[Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew


The Aetherblade Crew had encountered the Cloud Peril, and ever since then, the two ships were never the same. They both were as ridiculous as ever, although.

Brooksleuth: "Why're ye all pickin' on me? I did nothin' wrong. So far, anyways."
Vena: The probability of this scenario is as high as the possibility of a factoring hectopascal.


In other words. IRRATIONAL!
Brooksleuth: "So you speak the truth that I'm pretty good-lookin? Well thank ye, Ass Cloud."

The captain of the Cloud Peril has appeared and had spoken in a weird-ass language.

Brooksleuth: "The hell is yer cap'n on about? No wonder ye Ass Clouds are...what's the word, scum."
Brooksleuth: "Where the 'ell is the Aetherblades? Vil's flirting with a Ass Cloud!"

He stares at their direction and sighs.

Brooksleuth: "This is absolute craziness, this is."

Vil: *grabs both of Lilith's hand and pins them up, one leg between hers* You would not like me angry, love. A beautiful face such as yourself should not be scarred, unless provoked.
Vena: What's up, A--Y-A! Nice day 4 it, huh?

And what in the factoring hells are you doing with my crew member, you son of a digit?
Lilith: *rears head back and headbutts Vil* Ye be smart to not treat me like a soft lass *grins*
Novena: And so the fights begin. I suppose that should be only normal. I'm rooting 4 you, Lily~ Divide him into little pieces for me when you're done!
Vil: -get's headbutted, lets out a laugh- You my dear lass, are one fine piece of work. Albeit, you are quite small, you still have that kick in ya. -lets go of hands and bites at the nape of her neck- Be careful love, the woods you walk in only get darker. -walks back to Brook's side-
Brooksleuth shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck.

Brooksleuth: "Jealous? Like 'ell. A Cloud Peril and a Aetherblade? Do ye really think that's a good mix? Nay. It's a mix that means treason!"

Crazy captain of the Cloud Peril has again, spoken.

Brooksleuth: "Did ye just call me a Son of a Digit? As in a number? You Cloud Perils..."

Brook sighed and places his Cynphony on the barrel next to him.

And AGAIN, the captain spoke but this time, ordering one of the crew members to attack. Supposedly Vil. Vil reacted in a passive manner, biting the nape of the girl's neck then returning back to him.

Brooksleuth: "Had ye fun? Damn traitor."

Lilith: Spoken like a true daffy ArseBlades. Blades are always good for one thing, running from a fight.
Vil: Ofcourse, that woman has a fire in her. -leans in to whisper into Brook's ear- Besides, you seem to taste much better.

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