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Fandom *Quirk Analysis Arc* My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!! (Remake number what? 100?)

As much as Bushido's overly heroic personality annoyed Kyta a bit, he did see a bit of himself in the crimson clad lad. When said lad brought the flask back, Kyta reached for it. What he wasn't expecting was a shock that would cause him to twitch and slap the flask into wall. Kyta stared at the new art piece with dread.

His train of thought was broken when Bushido brought up King's new policy. "Yea. We've exploded this year. But that just means we have a better selection." As the two were talking, Kyta heard Shay bring up his name like a parent about to beat their child. Slowly, Kyta turned to Shay. "Y-yea?" His voice was shaky. Just in case, Kyta started tensing up. Partly just to escape at mach 1 if things went south.

Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc Ineptitude Ineptitude
Séitheach "Shay" MacLeod

"I am well aware that you've been working as a hero longer than I have and I respect you because of that, but..." As he spoke, Shay gently set down the empty mug onto the coffee table in front of him and got up from the couch. He made his way over to blond hero until they were mere inches apart, and gave him the most pleasant smile he could muster. "Perhaps I should take away your sense of reality after all."

"That would be a fun little prank, wouldn't you agree? Having you be unable to distinguish fantasy from reality?"
Shay asked the other with a lilting voice, looking about as innocent as one could be after spouting such a threat.

Probably George Probably George
Location: Free State Hero School
Interaction: Probably George Probably George Ineptitude Ineptitude


Bushido pulled the two slightly apart from each other via the metal in their clothing and stepped forward.

"Care to explain what's happening, Shay? What has he done this time?" He said smirking quizzically at Kyta

He then recalled the flask that was thrown at him and Shay downing his cup of coffee, Bushido sighed and placed a gauntlet wearing hand on his face

"Please tell me you didn't spike everyone's coffee, Kyta. I get work can be stressful but everyone being drunk off their rocker won't help us get it done faster."
581841 The face to face with Shay was a bit intimidating. There was no doubt that Kyta was physically the stronger person in the room thanks to his quirk, but the others were scary for their own reasons. Shay's would be a big mental fuck up. If Kyta did lose his sense of reality, things could get extremely dangerous. Someone might get an arm through their chest.

Bushido caught onto the reason for Shay's anger before Kyta was able to. "What? No! Only my own! This shit's expensive, no way in hell I'm just gonna give it away!"

Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc Ineptitude Ineptitude
Location: Unknown
Interaction: None


Prof. Violet entered a pitch black room, the only sound heard inside was the slight hum of the air conditioner and the tap of his shoes.

He stopped about a quarter of the way into the room and reached up to give a quick pull on the chain of an old ceiling light that flickered on, barely illuminating a small wooden table in the room as it's old bulb flickered.

Prof. Violet pulled a chair out from the table and calmly sat down, folding his hands atop the table's surface.

He quietly cleared his throat breaking the silence and spoke "Good evening, Its been much time since we last spoke, I must apologize for my negligence. Though I have been quite busy as of late, So who knows whose to blame for our time apart."

His glasses reflected a vaigally human form in them as he adjusted them on his nose, the light from the ceiling revealing the purple fumes seaping from his suit pants onto the floor of the room- it rose about four and a half inches off the ground to the walls before dissipating into nothing.

After adjusting his specticals he continued "I am glad to return to these talks- however long it may take for me to arrive and start them, the time put in is always worth it. Unlike my colleags you listen to me intently when I speak, Its very refreshing."

A smile threatened the corners of his mouth but slowly vanished along with the gas on the floor

"Unlike you they all act and hide behind flimsy walls of 'Bravery' and 'Determination' but they lack the resolve and minds to keep their facade well managed, Thats why I enjoy your company so much, you wear your hate and malice for me on your sleeve, I much prefer that to you trying to make an effort to 'Put up with me' in some way or another, its true to who You are as a human."

He tilted the light forward when he spoke to reveal a man restrained to the wall of the room: his mouth sown shut, face and body badly beaten, and bruised hands tied together.

"We're all animals when it comes down to the line after all, theres no point in acting like something you were never ment to be. To me, you're just like any other caged animal, put on display for my slight and fleeting amusement. And before you I am on a level of God hood, I live my life to the way I know it was meant to be lived "

He rose from his seat, increasing the amount of purple smoke in the surrounding area. The gas climbed above the man's mouth and twirled into his nose making him let out a few pained muffled coughs.

"That of course is only my biased opinion of you and myself. Its based off what I believe. Tell me what you think of yourself and me currently."

Prof. Violet walked to the man and cut the bindings on his hands free and walked backward four paces. The man sprang forward being halted about an inch away from Prof. Violet as his binds were pulled their full length.

"Hmph, Barbaric. I see now that I must show you your place once more, I was being all to friendly in this conversation, I'll return to converse with you another time but for now, I leave you to reflect upon what a foolish mistake you made when you tried to harm me."

Prof. Violet stepped back and walked away: purple smoke pouring out from under his suit jacket completely filling the room. As he walked he left multicolored transparent clones of himself in the room. Prof. Violet exited to room to the sound of a pair fists beating against a body.
Séitheach "Shay" MacLeod
"That doesn't explain the burn of alcohol at the back of my throat." Shay deadpanned, crossing his arms and looking unimpressed. "You're looking at a full-blooded Scottsman, so I know better than most what whiskey tastes like." He said, swiping a finger across his tongue in a manner that was vaguely provocative.

Short post uwu Probably George Probably George pbtenchi pbtenchi Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc




Sky Family House​

Aaron waved Xander goodbye. Eventually, his Dad called him for dinner. It was a nice well-lit meal with all three of them together. The cheeriness of the shared meal was blinding. This was a family that fought against the darkness of life. After dinner, he flopped on his bed. He had a lot on his mind. He thought back to Wally as the darkness claimed his mind.


The rain poured torrentially, fitting the general mood beautifully. The taller boy slammed his fist with all his might into the fist of the boy laying on the ground. “YOU! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! YOU DID THIS TO US!” He clasped his fists together and slammed them again into the boy’s face. “ALL OF YOU DID THIS TO US!” He pauses to breathe and laughs. “I should have known, you ‘quirkies’ always think better of yourselves, to just throw us quirkless away like the trash you believe us to be.” Another pause. “I'm TIRED OF IT” He swings at the boy on the ground with all his strength. A sudden burst of force sends the attacker flying into the wall, pressing him into it for a few moments, before falling to the floor. He coughs violently before stumbling. You only ever hung out with me to make yourself look better.” He turns away, not showing the tears now flowing down his face mixing with the rain.

Aaron could do nothing but stare up and the sky and cry.

That was the last time I saw Wally.


Some time ago...


Interaction: Mr. North

Location: Unknown​

Walter stood atop the tallest building he could enter and stood at the edge. The rain poured down his stoic face. “I guess people like me really are useless. I should just have never been born.” He dramatically free fell off the roof into the darkness, preparing to discover what happened next.

He woke up in a bed, in a room he didn’t know. He laid his head back down and wondered if this was the afterlife, or if by some unfortunate accident he was still alive. He didn’t have to wait long before his question was answered.

A man wearing dapper dress entered through the door with a mug of tea. His clothes were neat, tidy and proper, but his body… Well. He was a skeleton. A skeleton with horns growing from the back of a sheep skull. “I see that you are awake,” he said, placing the mug on the bedside table.

Walter paused for a moment before he spoke: “So, I’m in hell?”

The skeleton seemed rather shocked at this but quickly grasped the situation. “You’re alive young man. Our leader couldn’t stand the sight of a young man with potential throwing it all away.”

“Potential? WHAT POTENTIAL! I’m useless! I don’t have a quirk and I couldn’t even pull my mother from the rubble.” Walter burst out as it all comes back to him, along with his rage and sadness.

The skeletal man paused a moment. “So, you were affected by that “Accident” huh? That’s sad… That a young man like you had to experience something like that because of those so-called ‘heroes’...” To Walter’s shock and surprise, the skeletal man put his head in his hands and began to cry. After a minute of shocked silence, the skeletal man pulled his head out his hands and wiped off his tears. “I… I’m sorry for breaking down like that. It’s just this world is so cruel to people who don’t deserve it, yet won’t stop showering the undeserving with kindness.”

Walter thought about Aaron, how he had been born to an incredible family with incredible powers, and still had all his family. He had never tasted pain. His hands clenched tightly around the mug.

“Allow me to introduce myself.” The skeletal man spoke. “My name is Bram North, but just call me Mr. North. I am a professional ‘Villain’.”

At hearing this, Walter spat out his tea. “A villain?!” he exclaimed.

“That is the title society has given me. But I consider myself a revolutionary, fighting against this corrupt world to create a better one. In this world, people without powers, or people with powers that don’t fit societal norms are cast out. Self-proclaimed ‘heroes’ parade around, using their powers freely to hurt anyone who dares rebel against the status quo! THIS WORLD IS UNJUST!” As he spoke, his voice grew louder and angrier, and Walter could feel his overwhelming belief in what he was saying. The moment he stopped the silence was tangible.

Everything the man had said resonated deep inside Walter. “I-I’m sorry for thinking this was hell. I judged you on your appearance.” stuttered Walter.

“It’s fine.” North responded “You were right about one thing. This place is hell.”

The silence was again tangible, but for longer this time. Eventually, Walter found the courage to speak. “What’s going to happen to me? I don’t imagine you can just let me go.”

North was silent for a little longer. “I want you to join us.”

Walter was taken aback by this. No one had ever wanted him for anything before, besides his mother and Aaron. His fists clenched when he thought about the two of them. “What do want me for? I don’t have any powers.” Walter asked, hesitantly.

“I don’t care if you have powers or not. We are a force of revolution, who acts as the voice of the downtrodden and the oppressed. We will take on any member who wishes to stand for the greater good. Use your sorrow, your rage! Mould it into a blade aimed at the throat of this corrupt world!” North responded stirringly with all of his conviction.

Walter paused. It wasn’t like he had any other reason to live, so, so what if he became a villain? At least this way his life might have use. “I’ll… I’ll think about it.” he said, but North could see the newfound determination gleaming in his eyes.

“May I ask your name?” North asked.

“It’s Walter. Walter Johnathan.”
Location: Malker residents
Mention: pbtenchi pbtenchi

Text colors/formatting
Xander: Example
Granny Malker:
Bushido: Example

To say Xander was extremely bored in the past week was an understatement, Sure working out extra hard with his grandma making him 'power meals' almost daily was great, and He was really enjoying hanging out with his new friend Aaron: playing video games, talking, and trying to force Aaron into Xander's workout regime was fun but: He couldn't shake the feeling of anxiousness he had waiting for the news of his rejection/acceptance.

Until one day after working out with his quirk activated on his right and left arms, He decided to play some drums with it activated as well, It was nothing new to him: he did it every once and a while just not often.

While he was power drumming away with his set of four arms when his Grandma called out to him

"Xander, there's some mail here for you. Xander?! XANDER!!!" She shouted from the kitchen up towards his room until the drums stopped and were replaced by the thudding of Xander tromping down the stairs loudly- but quickly

He slid into the kitchen and looked down at his very short grandma who was looking up at him slightly frowning holding a package "Oy, Oy! I'm here, I'm here! Sorry I didn't hear ya' Grandma I was- Hey what's that thing ya' got there?"

She handed the package up to him, as Xander took it he shook it next to his ear. "A package came for you boy, I swear I shouted for at least two minutes before you heard me, You keep playing that music so loud and You'll be hard of hearing in your twenties!" She shook her head and sighed "Well, I hope it's what you were waiting for this whole week, lunch will be ready in about half an hour. Okay-?" He had already high tailed it upstairs to his room before she could finish her sentence. She sighed again and went to prepare the food.

"This is it!! It felt like it took years! but this is really it right here!!" He sat staring at the box on his bed: the package marked with the Free State logo. He quickly tore open the package to reveal a DVD, Xander pushed off the bed DVD in hand and slid his chair over to the computer, placing the DVD in the disk slot. It auto-played a video when the disk was finished loading. Xander watched it intently.

after the screen faded away from the Free state logo and faded back in from black: Pro-Hero Bushido appeared on the screen looking to the side


He quickly turned to face the camera dramatically and spoke with a smile
"Good afternoon, 'Xander Malker' as you may already know I'm Bushido, I rank number two on the pro-hero ranking. but that, of course, is just a number to rank me alongside my fellow heroes. but let's cut past my introduction and get to why you received this message."

The camera zoomed out slightly and moved so that Bushido to the took up only the rightmost side of the screen and displayed a video montage of Xander tearing through the robotic villains and carry multiple civilians to safety. Bushido continued his speech

"I'm here to tell you your performance was quite exemplary, Your quirk gave you the ability to multitask perfectly in this simulated villain attack: Although you didn't rank as high as some, you did your part well enough to outrank tens of other students in this exam."

The video shifted to a slowed down clip of Xander dive rolling in front of a massive villain that was about to crush a girl and catching its fist with six arms

"I watched you on the video archive of the exam to see how well you performed and was taken back at the sight of such a young man jumping into the way of danger to save someone he was just barely acquainted with, You may have been critically injured had not the villain been crushed by the other." He nodded his head calmly as the clip played in full speed: showing Xander giving a shout for the girl to escape while he held the robot back
"you also showed another kind of bravery, the bravery to ask for help, Allies can be extremely powerful in the Hero world, and asking others to lend you a hand can be tough when you know that everyone is watching. but you asked for cover when you knew you needed it."

The video stopped and Bushido returned to the center frame as the Free state slowly faded in behind him

For these reasons and many others, I'm happy to tell you that you have been accepted into the Free State Hero Academy! You are one of a select few who have been accepted into these elite ranks, so be proud! You've earned every inch of the way you climbed to get here, Xander Malker!"

Xander Jumped from his chair and happily shouted as he shadowboxed in front of the screen and flexed to himself. Bushido cut his celebration short when he spoke again.

"However, There are things you must improve upon. You graded close to the lowest on the written exam: you're going to have to work a lot harder in that aspect. Also when the siren was sounded for the exam to stop you dropped a civilian to the ground, I understand they can be heavy and hard to carry, but in a real villain scenario, you MUST bring the civilians to safety no matter what. There we also some minor things that don't need to be pointed out of course." Bushido smiled at the camera again and said

"So, Xander Malker! I welcome you to the 'Free State Hero Academy' I'll see you at class on Monday!" The video faded away once more to the Free state logo and ended

"Kah-KAHAHA!!! I MADE IT!! I KNEW IF I JUST KEPT WORKING I'D MAKE IT AND I DID!!!" He jumped around the room a cried tears of joy, after his quick celebration he shot downstairs and out the door with a shining look of happiness on his face. Xander ran straight to Aaron's house and pounded on the door with four arms "Aaron!! Aaron! ya' home buddy!? Come out we gotta talk!"

Xander's Grandma watched him from the window happily
"Guess all his hard work finally paid off, I'm proud of my 'little' boy."

582437 Silence filled the sewer system, only broken by the occasional breach of footsteps from above. The enclosed, silent space was subject to echoes. Some echoes came in the form of quick footsteps breaking the water. These sounds were coming from a young woman, couldn't be past her 20's. Past their rhythm was an arguing pair of feet. A young man just a bit younger than the former. He was after the woman with devilish intent.

She was faster than him, and the man realized this. After a quick thought, he stopped next to an opening against the wall illuminated through the nearby sewage drain.

As the woman kept running, she noticed that the other footsteps had gone quiet. She checked behind herself to see the missing silhouetted of her pursuer. To catch a breath, she stopped and collected her thoughts. This man had been chasing her down for a while. But why? Her thoughts were broken by what sounded like tip toeing in the shallow water. As she turned to inspect it, she felt her chest suddenly go light.

The young man had finally caught up to her via a detour. Without giving her even a second to think about escaping again, he had driven a crystalline spear head covering his arm from the elbow down through her chest. "Caught ya!" he called out. After deciding he had his fun, the young man tossed the limp body off his arm. She didn't even have enough energy to hold herself up. The boy brushed the crystals off his arm, cleaning him of any blood.

"Y'all run too much!" he said in frustration. With the anger building up, he decided to release it by continuously kicking at the now dead girl. "What kind- Of hero- Just runs- Away!" Now with the moment over, the man noticed blood collecting on his feet. He was down stream of the cadaver. It was disgusting. And being in this space was making him claustrophobic. After exploring a bit, he found a manhole cover. The iron door was heavy, but he eventually made his way out

Fresh air and sunshine, finally! With the job done, the man pulled out his phone and made a call to his boss. To his dismay, there wasn't an answer. So instead, he went with leaving a message. "Hey Boss! It's Max. Ya know, purple boy. Took the trash out, not a single witness this time! But uhh... maybe don't drink from the tap for a while. Anyways! I'm gonna go grab a bite. Text me if you want anything. My treat!"

pbtenchi pbtenchi
Jacki Fleitcher

Location: Home

Mentions: Stitcher ( pbtenchi pbtenchi )

It was a week later, Jacki had slept in for the entire recovering from her injury as she got up out of her bed she went to her bathroom and checked the back of her head, parting her hair, it was mostly healed since apparently it wasn’t a big chunk of metal, it just flew at a high enough speed to hurt pretty bad. After a shower, Jacki got dressed in her usual tank top and shorts combo, had breakfast alone as usual, it had been quite boring and predictable Father worked from dawn til midnight and Mother usually was too tired to be super interested in her interests. She was just about finished when one the butlers came in and handed her a letter “Miss Fleitcher, a letter has arrived for you” The man said “Thanks, James,” Jacki said as she grabbed the letter and saw that it had the Free State symbol “Ooh, yes finally” She said as she jumped up from the table, ran into her room and shut the door. She sat down at her desk, ripped open the letter and out came a small holoplayer, she dimmed her lights and pressed play on the player, “Oh, cool it’s that Stitcher hero. I reckon he’s going to be the main teacher if he’s doing the recordings.” Jacki said quietly to herself as the video played “I guess I should watch recordings of his fights just in case. Let's here it did I pass or did I fail spectacularly?” She continued to herself as she sat forward in the chair

Location: City
Mention: Max ( Probably George Probably George )
It was a lovely day for a walk although most people were too busy with getting to work or with personal business to appreciate that fact. Minna was different, she was often passed by because of how slow she was walking, it was just a nice simple day. Then she saw a business woman take a wrong turn into an alleyway, Minna licked her lips and smiled sadistically as she followed her. As she walked through the alleyway she looked around and saw that it was pretty dark and nobody was paying attention to the alleyway "Excuse me miss." Minna said with a smile as the woman turned around in surprise "Sorry I didn't mean to scare but I think you took a wrong turn. This is a very shady alleyway" Minna continued as she walked towards the woman "Really? Thank you so much, I'm new to the city. What's so shady about" The woman said before Minna wrapped herself around the woman covered her mouth with her hand "Me." Minna whispered in her ear before licking it "Don't worry, miss it might take a bit but after I'm through with you, you won't remember a thing" Minna continued to whisper as the other woman panicked and reflexively tried to elbow her way out of the hold but it just sunk into ink, as her eye turned back to look at Minna it went wide with fear as Minna's face started melting "Ooh, fiesty aren't we, I like that, I will make it quick for you then." Minna said as her hand melted into ink and started suffocating the woman, who in turn started to try and spit it out "It's pointless, that ink IS me, so stop fighting and just die" Minna said as her ink started leaking slightly out of the woman's nose and eyes as she stopped struggling and going lifeless as the ink made it's way back to Minna who let the woman fall to the ground as she skipped away, as she did she saw a weird man coming out of the manhole covers and she followed him.
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Interaction: Xcelgamer Xcelgamer
Location: Holotape
“Gooooood morning brave student!” Came the cheery voice of Stitcher the moment the holotape was turned on. “You have been successfully accepted onto the hero course Mrs...” he looked down at a piece of paper held by one of his tendrils. “... Jacki Fleitcher? How the heck did you pass the exam?! You didn’t even use your quirk!”
A voice from behind the camera spoke “Okay cut. Let’s have a different teacher record this.” The video feed turned off. This was responded too by a “No! Never!” From Stitcher and was followed by sounds of struggle. “Haha!” The feed turned back on, showing the group presumably responsible for managing the recording tied up in Stitcher’s tendrils and a victorious looking Stitcher. “It says here Mrs Fleitcher that you received points not just for your exemplary performance in saving civilians, but for being the one to organise one of the larger scale cooperation efforts into the exam. Let me be perfectly clear when I say this Mrs. Fleitcher. If it was purely up too me you wouldn’t have passed the exam. See you in class!” And with that Stitcher cut the feed.


Clementine Citrine
Location: Citrine Penthouse Estate
Tags: pbtenchi pbtenchi

Clementine walks out from the family gym absentmindedly wiping herself down with a towel as she makes her way towards one of the washrooms, a bath having been drawn as requested by the help. However, as she walks another of them comes up to her and presents forward the letter package from the school that they had been waiting on which only causes them to smile wider as she happily takes it and tears it open not stopping her pace. Setting the holo-projector on their hand she stares intently with anticipation as it begins to play.

Location: Holo Disc projection
Interaction: PlusUltra PlusUltra

The holo screen displayed the Free State logo, outlined in gold. As it fadded away it was replaces by the large red armor clad form of Number two Pro-Hero Bushido.

"Good after noon! Its a pleasure to be the one to deliver this message to you, Ms 'Clementine Citrine'. If you weren't aware already, I'm Pro-Hero Bushido, I rank number two in the Hero Ranking. Of course, we're here to talk about your achievements: You should wear this badge with pride, Young Hero."

Bushido was moved to the left of the frame and a montage of Clementine during the exam appeared in the right side

"You've ranked highest out of the nearely two hundred other applicants! Congratulations my young aspiring friend, you tore through groups of villains at an astonishing rate! You took the brunt of the battle for your comrades like a shield, and you cleared rubble for the civilians! When you arrive at school this coming Monday, you should know you earned your spot among the elite!"

He was moved back into the center as the montage faded away

"You even did a good chunk of damage to the drop ship, I've been told by Stitched that I'm not allowed to 'Show fotage of his baby being broken' so I'll assume you know how it went"

Bushido chuckled and smiled, his expression changed to a more solem and serious one

"One last thing... Be sure to wear more.. Hm, how do I put this? Durable clothing.. To Free State. We don't want a wardrobe malfunction on our school grounds.. Well until Monday! I welcome you to Free State Hero Academy!"

The Free State logo faded over Bushido and the video finished.
2af0d4612b85b41c1b3c2a819968ffc7.jpgMako Glass
Ming Lao's Sushi Bufffet
Interaction: Coworkers
The days passed, with work at the Buffet giving Mako the distraction she needed. Having taken responsibility of the mail from their doorman, Mako still felt her hands tense up whenever she went through the letters. But as the days went on, she was able to relax, the challenges of her day to day life proving more prevalent than ever. Living in the buffet was just another one of the trials she knew she would have to persevere through if she could ever truly call herself a hero. What with the various foods and scents all over, there was literally no better place to build mental fortitude. With her potential acceptance right around the corner, she found herself more resilient than ever. Not even her daily meals were as taxing as they were before. Every time she pulled down her mask to actually use her mouth to eat, she would just think back to the exam and how much trouble keeping control of her quirk was there. Passing a few morsels between her drooling lips seemed like child's play by comparison.

The other staff at Ming's were their usual selves while occasionally asking how Mako believed she did, though they didn't seem to understand her concerns over the results. That was fine, they were all hard workers, she didn't really want them spending too much time worrying about her.

As they were closing up for the day, Mako once more set out her most recent collection of mail on one of the empty tables as Naegi finished up in the kitchen. She never wore her coat or hat while in the buffet, they just got in the way while she was cleaning. But her mask remained, hiding the small widening of her lips as she recognized the format of a certain package among the pile today.

As Raiko passed by, he noticed her widened eyes and called into the kitchen "I think those letters finally did her in, big guy. We covered for heart attacks?"

"Joking is... not in your nature." Naegi stated as he approached a counter and looked to her "That what I think it is?"

Mako gave a single nod as she carefully opened opened it and began looking over the tape "Yep, all official and everything."

"Serious?" Raiko asked before grinning and calling behind him "Heidi, Mako's reply came in! The boss back yet?"

Mako carefully opened the letter and unfolded it as the high heels of their waitress drew near. Heidi entered with a flask already in hand, "Her car hasn't passed by, so I'll assume that's a no." she took a deep swig from her flask before looking to Mako and the letter she was holding "You crush that exam, or what?"

Mako stood from her chair and held up the tape "Why don't we find out?"

"You do not mind us watching with you?" Naegi asked as she walked by

"You don't have to find out, just gonna borrow the player from the office."

Soon her coworkers were gathered around said player in their boss's office, watching with anticipation as she finished setting up.
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582627 The first acceptance letter Kyta would be doing. It was nerve wracking. He could still remember back to the day when he was accepted. So happy that he punched through the roof of his car. Ah, to be back in school again. Kyta was determined to get these students as hyped as he was. After a bit of breathing, Kyta took in one last deep breath and started up the recording.

"Hello there, Miss Mako Glass. You may know me as Primer; Professional Hero, and physical education teacher at Free State Hero Institute. I speak to you today to let you know that you-... have a very bright future ahead of you, future hero. Not only did you pass, but with flying colors! You've already made a great impact on us. One of the staff members have already taken a heavy liking to you and your ability. We hope to see you soon."

With that over, Kyta closed the envelope containing the message and took a deep sigh, "Holy shit that was nerve wracking. Lemme see who's next..." Next on the list was none other than Aaron Sky. This is gonna be even harder.

For what seemed like hours, Kyta kept redoing the acceptance letter. But it never seemed right. This wasn't going to work out. Instead Kyta did a little searching through some files and eventually found Aaron's address. He would give the kid the news in person.

Once he arrived, Kyta pulled himself together. After waiting for an answer to his knocking on the door, he was surprised to be greeted by Aaron's father. "Oh! Hey there Cap. I'm actually here to speak to Aaron. Is he home right now?"

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter pbtenchi pbtenchi
[class=mainframe] border:5px solid black; overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; width:70%; text-align:center; border-radius:25px; background-color:white; color:black; [/class] [class=imgspace] [/class] [class=pic] display:inline-block; width:80%; border:4px dashed rgba(208, 204, 199, 0.60); [/class] [class=Ainfo] display:inline-block; background-color:white; color:black; width:100%; border:4px dashed rgba(208, 204, 199, 0.60); [/class] [class=sideinfo] border-left:5px dotted rgb(241, 171, 79); https://images.discordapp.net/avatars/376179599874326540/bf892b9331addec4b1a7a508eb7b0b24.png?size=512 [/class]

[div class=mainframe]
[div class=imgspace][div class=pic]
[/div][div class=Ainfo]Age: 15

Height: 5' 1"/155cm

Quirk: Perfect Storm


Code by Idea <3[/div][/div]
Ferryn Evans

"H-hello! I-I-I'm home!" Ferryn called as she walked through the front door of her home a few weeks later. No one was home, as usual, when she got back from school,or just walking around aimlessly, if there was no school. Both her parents worked 9-5 office jobs, and then had at least an hour in traffic before arriving home, so Ferryn knew she wouldn't see them until supper time.

Closing the front door, she glanced down at the mail that had collected on the front mat. She scanned through it, quietly hoping her letter from Free State was there. Bill, bill, bussiness letter, another business letter, junk mail....

There it was.

Ferryn tore into the small package and retrieved the small disc that lay inside. She ran to her room and put it into her laptop and watched eagerly.

How did I do?
[div class=sideinfo]Location: Home


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Mr. North

Interaction: Probably George Probably George , Wally

Location: Unknown​

“In a few days’ time, we will be giving speeches to rally our followers. I’d like it if you gave a speech Walter.” North said

“Me?” Walter said surprised.

“Yes. Your story is rallying, and I think you have passion. Words are more powerful quirks, Walter.”

It was then that North got a call. He pulled out a slick black flip phone and listened to it. “Well Done Max. You are an excellent follower. I fail to see how anyone could be ignorant of your value. As for food…” He lowered the phone for a moment and addressed the room. “Would you like something to eat?”

“Something sweet would be good.” Said Walter.

“How about Donuts then?” North responded to Max.


Interaction: Japanime Japanime


The footage showed Stitcher sitting in a chair, the recording crew still tied up next to him. “Congratulations Kama Unboko!” came Stitcher’s voice. “Pro Hero Stitcher here! You scored 3rd highest out of nearly two hundred applicants! Not only did you wreck those rusty tin cans, but you teamed up with other students to help with rescuing whilst you did what you did best. And broke my precious airship…”

“You demonstrated not only exceptional power, but exceptional control too. Being able to destroy only the rubble trapping civilians, and even fly, which if I may say, IS FREAKING COOL! I’m pleased to be the one to welcome you to Free States!” Stitcher said, sounding like a free-spirited child. “See you soon!” He said before closing out the video.


Interaction: Probably George Probably George

Location: Sky Family House​

“Huh?” Said, Christopher. A few moments passed as Christopher searched his brain to recognize Ktya. “Oh! Pro Hero Primer! Is this about the entrance exam?” Dread filled Christopher’s heart. Normally when people were accepted, they just sent a letter or one of those hologram things. Did Primer come to let Aaron down gently in person? “W-why don’t you come in Mr. Primer? Would you like tea or coffee? Aaron! Someone is here to see you!”


Mention: pbtenchi pbtenchi
Interaction: N/A
Location: Home

Kama was laying in bed watching video game walkthroughs on YouTube. He had actually forgot he even went to the Entrance Exam. The boy didn't have any headphones on so he was listening to the videos from his phone speaker. As he was watching a video he heard a vehicle near his house and looked out the window to see the mail man. He went back to watching videos but after a little bit he realized he was expecting something from Free State.

Kama jumped out of bed, slipped some slides on, and ran outside to go get the mail. He examined the odd device that came as he walked through the house, making his way back to his bedroom. When he finally sat down on his bed, a hologram popped out of the device which scared Kama and made him drop the device on his bed.

When the hologram ended Kama's jaw dropped. "Yoooooo! I actually made it in!" The boy flopped back on his bed so he was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He bad a big smile on his face. "And third out of two hundred?! Oh my gosh! That's insane!" He couldn't believe what he heard.
Jacki Fleitcher
Location: Home
Interaction: Clementine ( PlusUltra PlusUltra )​

Jacki stuck out her tongue at Stitcher even though she knew he wouldn't see it, the video turned off and she smiled "Ha, yes, I got in. Excellent, this calls for a shopping spree" Jacki said as she jumped up, put on a pair of shoes and grabbed her bag "James. I'm heading out, I'll be home in the afternoon" Jacki said as she walked out the front door with a confident smile as she pulled out her phone looking for a specific number "Carl, Clayton, Clementine, here we go" Jacki said to herself "Hey, Clem, don't know if you remember me, it's me Jacki I'm heading out to do some shopping and maybe some training after it, was wondering if you'd like to join me?" Jacki said as she walked down the street.
Prof. Violet

Location: Car outside of Sky family house

Interaction: Probably George Probably George pbtenchi pbtenchi


Prof. Violet sat in a white car with tinted windows that filled with purple fog, he looked out through the window to see Pro heroes Primer and Captain Sky talking outside a house. Prof. Violet knew the location as Captain Sky's family residents.

"Ah, so it appears a new hero has emerged from the Sky family house hold"
He called Mr North on a throw away phone

"Good afternoon Sir. I'll be adding Captain Sky's son to the list of people I'm watching. Once again I'll be in touch but not through this number of course. Good day."

He hung up and filled the phone with the Hysteria, as it dissolved and arroaded from the inside out he tossed it.


Location; Holotape
Interaction: Natural Flavour Natural Flavour


The holo tape began with the Free State Hero Logo flashing onto screen before fading away: being replaced by Bushido putting his katana in its sheath, and looking up to the screen with a smile.

"Good evening, I'm second highest ranked hero: Bushido. And if this got to the correct address I believe you are Ferryn Evans."

He chuckled and continued

"I've been given the honor of informing you that you've scored fourth highest out of almost two hundred students! Wear that achievement with pride, Young lady."

He stepped to the side and lifted his hand with a video appearing amove it displaying Ferryn defeating villains and rescuing civilians.

"You made quick work of those metal fiends, I see. I also saw you leap into the face of danger to save someone, you could have been very hurt if that boy hadent stepped in, of course I find leaping in harms way to save someone to be one of the most honorable things someone can do."

The video fadded and Bushido stepped back into the center

"So I can't wait to see you at class this coming Monday! Best of luck my aspiring young hero!"

the screen slowly faded to the Free State logo and the sound of Bushido talking could be heard away from the Mic

"How many more of these are we doing, Stitcher?"

followed by a sharp slow laughing from the second party

(Sorry it took awhile, five things came up at once lol)
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582848 Kyta made his way inside the Sky household. Each second got Kyta more and more anxious. He greeted Aaron with a smile. "Hello there Aaron. I'm Primer, one of the fortunate teachers at Free State. I've come to actually give you a bit of news." He looked between Aaron and his father. "I've personally curated you as a future student of Free State Hero Institute. Every year, a selection of teachers are given an exception during the entrance exam. A student that, regardless of their score, showed promise. That student is given a second chance, and automatically accepted in the School. And I've chosen you as that student. What I'm basically saying is- you've been accepted, Mr. Sky."

pbtenchi pbtenchi


"Donuts? Got it!" He jolted with enthusiasm. Ever since he'd crawled out of the manhole, Max has had a lingering feeling that he was being followed. Max formed a mirror in the palm of his hand, occasionally looking down at it to see who was behind him. After a bit of pretending to explore, he noticed that there was someone after him. If she wanted to play, the Max was more than happy to play along.

Max darted deep down an alley way. After one last turn Max had started to set up the scene. Crystals started forming at his feet and along the floor and walls. Once she would turned the corner, Max was ready with a "Don't you know not to follow strangers down alleyways?" and to bind her to the ground, ready to be consumed by his terraforming.

Xcelgamer Xcelgamer
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[/div][div class=Ainfo]Age: 15

Height: 5' 1"/155cm

Quirk: Perfect Storm


Code by Idea <3[/div][/div]
Ferryn Evans

Ferryn was ecstatic.

...until she heard Bushido's comment off-camera. Did he really mean any of what he just said then, or were they just lines? Was he telling everyone that they were an aspiring young hero? Or that they should wear their achievement with pride? Her heart sank. But then it rose again when she remembered the news she had just received.

Wow... 4th place out of two hundred! If I did that good, then surely Xander, Clementine, and the mask girl will be there on Monday morning, too!

Ferryn would be glad to see her new friends again. And she was beyond thrilled that she was accepted into North America's most prestigious hero school!

[div class=sideinfo]Location: Home

Mentions: Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc PlusUltra PlusUltra GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

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2af0d4612b85b41c1b3c2a819968ffc7.jpgMako Glass
Ming Lao's Sushi Bufffet
Interaction: Coworkers
Mako released a breath she didn't know she was holding about halfway through the video, leaning back in her chair as congratulations erupted from her coworkers. Seems she got in, with flying colors if Primer was to be believed. One of the staff already took a liking to her? The staff wanted her back? She was a student of Free State now? These questions and more spiraled throughout Mako's head as her coworkers began hoisting her up in a celebratory manner. She didn't notice, too many thoughts needed a look see. If she was a student now, that meant she had to prepare for the coming Monday.

By that time, she realized she was being carried towards the buffet's doors on Raiko's shoulders. She took a moment to interrupt their celebration and climb down. Initially confused, Raiko asked "We're definitely going to celebrate, right? Not every day our home girl gets accepted to Free State."

"Yeah... no." Mako said slowly as she looked away "Partying means eating, and I know you guys hate when I sit out with you so..."

Raiko deflated "Seriously? You already got accepted!"

"That ain't the final goal, bud." Mako said as she resumed closing up "Just means I've gotta work twice as hard now not to mess up."

"Oh," Heidi rolled her eyes as she walked by both of them and took another sip from her flask "bummer. Feels like its been years since I've seen your smile."

"Taking this off isn't cute, Heidi." Mako noted as she rubbed at her mask "Have a good night, guys."

Naegi nodded to her before turning and leading their coworkers out. The moment the door closed, Mako paused for a moment before returning to her work. Soon everything was closed up and she once more returned to her 'home'. She leaned over her sink and pulled down her mask, she stayed like that for several seconds until she started drooling. The moment the first drops fell, she pulled her mask back up and turned away. It felt pretty gross, but she wasn't surprised. Just another facet of her Quirk she'd learnt to deal with.

She collapsed back on her bed, letting her hair spread out on her mattress as she stared up at the basement ceiling. She stared for a few moments, her hands clenching and relaxing for a time. Eventually, her vision started to blur, her eyes blinking more and more to clear it up. She brought her hands up to wipe some of her joyful tears away as she released a weak laugh, only interrupted by the occasional sob as she slowly started to wear herself out. She hadn't messed it up, she was still on the right track, she was going to be a student at Free State. She smiled wide under her mask, her hands trembling with each laugh and sob that rocked her.
Location: City Street
Mention: Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Probably George Probably George


Prof. Violet was driving down a street when he realized he hadn't checked in with one of the latest recruits: Max. Violet opened the glove compartment in the car and took out a new throwaway phone, he quickly dialed the number that: like most things in his life, he knew by heart.

It rang... and rang... and rang... It went to voice mail, Violet hung up instantly and frowned.

"My, How troublesome. I suppose I'll check up on him myself. I needn't make a scene where one shouldn't be... I'll use the utmost caution" He placed the phone back into the glove compartment. He showed no anger on his face but Hysteria gas filled the floor of the car in thick whispy heaps

"I'll start looking for crystal fragments where he was sent on that little mission of his. I must say he does clean up well but not nearly well enough."

Prof. Violet took several strange turns and out of the way roads to assure he wasn't being tailed by anyone when he was sure no one was on his back he finally arrived at the alleyway. He stepped out of the car to look down at a manhole moved about a half-inch off its normal axis

"Mistake number one my arrogant little villain: Sewer check-up is only scheduled on the first, second, and third Wednesday of each month, It's Friday today. A good hero would have probably spotted this mistake in an instant"

He walked thirty more paces forward and looked down each ally way for the smallest signs of Max, He saw the body of a woman on the pavement, her limbs strewn around, bent in unnatural angles, He approached in a thick fog as to not show his face and spoke

"I must say it's surprising you haven't been caught all this time my young, overzealous friend. You left the body of your target right-" He stopped when he saw the face of the victim, covered in ink. her face showed the slight sighs of someone who died of asphyxiation.

He turned and ran down the other alleyway, the Hysteria Gas purring out behind him: a couple of alleycats were affected and started to fight each other unprovoked. Birds that flew overhead dive bombed into nearby walls and windows, plant life died, and the paint of the pavement degraded, he'd clean it up in a moment.

"That corpse was not the handy work of Max, they would have had fine shining powder around them. Someone else is here and they may already know where that boy is headed."

as Violet ran abd saw the small dust of crystals on the concrete, He swept it away with a gust of Hysteria, down the next path he spotted a few tiny drops of what looked like some form or another of ink, to this he broke a pen from his on the wall and let the ink drip down to add more to the spill, If the other party could be identified more easily, that would help Max get away.

He finally stopped when he saw Max around the bend of a shadowy alleyway. Prof. Violet cloaked himself deeper in the shadows by forming a sheet of the Hysteria around where he hid. He saw that Max had prepped some crystals around the walls and floor of the alleyway he stood in.

"Hm, I see the boy has some sense of his surroundings, He seems to have caught on that he has been found out by another killer." He was about to walk out of the alleyway when a thought came to mind.

"Let's see how he handles this scenario. If it gets too out of hand I'll just gas the area and retrieve him and dispose of whoever remains" He adjusted his glasses and watched Max intently to see how He'd react, pulling out one of his many large notebooks, this one labeled Max, and began to write every tiny movement, facial expression, his breathing pattern, the way his eyes moved, the formations his crystals grew in, and anything he said.

He readied a second notebook for whoever the intruder was, He had learned how to write with both hands at once, over the years it had become second nature to write about two completely different subjects simultaneously, He was prepared to do this now.
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Mood: Anxious/Happy
Location: Home

Mikhail Lontano
Mikhail was just chilling at home, you know, all cool and such, when his doorbell rang. Rose called him down to answer it for her, as her hands were buried in ground beef and Fran was at work. Mikah blinked down to the door with precision because of how often he does it. Answering it, a person shaped very much like a gorilla greeted him, handed him a package, then hopped on a scooter and left. Anyway.... Mikhail looked down at the package and his heart skipped a beat. It's from Free State! He thought. That week he didn't really wait in anticipation, and to be honest he had all but forgotten about it. Excited now, he blinked back up to his room, sat at his desk and opened the package. Inside was what he could only describe as a holoplayer paired with a cartridge. Placing the cartridge in the player, Mikhail's heart started racing. He pressed play and a moderately familiar face popped up, it was the Pixie Dust Hero: Faerie.​


"Ahem" Yuu cleared her throat. "Hello aspiring hero! I am the hero Faerie as you may know. For some reason they are only letting me record one of these so you're my new favourite student Mr./Mrs...…… Mikhail? Is that a boys name?" Yuu questioned. A whispered "yes" is heard from off screen, "Mr. Mikhail Lontano" She continued confidently, "And it's my pleasure to tell you that you have been accepted to Free State High School. Congrats." Her facial expression made a weird shift. "However, I looked at your scores... and if you wanna be my favourite you gotta find the meta. You're one of the only two qualifiers who made it in without defeating a single villain. Like literally. We even planted robot flies, and you didn't crush one of those." She scolded. "Right now you're playing a good support character and it's recommended for you to join the support course to help them develop equipment similar to your power. However, if you make the choice right here that you will accept the hero course, I'll help you unlock a whole new skill tree. So whaddya' say? Yuu got game?" Right before the recording cut out you could see Yuu celebrating that she got to use that phrase in a real situation, despite it being kind of forced.

Mikhail let out a moan, I got in.... He couldn't will himself to be excited or sad, it was just a perfect neutral. "ROSE!" Mikhail yelled to his mother. "YEAH!?" Rose yelled back. "HEADS OR TAILS!?" Mikah responded. After a short moment, Rose yelled "TAILS!". "THANK YOU!" Mikhail concluded. Mikhail leaned forward, placing his head on his desk, "HEY ROSE?" He yelled. "WHAT'S UP?" Rose responded. "I'M IN FREE STATE'S HERO COURSE!" Mikhail exclaimed with a smirk, he was happy after all. Rose responded with a very loud fangirlish scream. The cops showed up, but they explained the situation.
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