
I looked round again and saw the man fighting for his life. The girl was sat tending to the wound on her shoulder, tying a leaf to the injured area. I didn't know whether I should help or attack. What if she is dangerous like the man? I decided to stay where I was and keep an eye on her movements. I smiled to myself feeling glad that I had found humans.
Trying to keep her thoughts straight, she did the only thing that calmed her down in situations like this, she began to sing in french. Quietly, but still audible.

Her breathing and heart rate finally slowing down, Alaska put away her weapons, but kept her hand on the hilt of her blade, just incase another cannibal came by when she was still recuperating.
I couldn't follow through when the girl stepped back. As the cannibal slunk back I collapsed to my knees, knife still drawn. Finally the tears came, silent but painful, as I sat stroking my mangled father's hand. Mom will be devastated. She'll never show it outright, she'd seen too many die to do that anymore, but it would show in the little things. I sobbed knowing her little smiles and shared looks with him were gone now. I sobbed knowing that for many children in the area, the closest they'd ever had to a dad was dead. I listened to the girl singing a few feet away for a moment before joining in, softly in english, with a lullaby my dad taught me and sang to me when I was little and I got scared. In less than an hour I'd discovered the reality of cannibals and lost my dad. Families in the area were dying faster and faster with disease spreading with the on coming flux of radioactivity. Few would survive when the first wave hit, mostly teens like me who were healthy. The elderly, sick, and very young would die unless they left now. It was time to say goodbye to this city and move on. I only hoped mom would agree before we had to watch another family go down. "Thank you." I muttered softly. "I couldn't- I was too-" *sigh* "Thanks." I repeated. I couldn't think about what I'd almost done if I wanted to keep my lunch down. (Pain try and write a little more there dude. I'm not a huge fan of 1 liners unless it's during a fight cause sometimes that's all you can do.) 
(you don't have to poop details and backstory like I do but a little more incite into what strange things cannibals think would be cool :P )
Glancing back at the area of all the blood shed, Alaska sighed. Now that father was dead, the children that would be found wandering about here would most likely either go with them, get killed, or go under her protection.

"I should probably visit mother... Someone has to tell her. I'm guessing that the kid will, but she helped me too. I should." she concluded. There's not a person anywhere here that hasn't lost someone yet. But it's still a shame it had to be Father. He was a friend of my own, and hen I was young him and mother helped her. Alaska wondered if any of the other kids had known about her, or if Father and Mother's own child knew about her. Probably not, she guessed. But that didn't matter. What did was what she had a job to do.
Is this the girl dad used to talk about? Its been years since I've heard him mention the girl in the woods. I thought she was dead....Maybe I'll test the theory. Hesitantly I ask "Will you come with me to tell my mom? I know he knew you. He said he'd helped a girl in the woods once and still came by sometimes. Was that you?" I look up from him to watch the girl across from me. I wasn't sure if she was the girl but I WAS sure that I didn't want to walk alone knowing that there were more cannibals out there that I wasn't sure I could kill.
"So he did speak of me. Your father was a brilliant man. Here, we shouldn't leave him out in the open..." She said. Weary of the child, but she doubted they could do much harm to her. Alaska walked over, picking his body up bridal style, not caring about being covered in blood.

"With any luck, your mum will recognize me and not try and kill me."
I stared in silence watching them talk. It took me a while to notice the remains of a partly eaten man laid on the ground, presumably someone's father. I turned back and drew in the dirt, remembering the day I returned home to see my house in ruins and no sign of my parents. I've always thought they were dead, but who knows?
"Yes he is-was... He didn't say much but he cared about you. Kept an eye out for you when he could. I doubt mom would try to kill you. She won't be happy but she won't kill you until she's sure she has to." I grimace at seeing him hefted up but do my best to keep it together. I wouldn't have been able to keep it together carrying him. The sound of shoes on dirt drew my attention to the brush at the edge of the clearing. Drawing my bow I call "Anyone there?". I figured any canable that was trying to kill us would have come out by now and either way I'd have the jump before It could do anything.
"I know it's hard. But It'll be okay. When my family was killed, he said to me 'The death of someone, can not only allow you to move on, but even though you're pained from their loss, it can open up new possibilities,'' Alaska concluded, "And I believe that applies here. Knowing Mother, she'll decide it's time to leave this place. That can open up many things. I urge you all to travel through my domain, you'll be protected there."

Her head darting to the source of the sound, she'd move behind Aria.
I needed to return home without getting seen. Should I run as fast as I can? Be stealthy? I waited for the right moment and decided I should leg it. I jumped on to my feet and sprinted down the path, not stopping until I was safe inside my house.
I catch glimpse of a girl running, terrified, through the brush and back towards the cabin I had left earlier. "Wait!" I call after her, but she is long gone. I turn to the girl with my father and sigh, shaking my head in a 'what's the use' manor. If she were a cannibal she would have attacked...Plus I'm pretty sure I know where she lives now so if she poses a threat... I shook my head to bring myself back to the here and now. And right now my father was draped over a stranger's shoulder and it was time to go tell mom that he was dead. "With any luck we will be gone within the week. Possibly today. Rumors say that there are safe havens on the East Coast, ports to unaffected countries." I shrug. "Even if they're wrong we need to head that way anyway. Thank you for letting us pass but I must ask. Why not come with us? Mom could be convinced relatively easily I think. It's not like you'd be a liability that we'd have to teach a million things to so......" I let the end trail off in a question. Why am I asking a total stranger to come with us?! So what if she knew dad? Half the state knows dad and that's just the people I know about.... Company would be nice though....With just me and mom and-....just me and mom now... I walk as I talk, leading the way back home.
Alaska let the girl run, unaffected by her sudden appearance. She had seen her hiding out in the cabin before, she was just as scared as some of the children were. The girl never left the place though, so surely she woud be going insane by now. It's been weeks! Cabin fever would've set in by now. Possibly why she was acting so squirrely.

"Depends. I grew up here. And someone's got to keep my domain in check. I guess the only reason I'm really still here is because of your mother and father, and the kids. Even when the world is in such bad condition, everyone's still got something to live for, right?"
As I ran I could a faint voice in the distance "Wait!" they shouted. I locked myself in the cabin once again, sitting against the door. I made a stupid mistake, I should have talked to them at least. I threw the spear in the corner in frustration with myself.
(im ambushing ;3, basicly like a trap door spider)

He was deep under the lid, and the strings are crafted towards the lid. 
The lid was covered by a massive mountain of dirt and earth, as it looks like a mountain with an iron lid and long thin strings as thin as a pencil point and threaded out by the thousands, and in the centre the cannibal was hidden inside like a spider, he pets his fingers on the wires softly to sence the vibrations of people. ''heheh I cant wait to get another piece of prey' He starts smiling, there where also more lids and holes on the sides to allow him to escape incase the area is breached from another angle.
I shrug at the girl. "Won't be much to protect within your domain once the radiation gets here. Just bodies and cannibals eating them. Either way, you're welcome to join us." As I continue our trek to the neighborhood I trip on a thin white string, my hands fly out in front of me but I catch my balance before I actually fall and continue on. The incident is gone from my mind almost instantly. The whole city will be devastated... I just hope we can leave before the whole city goes mad. My thoughts flicker back to the frightened girl from earlier. I didn't want to frighten her more but she needed to leave that house. The cannibal knew she lived there now. It wasn't safe anymore... "What's your name by the way? Mine's Aria."
I needed to talk to them, they were my only hope of reviving my sanity. I groaned and picked up my spear and grabbed my backpack from my bedroom, checking that it had everything I would need. I jogged out of the cabin and gently closed the door. I started a slow walk down the dusty path and eventually saw someone walking ahead. This is your chance Riley, don't mess this up...! I thought to myself. I picked up my speed to catch up with the girl when I suddenly tripped up, my body flying forward. I yelped and began to climb on to my feet.
(hey today i won't be able to get on much and from here on out my posting will drop to one-three times a week)
"Alaska. Some people call me The Keeper though, for ovious reasons." She replied, glancing down at the amount of blood covering her. Probably wouldn't be washing out but she didn't mind.

Spinning around, she saw the girl fall.

"Erm, you alright there?" she said, not yet recognizing her as the girl who had dashed off earlier.
(I apologise for not replying for a while!)

I quickly raised my spear as soon as I heard someone speak. "I-I'm fine." I replied nervously. I've never exactly been good with talking to other people, my parents never exactly passed down good social skills.

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