Other Random question of the day

Notice for New Members: If you're gonna answer a previously asked question, please quote the question in particular so we can avoid confusion on which question you're answering.

Notice for everyone, New Members included: Please keep debates and SilvaGunner esque nonsense conversations out of this thread. If you're not gonna answer a question, then please don't say anything.

Notice for everyone, New Members included: Don't ask your own questions in this thread. Only I get to ask questions.

Link to the discussion thread for discussion of loaded questions or questions in general: Other - Random question of the day: The Discussions

In this thread I will ask a question everyday, and you will have to answer it. So the first random question of the day is:

What do you prefer? Playstation or Xbox?
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I hate to answer it like this, but I'm not a fan of either. Fun to my head, I guess I would say Xbox, just cause it's more modern.
Xbox because I used to own it.
Unfortunately, game exclusives that I was interested in, were mostly on PS.
I guess I like more movies with Bruce Willis than with others, so him.
Stallone is easily my favorite.

Schwarzenegger is a close second. Willis is a distant third.
Getting started on a completely new job while I still had jet lag, right after the trip.
No idea. I've never been to America!
Not having to pay for restrooms.

I love you Europe, but that was just plain inconvenient

Edit: Also, armed military/police patrolling the streets with assault rifles. Seems to be pretty common in Europe and Latin America
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Playstation all the way. I've been with them since the original Playstation console. I never saw a reason to switch to Xbox. Sony has better exclusive games, imo, anyway.

Edit: I missed the later posts. I'm not sure how to answer the new question since I'm not American, but I'll give it a whirl. Having to pay for public washrooms was a bit of a culture shock when I was in Europe.
What's one thing you didn't realize was typically American until you went overseas?

For someone not living in the US, we tend to think everything is from America unless it has an exotic sounding name. It's only when I got older that I realised that lots of english language products and movies were actually from Europe/England.
Gaming. Nothing makes a Saturday night as perfect as some good intense matches in my favourite games, when you fight opponents of equal skill when it's hard to predict the outcome of the game! They make any night ideal.
Dumbest thing I did as a kid? Cut the hair off my barbie doll and expected it to grow back

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