dusty canyon. The only sound was a gentle breeze blowing through the area, and dust rattling off the metallic surfaces and parked Warthogs and Mongooses. But Orendi's query remained unanswered, voice fading into the surrounding sands and rock as the scorching sun shone down on the rocks and sand and grass.

Then, suddenly, a voice replied.

"YES!" The voice, goofy, cheerful, and oddly childish, suddenly yelled back from somewhere inside Blue Base. "I LIKE QUESTIONS! PLEASE ASK!"

Blood Gulch
Corrosion Corrosion

Orendi was about to throw the biggest temper tantrum the universe had ever seen when she was met with silence to her demand. As she clenched her hands, that had building shadowfire in them, and her eye starting increasing its glow, there was another voice. Instantly Orendi calmed down, but then her senses heightened as she moved closer and eventually went inside the base to seek the voice. It didn't sound like any of the Battleborn she knew, so who was it? "I have THREE questions! One! Where am I!? Two! Who are you?! Three! I can't think of another question!"

She opened her hands, the eyes in her palms darting around and looking at everything at once. She was ready to fight and kill. If Caboose had a look to him she didn't like, he would probably be attacked on sight since she was so tense.

"I suppose you three aren't here to harm me, are you?"
Callie gasped, standing up. This one's perceptive. What's up with her? "Who are you?"

There was no time for an answer, as a flash of lightning betrayed the rain's insidious approach. Callie looked to the sky, which was quickly darkening. She could already feel the droplets of water burning on her exposed skin. Soon she'll be drenched, and worse. Hearing Strelok's remark about the rain, she snapped back, "No kidding! Let's get out of here!"

The rain was picking up quickly, so she pulled out the Hero's Roller, and sped off ahead, toward some sort of rusting structure. She had only made it about half-way before another flash caught Callie's attention. Looking up again, through the burning rain, was a red glow from... somewhere. She heard Strelok say something, but it was hard to hear anything over the pouring rain.

Instead, she soldiered on towards the structure which could provide shelter from the rain. She turned back only after reaching dry ground - already the ink was being washed away, and she beckoned to the rest to catch up to her, "Come on!" The speed of the Hero's Roller has definitely saved her more times than one.

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Corrosion Corrosion CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt )

(Did anyone forget that water is not a good sign when you're a squid kid?)
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Location: The Dust

Within the middle of the drive in between Opportunity and the dusty region of what could be known as "The Dust", the man known as "The Salary man" saw something that was way out of his norm and routine of seeing; A crystal egg-shaped which was floating/hovering which emitted something like if it was a beacon or something, but it was seen on time for the Hyperion Worker to perform a brake.... yes, sure thing


(I know y'all wanted to see this.... maybe not, I don't give a damn)

Rhys had pressed on the brake, gas and onto the steering wheel, just so he could stop in time, gather out of the Bolt 4600 and take a look at what the thing was with an expression of doubt and "someone explain to me what the fuck this is, please"


"Wh- What in the world is this? This sure isn't a thing relating to a vault or something" Asking himself this question and perhaps; It sure is, and I bet your ass it better not be something related to a vault key or closer, but let that not be of its appearance otherwise, this'll go from 0-100 in the nick of time and fast

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Sento Kiryu--
Little Innsmouth
Zamasu Zamasu

As Sento sat at the somewhat wooden furniture of the restaurant, he can't help but be reminded of the cafe above his lab. Except,of course, there are actually customers. He read through the menu, getting various dishes from different Asian culture. But he soon settled on one simple dish.

The Omurice and some Egg Rolls.

The rice...Well, it's rice. The Egg rolls were meant to be eaten with it after all. Besides, Egg rolls are his favorite dish, and reminded him of his former self's home on Hokuto a lot. And thus...

"Miss Minette." Sento raised his hand as if to gain the waitress' attention. "I've decided what to order now."

--Haru Okumura--
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Corrosion Corrosion

"Yes...I--" Before Haru could say where she woke up, the clouds darkening before it rained. A short downfall, no doubt. She followed the the young girl as she sped along with what appears to be a paint roller, the rain cleaning up the road it painted. She didn't bother questioning why, shelther is important after all. However, soon enough, an orange, flare like aurora scattered amongst the skies, sounds of explosions can be heard as she saw this, prompting her to run as fast as she could towards the nearby abandoned facility.

The doorway appears to be large enough for a group of people to enter at once. Thus, she placed her ax on her back behind the grenade launcher and entered the building, hiding behind the walls beside with a sigh...

--Galacta Knight's Crystal Seal--
The Dust
Rhysie Rhysie ( Corrosion Corrosion , perhaps Vortex could sense this spike as well?)

Within the translucent crystal is what appears to be a spherical alien creature. It bears a metal mask with large slits that resembles a T-shape. It has arms, armored and gloved. It's oblong shaped 'feet' had metal armor there as well. The being inside appears to be holding a lance and a shield. Primitive weaponry, to be sure.

However, what the man didn't know was the being inside was conscious, just refusing to break out of his seal. If it had a brow, it'll be raised underneath that mask of his. Vault? Key? Surely this man jests!

The energy began to spike as the crystal seal began to form cracks. The mask began to have two glowing red eyes as if to signal it's revival...

Canopy Kingdom, New Meridian

Stella couldn't help but smile when Delta glanced at Elanor's direction. She knew that Delta was a father, and...well, the handshake must've reminded him of his fatherly nature. Stella did have a father, despite being an alien clone. Even though she didn't get to spend much time with him, she does miss him a lot. Perhaps being able to remember her father is what made her a 'White'. Stella was soon snapped out her own trance when Elanor called out to her father, reverting back to her stoic expression. Stella nodded at the notion of joining the two on finding someone who could explain what this world is...

(Open to anyone else)
Minette hears Sento's call. "Coming!" She says as she picks up a pen and notepad and went straight for the genius. "So, what would it be for today?" She asked politely, waiting for Sento to state his decided meal that is omurice and egg rolls.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Sento Kiryu--
Little Innsmouth
Zamasu Zamasu

Sento nodded as he saw Minette headed for his direction, and immediately inquired about his order.

"I'll have the Omurice and some Egg rolls, please." Sento stated his order before adding, "Oh, and do you mind putting in some sugar in the rolls as well? It's more of a...Taste, thing." He said, scratching his cheek...
Minette jots down as she listened to what Sento have order, even having to request adding some sugar on the rolls. "Okay, would you like to add anything else?" She would ask. If there's none, then she'll go over to the counter and place the written order on it. The only person managing the kitchen is a Dagonian named Yu-Wan.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Sento Kiryu--
Little Innsmouth, Canopy Kingdom
Zamasu Zamasu

"Hmm...Do you guys serve coffee here?" Sento asked, curious to see if the coffee wouldn't be as terrible as the Owner of Nascita. "If so, I'd like one." He said, finalizing his order...
When questioned about serving coffee, Minette replies "Yes, but only in the mornings." And when told to add it, Minette jots it down and proceeds to place it on the counter so that the chef can see it. All Sento has to do now is wait, but we're not gonna let him. After some time has passed, the food is done. Minette picks it up and goes over to Sento to serve. "Here you go." She says and after placing it, she added "Enjoy the meal." She ends it with a smile and she walks away for Sento to indulge in the food he ordered.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Sento Kiryu--
Little Innsmouth
Zamasu Zamasu

And with that, Sento began to take out his notes and began to read through them. He's thinking of adding an extra add-on to the Transteam System known as the 'Sparkling Chip' where it enhances the Capsule's innate bottle properties into that of RabbitTank Sparkling. But first of all, he has to recreate the conditions of the Sparkling Formula. But what could possibly substitute the Pandora's Box's essence? Synthesized Grimm Ash was enough to recreate the Nebula Gas, so...Just as he was thinking this, his breakfast arrived with the rejuvenating scent of Coffee. With that, he kept his notes in his coat and began to eat his meal. The omurice was delightful enough, and he could tell that it has that homemade essence of a household. Not only that, but the sugared egg rolls were exactly how he tasted it in Hokuto...Or was it 'retasted'? I dunno, he had amnesia, we made that clear. Quietly and almost elegantly, he ate his meal, all the way, observing if his target would randomly arrive.

Who knows, even Immortal cat burglars need to eat sometimes, right?
Nadia Fortune
-Canopy Kingdom-

As Sento enjoys the meal, the doors suddenly open as someone enters the restaurant, and that person is the one that he is looking for. "Nadia!" Minette yelled upon seeing her and then she went over and give her a hug. "Hey Minette, so how's business going?" The immortal catgirl asked, delightful to see a longtime friend of her. After Minette let's her go, she says "Business is running as usual. So what brings you here?"

"Just visiting, and maybe take some breakfast before going on with my 'business'. You know what I mean." Nadia replied and then Minette nods as she understood what the catgril meant. "Okay, right this way." The Dagonian girl says and then she leads Nadia to a table near Sento's. "Give me the usual." The catgirl says and then Minette nods before going over to the counter and say what her 'usual' is.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Rhysie Rhysie
Subject Delta and Eleanor Lamb.
Canopy Kingdom

Delta now had two beings to look after. Even though he knew Eleanor could fend for herself, he had no idea of how powerful Stella was. For all he knew she could be a novice with that weapon of hers. And even if she could protect herself, he would help in any way he could. And so would Eleanor, she could take a lot of hits as well. "Where do we go, I wonder." Eleanor pondered, happy to have another person on this adventure. Maybe they can just explore! "Well, how about we just start walking?" She asked.

The Dust

It was a nice sunny day outside, Miko was sitting on the ground with crossed legs and head bowed as its hands lay on its knees. It was meditating. Around it lay the dead bodies of the thralls it had destroyed while helping S1 Wolf get to the Varelsi portal to destroy it. Unfortunately Wolf had to detonate himself without even knowing what he was doing, he thought he would survive the mission. After all was done and the Varelsi banished temporarily, Miko had taken to calming itself down after the battle. Footsteps headed its way made it lean its head up a bit, looking up at Melka. "What are you doing?" She asked. Miko bowed its head again. "Mediating. We suggest you try it, we sense anger coming off you in waves. What troubles you?" It asked. She crossed her arms, "Y'know, the whole universe is going to be plunged into eternal darkness. The usual."

"Might, Melka, it might be plunged in eternal darkness. But we have hope that Rendain will be defeated. Do you not?" Miko asked. "I guess, it just seems its going to happen any second now." She sighed. "Rendain has a while before he can accomplish such a task."
"Fuck Rendain." Melka snarled. "Hmm, you are correct. Fuck Rendain." Miko agreed. "You are needed for a mission. Ghalt wants you with Oscar Mike." Miko chuckled, "I can only guess why he chose specifically us."
"Because Mike is a trigger happy child prone to hurting himself?"
"Correct again." Miko stood up, "We shall protect him through this mission." It said.

And as it did, there was a flash of white that blinded Miko, a ringing that made it cringe. And then it felt the ground give way and it felt like it was falling, then it hit sand and the blinding white went away. It blinked a couple of times, looking around. "Curious." Miko mumbled, standing and brushing itself off. It looked around for Melka who was nowhere in sight, but what was nearby was another person and a pink crystal.

It moved for the person, quickly making it to them as it had ran. The crystal didn't look like anything it had seen before, and it was sure it had never come across the man on the other side of it. Where they a native of this place? Maybe the crystal was responsible for pulling it from Bliss, but why? And where did it put it? Before it could speak to Rhys, the crystal began to crack. It did notice something inside of it when it looked closer, the eyes glowing red. Miko lowered itself in a stance, flicking its hands and kunai slid into the gaps of its fingers and it grasped them with expert handling. It got ready for a fight.
--Sento Kiryu--
Little Innsmouth
Zamasu Zamasu

Sento was about to finish his rice when he spots a peculiar brown skinned girl with a short, white bowl cut hair. She wears a cyan top, a black toolbelt over her black undergarment. She also bears black slacks. albeit sliced up in a manner that separates a section of the leg. There are scars in between the joints of her body, including her neck and feet...Perhaps this is why she's called 'immortal'? No. More information must be drawn. Sento had finished his rice by the time the catgirl reached her seat. It was close enough for interaction. When Minette left to the counter, Sento began to speak.

"You must be Nadia Fortune-san, right?" Sento spoke, facing her direction. "I've heard rumors about you. I'm Sento Kiryu, a Theoretical Physicist by trade." He introduced, stretching out his hand. With that introduction, a war of persuasion and wits shall begin.

New Meridian

"Good idea." Stella nodded, soon glancing around and pointing at a random direction. "Let's start by going that way." She said as she pointed at the direction of the sidewalk behind Elanor, soon beginning to walk . . .
~Mario and Luigi~
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

"Oh Dragon on a Bottle...It's a real honour to meet you guys!"
"Aww! That's so cool, that's so cool!"

The praise the brothers received after their jump gave them a happy, tingly feeling inside. They couldn't help but chuckle, and they both grinned from ear to ear. Luigi's face was becoming as red as his brother's shirt. If Mario fiddled with his moustache any more, he'd tarnish its perfect waxing. The brothers are humble- whenever someone gives them praise and recognition like this, they can't help but feel a little bit flustered. Especially Luigi, who isn't used to receiving it so often- usually overshadowed by his brother, despite Mario's attempts to give Luigi the credit he deserves. Recently, though, his popularity's really been growing! Maybe when they win this tournament, the Mushroom Kingdom might really start to look at them in the same light-


The Mushroom Kingdom isn't here.

Of course.

"I'm Ryuga Banjo! This woman over here is Monika Niigou." The lean man said, taking the opportunity to introduce themselves- he certainly seemed eager enough! Ryuga and Monika- they seemed like good people! The brothers would certainly be seeing them around, if they were in the tournament as well; maybe they could become good friends! They could play some of these 'video games'! They could do sports, or go on adventures; help the people around here! If they're fighting in this tournament, they surely must be capable of adventuring, as well. If nothing else, when you've been warped into an unfamiliar world, knowing nobody, friends are a good thing to have.

"Ah ha! Ryuga, Monika; it's-a so nice to meet you both!" Mario said merrily, as he took Ryuga's hand and shook it. "Yeah! You seem-a like good people!" Luigi followed, also meeting Ryuga's hand and completing a handshake.

"I'm guessing you two are also here for the tournament?" Ryuga asked; it seemed like his eyes were glimmering with hope, as if he was getting more and more pumped up. Well, he wouldn’t be disappointed, because they were here for the tournament!

"Ah, um... well, maybe we-"

"You bet!" Mario exclaimed, before his brother had a chance to object. Full of energy, he winked, beamed and thrust his arm out to give them a thumbs up. Luigi sighed, defeated. Maybe later, they’d be able to tell them the real reason why they were here- but having that conversation in the docking bay doesn’t really seem appropriate.

We were just about to sign up, actually!” Mario continued, putting his arms back to his side. “Speaking of which, ah... where are the sign-ups?
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Nadia Fortune
-Canopy Kingdom-

As Nadia waited for her meal, her ears perked up when Sento spoke to her. She turns to him and when asked about her identity, she says "That be me." After Sento makes his introduction, he reaches a hand out to her. Nadia would grab and shake it. "So what kind of rumors you know about me?" She asked.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

It couldn't really be happening. Today was a rollercoaster of crazy events. First, she wakes up to death-defying cold. Then she's rescued by someone straight out of a cartoon, who turns out to be one of two versions of herself, and a guy with some kind of robotic dragon. How crazy is that? Then, the three are picked up by someone who calls himself "The Commander". She doesn't quite trust him, still.

After that short intermission, they're brought here, where they run into none other than the most iconic duo to exist, Mario and Luigi, the Mario brothers themselves! AND, they were about to join the very same tournament that Marie had just signed up for! It just couldn't get more exciting than this!

Marie's inner recap of the day was interrupted by the man himself, "We were just about to sign up, actually!", and his little brother, "Speaking of which, ah... where are the sign-ups?"

"Oh, you're signing up too? We just came from there! It's..." Marie turned around, and pointed at a flight of stairs, "Down the stairs a flight, and on the left. You can't miss it, I think. I can't wait to see you in the Tournament, Mario and Luigi!" She turned back to the Brothers, and smiled. That's so cool.

( Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )
The Dust

Izaya stood up and looked around at this strange place. He wasn't sure exactly where he was but he knew that he wasn't in Japan let a lone Ikebukuro any longer. Though he supposed it was fine he was most likely going to be offed one of these days anyway so why not on some unknown alien planet? He took a closer look at his surroundings everything was rocky and barren. "Well I guess this is suiting for what I've done with my life up till this point." He stated with a slight chuckle at himself. He then started to move just aimlessly walking, he didn't know where he was or even if he was going the right direction to find any sort of civilization.

He wasn't more than an hour into his walk when he heard a loud roar of an engine throwing its self through the desert. He turned to look in the direction it was coming from, something in his heart told him it would be a very good idea to run rather than wait to see if the people inside were friendly, so run he did. Just in the nick of time he dove into a crack in one of the rock faces, as the vehicle nearly ran him down. They started to pepper the rock he was hiding in, he was in sure of what to do. He had a few spare heads to his switch blade he could throw but with his luck it would only hit the metal of the car, and he also knew that if he just sat there he would be killed for sure. The only way out of this that he could see was if the drivers decided to get out of the car to kill him, but riding on that was a long shot and even if it did work it would leave him without a weapon if it happened again.
The Dust
I Izaya orihara fan

Miko had been waiting to see what would happen with the crytal, thinking of any ways this could go. If whatever inhabited the breaking crystal went for the other man, Miko would have to help support in any way it could. But if they went for Miko, it would have to go full combat. And just as it was thinking about it, gunshots could be heard and the bandits who were doing the shooting yelling about random shit. Reminded it of Orendi. What exactly were they yelling at?

What if it was another person? Bjt if someone else needed help, it didn't want to let them die. But this person here might need help. Then a thought occured, the man here might face no danger from whatever was inside the crystal and the other person was in immediate danger. It took a step back and quickly decided to help the one who was in immediate danger. It moved swiftly, though running through sand didn't help. And finally it came upon the machine unloading bullets into a rock... Where they screaming at a rock? Surely not. It opened its right hand and a spore sac grew in it. When it was at its peak of growing, Miko threw the now weaponized sac at the bandits.

It exploded on impact, of course not as impressive as an actual stick of dynamite but it still exploded nonetheless. It knocked some bandit out of the vehicle, Miko moving foreward and when it reached the downed bandit it pulled him up and used him as a shield to block the bullets. It threw the body at whoever was shooting, knocking them a bit off balance. It jumped onto the vehicle and in one swipe of its hand, still holding kunai in the gaps of its fingers, sliced the bandit's throat open. It didn't gave the body time to fall before it was on the driver, and when it was done with the driver it let the body fall forward and put enough pressure on the horn for it to continuously honk. Miko scoffed, "Hardly a challenge for us."

It looked toward the rock, still holding its weapons in its hand just in case. "Please do not tell us we saved a rock."

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