
The man walked forward towards the bed. His right hand slid underneath, right next to my face. I was beginning to feel faint from fear and I thought that maybe this was going to be my last day. Then there was another loud boom, the vibrations running down my spine. My eyes shot open and the man jumped on to all fours and charged out of the bedroom and hopefully, out of the cabin.

(Going for lunch, be back in a bit)
(this is good then. we need to slow down so Alaska can get a chance to join in too. let's lay off til' she gets to respond so we don't leave her in the dust. cool? :3)
(yay! oh god i'm an awful person to my muse. I guess I don't have to kill off my mom just yet then. I was gonna have it so I came back and found her dead but you killing dad will actually serve my plot purpose more. I may add another character as a cannibal so you aren't on your own. Plus I wanna terrorize people evenly lol)
(Hey guys, sorry for not being on! I haven't been feeling well, so I slept in a couple hours.)

Alaska's head flung up at a loud screeching sound. If that's another one of those crazy cannibals I'm going to have a field day, she thought. Quickly grabbing her staff and loading her guns, she strapped them back onto her sides. Checking the two knives on her thighs, she quickly jumped from branch to branch, until with a thud on the ground she rolled. Alaska quickly stood up and drew on of her guns, walking cautiously to the sight of the sound.

Directly after arriving, she was greeted with the sight of a crazed man tackling and mauling father.

"Father!" She screamed, running out, she kicked the man off of him and shot him between the eyes. Wheeling around from the corpse, she picked up the frail man who was nearly dead, and moved him against a nearby tree, sitting him up.
She brought up her gun and aimed it at her opponents chest. "Well, maybe you can eat your dear friend over here." She chuckled. A half smile appearing on her face, she pulled the trigger.

Stepping back she grabbed her staff from the ground, and braced herself for hand to hand combat.
He moved aside the bullet and charges on all fours up the tree tackling her to the ground and pins her shoulders back, ready to bite again
Alaska kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fly off of her. Jumping him she'd tackled him, pinning him with the staff against him throat, his windpipe warping under the pressure.
He then uses his strength to bite through the staff and snap it as I pin her back in place. ''ehhe I guess your next deary''
Baring her sharp teeth with a smile, shed laugh quietly. A hand sliding up and holding a gun to the side of his head, turned off the safety and was ready to shoot.

"Wanna play that game now do you? You've met your match, boy. And killing me off so early in the battle? What a pity, you must not like to dance."

Alaska relaxed, waiting for the boy's next move. Any slight attempt at injuring her would result in a bullet in his skull.
I shrink back as the tall lanky man bounds off. I hear a man's loud scream and then shots in the distance. DAD! I sprint, bow drawn for the sound. I slide behind a tree as the gruesome sight comes into view. Dad lays mangled on the ground like some sort of chew toy and another man, Cannibal?, lays beside him. The girl from earlier has the lanky man from the cabin pinned to a tree. I glance around and after making sure there were no others running around I make a break for my dad. I know there is no hope for him now. He lays in a heap on the ground and I set what's left of his head in my lap. "Daddy I'm so sorry I wasn't here." I sob quietly to him. I close his eyes and cross the mangled remains of his hands across his chest. Grabbing his knife and fire poker, I stand. "You're the one who did this." It wasn't a question and as I sidled closer to the man against the tree I made a point of holding back the rest of my tears. This THING will not see me cry! "Killing him is too kind." I sneer. I giggle hysterically drawing imaginary cut lines across both legs or both arms. "Would be hard to run if I cut a leg off huh? Maybe a hand?" I ask. I'd never been so cruel before, said things so awful before, but I knew I would act on them if given the chance. My stomach heaved at the thought but I continued trying to hold it together. (that's fine aye. I wasn't feeling so hot this morning either but that's cause I ate too much candy last night >.>) 
(plus normally I won't be able to get on daily so this will slow down a lot on my part when spring break ends this week)
(Sorry I haven't replied, been out with friends :3)

The door slammed shut and the man left. I waited a few seconds and got out from under the bed, brushing dust and muck off of my blouse. My parents must be right, the necklace does protect me...I thought to myself. The book I was reading sat on the floor, several pages scattered underneath it. I gathered the pages up and stuffed them inside the book before settling it on the bedside table. My left hand was still clutching the spear, so I laid it against the cold wall. As I began heading in to the living room there was a sudden screeching noise, more deafening than the bangs I heard earlier. I ran over to the window, and looked outside. Like usual there was nothing. That's what made it worse, knowing that there is something out there but you can't see it.
Applying the rest of my weight to the staff, forcibly crushing the man's windpipe. Glancing over, Alaska saw the girl she gave to meat to slinking closer. Nodding slightly, she would push in, then come back, watching the man collapse, gasping for air. Taking a step back, she would be offering him up to the Aria.
This time I wasn't going to be scared. I was determined to find out what had caused this noise and I wanted to end it. I stormed in to my bedroom and picked up my spear. I threw the door open and slammed it shut behind me, fear was replaced with anger. I walked forward a few steps and stopped and waited for the sound. I could begin to hear struggling of what sounded like people in the distance. I was desperate to talk to a human, I was losing my sanity being stuck on my own. I began to follow the sound down a small path. It eventually lead to me to a girl killing a man with a staff. I gasped and hid behind a large pile of rubble. Is this the cause...? I thought to myself. I peered round the side and watched the girl crush the mans windpipe. I sat against the rubble and looked down at my spear, wondering if I should attack.
Alaska soon collapsed back, tired and injured. Lifting up her sleeve, a deep gash was in her shoulder. Definitely not good when the nuclear fallout was on its way.

Taking a piece of cloth from her shirt, and a leaf from a nearby plant, she ripped the cloth into a single strip, tying the rest onto a pantloop. Ripping the leaf up into small pieced, she rubbed it into her cut, then tied to cloth around it. The plant she was used has been known for having pain relieving and antispetic properties, but hopefully the fallout hadn't altered it in anyway.

Leaning back, Alaska was breathing heavily. Exertion from the little fight had worn her down, but as the man infront of her was still struggling, she could care less. Her priority was making it back to her territory. No one dared enter there at night, even the cannibals.

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