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Fandom *Quirk Analysis Arc* My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!! (Remake number what? 100?)

Location: City
Interaction: Max ( Probably George Probably George )​

Minna watched as the guy she was following quickly turned a corner and she followed although she found her legs trapped in crystal and was asked about not following strangers "Aww, how did ya know I was following ya" Minna said innocently with a smile before it disappeared "That means your not prey" she said licking her lips before her entire body started melting and turning to black ink "I'm curious though, do you kill for fun or for others?" She continued to speak as her mouth disappeared into the mass of ink and started bubbling out of her Crystal prison. She stopped speaking for a moment as she spread around the crystals before she started to form behind the other person and licked him leaving a trail of ink on his face, her face a dripping, black mess and said calmly "Y'see I'm looking for work, that involves killing. So if your useful to me I'll let yas go without any worry and you can take me to someone important. But if your not well..." Minna said as her mouth opened showing nothing but dripping ink "I'll just kill you here and now, since I don't really like competition" She said calmly
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582960Out of everyone he's fought before, this girl had one of the most difficult quirks to deal with. If Max were to trap her, he'd have to make it extremely quick, and water tight. Two things that were out of his control. He didn't have many options to choose from, so he did what he does best. Ball up his hands in crystala and smack at the puddle remains of the girl. All he really achieved was splashing her around and sending crystal particles everywhere.

As he kept smashing around like a caveman, Minna brought a bit of herself back to person; an arm. The arm reached for Max's face. Her plan was to go straight into his mouth and to take him out from the inside. Before she could reach for him, Max swung himself back and dodged her grasp. With the momentum from his body, Max raised up an arm and smacked at the hand. As quickly as he avoided her attack, Minna was just as swift, turning her arm back to ink before the impact. Max didn't know it, but he was making the situation worse for himself. The more area the ink covered, the bigger of an opportunity that she had to strike at him.

As the fight went on, the crystal buildup on Max's hands kept getting bigger and bigger.

Minna decided that playtime was over, it was time to end this. The kid was too dumb to be of any use to her. He just seemed like a mindless brute smashing anything in reach. Minna collected a large puddle of herself and launched her liquid bits towards Max's face. Even if he were to swipe at her, there was more than enough ink to dive into Max. What she didnt expect was for his face to be blindly covered with a mask like crystal structure. Didn't matter to Minna. Once she was latched on, she could just go into his ears and attack his brain.

As Minna hit Max's face, Max brought his arms up and took a quick swing downwards. Her biggest mistake was doubting Max's situational improve. Only an idiot doesn't know whens to run, and Max had already planned out his escape. Max smashed down at the crystals that kept him planted to the ground. As all the crystals collected on his hands and feet burst, shards flew across the alley. Because of how the ones on his hand were formed, most of the shards were minuscule, covering the surrounding area with a cloud of crystalline dust.

Now with the area covered in dust, Max ripped the mask off and started making his escape out of the alleyway and through the outside crowds.

Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc
Interaction: Probably George Probably George Xcelgamer Xcelgamer


"That bastard is trying to lead this into public... I won't allow this"

Prof. Violet retracted the gas back into himself and followed Max into crowded streets, avoiding the gaze of Minna.

He walked next to Max and spoke into his ear saying:
"lead her somewhere that I can put her out of commission without any civilians being affected, Max. I'm counting on you for this"

He vanished into the crowd like a ghost and tailed Max and the girl from a far waiting to strike
(Small post because I'm a bit tired. Back from the convention btw.)


Interaction: Probably George Probably George

Location: Sky Family Home​

Aaron came down the stairs quickly enough and stood in surprise when he saw Primer. The conversation began in the kitchen. “I… I’m allowed in?” Aaron clenched his fists. “Why?! Why me?! Out of hundreds of other applicants why me?! Is it actually because of me?! Or because of my dad?!” he shouted at Kyta, before running back up the stairs and slamming his door.
Location: City Streets > Back alley
Interaction: Probably George Probably George Xcelgamer Xcelgamer

Text Examples: Prof. Violet: Example Max: Example Minna: Example


Max pushed past several people and through the crowded street when he heard a voice that was familiar: It was Prof. Violet, He had been coaching him on the best time to strike a villain so his voice was a welcome sound in the current scenario.

"Lead her somewhere out of the public eye huh? Easy enough!" he cackled a bit and rubbed the diamond on his chest to produce a faint glow among the crowd, When he took a quick glance behind him he saw the figure of Minna quickly approaching him, as she walked her body seemed to melt around people who bumped into her making it easy to keep pace with Max.

"Heh, Like a moth to a flame! Guess this'll be easier than I thought." Max ducked back into the closest alleyway and checked to see if the girl was still on his tail, she was alarmingly close behind him so he picked up the pace and walked to the dead end of the ally


Minna wasn't one for letting her pray escape her, so she followed Max quickly, putting up her innocent face of childlike curiosity when she entered the crowd as to not attract any suspicion

"Excuse me, pardon me, right behind ya~" Minna remarked cheerfully as he passed through the crowd.

she had lost the man for a moment in the crowd when a bright yellow twinkle caught her eye, she spotted the lanky purple man as he pushed through the groups of people. She smirked devilishly and made chase, every time she came to an opening in the horde of people she'd turn into sludge and shoot forward quickly and reconstruct herself afterward.

"Looks like you've got nowhere else to run too. Ya'know, I don't appreciate it when people make me walk all over the place to kill them, it makes me so annoyed! but... I suppose it delays the satisfaction of when they stop moving and fall no their knees, all hope lost in there eyes" A shiver ran up her back as she reminisced about the women she had killed only moments earlier "I hope your death is just as beautiful as the lady's, Maybe if I break you open you'll be full of sparkling rocks like a geode"

As Minna slowly walked toward Max her left arm started dripping, she was prepared to drown him in ink the moment she got close.

Minna dashed forward quickly making an attempt to shove her inky arm down his throat, but Max had already covered up the front of his face when a thin layer of quartz. She knew it was going to be difficult to kill him with no way of getting ink inside his body, perhaps an open wound could improve her odds, she retrieved a large pocket knife from the leftmost side of her jeans

Max was mostly weaving in attacks as the ink-girl swung a knife violently at him. his crystals were wearing down slightly: with no time to grow back new ones, He thought he should kill this girl quickly before she started to cut him deeply. He slowly moved a patch of crystal across the ground and under her feet

Minna thought it was taking too long for this purple-person to give up, she planned on to finish him off already: "Screw delayed satisfaction, I want him dead already"
she sent ink around through the cracks in the floor to right under him and quickly formed herself stabbing upwards into Max's face shield

Crystals burst from the ground an instant too late, Max's face mask shattered from the impact of Minna's knife and she smiled sadistically as Max fell backward

He quickly climbed up and dashed backward "Damn it! damn it, damn it, damn it! You shouldn't be so fast! I would have caught you if you hadn't moved so-" He was cut off when purple gas filled the entire back alley, He tried to catch a fast breath but wasn't quick enough to react as the smoke filled his lungs and his vision became blurry, his hands began to shake, and he began to sweat bullets. He was suddenly calmed when he heard a voice that seemed to echo from everywhere around him

Prof. V‭iolet forward.png

"You've done well to bring her so far into the alley and run her out of breath... My dear Max... You've grown so well and improved so much over the time I've been training you, I'm quite impressed. I'll handle it from here, Max" Violet spoke in a soothing voice as Max gave a shaky nod as he fell backward smiling at the sound of approval, he passed out a second after hitting the ground

Prof. Violet turned to see Minna panicking to get a breath of clean air, She tried to turn into Ink and slide away but as soon as she transformed her body molded back and she fell sprawled out on the ground each time she tried to escape.

She heard terrifyingly loud footsteps echoing from behind her and she turned to face the noise with sweat and tears rolling down her face "W-w-what's happening... To me!? W-w-who are you?!"

Violet didn't seem to take notice of her questions as he walked toward her writing in his notebook and spoke aloud "Age: between twenty and twenty-five. Sex: Female, Height: below average... Reaction: Subject appears to have lost control of quirk's movement and control over their speech pattern, minor effects being sweating, crying, and other general signs of panic and distress" He closed the notebook and leaned over her, picking up the pocket knife and cleaning her handprints off it. He crouched down to look her in the face: his body splitting into many vibrant colored and transparent versions of himself and spoke with thousands of repeating voices

"I believe you'll be of some use to us." He placed a rag over her mouth and she passed out
Jacki Fleitcher

Location: Home ---> Free State

Interactions: Open

Mentions: Ferryn ( Natural Flavour Natural Flavour ), Clementine ( PlusUltra PlusUltra ), Stitcher ( pbtenchi pbtenchi )

Jacki woke up super early because she was ecstatic, she did her usual morning routine, grabbed her skateboard, headphones, bag, phone, wallet and bag and started skating towards Freestate, sipping on a thermo of hot chocolate and listening to music towards her school. As she saw the school in the distance, she looked at her watch and realized she would be one of the first students at the school “Well crap baskets I am super early for the first day. Ah, well gives me time to look around the school” Jacki said to herself as she reached the school, got off her board and started exploring the basically empty building, sipping on her hot chocolate the whole time “Hmm, I wonder if that Ferryn girl got in, hope she did, she seemed nice enough, better quirk than mine. So’s Clementine” Jacki thought to herself “Hmm, since Stitcher was the one in the video, I reckon he’s going to be my teacher.” She thought as a small conniving smile appeared across her face as she sat found her classroom and sat down in the chair straight in front of the teacher’s desk “Well, if he’s going to be a dick about my entry, I just need to prove him wrong. First rule of battle, always know your enemy, so Stitcher. How do you fight.” She said aloud to herself as she flipped her phone sideways and searched for videos on Stitchers fights, watching how Stitcher moved around his opponents, if he taunted to get them frustrated and most importantly how he used his Quirk. “Interesting...this is going to be harder than I thought. He is a pro after all.” She continued as she started tapping her fingers on her chin, thinking how to actually make Stitcher actually believe she deserved to be here, she then placed down her phone the video continuing, grabbed an empty book, pencil and eraser out of her bag and started writing, after drawing quickly a beautiful unicorn on the first page, "Hmmm, ok, from the way he had disdain for me not using my Quirk, it's obvious he loves people with amazing Quirks like Clementine's or Mako's" She thought as she wrote in the book "So, he'll most likely try and either get me to quit the school by making everything super hard for me but be mildly uncomfortable for the other students. From what I've researched about hero courses a majority of first years do a quirk test for a baseline on where the students start, but the individual test are up to the homeroom teacher" Jacki mumbled to herself, keeping an eye on the door ready to close her book as soon as someone else walked in to room as well and the occasional glances to her phone watching Stitcher fight
2af0d4612b85b41c1b3c2a819968ffc7.jpgMako Glass
Free State
Interaction: Xcelgamer Xcelgamer
On her second walk to Freestate, Mako held her head just a little bit higher. Keeping a low profile wouldn't be necessary, she'd be doing this for most of her days from now on. Didn't keep her from straightening her mask whenever she noticed someone looking for too long. Though her face betrayed none of it, she was excited. She felt like running towards the school, but had to remind herself of the importance of moderation. She was early, there was no need to surrender to anticipation.

As she stood before the institution, she let her eyes roam over more than she allowed herself last time. Casually taking in more of its architecture as she moved through its halls. She occasionally spotted staff and even other students on her way towards her class, but she made sure to keep far out of their way. She made sure to keep her jaws under control, but her attire still made her stand out even without their presence. It was no bother to to Mako, nobody halted her on her walk so everything was pretty nice.

Finally standing before her classroom door, Mako gave it a once over. She liked having a feel for everything in whatever places she frequented. From stores to parks, she needed to be able to perfectly picture every phone booth or bike rack there. It made was calming to her, and made for a great past time. But one can't stay staring at doors forever, so eventually she finally pulled one of her hands from her coat pockets and opened the door before stepping in.

Yep, she was early. Mako knew that from the start, but the sight of Jacki in the empty classroom reinforced just how much free time she had when she wasn't at the buffet. Closing the door behind her, Mako slid her hand back into her pocket before walking past the desks and giving her classmate a casual, "Morning, Jacki." as she walked to the window.

There was no point in grabbing chairs yet, she'd simply be wherever the others weren't. She had no reason to get picky. So Mako planted herself near the window and merely stared out over the school as she continued taking in her new environment. Soon enough the others would come and claim seats, then their teacher would arrive and begin riving them along the road to becoming heroes. If it wasn't for her years of practicing restraint, she might've even taken the time to give a quick fist pump.
Location: Granny Malker's House | Free State
Interaction: Xcelgamer Xcelgamer GrieveWriter GrieveWriter


Xander's loud deep snores filled his bedroom, the walls adorned with wrestling and boxing memorabilia: Signed boxing gloves, replica championship belts, and a minor league boxing trophy he earned in middle school.

On his bedside table sat a couple of framed photos of Xander, his Grandma, and His brother Leo. as well as an alarm clock that showed '5:30' in red text on the front, the alarm set for '7:00'

Xander's snoring was quickly interrupted when his Grandma gave him a quick whack with the back of a wooden spoon on his head.

"GAH!! Ah- Wh- huh- Where am I-?!" Xander looked around frantically

"You're in your bed sleeping in again, is where you are! C'mon, get downstairs we've gotta get you prepped for school. and bring down your weights!" She remarked as she walked out of his room and down the stairs

"Pft, Whatever Granny, I'm comin' down in a second!" He said pulling his clothes on and messily making his bed, he ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and hair at the same time with divided arms.

after he finished with that he rode the railing downstairs and jumped into his seat at the table where his Grandma read the paper while
breakfast seemed to make itself behind her.

"I get that you're old but how do ya' wake up before five thirty?! GAH!!" Another quick whack with the wooden spoon, Xander rubbed his head a second when a plate of food was placed in front of him that held: five eggs, six strips of bacon, a large pile of hashbrowns, and a large glass of orange juice.

"One of us has to wake up early in the morning to get everything done, And I know it's not going to be you because you're too busy working out to help with chores. Besides, My quirk makes it quite easy to finish the minor jobs around the house you just take care of the heavy lifting for me. Now eat up, Xander! Back in my prime, I could have eaten double that in the time it's taken you to eat four of those eggs." She remarked pointing to a framed black and white picture of a large muscular woman pile driving someone through a table.

"Kah, I'll eat the rest of my food in half the time it takes for you to say: 'Back in my day' Kaha!" Xander ate and worked out at the same time, two divided arms holding weights and the other two shoveling food into his mouth.

When he finished eating he began his jog to school, Granny Malker riding in a scooter beside him shouting at him to run. When they arrived at Free State, Xander hugged his grandma tightly and ran inside, he ran around aimlessly for a while before seeing a class with Jacki and Mako in it, so Xander entered the room and waved happily at them

Being terrible at remembering names he tried to name them correctly
"Yo, Maki, Jacko, You guys are here really early! Were they serving some kinda hero breakfast?" He walked over and leaned against the wall folding his arms

Interaction: Christopher

Location: Sky Family house > Free states​

Breakfast was uneventful. Aaron wasn’t sure how he felt about being let on exception still, but he was going to make the most of this chance. He ate breakfast in a hurry with his parents. Midway through his bowl of cereal, his dad spoke up.

“So… I know things have been going well with Xander, but we’d like it if you could make more friends so…” Christopher reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of tickets. “I happened to come across these tickets to see the Doom Tornado in action this weekend and thought you could take your classmates to see the show. Ha…ha…”

Aaron swallowed his cereal and took the tickets without saying anything. Breakfast was quiet afterward, and Aaron left and hurried to Free States with a simple “Bye”.

Aaron didn’t arrive super early like some other students, arriving around the same time others were arriving.

The first day of school. The first class. As soon as everyone had arrived, Stitcher smiled with joy and excitement and he dropped from the ceiling where he had been hiding the whole time. “Good morning class! For those of you who don’t know, I am Pro Hero Stitcher. I’ll be one of your teachers for your time at Free States!” He wrote Stitcher on the board in chalk, as all good teachers should.

“Now then. Can any of you tell me what one aspect is most important to a hero? In any age or country? The one ironclad ideal of heroism?” he asked the assembled students.


Clementine Citrine
Location: Citrine Penthouse Estate > Freestate
Tags: pbtenchi pbtenchi Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

The towering form of Clementine can be viewed through the full glass of the penthouse window as the sun steadily rises, still clad in undergarments and legs hooked over a reinforced pole at the top of the door frame as she hangs inverted doing a serious of slow situps. With each set her muscles tense, a steady glisten covering her with her mouth silently moving reading a hanging tablet for several moments each time she reaches the peak, only stopping once the final page of the document is reached and she lets herself down with a heavy thud shaking the floor slightly, casting a glance towards the window as she gets ready for the rest of her morning routine with the sound of rock playing through the background of the room.

Fast forward through a shower and full cooked breakfast lining the table she was once again found alone within the estate other than of course the hired help, her parents half a world away on a business or conference trip, or maybe it was a vacation this time? it really was quite difficult to keep track of some time, there hadn't even been many words on her results when she had informed them. Despite all that, following the advice of the teacher she had at least secured a more durable undersuit from the contractor resembling more of a one-piece swimsuit than anything else, though there was a list of features such as expanding freely, self-repairing through some confusing technical specifications, non-flammable and all things considered it was actually pretty comfortable. So once she had been dressed in the finely tailored school uniform she was all ready for her first day at the academy, sliding into the car and being driven to her new school for events unknown.

Exiting from the Car she holds her bag in front of her as she travels, seemingly having gone for a far longer skirt than the normal but the rest of it tightly fitted over her farm and scanning the courtyard before slowly extracting the instructions of the first day's instructions. There were a few looks and friendly waves on her travel to the classroom and peering a head inside to see the various members already gathered "Oh Good Morning, erm...Im not late am I?" nodding slightly with a warm smile to those she had spoken with back on the test days before looking to the teacher himself "I...Didn't miss anything did i? it said Nine O'clock start i believe?" double-checking the sheet in her hand for a moment.

Location: Free State
Interaction: pbtenchi pbtenchi


as Clementine walked in Xander shot up from his seat at the question Stitcher had just asked and raised his arm high waving it frantically

"Oh- Is it uh... Stopping at nothing to save people?!"

He smiled widely and nodded

"Ya' know like, pushing your limits to save everybody!"

Xander looked back and forth at his classmates for approval
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[div class=mainframe]
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[/div][div class=Ainfo]Age: 15

Height: 5' 1"/155cm

Quirk: Perfect Storm


Code by Idea <3[/div][/div]
Ferryn Evans

Ferryn slept really well the night before her first day. She slept so well, in fact, that she slept until 8:30am, and she knew classes started at 9. Hurrying through her morning routines, she then hopped on a bus and hoped beyond hope that there would be no delays. It was 9:01 when Ferryn jumped off the bus at Free State's entrance and ran through the doors. She popped up in the doorway, her head appearing underneath Clementine's arm.

"I-I-I'm s-s-s-so.. sorry I-I-I-I..." She took a breath to steady herself and tone down the stuttering. "I'm so-sorry I'm l-l-late... I s-slept in..." Then she smiled, noticing that all her new friends were here.

[div class=sideinfo]Location: Free State

Mentions: PlusUltra PlusUltra

Interacts: All [/div]

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2af0d4612b85b41c1b3c2a819968ffc7.jpgMako Glass
Free State
Interaction: pbtenchi pbtenchi Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc Natural Flavour Natural Flavour PlusUltra PlusUltra
Mako stayed true to herself, keeping silent even as others began arriving in greater numbers. She stayed beside the door, nodding in greeting to her classmates as they entered. She made sure to keep track of where they stood, already making a game out of guessing which seats they would pick. She raised an eyebrow at Xander's slight deviation of their names, but figured she could correct him later rather than make a big fuss. She didn't have long to wait, as their teacher soon revealed himself by dropping from the ceiling. As he introduced himself by writing his name on the blackboard, Mako couldn't help but look up to the ceiling and wonder where exactly he'd dropped down from.

She didn't have long to ponder, as Stitcher quickly provided his first question to them. Mako knew what she wanted from a hero, but she knew better than to answer immediately. Before many students could answer, Clementine arrived just after the question had been posed. She immediately seemed worried about this, but Xander was still focused on the question. He proudly announced his answer before turning to his classmates for approval. Immediately after, Ferryn poked her head in from under Clementine's arm. Mako shook her head, a small smile forming underneath her mask. If things kept going like this, they'd end up making their teacher start repeating his questions right away, which wasn't really a good start.

"Well, you guys made it in time for our first big question." Mako stated as she finally moved from the window and approached Clementine and Ferryn "Mr. Stitcher wants an answer: What is one aspect that is necessary to any hero, regardless of environment?"

She paused halfway, then turned back and gave Xander a thumbs up "If you hadn't given that answer, I probably would've. But seeing as doubling up on answers gives us less alternate paths to work from, I can pick something else." She pulled a hand from her coat pocket and held it to her chin, "There's actually quite a lot of things I want from true heroes. So it shouldn't be hard to pick something."

But even beyond that, Mako once more reminded herself that this wasn't about what she wanted. Her eyes went over to Stitcher, he was the one who'd given the question, he was the one who expected a certain answer. What aspect would he expect from a hero? Further than that, what aspect would this establishment consider essential to a hero? Xander had already more or less given her first answer, so she'd have to look past her initial thought process to progress. She didn't know much about Stitcher, hadn't had enough time and interaction to get a clear picture. There was the media, but Mako much preferred personal interaction to second-hand viewing.

"I guess if I'm thinking beyond the whole saving people thing," she raised her hand from her chin to the tip of her cap to lift it up a bit so she could see better "I'd say an ideal aspect for any and all heroes to have would be the proper application of capabilities."

It was a general term that she could see covering every hero in almost any situation where they'd be needed to act. It still wasn't what she would say first. Then again, her first response wouldn't exactly be proper for a scenario like this. It'd bring down the mood real quick, and that'd be exceptionally rude.


Mention: N/A
Interaction: N/A
Location: Home > Class

Kama's phone vibrated loudly right next to him in bed. He slowly cracked his eyes open and took his time turning it off. The boy stayed in bed for a little bit then finally got up and began getting ready for his first day of school.

After he finished getting ready he grabbed a breakfast bar and exited his house. "Free State huh? I really made it." He thought on his walk to school. A part of him still couldn't believe he made it in. During his nice morning walk he ate his breakfast and said hello to passing civilians.

Once he made it to the school he entered pulling out a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. "Let's see here... Where is my class at?" After finding his class on the paper he made his way to that location and finally arrived at the door.

He was curious who made it so he was kinda excited to see who was behind the door. Not wasting any more time, Kama opened the door and walked inside. He looked around then sat in a seat at the very back. "Alright. Now we wait and see if anybody cool is in this class." The boy thought.
Jacki Fleitcher

Location: Free state

Interactions: Stitcher ( pbtenchi pbtenchi ), Xander ( Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc ), Mako ( GrieveWriter GrieveWriter )

Jacki saw Mako coming into the room and quickly flipped her book to the page of the unicorn as Mako wasn’t looking “Hiya, Mako, I had a feeling you would have made easy peasy lemony squeezy.” She said as she picked up her book and showed the unicorn picture to her “Look at the cute little unicorn I drew, isn’t she adorable?” She continued as Xander entered “Hi, mate and it’s Jacki not Jacko.” She said in a happy tone as more and more people came into the class and Stitcher dropped down for the ceiling and asked a question, as both Clementine and Ferryn entered the room. Xander and Mako both answered the questions pretty quickly, while Jacki put on a fake face of struggling to think of answer “Uh, is it to have a powerful Quirk that can do multiple things, since a Hero needs to be as flexible as they can so that they can go from saving people to fighting villains and all in between.” Jacki said as she put pauses in between to seem like she was struggling to come up with the answer by herself as she flipped onto a blank page and ready to write “Although if that’s the case, then the next answer for that would be that your here to help us control those powers


Interaction: Japanime Japanime PlusUltra PlusUltra GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Natural Flavour Natural Flavour Tmd4772 Tmd4772 Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc kyuketsukichuuni kyuketsukichuuni

Location: Free states​

“WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Morality and ethics change with the era! The one requirement for a hero that will never change is…” he shouted, seemingly not even listening to their answers. “TO BE INVINCIBLE! A hero is a symbol of power to ward of crime, protect citizens and enforce the law! A hero who is defeated is worthless and most likely dead.“ Here, Stitcher grabbed his right wrist with his left hand… AND VIOLENTLY RIPPED OFF HIS ARM! He threw it to the ground for the students to observe. After a few moments of horrific shock, the perceptive students would realize that the arm was a prosthetic. After a moment, his left arm fell off too. “Four years ago, a villain by the name of Wild ripped off both my arms and ate them. They are still out there somewhere. I manipulate these prosthetics with my quirk, allowing me to remain an active hero. If you ever run into Wild, don’t engage; They’re mine!” At this point, Stitcher’s sweater began to unravel, revealing that it was actually made of his own tendrils weaved together. Stitcher’s body was just as stitched up as his clothes, he was covered in scars. “Take it all in. Heroes risk life and limb every single day, and sometimes we don’t beat the odds. All still want to be heroes? Don’t worry, if you can keep up with my teachings, then I will make you into weapons of mass protection that will never lose!” he said, as the tendrils stitched themselves back into a jumper.

“Clementine, Kama, Mako, Ferryn. You four have great destructive power. What you need to learn is control.”

“Clementine, you did excellently on the exam, but only because your enemies were robots you could scavenge off. Against humans you'd need to either eat your surroundings or bring a packed lunch, I recommend the later as damaging property leads to annoying court cases. You need to think about what the most useful things are to eat. Additionally, I’d consider training your creation ability to be able to make complex tools, such as handcuffs or if you can master the ability a phone or walky-talky.”

“Kama. How do you plan to take down a criminal without disintegrating them? Learn to regulate the power of your blasts. You should practice fighting without the aid of your quirk in order to take down villains non-lethally. Later, you can introduce your quirk into combat once more. I recommend expanding on the mobility it allows.”

“Mako! I have a feeling our quirks are quite similar, both being additional limb types that boost great power but lack inherent control. You’re quirk, however, would be the easiest to accidentally kill someone with -something I noticed you are afraid of from watching you in the exam. The most important thing for you to learn is to interact with your mouths without destroying things. Perhaps try interacting with things using the back of them? Your body also doesn’t seem to consume itself, so perhaps the support team can make you some sort of mouth-glove out of your hair or something.”

“Ferryn. Your quirk has a lot of versatility. If I understand correctly you can use: water, ice, wind, and lightning? So far you just seem to mostly just use these for attacks, but ice could be used for shielding, wind for speed and electricity for interacting with machines, just to throw around some ideas. Explore these ideas. I also think you should also practice martial combat, as so far you rely on blasting opposition from a medium distance and may be in trouble in an up close and personal situation.”

“Remember, doing more harm than strictly necessary is a felony, and the reason I’m in so much legal trouble and have so many enemies.”

“Now for the less hopeful students.”

Jacki. As I said before, I don’t believe you have what it takes to be a hero at all. Your quirk seems like something anyone could obtain just through training, and in the best situation will only make you your opponents equal rather than their greater. The best way to compliment your ability would be to use a weapon. I did some thought and determined the easiest weapon to use with any style would be…” One of Stitcher’s tendrils reached into his bag and pulled out a small black object and handed it to Jacki. “Your very own stun gun!”

“Aaron. Take up break dancing and parkour, the exam showed you clearly have put less effort into not only training your quirk, but also useful skills. Also, what are those holes on your arms? I thought they were a side effect of overusing your quirk, but they haven’t healed yet.”

“Well, it seems my quirk is a hybrid of both my parent’s instead of just my Dads, and my holes from my mom only opened now.”

“Fascinating. What do they do?”

“Well uh…”

“YOU HAVEN’T CHECKED?! What are you, stupid?! First things first figure out how your quirk works! Also, consider using a weapon too!”

“Mikhail. Same advice, pick up use of a weapon and practice martial arts. Your quirk allows you to always be first on the scene, but its lack of precision makes it practically unusable in combat, so keep training precision. “

“Xander. Your quirk is unpolished but has a lot of potential and versatility. I’m going to give you the same advice as the others. Use a weapon. Considering you can duplicate just part of a weapon; you could vastly alter its effective threat range. Take this bat.” Here a tendril passed Xander a metal baseball bat. “If you could make a duplicate spawn from the side, you could easily take enemies by surprise. Also, I’ve got some interesting ideas for making use of how your duplicates merge back together. “

“Shiro. I’ll be honest. I wasn’t watching you in the exam. What can you do again?”

“I’m hosting extra-curricular training lessons after school every day and on weekends. I’d like to see you all there. Clementine, Kama, Aaron, Jacki, Mikhail, I’d like to see you there especially. I’m also meant to say the clubs are recruiting. Unfortunately, you can’t spend all your time training to be a hero, everyone needs a hobby. Now, if you’ll all follow me out to the field…” He said as he stepped out the door, as his tendrils picking up his prosthetics and reattaching them as he moved.
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[/div][div class=Ainfo]Age: 15

Height: 5' 1"/155cm

Quirk: Perfect Storm


Code by Idea <3[/div][/div]
Ferryn Evans
Ferryn nodded in response to Stitcher's question.

"I-I can cr-create any...anything that th-th-th-the weather c-can. I'm n-not sure if I c-can... if I can d-do more with ice th-than... more with i-ice than j-just hail, th-though." Ferryn blushed. Her stutter was annoying and it felt embarrassing when she had to go back half a sentence or more to retry something she was trying to say. But she was excited that Stitcher already had advice for her, even if she may not actually be able to create walls or shields of ice. But then again, Ferryn didn't know. The idea of her quirk being more than she knew was empowering.

[div class=sideinfo]Location: Free State


Interacts: pbtenchi pbtenchi , All [/div]

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Jacki Fleitcher

Location: Free state

Interactions: Stitcher ( pbtenchi pbtenchi )

Jacki mentally scowled as she was given a stun gun by Stitcher as she picked up “Thanks, Stitcher.” Jacki said as she held as much venom out of her words as possible “What. A. Dick. I’m going to fucking prove that I don’t need a stupid stun gun and that I deserve to be here, I don’t care if you do have prothstetics you and your stupid bias towards powerful Quirks are going to be shattered by me, Jacki Fleitcher.” Jacki thought to herself she then left the stun gun off and threw it back into the bag Stitcher got it out of “But no thanks Teach, I know your a hero and our teacher and we should listen to your advice, but yours is a bit too toxic for my liking, so I’m just going to ignore it and substitute it with my own for myself. ‘K?” Jacki said with a smile, she had a feeling that this would paint a bigger target on her back and get Stitcher frustrated, especially refusing the stun gun “Eh, I already had a target on my back from him, so this is just to super piss him off” Jacki thought as she jumped up and walked right beside Stitcher with a dopey smile on her face “So, Teach, I heard a couple things about your Quirk and was wondering if they are true, if you really tried could one of your tendrils go around the world and then touch from the other side, also is it true that after you pierce someone with your Quirk they actually bleed out or do you do something after to not make them bleed?” Jacki asked as they walked continuing with all the “innocent” questions hoping her chatterbox tendencies would frustrate him even more “Also, did you know that my Quirk allows me to copy how a person fights or moves and that I don’t actually have to be physically there to do it, so I could copy your fighting style from just watching your previous fights, I could even watch that Wild guy and fight like him or play basketball like that old guy, Micheal Jordan.“ She pestered without even letting Stitcher answer her previous questions. "And as long it's longer than 10 seconds I can do it for a minute and for every extra 10 seconds I get another minute out of the fighting style but if you give me a chance my power could be much more than what it currently is...." She then paused for a second "But I suppose with how small and frail I am and how underwhelming my Quirk is I suppose you'll never give me that chance." She said with a fake pout on


Mention: N/A
Interaction: N/A
Location: Class

Kama understood and took into consideration Stitcher's advice. It made sense so he'd give it a try. He was trying not to burst out laughing after hearing his teacher's comments on other students. He liked how blatant and straightforward he was. Reminded him of himself. The boy got up and exited the classroom, following his teacher out to the field.
Location: Free State Stitcher's class
Interaction: pbtenchi pbtenchi


After recovering from the shock of watching a guy rip his own arms off only to reattached them, Xander tried to stifle a laugh when Stitcher effectively told 70% of the class he thought they sucked, He thought it was pretty funny until he realized about halfway through the people that he was included in that group of people.

"Oy, Oye! Just who the hell do Ya' think you're talkin' too, Pin Cushion!? I oughta-" He was cut off when a metal bat was handed to him by Stitcher. Xander took it and he raised an eyebrow "Eh? Some kinda bat aye? Yeah... I guess a melee weapon would be pretty helpful with my quirk, Huh? But next time I won't be so accepting, Pin Cushion!"

He placed the bat behind his neck letting his arms hang over it, taking a scare-crow like pose.

As he followed Stitcher out of the class he quickly gave Aaron a somehow manly hug and nodded to him saying "Don't worry, Bro. He's probably just tryin' to work us up so we quit. Don't let em' under ya' skin, hear me?"

Xander picked up the bat once more and slung it over his shoulder, He ran back over to keep up with Stitcher and asked: "So do I just like show up to the extra stuff, or do I sign somewhere?"
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2af0d4612b85b41c1b3c2a819968ffc7.jpgMako Glass
Free State
Interaction: pbtenchi pbtenchi Xcelgamer Xcelgamer
Mention: Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc Natural Flavour Natural Flavour PlusUltra PlusUltra Japanime Japanime
Mako expected their answers to somehow not be sufficient, and soon she found her hypothesis to be correct. Still, what he had actually given them as an aspect of a every hero seemed far more out there than she predicted. Stitcher then proceeded to start tearing his limbs off... She'll give him this, it had been a very long time since Mako had actually done a double take. She'd initially supposed that he'd down it in the heat of the moment, but perhaps this was really the support for his unexpected answer. Mako smiled under her mask as he displayed the battle scars of his hero work, the results of not being as invincible as he wanted. Mako still couldn't realistically see any hero being straight up invincible, as she knew that drawbacks always seemed to exist somewhere in people. But maybe that very realism is what denied her the ability to aim so high. She gave a silent thanks to Stitcher, as he'd perhaps told more about himself in those few sentences than she'd ever be able to get from looking him up.

After his display, Stitcher was quick to start commenting on their quirks. What surprised her most was how he seemed to think their Quirks were similar. Once again, his explanation justified this before Mako even had the chance to think on it. Once more, she found herself generally unable to deny his statements. But then he mentioned exactly what he recommended she train on. Interacting with the world using her limbs, but not using them to eat things? He continued talking about how to use the fact that she couldn't eat herself, but Mako was still stuck on the previous comment. Slowly the skin around her right eye pulled away from her face and formed into a single jaw. She watched it twitch right in front of her for a moment before carefully raising its tooth-covered form towards the edge of her cap. She slowly raised said jaw up and tried tipping her hat towards Stitcher, only for the very end of her jaw to immediately cut a small line into the edge of her hat.

Mako blinked slowly at her Jaw before letting it form back into the rest of her face, closing her eyes and letting her disappointment simmer before reminding herself that this was exactly why she was here in the first place. But Stitcher's mention of extra-curricular activity poked a hole in her initial assumptions. A hobby? He recommended they have hobbies besides being a hero? Mako supposed for most people that was true, and she figured that Stitcher perhaps hadn't grasped just how right he was in his assumption of her Quirk's lack of control. But maybe there was a nice, non-physical club she could join that wouldn't risk her chewing up important stuff. Like a debate team or student council.

She'd kept track of his break down of her classmates' quirks, keeping notes on their reactions toward his comments. Most she anticipated except for Jacki, who seemed to reject his thoughts with blatant vitriol. Mako raised an eyebrow at that, but once more kept to herself as she watched her immediately return the stun gun he'd offered her. Mako figured his coarse and direct rebuttal of her just wasn't Jacki's thing. Mako had kept her eyes on that stun gun after it left Jacki's ownership, now that Stitcher seemed finished she supposed she should make her move.

As he began leading them out to the field, Mako grabbed the stun gun on her way out. As she approached Stitcher, she looked over the stun gun, determined to memorize its model. Besides Jacki, Xander had also stuck near Stitcher while they walked, asking him questions. Mako wondered whether the time was right to ask him, but figured she might as well get it out of the way. Stepping past Ferryn and Kamas to catch up, she called out to him.

"Hey Mr. Stitcher, if Jacki's just gonna give this thing up, think I could have it?" she asked while rubbing the side of the stun gun "I really don't like the idea of eating someone again, so I'd appreciate whatever options I have."
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Shiro Arashi

Location: Freestate

Interaction: pbtenchi pbtenchi

Shiro pulled down her face mask, allergies ending her existence even though she was all about weather manipulation. Standing tall and staring at the teacher named Stitcher she couldn't help but grin and stand tall making sure she wouldn't be seen as weak due to her quirk being a bit harder to use. "Well, I'll tell you. My quirk is Weather Manipulation. Thanks to Ferryn I was able to work with him and use my quirk to easily take down bots. So while you weren't looking and didn't see me," It seemed to make her just a bit upset, "I was able to score an upper hand against those bots. And for what my quirk can't do I make up for it in holding my own in battle with this guy. " Nodding towards the sun she cracked her knuckles. "It gives me a short power boost which allows me to fight Too much though and it dries me out so don't take me lightly." With a small grin gracing her lips she then pulled her face mask back over her mouth, she was a bit late to the party and no way would she let anyone think of her any differently just because her quirk wasn't as strong as everyone else's until the weather kicked in.

A huge weakness for her but she would work through it no matter what to prove her worth. When the other students filled outside, Shiro made sure she was right behind them and wouldn't fall behind. Whatever would happen she was ready. Ready for these students to see what and who she was made of.
Location: Free State
Interaction: kyuketsukichuuni kyuketsukichuuni

Mention: Natural Flavour Natural Flavour

Xander Malker (2).png

Xander slinked over to Shiro as everyone walked with Stitcher, He tapped her with the bat on her shoulder and put a hand over his mouth toward her and away from everyone else

"Yo, uh. I didn't really uhm- see you around during the exam much but, Ya' seem cool and confident so I'll uh- give Ya' a tip: Ferryn is a girl... least I'm pretty sure she is... Guess I never stopped to ask but, Uh... I'm like almost 100% sure She's not a dude. Oh- and Uhm- I'm Xander by the way"

Xander was supremely bad at talking to the opposite sex in conversations that lasted longer than a few words. Girls always seemed to have an air of knowing everything the scared, excited and saddened you. He thought to himself about this and how they also smelled nice, how they're all so pretty, and how they're kind most of the time and- He was getting off track and his thoughts were running around

He snapped back to his senses and tried to talk again "S-so, You uh- Said your quirk was weather based eh? That's pretty c-cool! I can divide things like this bat or even my own arms... Never tested to see if I could divide my whole body or divide someone else's arms though." He managed a smile as he talked to Shiro, Showing her how he could Divide his arms and the bat in his hands.

"Any cool special tricks you can do with your weather powers or is it uh- all layed out in the name? O-oh! and if ya' don't have any we could try to invite some friends and make ones with each other, If that's not like lame er' somethin" Xander asked awkwardly: If he wanted to get over his fear of talking to girls he'd have to- well, Talk to girls. The way someone who is afraid of heights keeps climbing to higher and higher places, He'd just have to talk to more girls for longer amounts of time
Shiro Arashi

Location: Freestate

Interaction: Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc

"Oh,OH I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT FU-" Swearing under her breath she shook her head placing her hands in her face. "I'm a dummy, that's what I get." With a smile she looked to Xander and perked up instantly. "My name is Shiro! Nice to meet you Xander! And with the exam I was kinda running around so I wasn't interacting with too many people but I was kicking some major butt!" Pumping her arms and now grinning instead of smiling.

Shiro decided to pull her face mask down under her chin and sniffled a little, it made her feel rather happy that someone decided to talk to her even though she wasn't seen much and was a new student along with the others. "Yep! Weather quirk, a bit lame until I can make the tides turn once something happens with the weather." Her eyes widen at his quirk and you could almost see the sparkle in her eyes. "Oh my god, I love your quirk. That's so neat!" Nearly bouncing in place she was moving all around him to see his full ability.

"The coolest thing I can do is direct lightening during a lightning storm but uh.." Rocking back and forth on her heels she looked shamefully on the ground. "But where it lands is the mysterious part cause I can direct it but I can't make it land right. Other then that I'm pretty useless unless I can absorb energy from the sun. Too much though and I'll dry out like a fish!" Laughing at that she instantly nodded at that idea.

"It'll be fun to make new friends so we can bond and it'll help in moments where we need to fight together in teams!" Loving the idea of it she was already having a better time once she was getting to know students it was great. He was a really sweet person and she turned back around to him, and with the biggest smile on her face. "I would love to be friends with you! If you'll accept my friendship of course."
Location: Free State
Interaction: kyuketsukichuuni kyuketsukichuuni


Xander was taken back to how aaccepting the girl he now knew offically as Shiro was of him "Ya think M-my quirk is cool? I-I mean yeah! It's a pretty rad!" He flexed the top set of arms up and the bottom set down giving her a better look as she scanned him up and down.

He was less nervous now that she had said something about him was cool, girls when he was in middle school mostly told him to get lost or called him lame and other rude names

Xander frowned with a bit of a concerned look on his face
"Hey lighten up, No need to be so hard on ya' self! I bet under the right conditions your quirk would out shine all of us! Its like a massive body slam from the top ropes, it only works under certain circumstances but it hits like a dump truck!!!" He thrusted the bat skyward in excitement, but then slowly dropped it down

"Well, I guess that doesnt really make sense it ya havent watched wrestling before but- just know that your quirk is powerful and so are you, even if ya dont think so! Oh uh, sorry if I got a little cheesy there, Kaha!"

Xander chuckled and smiled nervously, but he perked up when he heard her ask about being friends

"Whu-what!? Y-yeah being friends would be great! For sure, Shiro!!"

Xander was ecstatic, he didnt think he'd be making friends so fast, and even more surprising was he had made a friend that was a girl!

Even when he was super young he couldnt think of having any female friends, so this was huge for him

"I-I'm sure if we both work together we could make even better use of our quirks than than we already do! Hey, I-I got an idea, we could make our own club for making Special moves with everyone and helping them improve with their other attacks, I bet that'd work really well after class"

He nodded to himself with a hand on his chin and two others doing some kind of chopping board like motion infront of him as he thought
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