
"Well what on earth are you doing sneaking up on people like that? No one wants some girl running up on them when there are cannibals around" I quip at her. I wasn't really mad but she'd frightened me and I really didn't wanna deal with any more people today. I looked her over, wary of any signs that she could be a cannibal. 'Potentially hiding in the cabin?' I mused. I glanced back to Alaska who was coated with my dad's blood and a new sense of urgency filled me. 'If we don't hurry we'll have more cannibals than we can handle on our tail.' I mentally worked through scenarios in my head. "Look, no time for introductions, we have to get my dad home and buried before his smell brings every cannibal from here to the state line. Come with if you mist but if you try to attack me or otherwise prevent me from getting my dad home I'll kill you." My tone was flat and deadly serious. I couldn't afford the luxury of hesitation twice today and I didn't plan on showing mercy. I started off towards home, ears keen to the new girl's movements.
Alaska was abit taken aback by the girls newer tone of action, but figured she was jsut upset about her father just as she was.

She kept up with them, her one free hand on a revolver hilt, the other holding Father up over he shoulders. He was hooked around her necks as if sh was holding a sheep or had a child over her shoulders. Blood had more than soaked her now, it was smeared over her face from the fight, all over her arms and back, and was starting to drip down her fore.

"Hey, take the flute from my belt loop. Cover allt he holes with your fingers and then blow into it really really hard." She ordered, "The sound will be high pitched enough to drive cannibals away like they're dogs."
I move back to grab it and follow Alaska's directions. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if I'd been upset about something but I couldn't seem to process anything more than one foot in front of the other. 'Maybe mom will cook rabbit tonight if Dad caught enough.' I wonder briefly. Shock sets in more with each step and by the time we draw into sight of my dilapidated home I am near collapse. I call to my mom who immediately comes running out, knife drawn to make sure I'm okay. She turns to Alaska and the other girl, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER AND HUSBAND!?" she shrieks. Motherly rage seems to seep from her pores as she takes on a fighting stance, I wrap my arms around hers and try to speak over her. "MOM! The one with dad helped me bring him here and saved me from the cannibal that would have killed me otherwise. I don't know the other girl but she seems like every other we have taken in in the past. Neither has tried to hurt me on our journey through the woods. Let them be. But dad- he's- I'm sorry I couldn't-" I can't finish it and suddenly I burst into tears, collapsing to my knees and sobbing silently, the emptiness still clinging to my consciousness. She slowly lowers her knife and moves closer to Alaska while holding her hands out, silently asking for her husband. Out of the corner of her eye she continues to watch the other girl while I remain staring blankly at the scene in front of me with less expression than the rocky sand that surrounds me. 
(not sure where Pain is but..... it's cool for right now)
Alaska kept silent, knowing there was no way she would recognize her after all the years.

"Mutter, it's me. Alaska. I- I'm sorry." Tears welling up in her eyes, Alaska lowered him down, the blood soaking the back part of her head. She knelt down along with Mother, being sure to be gentle as she layed his head in her arms.

"I know it's been very long... but you and Father helped me. My parent's were friends of Father's," she said, choking up slightly, "I tried all I could."

She stood up silently, wiping her face of the blood that had been shed earlier.
(oh good grief. i thought i typed a response to this AGES ago but it never sent T_T I'm really sorry guys!!!)
"I will forgive your lie this one time child. The Alaska my husband and I helped died years ago after being mauled by one of the cannibals." She hisses. She looks borderline murderous but that fades as she looks down into her lap at the face of her deceased husband. Stroking his hair out of his face gently she continues. "I don't know how you came to know how you found out about her but I will not stand for you trying to pretend to be her. It is a disgrace to her memory." Mother adds. "Father here was the one who came home and told me what happened. Cried for days over it...." She trails off. She was so like my little Avery. Avery would have loved to meet Alaska. If only she'd survived just a while longer. Mother seems to zone out as she becomes wrapped in memories of the dead sister I never found out about, and the girl in the woods Mother tried to replace her with.

I wipe my eyes, looking off into the distance. "You know we need to bury him soon before the heat and wind spreads his smell and brings the cannibals here." I mutter hollowly. I'm gonna miss you dad... I stand up and grab dad's old shovel and start walking out a little way towards the community cemetery behind our house. Odds and ends served as grave markers for loved ones now long buried. I've completely forgotten about the other girls by this point and nothing seems to matter but letting dad have final peace in a grave. Picking slowly through the rows upon rows of dead, I find a plot situated near one of the few trees in the area. He and mom had picked out their grave spots when they first moved to the city, an unfortunate necessity in our times. Over and over I plunge the shovel into the ground and send piles of sand sailing away. Mother remains sitting, a slightly crazed look in her eye, still stroking father's blood spattered hair.
Alaska seemed to reclude, hurt that she was being framed for faking. Yes, she was mauled. But she did not die. She acted dead so that father wouldn't get himself into a fight trying to save her. After scanning her brainf or proof, she lifted up her shirt to her stomach, showing scars where her side was ripped open. She also took a necklace Father had given her off of her neck, handing it to the woman. She hoped she would remember it, since she was the one who made it.

"Then I guess I'm a ghost, mother. You were friends of my parents."

She turned her head, putting down her blood soaked shirt.
(i'ma wait for Ema before I respond again but I wanted to add a plot twist here. I'm toying with the idea of adding a darker side to mother so just watch for weird/clingy/obsessive behavior)
(Sorry I haven't posted in ages!)

I just stood there watching both of them, my head turning to face the direction of where the speech was coning from. I couldn't hear what they was saying, all I could hear was the sound of my heart thumping in my chest. The fact that they were talking about parents pushed me even further. Everything began to spin, their voices became distant and muffled. It was all too much for me to take in. "S-stop!" I whimpered. I guess finding human contact wasn't the best idea.
(it's cool that was on me.)

I stared deadpan at the girl beside Alaska/not Alaska and watched. "You alright girl?" I ask. Unhooking my canteen from my belt I toss it to her and resume digging, quietly watching Mother and the Alaska girl.

Mother's mouth opens and closes at the sight of the necklace. Something isn't computing. "Nononono! He told me he was positive you were dead! Why would he lie to me?! He knew I loved Alaska since-" she shrieked hysterically. "Alaska?" Her breath comes in short hysterical gasps as she blubbers. "Alaska!" she yells, throwing herself at the young girl and hugging her. It must be Alaska! God gave me my little girl back! She can be my Avery again! "I kept all your clothes in the house. Joey told me to throw them away but I knew. I knew they would be useful again!"

I put the shovel down and move towards mom. "Why would dad have told you she died mom....What happened?" I ask hesitantly. She pauses only a second before just grinning and shrugging. She moves towards the other girl and prods at her. "Need help sweetheart?" She asks. Her sporadic behavior is starting to weird me out. Maybe dad had his reasons for telling her Alaska died.
I made a complete fool of myself but its not my fault, right? One of them tossed me there canteen and I gave an awkward smile. I politely sipped a small amount of its contents and screwed the lid back on. I stood there watching two of them hug. I wasn't quite sure what was happening. "Thanks.." I hesitated, it was the only thing I could do in this situation. Well there's that and running away.
Alaska staggered back a step at the sudden weight, but soon regained her balance.

"It's alright. Just calm down."

She was honestly scared of Mother. She noticed a look in her eyes that wasn't quite right. "I don't think those clothes will be of much use to be again though. I'm all grown up!" Alaska had grown quite a bit. She was about 2-3 feet taller, had acquired alot more muscle, and had uhm- 'matured'.

"Arias right. We need to bury him now. Can't take him with us. Well catch up later."
I was so confused at what was going on but I didn't want to be rude and interrupt. I quietly minded my own business and messed with my tie as they continued their conversation, but there was a rush of curiosity burning up inside me. When it went silence I finally had the courage to say something. "D-do you need any h-help?" I murmured, hoping no one actually heard me.
I gently pried mom off a slightly unnerved looking Alaska and turned to the other girl. "We have another shovel beside the house if you'd like to help me dig the grave." I point to the old spade and pick up mine. We only need to dig a few more feet before the grave will be done and I try to make sure I don't cry into his grave. Mom wanders aimlessly picking flowers and pulling out clothing meant for a young girl. She seems to have completly forgotten what's going on around her. "You've grown up so much little girl. Won't need me anymore will you?" she mutters to no one in particular.
Alaska backed slowly away from Mother, and picked father up other her shoulders,provoking some more fresh blood to seep out. She motioned to be quiet at the two girls as she slid quietly away to the grave, knowing that mother would be better off not seeing him over her shoulders again. Once she reached it, a heavy sigh escaped her lips along with a strangled thought.

'They can't know why he got me away from Mother... Aria can't atleast. Mother can't. She'd kill someone... Perhaps Mother still wants to replace Avery?" she thought, covering his body in some heavy smelling herbs and flowers to try and stall the time it would take the cannibals to catch any scent of death.
I nodded and walked to the side of the house. An old rusty shovel rested against the house, waiting to be used. I picked it up and wandered back to where the others were digging the grave. I'd never actually dug a grave before so this was a completely new experience. I just hope I never have to dig another. I stabbed the shovel in to the dry dirt and began to dig.
Mother continues pacing the yard, picking up small trinkets from a box she's hidden in the brush. "her hairbrush, clothes, necklace, hair, my baby girl. I can have her again." she mutters to herself, grinning like a maniac. Finally our shovels hit cool dirt and we are deep enough. I gesture for the other girl to stop and for Alaska to help me lower father into the grave. As we do I take off his old ring that grandpa gave him and slip it into my pocket. Good bye daddy. I can't mutter very many words aloud but I let my thoughts speak for me as I immediately begin to cover his body with mound after mound of dirt. Mother, who has finally noticed again that her husband is dead and her child is burying him alone comes to stand by the grave, looking affectionately at all of us. Much in the same way I've seen wolves look over their pups when they've become sick. We hear a small sniffle and mother and I turn to see Carie, one of the orphans in the city, peering knowingly at the grave. "Need any help?" she asks shyly while making her way towards us.

"NO GET AWAY FROM MY FAMILY YOU LITTLE BRAT! I'LL KILL YOU!" mother howls like a deranged bear and leaps forward. Before I can stop her she's bitten into the other girl's neck. Blood gushes everywhere and I scream, throwing myself into the fray. HAS SHE LOST HER BLOODY MIND! SHE CAN'T BECOME A CANNIBAL NOW!! Mother shrieks at me and swings wildly, her fist connecting with my stomach and driving me back. "Mommy's busy dearest! No more babies can die!" she yells at the top of her lungs. God don't make me hurt her please! I don't want to do it! I know full well that if she dosn't stop soon or if Carie rises back up as a cannibal then I will have to kill the both of them. She turns and stares at the other girls, breath coming in ragged gasps and hysterical giggles while blood drips down her chin.

(I know it's a little rough with how I'm trying to manipulate mother and how fast I made that last bit go but I need to give our group good reason to bail on the city and not come back any time soon)
Alaska grabbed Aria, puling her back from the woman.

Oh father. I shouldn't have ever come back.

With a deep breath in it took everything she had to not shoot Mother between the eyes right then and there. Alaska picked up the girl's body and carried her to the grave without a word, turning her back on mother and the others. She picked up one of the shovels that was left there and dug another grave right next to father's, trying to keep her tears hidden from anyone's eyes. This was not something that she wanted to do again. The little girl had been under her own protection in the woods she presided over, and she felt it her fault that Mother had killed Carie. Innocence had no meaning in this world now. Alaska knew that she had to leave now, protecting those in the woods would do no good now that the cannibals were flooding into the city. She would get herself killed.

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