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Fantasy Rags and Riches

Alice was brimming with controlled excitement circling through every movement in her body. She was glad that her offer had not been shot down on a whim, leaving in an awkward heap of emotions. Instead she was now had her chance to grace the dance floor for the first moment of the night. That thought alone made her nervous and slightly uncomfortable. She fought to silence her mind for a split second and let her body move instead. Letting herself get thrown into only her emotions and forgetting sense for a moment, was a feeling that made her heart race and flutter with an undying sense of excitement. It was the reason that she danced, for when she danced she could get swept up in the music and she mind would stop. A moment in time where she wasn't anyone accept a dancer.

She glanced at her partner, sliding her hand into her partners in one quick, subtle movement. She was light on her feet as she led Catherine out into the dance floor among the other forming couples as the next song started to echo out across the ball room. Alice waited for Catherine, to be sure she was ready to start. Once, they got going, Alice swept across the ballroom with the music. She had the natural grace that was cat-like and every movement that she made was in prefect swing to the music. It was thrilling. Alice found that her steps started to sink up to Catherine's after the first thirty seconds that the song drowned out.

Alice's cyan eyes peeked over at Catherine. Alices curiosity drifting towards her as she got more in time to the music. Part of her was slightly uncomfortable being close to another person she barely knew and another part of her wanted to be closer. It was as if a mental war was raging inside Alices head whenever she went to speak. She tired to focus on the music more and she naturally relaxed, finding comfort in her dancing. She didn't know how to go about asking any questions, so she tried to thinking of something else she could do.

As the music kept going, Alice's loose hair brushed back and forth around her shoulders with her movements. Her white dress sweeping across the ground as she moved side of side. They were starting to draw attention to themselves as others noticed the odd pairing. Alice ignored them entirely, she didn't have the time to worry about rumors now that they had already started. She thought it was pointless to care so much.

"There must have been a reason you wanted to join me." Alice spoke subtly, her eyes trained on Catherine at the moment. In the first time in a while, someone had her full attention. It was rare sight. Alice's smile had become more sly, a hint of a smirk. She questioned softly, in a gentle manor. "Are you curious about something?" In that moment there seemed to be a lingering maturity, something that was not often seen in the young princess. It was strange, but interesting to say the least.
Seraph and his assassin stood in the hallway silently.

''Dont play innocent, we were given a accurate discription of you and your 'brother'.'' The merchant stepped calmly out so he faced the other man and began measuring everything.

'I dont believe i got your name.' one hand went to scratch his head while the other fell limp. 'you know about Sean, so youre probably after him.' Seraph froze, then pointed excitedly at the assassin 'youre with the thieves guild, arent you?' 
The assassin stared dumbly at his target for a minute before hoisting his cross bow to aim. "Enough of this." Just as he fired, Seraphim pivoted and threw his coat out, knocking the bolt of its track and drawing his sword.

''Shall you and your friends like to dance?'' he asked cockily. He heard a pair drawing swords behind him, undoubtedly the 'we' the assassin mentioned.
Catherine von de Carlais

Catherine accepted the hand offered to her, clasped it in one, soft motion. It was oddly relaxing to say at least. Maybe it was because of the song that resonated through the tall ceilings was one of her favored one (her father sometime played the tune in violin), or maybe it was because tonight she didn't have t a list of nobles she must socialized with to strengthen her business as this was a masquerade ball. While yes the woman in front of her was clearly a princess, Catherine didn't have a mood to set another business arrangement again tonight. And certainly there were things the blond noble was interested of the royal heir.

The heir of Carlais clan swung her body along through the dance. She complement the princess flawless moves with her own, leaving them without a mistake, however small that maybe.

When Princess Alice spoke to her, Catherine eyed the other woman slowly and softly, in respect. Then she answered the princess's smirk and question with her own.

I can't deny you the truth, your highness. So, yes, indeed I am interested in your opinion, regarding some... matters." Severely, in fact, but Catherine swallowed the word gracefully back. Her eyes twinkling as she faced the princess of Ottilia.

Catherine smiled at Princess Alice, but her eyes were more focus on the heir's "
Say my princess, what's in your mind when you are thinking about the union and this event after all?" Then Catherine added, as a jape "and most importantly, what about our dance?"
The question didn't surprise her, but she was curious that someone was generally interested in her opinion on the matter. Most had not cared what the young princess had felt about the walls coming down, or thought she couldn't be bothered by such a simple thing, but it was life changing. She wanted to see what life was like outside of the walls for her entire life. She had even tried to get over the wall when she was younger, not that she was anywhere close to seceding. As for the events of this night, she was a wasn't certain how much she could tell. It had been interesting to say the very least, but thrilling in some ways. She couldn't inform her father, out of fear of ruining the plans for peace, but it was one of the most exciting nights of her life.

Alice continued to dance, falling into step without any thought. She pondered the questions for a moment, deciding her words carefully and than with a breath, she spoke. "The union is something that should have happened years ago, but now was defiantly an interesting time to have it. Now that my brother has gotten of marrying age and my father soon to retire. I believe it was most likely planned for this time. The people will merge together hopefully, in peace under the rule of a new king. The declaration to have the prince marry anyone he chose gives the people an idea that they are all united. As well as the prince still has the opinion to marry a rich young, noblewomen with lots of connections. Its brilliant, I think."

Alice paused, glancing across the room for a split second and letting out a deep breath of hot air that tickled her nose. "As for tonight. It has been an interesting set of events. I suppose things could have gone smoother, but even the small mistakes that were made didn't add up to anything in the end. I believe that tonight might be a success and the walls might be taken down. If things play out correctly, we should have peace finally between the riches and the rags." She looked at Catherine to see if she could tell what she might be thinking. Alice felt too serious, but it was nice to have a conversation that wasn't filled playful lies.

"And our dance is prefect. We have been gawked at more times than I can count and I can't tell if its because we are so stunning or if they have never seen two women dance so well." Alice teased playfully. She enjoyed the dancing. It was probably better than she was dancing with Catherine instead of the common rags that had never danced before, beside she was starting to warm up to Catherine. She couldn't understand why she liked the noblewomen so much.

On the roof top nearby, a man tackles an assassin with a crossbow, calling him on the fall down. He stabs the mans throat to make sure and slowly stands up. He dons a rugged poor coat, a rag if you will. "I am officer NAGA of the Secret Police of the Kingdom. I have been tracking you assassins down for days! on behalf of the crown... YOU! WILL COME WITH ME! OR DIE!

He drew his right hand inside his coat and waited for an answer. He squinted from his hoodie and noticed a familiar man standing there.... "SERAPHIM?! You've finally pissed off the wrong people! Serves your black market hodge podge aristocratic dipping bottom right! You've managed to avoid the Secret Police for so long... maybe i should let them kill you!"

Chimere stood behind the changing screen with Lyla although there was no one else in the room. After the earlier commotion, one couldn't be too careful about another uninvited guest waltzing in. "Ow! Be more careful will you?" Lyla's presence was also needed to help put on the borrowed dress since Chimere was currently injured and in pain.

"My apologies my lady." Lyla didn't sound very apologetic. In fact, she sounded like this was a normal occurrence and wasn't worried in the slightest. Suddenly they heard noises muffled by their distance. "Did you hear that?"

"If I say 'no' will it hurry this up so I can lay back down?" Chimere replied with her normal bored expression on.

"No." Lyla began to aid in dressing her mistress much faster than before. "We are going home earlier than planned my lady."

"I'm sure the royal guards will take care of anyone roaming the halls unchartered throughout the castle." Chimere said in a bored, yet reassuring tone, not wanting leave the room to do more walking in her accursed heels.

"No offense to the royal guards, but I feel much safer with you under Beaumont guard protection." Chimere opened her mouth to retort. Most likely something about how she was the one who gave orders, but Lyla quickly said, "With all do respect my lady as your personal servant when it comes to matters of your safety, my authority sometimes exceeds your own." They glared at each other for a while. Chimere tried to see if she would cave like she usually did, but sighed with no luck. Taking this as a rare sign of defeat from her mistress, Lyla gave a quick smile. "Alright, we'll leave as soon as I check over the area. You should write a note to the princess in the meantime." She turned to leave but then turned back as she recalled something. " And make sure to thank her for her generosity." Chimere gave and un-ladylike grunt in response.
"Sorry, mate, im a bit attached to my life." Seraphim said as he parried a blow from an angry and confused assailant, "'sides, there's no proper justice if im killed by vigilantes, eh? We can fight when theyre gone." he blocked again and pivoted to put the assassin between him and his 'friend.' "In fact, why dont we make a sport of it, i think theres a table nearby we can fence across," he added sarcastically, pushing the enemy back with a well placed blow.
Naga threw off his ragged coat and revealed good, silk black party clothes, with a fox mask that hung behind his head. "Like I'd waste my time fighting you when theres a party and women to enjoy. Tsssk. I only chased these fools since my higher ups told me to. But now that I see youve got this covered..." He reached in his coat and threw a small throwing knife behind Seraphim as he began slowly walking away. "You owe me..." This was not the first time Naga has indirectly helped seraph or any criminal for that matter. He tended to let people go on small crimes, and believes that if he didnt see it, then no harm done. He never sees seraphim make shady deals, so rarely he ever makes a big deal of it... but when he did ooooh those fights were great...
Chimere left a note on Princess Alice's bed detailing that she was leaving and thanking her for her hospitality. She also want on to tell her not to worry although it would probably be useless. "Ready to go?" Chimere nodded with her hair let down and brushed and her mask on her face. Lyla's hair was brushed as well and her disheveled mask and roses that we're put back in place. If they left a complete mess the guards or whomever else would be sure to stop her and Lyla.

The progress down the long corridor was slow but still progressing. Chimere was all for being pampered, but she did not enjoy being babied especially when she was in pain. She was getting annoyed at her faithful servant as they weren't moving very fast due to Lyla not wanting to provoke Chimere's injury. Chimere snapped out of her thoughts when she heard voices further down and witnessed as Lyla pulled out a knife. There were two main voices that carried over the other sounds. It sounded like a fight. There was something familiar about one of the voices to Chimere as Lyla looked around for a different route to the outside.
Seraphim watched Naga leave before returning to the man he was fighting, "En Guard, lad." The next minute was filled with the kind of dance that any ball would envy. Seraphim loved a good fight, dodging left and right, the song of swords flying through the air, the two ladies the fighters were approaching once they rounded the corner, it was enough for him to stop worrying about all the proper grammar and courtesies and start acting like the merchant he was raised to be. Wait a minute.

"Chimere?" He ducked a sword blow, "What are you doin' out of your room, lass?" He threw a piercing blow at the assassin, but it was deflected. "Damn, I need more practice."
The pain in Chimere's side from the assassin's blade and the pain in her feet from walking for so long in heels was making her irritable. She had no patience for Lyla to find a different route to avoid the fighting. The fact that she walked right into the fray without a care in the world attested to how much she trusted her bodyguard. "Chimere? What are you doin' out of your room, lass?"

"Oh. You..." Chimere barely spared him a glance and kept walking as Lyla defended her from any on coming blows. She wanted to go home now that she had actually gotten out of the princess's bed and onto her feet. "I do as I please Tordjas, I don't owe you an explanation." She didn't feel like answering to anyone at the moment, especially to a member of the Tordjas family who were one of the families that took the Beaumont's place in the black market.
"Tch, as you wish," Seraphim ducked another blow, then finished the assassin with a quick jab, "You know family rivalry's one of the things that spawned the class separation, right?" Seraphim shook his head and walked back to the ballroom. He didn't have time to worry about who wronged who or what sort of grudge others had, all that mattered to him was keeping them all safe and provided for. So he had to deal with the black market to bypass some barriers, oh well, "The sooner I get back to my fleet, the better."

Seraphim opened the door and slipped into the light and music of celebration. Now what? he thought to himself.
Sean grinned like a crocodile as he pulled out another lock-pick and got to work. There were two guards on the other side of the door behind him, but he wasn't worried, his mind was elsewhere. He'd been on the other side of the wall for at least ten years, he'd forgotten what it would be like to be a noble. There was a click and the chest opened, he pulled a long jeweled necklace out and measured it against his chest. Ten years was a long time to be away, he silently wondered if anyone remembered him. Closing the small chest, he lifted the entire thing and hid it in his pocket. And even if they didn't, going back to being a noble? Could he do that?

He opened the door with a frown and walked out in front of the guards, gently removing the daggers propping them up. Silly guards, sleeping on duty. They fell straight to the floor in a large heap. Sean had made sure to desensitize them with a powerful hallucinogen before approaching the room. He bent down and plucked a few coins from their wallets, they owed him some mushrooms, after all. Straightening up he readied to go, but paused. Sean looked at the guards, then the gold in his hands, then back to the guards. His smile returned.

Maybe I could be a noble, I mean, it's not like it's impossible, I don't really do much during the day. Besides, my chapel's getting kind of hot. Ugh, but then I have to move all my treasure. Sean felt at the small chest and two wallets in his many pockets as he walked into the ballroom. He froze for a minute as a few numbers ran through his head, bounties for his thieving persona. Goldenhallow 26,000 Dohearty 14,000 Anguilon 17,000 Beaumanoir 15,000 Carlais 16,000. Wait, Carlais? Wasn't their girl with Seraphim earlier? And here she was dancing with the princess. He recognized them both, of course, the princess had lost her mask (maybe stolen?) And Carlais, well he'd broken into her house a couple of times recently, puppet-masters were his favorite. He waited a few minutes before approaching the princess.

"May I 'ave this dance?"
As the last bars of the song sputtered out, Alice’s movements slowed, steadily into the tempo and settled into the stop. The dance had been a mix of emotions, skill and the steady beat of the conversation following the string of the instruments. She had enjoyed dancing next to another as the hours wore on. She had drawn the attention of a few, she supposed now that her mask was lying on the ground of the dance hall she would have quite a few wandering eyes trailing her movements. Although, she didn’t hold as much power as her brother, persuading her was a step towards persuading the entire kingdom. Alice had a talent for convincing others that she never had wicked intentions, but even Alice enjoyed to play somedays.

As the music shifted to a stop, Alice closed her eyes for a split second, feeling the difference in her step as her dancing ended and the change in atmosphere that filled the ballroom. The couples moved and diverged, some keeping their place firm on the dance floor and waiting for the next song to play out and others gathering to join into the next song. The musicians took a pause to let the dance floor sort out itselfs and receive a moment of admiration from the dancers and the bystanders that hung around the sides of the room. Alice let go of her partner, clapping her hands together to follow the lead of the others in the room.

At that moment she was approached by another man asking her to dance. She was interested in talking to as many people as possible in the night. As well as even if she did not admit it, she knew the identity of the women she had been prancing across the room with. There was no mystery in the women, she could find her later if they wanted to talk. Alice would be pleased to have Catherine join her in her garden some day if she was interested. Even if it was politically, Alice enjoyed their dance.

“I would be delighted, sir. Please excuse me, Lady.” Alice slid back from Catherine, turning to face her new dance partner. She glanced at the Noblewomen with a kind smile, but she had more to her words than she was willing to let on. “I am certain we will speak again soon.” She spoke gracefully and polite, her words smooth and delicate like a birds song. Her attention directed towards the man standing in front of her. She had decided from the slang of his words that he was a lower class gentleman, but her brother had put on his own personal show in his rags. Anyone could be easily fouled with the hint of change in clothing and manner of speech. Alice wouldn’t be easily fouled today.

She gentle found spot where she would dance with the man. The man would of course lead, but that was something that she was slightly uncomfortable with. The rag gentleman that she had danced with could do little from tripping over their own feet and taking her down with her. She was certain that this dance couldn’t end as poorly as those ones did. She could adjust her steps quickly if it happened to end in chaos.
Sean scanned his brain for a memory of how to dance. He couldn't find any, unfortunately, so he cursed his absence from most classes as a child. Time for a distraction. "So, m'lady, quite tha party, ain't it? Can't say I've been in many meself."

That wasn't quite a lie, even if he'd been to plenty, he'd never been in any of them. Oi, brain, shuddap, never think 'bout a lie. Sean heaved a sigh and distracted himself by subtly running through his footwork practice. "How 'bout you? Bein' tha princess I'm sure ye got a lot of thoughts."

There seemed to be hundreds of people in the room, and Sean was beginning to get nervous. With all the spinning colors, and jewelry just hanging around to be grabbed it took quite a bit of will power to resist stealing something or worse, retreating. He focused on his dancing partners face and picked up his pace.

On the other side of the hall, Seraphim saw his brother steal a dance from the princess and the masked woman. "Clever bugger," He muttered, approaching the stationary crowd. He weaved through them, looking for a dance of his own, but finding no-one of interest.

"Well unless a mysterious masked lady asks me to dance, I best be on my way," He uttered aloud to no-one in particular and made for the door.
Alice nodded as the song started to play out. A saddening tune that she had once sung before in her garden. Each bar a call out to the broken and the stars when the lyrics were spoken. Although she would have preferred to dance the graceful bars with someone she knew, but it was half the fun to be in the arms of a stranger. It was a slower beat, sad, but easy to dance. It didn’t require leaps and bonds to keep up with the rhythm of the piece, unlike others she had danced to. This one was a soft lullaby and over its soft tone a conversation could easily be had.

“I suppose you could say I think quite a bit. Some say more than a young lady should.” Alice sighed, a quick deep breath trickling from her lower lip. She glanced across the ball at the dancers, each one keeping the slow steady beat in time as the masked strangers along the sides, talked and watched with anticipating eyes. The ball had been everything she had hoped for and much more. It had been a mix of good and bad surprises. As long as nothing interfered with their plans for peace, the night was a success. She prayed to whatever would listen to her that this night wouldn’t end in shambles.

“The ball itself is elegant. Although the plan was to be unable to distinguish rich from poor, which didn’t excite many of pompous men and women that wished to flash their highest title. A few of them played along and put effort into masking themselves.” Alice glaze landed on a few noblewomen who had decorated themselves in the highest of finary. She could easily identify the noblewoman of the courts, they adorned themselves with things that made them easily identifiable.

Alice’s eyes directed back at her partners face, taking in his features as best as she could. “Was it as you imagined it would be?” Alice questioned curiously. She was interested in another persons opinion on the matter. She smiled brightly, the small of a child, after she asked her question. She wondered if it had been a beautiful night for him as well, perhaps she was not the only one who would treasure the memories of the evening.
Seans mind flashed back to the army of guards fitted to the teeth he envisioned before his coming, a wealth as the wealth of treasure he'd hoped to find. "It's been about fifty-fifty, for me. A shame, though, 'bout those flashy nobles. All those jewels could serve a better purpose than decoration, if yeh ask me." Sean let go with a hand to give the princess a chance to twirl, at the same time brushing against a noble man behind him. He came back in and put the coin purse he lifted into another pocket, "Still, been a fun night." Forget what I thought earlier, I wonder how much I can lift while dancing. "A whole lot less trouble than the streets."

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