Other Random question of the day

The final boss of the first Fossil Fighters. That game was good at a lot of things, but writing was not one of those.

After going through most of the game, dinosaur-themed aliens suddenly show up with almost no foreshadowing and warn you about a giant planet-eating space fish that is heading towards Earth, who has also not had any foreshadowing. You and either the alien or your best friend then have to teleport into the space fish and have a battle against its three brains. And the fight somehow either makes your partner get amnesia (if the friend) or get trapped in basically carbonite (if the alien) and the way to fix them is through the power of dance(tm) and this is somehow the emotional climax of the game.
There were such hot and humid nights when it was hard to fall asleep, but I fell asleep anyway. I'm so much exhausted all the time that I'd fall asleep even if the world is on fire.
We don't get super humid, here, thankfully, but we do get hot.

During the bad summers, when it was still 90F at 3am, I'd just flip my schedule and sleep during the day. At least then, you're falling asleep at 5 or 6, when it's actually cooled down to something not approaching an oven.
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Unless I was literally gazed directly upon by the sun and in a car, in the middle of the jungle maybe, and in the middle of the desert, I can handle it. I will even go as to say that I wash my hands with hotter water, than a random guy with a condition that just got outside for three hours after nine months indoors without sunscreen. I am the sunwalker, the sun bather.

The thing that smites me is the complete opposite.
I basically freeze like I'm at the top of Mount Everest when I'm just casually in a normal restaurant setting even. A temperature literally most of any other human being can be in and not even notice it. And I can range how cold it is based upon the effects over time, and how cold the initial breeze is. >_>

The only time any bout of heat nuked me, was while I was still living in a car in the middle of a bloody Ameristar parking lot. The sun was directly covering me, I was not only surrounded but also buried in metal cans, pillows, and blankets I got to keep, and I had four directions, a sunglare off another car coming in through the windshield, the passenger mirror, rear view mirror, and the entire fucking window against me. I had to put up with that for three whole days in a row until every night where it got as progressively, but more tamer, colder than the winter at the Grand Canyon. Whereas the heat actually got me to sweat for the first time in many years, the cold mentioned kept me from being able to sleep at night without varying levels of effort put in. And for reference while initially camping before getting in the Canyon itself beyond the woods to some point off, even when covered and thickly thickly with gloves on, I could barely feel my legs, I couldn't feel my face, hands, or chest, I couldn't sleep at all, and snow and ice was getting in and forming in the tent, as well as pushing down on it. I couldn't leave the car after getting in to sleep and blowing off gas just to have it on to stay remotely warm, and if I did it couldn't be for longer than five minutes unless I had someone nearby that'd be able to help me from repeatedly stumbling about and a difficulty getting up again. It didn't help either that the snow was like trying to march through mud despite during the specific timeframe mentioned and the area, it was foot level to further in being a few inches above the feet. And eventually the next time long after the camping phase, it escalated varyingly to being much higher than that to even being over knee deep, and in some spots higher. Looks great.

I take being melted to death by a car with the sun directly on me than having to suffer through a cold environment. Any of them.
Random question of the day:

Have you ever had such a hot and humid night that it was impossible to sleep?

It depends on whether you categorise 'sleep' as a 'healthy period of prolonged rest' or 'an involuntary submission to unconsciousness due to exhaustion or trauma, lasting a duration ranging from eternity to a few seconds'
Not sure if I asked this one already, but...

Random question of the day:

What would the gaming industry market look like if Sega had won the Console War instead of Nintendo?
Depends on the context. Personally I find swords cooler, and combat derived with them more interesting.

But if we're talking weapon of choice, even ignoring how much more efficient they are as a weapon, I prefer to fight at a range where I'm less likely to get hurt.

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