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Fantasy Rags and Riches

Seraphim heard the conversation nearby as he packed up his papers. He didn't feel the need to join right away, since his mind was on other things. There seemed to be a lot of hostility toward nobles down here, more than Sean or any of his other sources told him. He wasn't surprised about Sean not telling him something, the man had all the social grace expected of a hermit. But he was surprised about the tension. That would make his job a lot harder.

"Aha!" He shouted, before realizing it. He gave an embarrassed cough and walked swiftly over too the chatting couple, hardly containing his excitement. This could work, but only if he played his cards right. "Excuse me, I was wondering what all there is to do around here." That was a dumb question. "I mean, I don't exactly see many people other than the stall owners working. where is everyone?"
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Quick and little steps were made as Clear ran pass through the street and toward his house, which was located just in the back of his 'mother's' food shop. Unfortunately he ran too fast so he stumbled off, definitely would crashing his mother who had just finished closing the shop for the day had the man hadn't caught his son first and turned him around gracefully, almost mimicking a short dance. Normally his mother would frowned and quickly reprimanded Clear at barging the door and running in uncontrollable speed around the house and the shop. But now the beautiful man just shook his head lightly at his son, and to make this weirder was that his mother just smiled and laughed at his arrival, not to mention he noticed there were some new spark in his eyes.

Mother, you look like you have a good day." Clear eyed his mother curiously. Well, technically the man who resembled him a lot was his father. But the young man was too accustomed to call him 'mother'. It was at the man's insistence anyway.

Said man in question nodded, "
A good day indeed, Clear." Now Clear inspected closer, something like an envelope was delicately clutched in his mother hands. "Do you know something about the rumor that the wall will be going down soon?" His mother asked with knowing eyes.

Yes! Oh yes mother it's true! And they said that soon the Kingdom will hold a ball, everyone was invited mama, we are invited! Some said that we will be given a dress! Oh by God what if I don't look good? What if sist-" His mumbling was interrupted by his mother's hug and laugh.

Yes, yes. I know that my Clear, c'est un miracle you know? And I just got this arrived not long ago..." His mother showed him what was in the envelope. Clear looked at the letter, which was just formed by two paragraphs. But as he read the content, especially the one who send it, understanding was seeping to his mind. So he just grinned at his mother.

"Just few more steps to be reunited as belle familie, yes mother?" Clear giggled as his mothe just hushed him and told him to clean himself.

The content of the letter was just pleasantries, but send by none other than Garrett von de Carlais, for the first time in 26 years. This time was a good time indeed.
"Ah," the woman hummed in understanding, knowing exactly what it was he was implying. She didn't judge, there were very few folk here in Low Town who could make an honest living and expect to survive. Emera herself was not one of those people, her past was as dirty as anyone else's around her and occasionally when the foundation she was attempting to build in Low Town crumbled beneath her, she easily fell into old habits.

She was stunned as the stranger brought the topic back to the noble before, although she could see why the man was curious. Emera shrugged, staring back at the man with a serious expression. "Tomorrow tha' man will send 'is soldiers to my soldiers then they'll be handing out gowns and suits to the men n' women of the slums." She paused, considering for a moment. "Imagine how this man n' his soldiers would treat er'yone if he got back to his place and only then found his pockets empty o' gold. How would he and 'is men treat us all come morning?" She looked at him, not sure if she had explained herself properly. "We can't make enemies of them all." And it was something she firmly believed.

Emera saw the nobles much like many of those in Low Town did. Sneaky, two-faced, and entitled folk who looked down upon them all. And many of them likely fit that mold to a tee. The Rags were all about survival, though, and their best survival was to learn to get along. It would be better for both sides, and the kingdom as a whole if they bridged this divide between the two feuding groups.

The woman looked at the man. "What's your name?" She began to ask, but was startled as another voice joined the fray.

Emera startled as she spotted a man, clearly of higher class, walking their way. At his claim, Emera's hand tightened ever so slightly on her Claymore and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the man who seemed clearly as if he didn't belong. "E'ryone has gone home," she spoke slowly. "They're smart n'ough to not to be out at this time 'o night Which brings the question," she went on, shifting on her feet, "Why are you here, noble?" No, Emera did not want to unnecessarily make enemies out of nobles. But she didn't have to trust them either. And no person be they Rag or Rich who was out in Low Town past a certain hour would be up to any good.
Dimitri listened to her reasoning, and looked a little surprised. The rumor of the nobles providing them with pretty clothes had not yet reached him.They needed to dress up for this? Hmm… Dimitri didn't know how he felt about that. "I see…" he began, not knowing exactly how to think if that yet. He would have to think this properly through, maybe talk to some of his men. Were they actually going to allow that to happen. It would certainly be an easier way to hide when they were stealing though.

He looked up to present himself to the girl, when the noble spoke. He couldn't help but let that humorless smile show on his lips. "Yeah… you should really not be dressed like 'at when the gangs starts to show up," he agreed with Emera. He looked him up and down, checking the quality of the clothes, where the jeweled hung and where he could be having something in his pockets.
Seraphim also looked down at his clothes. Now that he wasn't wearing his overcoat, he still had a lighter undercoat and wool shirt. His espada ropera was attached to his belt next to his gold pouch. Thank goodness he had the piece of mind not to wear any jewelry, and remembered Sean's advice to put a bell on his pouch."Would you believe I was going to by some rags to wear at the ball?" Seraphim looked between them and held his hands up in defeat. "Fine, I was meeting with a friend about a shipment of mine that went missing. As a merchant lord, I'm also helping prepare the ball, and wanted to know more about the culture on the other side of the wall."

He had never heard much about the gangs, but assumed they were something like the assassins or thugs he had to fight off every so often. If so, he wasn't looking forward to fighting a large number of them. "You wouldn't know of a safe place I can stay the night, would you?" Someplace other than my brothers, hopefully.
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Chimere stood with her arms stretched, head high, and a completely bored expression on her face. She was at dress fitting with her Aunt Jeanette which meant that it had already been several hours and would most likely take more. "What about this pink one?" Her Aunt asked.

Knowing she would ignore her opinion but get mad if the question went unanswered, Chimere firmly replied. "No." Just as she predicted, her decline was ignored and Jeanette Beaumont told the seamstress to make a dress in the horribly bright color. She afterwards tossed the sample color back to Lyla, Chimere's personal servant, and picked up another. Fortunately an angelic savior waltz in.

"Mother! What are you doing here?" Chimere turned towards the doorway with interest.

A devious twinkle sparked in her eyes when she saw her grandmother stride up to her daughter say, "Jeanette! Why are you here? You should be on your Michelle Marriott's banquet or at the very least preparing for it." She put on her most stern face for the mini lecture.

"Is it that time already? Oh, but Chimere will still need guidance in picking out her masquerade ball gown."

"Oh hush, get a move on, and leave it to me." Annette Beaumont ushered her daughter out of the room. When it was certain that her footsteps could no longer be heard down the hall, Annette, Chimere, and Lyla all burst out in laughter. "You don't know how hard it was to find a social event that that girl would actually attend on a date so close to the ball."

"Thank you anyways Grandmother." Chimere flashed her warm smile while making Lyla switch places with her. Lyla voiced her confusion as to what was happening. "You're coming with me to the ball of course." Chimere answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Let's see... since I'm going in a light green and white dress..." Chimere began to discard her Aunt's choices for her own.

"How about pink and black for her?" Annette picked up a softer shade of pink than what her daughter held earlier and handed it to the seamstress. Lyla, still confused, said that she was sure that the guards at the ball would be enough. Chimere and Annette looked at each other and laughed at Lyla's words making her turn a bright shade of pink. "You will be accompanying little 'Mere." When Chimere's back was turned to browse the available accessories, Annette leaned in closer to Lyla and whispered. "Our spies indicate that there will be nobles making contracts with assassins to target others on the night of the ball. Among them are members of the Fortunato family who may target Chimere."

Annette leaned back before Chimere could turn back around and Lyla had a new look of understanding on her face. "Lyla stay close to me at the ball. Okay?" Chimere didn't want to admit it, but she was worried about Lyla. No one else prompted her to admit such a thing because they knew from those few words. The ball could very well prove to be an uninteresting affair and without the abilities to leave or make mischief, she could possibly die of boredom! However, bringing her closest friend and personal servant just for this reason was a bit selfish and she was surprised when her Grandmother said yes so easily. "She must have some trick in mind."
As Rita walked through the marketplace, she overheard a couple people talking about some of the nobles handing out fancy clothes. So she wouldn't have to buy her own. Good. Instead she could buy more important things. Like food that wasn't rotten, and weapons that weren't dull. She walked to one of the stalls that sold weapons. She found a long, sharp dagger. And it wasn't even rusted! "I'd like this one," She said to the man at the stall. He looked at her. "You sure you can afford that?" He asked her. "Yes, I can" She replied, then pulled out her coinpurse and showed the contents to him. The man didn't question the source of her coin. "That'll cost ya 10 gold," He said. 10 gold?! For one dagger?! She silently cursed herself for showing her coins to him. "Fine," Rita replied, then handed him the requested amount of gold. She grabbed the dagger and the scabbard next to it, when the man said "Wait, the scabbard'll cost you 5 extra coins." Rita reluctantly handed the cheap man the gold, then walked away, the dagger in the scabbard now at her belt.
Catherine von de Carlais

The sun had already set when the only heir of Carlais family done with her work, which contained helping her father signing business arrangements, meeting with other aristocrats, and entertaining her mother at the tea room (which was the most annoying and hardest thing to do in Catherine's opinion) so now she went to her personal garden, which was located just few steps from the mansion's east wing, to entertain her mind. Many kind of flowers grew in this beautifully arranged space, all her favorites. Few pink roses was blooming, their soft petals were just like an innocent maiden's lips. Catherine touched one of them, a smile peeked from her lips.

Lady Catherine, I apologize for disturbing your time." A soft voice was heard which almost startled her. Catherine kept her cool, although indeed she was greatly disturbed by the maid, and nodded, signing the maid to go on.

The mistress wishes to see you in her chambers, Milady. She suggest that you should see her in a short moment." The maid -Catherine remembered her as Lydia- said politely. The blonde noble allowed herself to openly scoffed at no one, as it was intended at her mother. Then she quickly regained her composure, gave a smile and a thanks to the slightly frightened maid then proceed to that hagraven's bedroom.

Ah, Catherine! Good to see you again dear.." Lilia stood from a finely carved chair, Catherine just stood up when the other noble woman hugged her. She then frowned slightly.

"What is it, dear mother? I thought that we already spend our time together this afternoon." The young woman spoke. It was always more than enough to spend time with the current Mistress of the house.

Said woman just laughed and call her personal maid, apparently to bring a dress. "
Well, it was just a short time! Beside, I have something for you that you might like it." Then the maid came, showing one ball dress on her hands.

The dress was beautiful in her opinion, and more importantly it was not excessively embellished.

What do you think Catherine? The color match your hair perfectly. I think you should wear this at the upcoming ball." As much as Catherine despised the woman, it seemed that they shared a same opinion in fashion sense. Then a thought crossed her mind.

It is very pretty, mother. Thank you, I appreciate what you've done for me." Catgerine beamed. That was also happened in her mind. It was great that this woman was thoughtful enough to buy her a dress, since no way she wanted to sacrifice one of her own to be touched by some diseased hands at that event.
Emera crossed her arms across her chest, the grip on her sword's hilt tight. She shifted her weight and narrowed her eyes at the man. Emera wasn't sure if it was the way he made light of her people or the fact that he was here at night and seemed to have no clue about what he was doing or whether or not it was her preconceived prejudices of the nobility in Eamon, but there was something that just rubbed her the wrong way. The guard who had shown earlier was different, he was a soldier and Emera always had a certain amount of respect held for soldiers no matter the upbringing. They've seen death, been the cause of such death, they trained and sweat - even if they were nobility, Emera could respect that in a soldier. Could respect their honor. But a merchant? There was no honor in being a wealthy merchant. At least not to Emera there wasn't. And especially a merchant who wanted to learn about Low Town "culture", as if such a thing even existed.

Emera was half-tempted to joke and claim that their rats when cooked over fire were quite the delicacy, but she feared she might be taken seriously. And in some cases, rats truly were a meal for some folk around here.

"Your shipment, " she spoke, eyes narrowing further as her mind returned back to the situation before her, "will probably be n' the black markets by the morn', I suggest lookin' there if you want your goods back." But be prepared to pay for it back or fight for it back, she didn't say aloud but certainly thought.

As the man went on asking for a place to stay, Emera's lip curled up in distaste. "The safest place for you would be on the other side of that wall o'er there where ye belong," she retorted before sighing and uncrossing her arms. "But, if for some reason you can't go back tonight, I happen t'have a safehouse on th' other end o' the markets o'er there. I'll be patrolling tonight, so you'll be on your own and I'd need you out 'fore the morn', in case anyone sees a Rich hangin' out in my place. So by sunrise, you best be hightailin' it back to High Town, we clear?"
Alice felt the grass tickle her bare feet as the cool wind blew across the field. The branches of the willow tree beside her shook and shuttered in the break wind. Leaves sputtered out of the trees grasp and brushed across Alice’s delicate hands, as they danced across her canvas, swirling colors and emotions into the painting with the touch of her paintbrush. Alice was completely focused on her art, which was a rare sight for the young girl. In a normal day, Alice would stare at the training fighters and knights from her spot on the top of a tiny hill, underneath the coverage of the willow tree and her hands would create the scene of gladiators fighting for dominance. Sometimes she would even paint herself into the scenes of war.

Underneath this tree was the easiest place to find her. On any free day she had she would normally come here and practice her arts or ride her horse in the field beside her tree. She found this place clamed her and relaxed all of her senses, if just for a hint of a moment. It was her escape from the world around her, where she could lay for hours and she wouldn’t be able to hear the other ladies of the courts questioning remarks. She didn’t have to dress up or show off or put on a pretty fake smile when she was here. She dreamed to have more responsibility like her brother, but she knew that she might lose this place if she did.

Today there weren’t many fighters training. Everyone was too busy with preparations for the ball. It seemed everyone had been given or instructed to complete a task, except for her. She was so excited for the ball that she thought she might explode, but part of her, that she’d never acknowledge, was frightened. She had dreamed and hoped to one day see the gates open, but everything out their was vast, strange, wonderful and new. Part of Alice was frightened that it wouldn’t be anything like she imagined, and yet that also excited her. The idea of a whole new world at her finger tips, made her heart flutter with anticipation.

Without the fighters distracting Alice, she finally got to focus fully on her painting. Her mind ended up wandering off into thoughts of the ball anyways. Her painting started mimicking mind with the paint brush. The painting became of a young girl dancing with a tall dark stranger behind her. The young girl had a strip of black silk wrapped around her eyes and the stranger was faceless. As the young girl spun, her green dress turned to leaves which fell around the room as they danced. It was a moment frozen in time, but when Alice looked at it she could feel the arms of a stranger around her and could hear the symphony around her. Her long golden blond hair would flutter out around her and fall down her shoulders and her crystal-like blue eyes would be wrapped in the same dark fabric that the girl in her painting had. Leaving her blind, but letting the feelings of the dancers around her concur her emotions.

It was a peaceful idea that Alice painted as her thoughts crept up upon her. What might happen if it was nothing she had imagined? If everything she had dreamed was going to happen never came true? Her childish thoughts left her for a moment and with it, the emotion in her paintbrush. She started painting the tall, dark man that stood behind her girl. He had an unimportant face, one that would blend easily into any crowd and a sly smile as if he knew everything in the world. He was dressed in all black, tall and slender with dark ash like hair. Behind his back was a knife, slim and carved out of fine metal. There were patterns across the hilt of the dagger, echoing the names of each person that the weapons owner had deceived.

As the last stroke of her paintbrush echoed through the painting she stepped back. The scene went from a dream to a nightmare in a matter of minutes. It sent a shiver up her spine as she gawked at it. It made her mind restless mind, quiet for a moment. The beauty of the girl and the painting mixed with the dark underlying messages and images gave the whole thing an eerie feeling. It made the onlooker captivated, wishing to look away, but unable to.

Alice closed her eyes after a few moments and took a deep breath, letting her fears escape from her. She had done enough painting for one day, instead she decided to wait and see if the day would progress to be any more interesting than it already was. She knew if something interesting happened someone would find her. Everyone loved to tell her secrets.
Seraphim was understandably taken aback by the sudden hostility. Did I say something wrong? Nevertheless, he decided to take in the new information before acting. He looked down and clicked his tongue at the news, "The black market? That wasn't the plan at all." He glanced back up at Emera, "I'm sorry, I was planning on staying here tomorrow to see everything in person." Seraph was tired of all the misinformation his servants and contacts kept giving him. It was surprising how few people could be trusted in this day and age. although he probably shouldn't say anything, smuggling's hardly an honest job. Perhaps something of his background was showing.

"I guess I'll have to stay somewhere else," He finally said, dejected, "I would hate to bring you any trouble." Sean's house it was then, Seraphim loved his brother to death, but the man could get incredibly eccentric about his trade, not to mention the problems he loved to create. He started walking away, but froze. "Actually, I should get some business done first, could you tell me which way to go? I need to find an old well near the city gates, it's probably dried up by now."
Alexander watched as his sister painted from a window in the Great Hall where the ball was to take place tomorrow night. Even though there was over 24 hours before the ball, the room was a flurry of activity. Servants moved back and forth moving tables back and forth according to his mother's wishes. Today was one of the rare days he spent with his mother, the Queen. She was cold, cunning, and powerful. She had married into the royal family as part of a power play by her family, high-class merchants who had had a large influence in encouraging tearing down the wall.

As Alexander leaned against the glass he couldn't help but feel his usual envy towards his sister. Alice had always been more talented in the arts than he had been, she had always been allowed more time to practice while he had been forced to focus on fighting techniques and to be honest he was jealous of her. She was allowed to do almost anything she wanted, pursue her own interests. What he would give to not have any responsibilities.

"Alexander!" He sighed.

"Yes, mother?" He turned to face Her Royal Highness.

"What do you think? Tulips or Orchids?" Tulips, symbolizing perfect love, true love. Or orchids, the flower of refinement, and seduction.

"I think tulips, mother." She put a finger to her lips in thought.

"Hmmm, I think orchids." Alexander rolled his eyes. Why even ask for my opinion then?

"That reminds me, Alexander. Have you found a suitable partner yet?" So that's why.

"Not as of yet, mother. I was actually hoping to find someone at the ball." His mother laughed.

"At the ball? How will you find the nobility from the poor?"

"It won't matter, I shall be allowed to marry whomever I choose, no matter what their class." The queen froze holding a tulip.

"I see, how...wonderful, Alexander. If you could please go tend to your lessons, I'll see you at dinner." Alexander walked off to his tutor's tower, the lesson today being ballroom etiquette, again. He didn't notice the crushed tulip petals falling out of his mother's hand.
Chimere frowned in the carriage on the way to visit the royal family. As clothing sponsors among other things for ball, the Beaumont family, or rather the head of the family, was expected for a final face to face meeting before the grand event. Therefore her grandfather was going to meet with the King, her grandmother was going to catch up with her old acquaintance the Queen, and she was being forced along to socialize with the Prince and Princess. "Keep frowning like that and you'll get wrinkles." Her grandmother, Lady Annette Beaumont, teased. This only served to deepen the corners of her mouth until they had arrived at their evening's destination.

They were politely greeted and received by the servants who proceeded to guide them inside. Another servant arrived to lead Lord Beaumont to the king as Chimere and Lady Beaumont continued on to where the Queen was. As the servant announced their arrival to the Royal, Chimere and her grandmother put on their best smiles and curtsied. "Your Royal Highness. My Lady Queen I thank you for allowing us here for dinner while our husbands do their work. It would have been quite boring simply waiting on them to finish with their business wouldn't it?" Lady Annette Beaumont was smiling and being sociable as always. As custom dictated, the member of the family with higher ranking spoke first.

Chimere waited for her grandmother to finish speaking before she added her own greeting so as not to seem rude. "Your Grace." She curtsied again. "It has been so long. It is a pleasure to see you again." The only emotion within her voice and smile was the "kind" and polite formality that had been drilled into her being since childhood.

"I'm so sorry that my son and daughter couldn't be here. Andre just couldn't get away from his work and my poor Jeanette seems to have caught something." Chimere resisted the urge to role her eyes. In reality her Uncle could get away but would rather be working at the moment. As for her Aunt, she didn't like the Queen for some reason. She had once heard that the Queen was once a family friend a long time ago and not just an aristocratic ally, but not much more than that.
Emera sighed and let her grip on her sword loosen a bit. "Your people have caused mine enough trouble already, what's one more thing after all?" She said in reference to the stranger using her safe house to stay for the night. "Really, it's nothing," she insisted. "If you don' find a place to hide out for th' night, you'll be dead by the morn' but suit yourself," she ended with a falsely casual shrug."Anyways," she changed the subject to address the man's other question, "the well is on the other end of the market, stick to the wall on your right and you can't miss it."

"I must be off," she addressed the two men before her, "patrol awaits." And with that she was off into the night without another word.


The next twenty-four hours luckily passed by without incident. The soldier from the markets had sent his men out into the markets to hand out the fineries to the men and women of Low Town. Emera herself had received a dress, in imported Scarlett red fabric that the women did not know nor care the name of that matched the red that partly colored her armor that she wore every day.

She was currently in the grand ballroom of the royal family wearing said dress with a black masquerade mask to go with it. Her sword was at her hip, this one a smaller, one handed sword -- as opposed to her large, two-handed Claymore --with a round shield strapped to her back as she had negotiated prior. After all, if the nobility were going to have armed soldiers and knights standing guard, it was only fair that her people get the same opportunity to send some of their people armed as well in case anything should happen. Several of Emera's own milita were here with their weapons and a few mercenaries that were given special permission. It wasn't that Emera necessarily expected anything to happen tonight although she was slightly wary of the whole situation. It was just that the turbulent times that these attempts at peace are sure to wrought meant anything could happen and Emera was going to make sure nothing shifted this tiny semblance of peace the Royal Family was attempting to create tonight. She realized that her carrying of a sword

Emera and the other Low Town soldiers were the first to be let through to make sure that the rest of the Low Towners arrived safely and efficiently. Walking through High Town brought upon many mixed feelings in the woman. High Town was stunning and beautiful, with fountains that spewed water for no other reason than that it looked nice while her own people were parched due to the drought. She was angry and awed at the same time, amazed at the luxury and infuriated by the selfishness this luxury represented. However she had managed to push those feelings of anger to the side at the moment, knowing that this was to be an attempt at peace on the part of the Royal Family.

Emera had noticed the increased security at the houses of the nobles, and she couldn't really say she blamed them for being cautious. There were sure to be many attempts at theft tonight with this event happening on both sides of the walls. Members of even her own milita were staying back in Low Town to patrol. They had volunteered to do so, many of those that stayed behind had sold the donated finery for some extra coin and would not have attended anyways, so we're now on duty to watch over people's homes and escort folk returning from the ball later in the night.

Folk from both sides of the walls of Eamon were beginning to fill in. It wasn't completely impossible to tell which side some of the people were from, some were more obvious than others, but Low Towners were never going to be able to fit into this type of life and luxury so they would stand apart from the nobles who were used to such an event. Emera stood and watched, keeping her guard up as the ballroom filled up and people began to dance. And in the case of some of her people, they crowded around the food tables which was the real reason some of her folk who held open contempt to Riches showed up. No one in Low Town's pride was too great to deny an opportunity for free food when it was typically so scarce. Emera herself had already helped herself to a generous amount of food, a feat which was not easy to do in a corset she had realized, but the woman was nothing if not persistent and managed to eat quite a bit. She had to give the noblewomen credit. After all, they must be fairly formidable to be able to stand wearing such clothes day after day. The idea sounded like pure torture to the woman, but hey, at least she only had to put up with it for a night.
"So, you're sayin' everythin' on this table's free?"

Seraphim nodded at his brother. The two were wearing matching white masks that Sean described aptly as 'pointy.' The sides were tapered up like horns and the middle went down the nose like a beak. They also both wore black and red reversible capes. The rest was a mix of rich and poor garb, both brothers adding their own flairs in, captain's jackets, leather belts, fine pants and sailor boots being a few examples. Seraphim couldn't help but think they looked ridiculous, but it wasn't like anyone would recognize him, right?

"It'd be pretty herd to miss that hair of yours, not many noblemen grow it out so long." Sean commented as he pulled one of the plates out from under it's food and added it to a stack.

"And what about your hair?" Seraph asked, pointing to the ratty mess on his brothers head, then, noticing the plates, "Sean, what are you doing?"

"I'm grabbing the plates, it's not like anyone needs them."

"Those are our plates."


The noble brother rolled his eyes and continued surveying the crowd. Plenty of the low town militia had entered, along side the city guard. He was glad for that, it meant thieves would be a little less daring with their escapades. But they were still going to be stealing, Seraphim knew that much, and the more they steal the more trouble gets stirred up, which would likely bring more attention to the corruption in this city. The merchant king sighed. And more would be blamed on his potential customers, that wouldn't be good for anyone. That's why he invited his brother, nothing better to fight a thief with than another thief, a pity he would miss out on the action. But there was more than one kind of action, while his brother enjoyed fixing chaos in the shadows, Seraphim could fix the social variety, and for that he was grateful.

The nobles and paupers were already separated slightly, even if most wouldn't notice. He could tell by the way they walked, some of the poorer folk were trying to lift their shoulders, sure, and some more free spirited riches were letting their manners slip, but it wasn't much. There wasn't much to do now besides join the other side. He patted his brother on the shoulder and winked at his hired minstrels, the best of both sides of the wall, of course, and walked into the crowd. There must be something he could do to ease the boredom and tension. Ah, idea! He waved over a few 'noble' associates of his.

"Perhaps we should see who we've been working with for so long, eh?" He led the group into the crowd of rags, looking for a familiar face, or just a dance, either would do.
Alice sat on her bed staring out at the stranger that sat before her. The mirrors reflection echoed a lie that she had created herself for the spectacular night filled with dancing and drinks. A grand ball, though an interesting idea, it would be filled with lies and corruption. There was little hope that it would end pleasantly, still Alice clung to the thought that it was possible for the two sides to come together. If they managed to make it through the night without issue, than the walls would become unnecessary, but Alice doubted that it was an option. The rich and the poor would never settle, the rich will cling to their wealth and the poor will fight. The only way that the poor could win is if they over throw the rich, but than the cycle would simply continue with a new set of rich and poor. No matter what they did, it seemed that it would only continue how it was.

Perchance the night could be a start at a new way of life, but there was no guarantee. It would be night filled with strangers, hidden behind a mask, but it wouldn’t be enough to conceal the true person. People might loose their appearances, but speech and personality would remain. It wouldn’t be a challenge to distinguish one side from the next. No matter how hard they tried it would be nearly impossible to pretend to be something that you are not, like a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. Tonight, it was her goal to become someone she was not. Although it was impossible to hide her higher birth, perhaps it would be convincible to become a girl of lesser status if only for a moment. She hoped when she started to dance that it wouldn’t matter anymore. That who Alice was would only be a minor part of the whole performance.

Alice’s appearance was one of the many lies she had staged for herself. The girl that sat in front of her was a women bathed in a dress of white silks and lace, tightly tied around the chest and the waist, exaggerating her prominent figure and showing her hourglass like curves. A strapless gown, that puffed out at her hips like a cloud was floating around her where ever she went. The bottom edges of the dress just barely skimming the ground when she walked. She wore simple white heels, with a thick bottom that would allow her more stability than others. Her wrists and neck were bare, where her normal jewels would be and her slender fingers were left unadorned.

In the early morning she called several attendants to help her wash and prepare her outfit. Although most were frantically sorting out last minute fixes for the ball, many were happy to break away from their duties to help her. She had scrubbed the dirt off her skin and out of her hair, picking stray leaves from her adventures outside the other day. The bath, filled with fanciful, fragrant soaps, left her smelling like a rose. A few serving girls helped her dry and brush out her hair and braided white flowers into its thick golden locks. Her face was painted with an assortment of brushes and colors until only her crystal blue eyes remained unchanged. Her corset had been pulled tight and her dress fragilely slipped over her head. A simple white mask place over her eyes, with only holes allowing her to see and was tied in the back by a long white bow.

Now, Alice only had to simply act the part of a young maiden who has daughter to a tradesman who delivered goods all over the world. A girl who never got to see his father and lived among the rich in a sustainable house hold. With an alias and a well thought out plan for, what she thought had to be, every occasion. She took shallow breath as she looked out her window and saw people gathering into the ball room. She bolted out of her room, softly shutting the door and made her way through the halls to the ballroom. It seemed lively with people. Some already painfully oblivious to tell their status. Some nobles adorned their appearances with rings and jewels to keep their look of wealth and some poor hovered over the food in a way that was clearly starved.

Alice stuck to the back, become somewhat of a wall flower, but was approached several times from the moment she walked in the door. She wore a fake smile she had practiced for years and answered all questions with beautifully presented lies. All she wanted to do was dance, but many people seemed a bit nervous at first about dancing. Alice supposed that not everyone was taught how to dance like she was.
Chimere arrived at the ball with Lyla at her side. Her light green and white dress was a beautiful contrast to Lyla's soft pink and black one. Her blond hair was pinned up with green and white flowers while Lyla had pink roses atop her long black hair. As they walked in with their arms locked, Chimere leaned closer and softly spoke to her companion.

"Grandmother thinks that something is going to happen tonight. Doesn't she?" Her green and white mask covered all of her face except for her brown eyes and the anything below her nose. Even without it, her expression would be impossible to read for she had on an emotional mask currently.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to lie in this situation, Lyla sighed and responded, "There have been rumors of assassination attempts being planned for tonight. And yes, one of the rumored targets is you."

Chimere gave a small sigh herself. "I was wondering why Grandmother agreed to let you come so easily. Lyla," She tightened the squeeze on her friend's arm. "Stay close but don't do anything reckless alright?" They stood to the side and Chimere rejected several offers to dance as the night tore on, her fan in front of the lower half of her face so that it was now completely covered. "You can go dance or eat if you like Lyla." Her eyes had been darting around since she had gotten to the ball.

"Alright, spill it! What do you keep looking for?" She wasn't about to leave the young noble's side so easily especially with how suspicious she was acting.

"I'm looking for my brother." Chimere stated matter of factly. Lyla gave her a look of horrified shock. "Please, Lyla I know what I'm doing."

"He is a member of the Fortunato family now! They are they Beaumont family's enemies Chimere." Her hushed tones started to take on more pleading notes.

"And they were once our allies however long ago. Besides, Fortunato or no, he's still my brother. He would never hurt me."

Lyla frowned as her mind's gears were working. "So that whole 'dress the rags like riches' ploy that you proposed was really for this wasn't it? You wanted to make it harder for anyone to notice two riches meeting. The rags outnumber the riches so if the rags were dressed like riches then-"

"He's going to come up to talk with me." She interrupted, now spilling her plan. "I lower my fan, he sees the only jewelry I have on: mother's necklace, and says something about me being a little dream. That's what we agreed on in our last letter exchange. And yes and no, it wouldn't be impossible to meet him without the commoners dressed in their own clothes, it just makes it easier. I did also propose it as a fun joke though. Look, a few are mingling."

There was a moment of silence before Lyla spoke. "Hmph, I should start reading those letters before you have me send them." Chimere gave her a look. "Kidding, kidding! But people might start taking more of an interest in two girls standing off to the side by themselves if we don't do something."

"Fine, I'll socialize or dance with the next person who comes along, but you have to too!" Chimere looked away with her fan in front of her face. She pretended to be upset but in reality she was happy about her friend's acceptance of the situation without being ordered to.
Catherine von de Carlais

Catherine just sat dutifully with her parents as the carriage brought them to the Royal Palace, nodded once or twice in the right place to response her mother's chattering about the ball. The blond woman herself was not too excited about the event, except if there were some potential allies of her family's business, especially if she could attract one of the Royal family members. von de Carlais family had a good tie with the Royal Family, but a more personal relationship certainly will add its benefit.

"Sir, Lady, Miss. The Royal Family wishes you all have a great pleasure this special night." A male steward who wore a typical servant clothes and plain white mask bow politely as von de Carlais Family came into the grand ball room. Christine nodded lightly and proceed forward, her golden colored ball gown -which just two shades darker than her hair color- swept the marble floor gracefully. She slowly departed from her father (for she didn't care a bit about her mother) and paid attention to her surrounding.

'Oh my... The Royal Family should hold more events like this' was the thought that popped in her head as she struggled to maintain her calm facade and not burst out chuckling. If someone had just thought that free dresses and masks would disguise what kind of people the low town folks are, she would openly laughing at them. Those people just had no manner at all. Some men were trying to swallow all the food on the table, and there were a number of women -Catherine was sure those girls had desperately made them self pretty, and in her opinion they failed miserably- were trying to walk like a noble woman.

'Those who don't know the rule has already lose before they even realized what they started' Catherine mused at the poor behavior displayed in front of her. It was lucky for her that she remembered wearing a pair of gloves -pristine white and new, sadly after this night it would be disposed- if she hadn't she didn't know how much dirt would get into her hand. After assuring her Sapphire colored mask was in the perfect place on her face, Catherine walked around, it was time for her to move and looking for a suitable dance partner.
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Prince Alexander stood next to the table that held the champagne glasses. He readjusted his plain brown mask again, hoping to garner some attention from the nicely built men and women grabbing champagne and spinning gaily back onto the dance floor. Once again Alexander sighed. He had not met anyone interesting all night. Perhaps it was how he was trying to disguise himself.

In an effort to not be recognized as one of the upper class Alexander had been working in his etiquette tutoring sessions to act more like a lower class citizen. He rounded his shoulders, put a shuffle in his step, and had even gone so far as to eat as though he had not seen food in months. Maybe he had done to well. At this rate he would be lucky if anyone spent more than ten minutes with him.

He walked over and sat on one of the many benches spread along the wall of the ballroom. He put his elbow in the armrest and his head in his hand, watching through the slits in his mask as the dancers waltzed, around and around and around.
Currency, games, and status, didn' anyone have an original thought these days? Sure Seraphim may have been a little sheltered by noble standards, having focused most of his time on working out trade agreements, but that was never about the money or recognition, he genuinly enjoyed what he did, the love of the buisiness ran deep in the Tordjas bloodline, and thats how they kept their place as the number one trading family. But even most of the peasants couldnt see further than theyre next meal.

"I swear, if I dont meet one interesting person who's not an enemy of ours, I dont know what I'll do."

"Don't look now, sir, but I think the queen's coming." one of the servants said in passing.

Seraphim sighed and waved his dance partner off, "Captain, go make sure Sean is doing his job." The off duty uard nodded and left. Twoo hundred plus women in masks and he picks the captan of his families private guard, wonderful. Seraph began mingling again, perhaps this time he'll get lucky and find an assassin.
Emera had been on guard, keeping a wary eye out for anything that might be amiss. Despite her watchful gaze upon the ballroom, the only stealing the woman could spot were Low Towners who were using the extra mass of their dress for food storage to take back home. Aside from that, it was more peaceful than she had expected it to be. That being said, things were still quite tense and folks still had a tendency to stick around their social class as opposed to mingling. All attempts at making everyone appear as equals hadn't quite succeeded as the telltale signs of one's upbringing could not be hidden among fineries and silk.

Emera sighed, well as much as she possibly could anyways. The corsets are quite difficult to breathe in, she had unfortunately come to realize. The dress itself was beautiful, scarlet red with a black lace corset to match the black of her mask. The dress was a bit short towards her ankles, Emera was naturally a taller woman and the dress had not been tailored to her. Everyone here looked exquisite, so much so that the woman felt like quite the fish out of water and had decided to stick close to the walls. She had never seen riches and high class society before so she was understandably taken aback by it all. She had never quite understood the life of nobility. All of the excess seemed selfish and shallow, yet despite that, she could appreciate the beauty in it all. And morally, the rich scenery around her gave her a sense of hope -- hope that her people would soon in the future be able to experience and look forward to things other than surviving until the end of the week.

Pulling herself out of her musings, Emera made her way to the food table, which was quite possibly the best food that had ever touched her taste buds. Unfortunately for her, the table was far too crowded to get anywhere near the food and servants of the castle were bustling to and for frantically in order to keep a constant supply readily available. After a few minutes of trying to squeeze her way through, the woman gave up and made her way to the table with the champagne. She had never tried anything other than Low Town brews such as mead, beer, and whiskey so as she took a sip, she couldn't help but grimace at the odd taste of it. This was a certainly a taste she had no desire for, but alcohol was alcohol, she supposed and she downed the rest before grabbing another glass and handing the now-empty glass to a servant with a murmured "thanks." Making her way to a bench near the champagne, Emera sat herself down and took another drink from the champagne before grimacing once more. After the ball, Emera assumed there would be a gathering at the taverns of Low Town for some post-celebration drinking and Emera couldn't help but think about how nice a good, strong mead would be right now. She thinks that if all goes peacefully tonight, she'll head to one of the taverns and get herself a nice drink like she damn well deserved. "Acquired taste my arse," she snarled, glaring down at the drink in her hand after she finished taking another sip.

With a start, the woman realized that there was a man on the other end of the bench that she hadn't noticed before and she looked surprised at the man in the plain brown mask. She would apologize for her crude language except that he looked like a commoner like herself and it wasn't an uncommon manner of speaking for her people. Also, the champagne was disgusting, Emera might have been slightly buzzed, and the alcohol in her hand deserved every insult she could hurl at it.
Alexander raised an eyebrow as the woman sat down next to him with a glass of champagne. He began laughing when she stated "Acquired taste my arse." Her language was crude, but refreshing. She seemed to enjoy speaking her mind, and not hiding behind the pomp and circumstance of court. Obviously she was a low town girl, but that did not matter. He was genuinely intrigued for the first time this evening, and his heart was already beating at the hope that he felt for true love.

He looked over at the dance floor and noticed that the Queen and King were about to make their grand entrance, his father had told him that a big announcement was to be made tonight. He assumed it was going to be about his being able to marry whomever he so wished, but who knows? Even though he is the crown prince there were still many secrets kept from him by those in the upper court. He decided he had better say something to this girl quick before the Queen and King entered.

"I promise ya, it ain't gettin' any bettah, miss." He had also been taught the manner in which the lower class communicated, and was more the confident in his ability to pull of a believable accent. "No bettah than 'orse piss, that is."
Emera raised a brow in amusement at the man's words and let out a small chuckle. "Aye," she hummed in agreement. "After this I'ma get a proper brew from ol' Jim at the Hanged Man," she commented even as she finished the drink. It was just like any alcohol, after all. The more of it you drink, the better it taste. She set the glass next to her and studied the man carefully. It was hard to tell much with the mask, the simplicity of his outfit suggested he was from Low Town and his manner of speech confirmed it for her. The man seemed to be around her age, but she didn't quite recognize him, but that was possible as Low Town is a large part of Eamon filled with many people. And Emera, despite her position over there, had yet to meet everyone.

"What's yer name?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side before correcting herself, "Actually, don' answer that," she quickly added. "Y'know mystery an' all that," she said gesturing to the mask before her face with a smirk.

Her attention was drawn away from the conversation to a sudden change in the atmosphere. The King and Queen were here and the people parted to make space, so it was obvious who the two walking were despite this being a masquerade. Murmurs filled the crowd, and Emera looked over to see them. She had never seen the Royal Family before, was quite curious in fact. Her mother, way back when, had respected the Royal Family. Many people had, actually. But it's been nearly two decades since anyone from her side of the wall heard about them, so they were quite the mystery to her people. "I'm surprised they chose to show up tonight," she commented to the man next to her. Of course, she knew it was the King's idea for a masquerade, but figured it had been more symbolic than anything. For them to actually show likely meant that this ball was far more important than Emera had realized.
Chimere tried going to tell buffet table for something to eat, but it was crowded nearly to the brim by people who acted as though this may be their last meal. "That could very well be true." She thought to herself rather cynically. She had talked with a few people and even tricked Lyla into dancing with a man to relieve her ever present boredom. The hilarity of Lyla's face when she was "talked" into dancing with the masked stranger was also enough to relieve some of her disappointment as well. Walking to go and take a seat on a bench somewhere, Chimere sighed to herself and let her hands droop, the fan along with it. "He's not comi-"

"Well, aren't you a little dream?" A man, tall and slender in his all black ensemble, smiled down at her. Chimere used her fan to cover her open mouth and made an effort not to let her eyes water. There was no guarantee that this stranger was her brother as she hadn't seen him in years. He could just be some philanderer that had gotten lucky with a pickup line. "May I have this dance little dream?" With an effort to find out, she took is gloved outstretched hand and followed him into the dance floor.

Throughout the dance Chimere made hint after hint that she knew her brother would follow up on from her memories of him as well as his quirky letters. When she black stranger answered them only vaguely sometimes and cluelessly others, she had her suspicions, but when she didn't see (or feel) their father's ring anywhere on him? She knew this man wasn't her brother. They were at the edge of the dance floor, near one of the balconies when she spoke up, her irritation showing. "I have grown tired of this. We have danced together for three songs now. I hope you are satisfied?"

Chimere made to leave, but the stranger tightened his grip on her so that she couldn't. "You aren't going anywhere Chimere Beaumont." Her eyes widened for a second then she realized that he was probably one of the assassins Lyla was talking about. This fool had made a mistake coming into a heavily guarded area such as this. Just then, the man in black turned to look at the movement behind him.

Chimere watched as the crowds began to part for the King and Queen. The oncoming silence would be even better to hear a scream in. As Chimere opened her mouth to do just that, she shut it in a grimace as the man tightened his grip rather painfully on her arm. "Scream and this knife goes right through your gut." Chimere widened her eyes at the miniature blade being partially hidden in his hand. She tightened her lips and glared at him. He obviously knew the precariousness of the sudden situation due to the upcoming announcement. Chimere was betting that he most likely would kill her if he had nothing to lose. With her eyes sharp to escape the situation, she did as she was told.
Cathrine von de Carlais

Catherine elegantly strolled around to find someone intriguing enough to have her hand to do at least one dance. Some people wore beautiful garbs and accessories that matching lovely with their clothes -obliviously they were noble, because they were rich enough to buy those jewelries-, but there were others who just wore clothes that barely passed the dress code. But Catherine knew that didn't mean those men and women were from the poor side, because she was aware that there were some nobles who found this 'mingling time' as opportunity to play as a poor, pitiful pauper. Yes, it was a stupid and twisted idea for having fun indeed, but Catherine wouldn't complaining to see that.

Briefly distracted by the King and Queen's arrival -too oblivious not to notice- Catherine bowed, her hands held up her gown just a little, being courteous to the Royal Family. After that, she went around to continue her search. Then her eyes locked into a sight of... What was he? Well, either he was a noble who had a disastrous sense of fashion or a very funny man wanted to jest in this night. That, or a poor man desperately trying to upgrade his ugly fashion sense.

My Lord, what a great clothing you are wearing tonight." Catherine smiled slowly at the man in a white mask, black cape, and... A pair of intriguing sailor boots.

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