Other Random question of the day

I mean, based on that alone that just seems like the smart thing to do, though naturally some shifts will be better justified than others.
I mean, having the option is really fun if that's what you are referring to? Like DMC and Yakuza having different styles. I love how in depth and well thought out the combat systems were in most of those games. It's a really nice challenge as a player as well, and provides more reason to replay the game to learn other styles of playing.
Random question of the day:

Is the name Carter cursed since many people who carry it as either a first name or surname have been the center of controversy throughout the last two centuries?
There are two aspects where you are cherry picking in the claim that the "Carter name is cursed":
  • Likely as a product of the availability heuristic (the tendency to treat examples that come to mind as representative of the wider reality of something), you are focusing only on the Carters who were involved in controversy, so this kind of claim doesn't even earn being a spurious correlation because it's entirely on a small selection of Carters and isn't checking whether increases in the amount of people named Carter increases controversy involving Carters and decreases show a similar pattern in such controversies.
  • It's also not looking or considering any other names.
It depended on the first name whether a Carter was cursed or blessed:

"The Carter parents were a quiet and respectable Lancre family who got into a bit of a mix-up when it came to naming their children. First, they had four daughters, who were christened Hope, Chastity, Prudence, and Charity, because naming girls after virtues is an ancient and unremarkable tradition. Then their first son was born and out of some misplaced idea about how this naming business was done he was called Anger Carter, followed later by Jealousy Carter, Bestiality Carter and Covetousness Carter. Life being what it is, Hope turned out to be a depressive, Chastity was enjoying life as a lady of negotiable affection in Ankh-Morpork, Prudence had thirteen children, and Charity expected to get a dollar’s change out of seventy-five pence–whereas the boys had grown into amiable, well-tempered men, and Bestiality Carter was, for example, very kind to animals."
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

...you were definitely talking about those Carters, right?
Random question of the day:

Is the name Carter cursed since many people who carry it as either a first name or surname have been the center of controversy throughout the last two centuries?
I had never really thought of it? I can only really think of one, Jimmy Carter, but honestly I barely even remember what he did. But no, I don't really think it's cursed.
They'd probably stand in line either way. Even though i cannot confirm this, I can say that if a pretty lady decided to stand in line with me, I wouldn't move an inch.
Random question of the day:

Is it true that lots of men and women will stand in line to await their turn with a pretty man or woman?
Hmm, probably depending on the person dunno what ‘pretty’ has to do with it. I’d wait in line if my man treated me like a queen.
Random question of the day:

Can a movie, TV show, video game, song et cetera truly be considered a crime, and everyone involved in the creation of it should be locked up?
Can it? Yes, and some have been.
Would it? That depends on a lot of things, namely where and when you live(d).
Should it? I would almost without exception (which I say only because nothing that would go quite to the extent of locking up everyone involved comes to mind) argue not.
There are situations where a crime was certainly involved in making it, like Cannibal Holocaust's cruelty to animals, or the aforementioned CP

But speaking in general: No, but I've read some stuff where I kinda wished bad writing was a crime.
Random question of the day:

Was Total DramaRama created with the intention of appealing to elementary school kids while simultaneously spiting teenagers and the under 40 demographic of the Total Drama fanbase?
I think total drama Rama was just a more successful version of teen titans go to be frank. My sisters watch it all the time, and I think it's just a good way to introduce the show to the next generation.
Random question of the day:

Are there any famous instances where a person's arrogance came back to bite them?

Maximilien Robespierre. He advocated for deaths by the guillotine during the french revolution, and was the main force for the Reign Of Terror. Well the people of france were tired of his crap, and shocked at his behavior when he started to point fingers at almost anyone he could. He was put on the guillotine, the same guillotine he had the french monarchs put themselves under. Apparently there was cheering for a decent amount of time after his death, like 15 minutes.
Maximilien Robespierre. He advocated for deaths by the guillotine during the french revolution, and was the main force for the Reign Of Terror. Well the people of france were tired of his crap, and shocked at his behavior when he started to point fingers at almost anyone he could. He was put on the guillotine, the same guillotine he had the french monarchs put themselves under. Apparently there was cheering for a decent amount of time after his death, like 15 minutes.
"The people of France" is kind of an over-exageration since it was actually only a comparatively small faction of the National Assembly that thought itself forced to act to take Robespierre down, who was famously not really arrogant at all: but rather famously ethically and morally pure. His epithet wasn't, "The Incorruptible" without reason, he was notoriously unwavering in the face of corruption

Which if you were the National Assembly, was a huge problem, because while by the standards of 18th century politicians they weren't any more or less corrupt than anyone else, they were still below the standards of Citizen Robespierre.

There was some other psychology at work. Namely since the trial and execution of his friend Danton over a insider trading scandal that shook the Assembly he had grown increasingly harried, anxious, and paranoid. Which contributed into his downfall.

If we were to produce a figure of French History who did fall for his arrogance, it would have been Louis Napoleon-Bonaparte III who thought himself the resurrected Napoleon Bonaparte I so much his political career before the Second Republic was a sequence of coup attempts so impotent that King Louis-Orleans didn't think him a real enough threat to imprison and kept exiling him back to Italy. But on his ascendency to the Presidency during the Second Republic presented himself as his uncle, l'Empereur Napoleon to court the rural small land owner, organized his own praetorian of the French underclass to directly mess with elections, and in the end was elected president and forced the Assembly to name him Emperor after his uncle. Then went on a grand tour of imperial adventurism from Mexico to Vietnam and met his end at the Battle of Sedan where he was captured by the Prussian army because he believed he could competently lead from th front like his uncle. The war with Prussia didn't last much longer and the Empire was dissolved with him in prison for the crime of being a notorious dipshit. The resulting Third Republic would be assembled to determine whether there would be a Second Orleanist, Third Bourbon, of fourth Bonapartist restoration. The Bonapartist cause would fizzle out when the most direct line male heir to the Bonapartist cause would die in the service of the British Army in South Africa fighting the Zulus because he was also an r Notorious Dipshit. And the Bourbon and Orleanist sects would never gain ground vs Republicans, the Thurs Republic only being brought to an end at World War 2.

Robespierre's crime was less arrogance but an abundance of moral purity that made him a terror to his peers. But Napoleon III was absolutely because he was an egotistical dipshit.
Because you’re making a genetic clone of yourself with all of your memories and life experiences. They have the same thought process as you and want to live as much as you do, but they are immediately subjected to basically slavery where they are expected to work because they are thought of of not being conscious beings? And then we have the original thinking he is supreme over them all just because he made them? Yeah, that’s never gonna slide without an instant rebellion.
because playing god/with life usually tends to have that effect.

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