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Active [Quang - West Empire] Blood and Bonds

Ryuuji Kamimura
Maxxob Maxxob Rev IX Rev IX Megilagor Megilagor

While Ryuuji understood what Diego was doing, and it was probably right, if he had been able to hear what Diego had said he would have disagreed with one part, Ryuuji certainly did not consider himself a kid by any means, while he might be younger In this world he was still an adult, and he had certainly been an adult who was even older than he was now in his past life before he died and came to this realm.

Jethro's attacks seemed to damage the occult tree well enough ,and thankfully Ryuuji's spell had gone off as he had envisioned from what he could see, as the green energy had radiated from his arms and hands when he cast down the sizable lightning bolt striking the tree for some good team up damage as well with how it had penetrated the center, better yet it definitely wasn't immune to what he was casting.

It was a bit harder for Ryuuji to tell from where he was from more than likely what was going on with the leader and whether she was alive or dead, but it was evident that Diego had struck her down, and was freeing the people who had been tied up.

Thankfully Fenrir's attack also contributed to damaging the tree well enough with his strength with his blades, All and all it was pretty impressive.

But a bit concerning was the fact that the tree looked like it was literally bleeding while it's branches moved around more like an animal than a tree.

Ryuuji hoped the group knew well enough it'd be a good idea not to get any of that sap or whatever the hell it was on them with the way it bubbled on the ground, he could only conclude it was hot beyond what would be feeling comfortable on skin.

Thankfully some roots stopped in their tracks on the plus side.

When the people Diego had directed to come to him managed to get to him in the round, or at least with speaking distance he'd speak up,"Get behind me and stay close to me, I'll do my best keep you all alive." He spoke with a tone that suggested authority despite not really having much with them.

It seems that they knew how to huddle well enough.

He listened to what the fox slave said to him. "Forest Drinker you say? Purge the Empire's influence..I doubt even Jastira would approve of such a risky plan like this. While they may very well get rid of the corruption they seek to cleanse from the forest, it's apparent to me they'd be forfeiting their lives in the process..which maybe they're willing to give up for such a cause, but it's quite a foolish deal when all is said and done."

He looked onward at the moving humanoid mass of wood with all the supernatural stuff going on.

"So they claim fire is this entities weakness..thank you for you assistance." He gave a nod to the fox slave.

After what the slave said, Ryuuji figured it would be worth a shot, he knew that even if a human might have a harder time understanding clearly what he'd yell out from the distance he was at outside, Fenrir on the other hand had heightened senses.

"Try to use the torches on it! They told me it should be weak to fire!" He'd call out.

Ryuuji himself did not feel like he could run out there without leaving the slaves vulnerable for attack and he didn't have strong enough magic available at the moment to attack without getting close himself, so instead he'd watch what was going on with Precognition F, and he'd also focus on himself and the slaves using, My Achetyical Magic Use in Another World! E grade ability to heal and butf the slaves and himself.

since he was standing in place again he'd leverage his catalyst and hand movements once again rather than componentless.

1. Look at field with Precognition F

2. Cast My Acheypical Magic Use In Another World ability on himself and slaves to buff and heal.

BE: INT A (6) + ABL (2) + EQP (5) = 13
My Archetypical Magic Use in Another World! Magic E, Selective E, Healing F, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F, Magic Area of effect F, Spell Duration F, Bolster Vitality F, Bolster Strength F, Bolster Intelligence F, Bolster Speed F, Bolster Precision F, Energized E - E Grade Ability 0 Round cooldown. (Energized)

Ryuuji uses buffing and healing magic on allies who are in Range (15 ft area of effect, up to five targets, up to 1 hour RP time) while avoiding healing and buffing enemies by using selective.

F: Ready
E: Cooldown (Until buff canceled or expires)
D: 1 post cooldown
C: 1 post cooldown
Titles: [Beast], [Butler], [Born For This], [Native], [Motivated], [Good Boy] - #3FA008
Languages: "Common", "<Bestial>"
Point Booster: Attentive Student E, RP Goal: Asset Luxury Tea Set (upgrade or obtain)

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Rev IX Rev IX Megilagor Megilagor

Fenrir gritted his teeth as he pulled his sword away from the massive tree, watching how deeply had his blades penetrated its bark. The sap that oozed from it made his muzzled noise twitch, a slight expression of disgust crossing his features. “What is… this?” He thought to himself. While nothing that was said in the Slaver’s Guild could have prepared the Wolfman for what he was facing at that moment, there was a constant and faint thought that kept drumming on the back of his head. It was just like when the group faced Jethro in his previous insectoid form. A natural, bubbling hate he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

The things just intensified as the bark of the tree split open, revealing what was being kept inside of it. Narrowing eyes were accompanied by growling from Fenrir, which grew in intensity with each passing second. And, as the sap/blood-like ooze began to take shape, a terrible one, it made the fur in Fenrir’s back to prickle and stand up, his tail twitched, freezing in place. The aura, exuded by the creature, was unmistakable: malevolent, evil. Not that there were any doubts prior, however that crushing presence made things clear: whatever that was, it had to be felled, and its existence had to be snuffed as quickly as possible.

The butler’s furred hand gripped the handle of his swords with renewed strength, even as he felt the boon who had been given by Ryuuji vanishing from his body. That didn’t matter at that moment, not at that critical moment. He, and whoever else attacked the creature, had to get things done. And, just as the Wolfman was preparing to slash not at the tree itself, but the creature who had formed, his furred ears twitched at the echoing, loud warning that came from Ryuuji.

“Whatever this is, it seems to be weak against fire!” He repeated the information, with a loud, thunderous voice, making sure that both Jethro and Diego could hear it. Without wasting another moment, Fenrir searched his belongings and produced a torch, after sheathing his swords. How fortunate that he had picked them up while on the market. And, using his fire-starting kit, it was light-up, its tip burning brightly, crackling with intensity.

“Burn and disappear, abomination!” He growled, sticking the burning torch right into the spaces he had carved previously with his sword, looking to burn that thing to a crisp.

1 - Produce and light-up the torch
2 - Attack the forest drinker with the torch

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Maxxob Maxxob , TheTimePiece TheTimePiece , Rev IX Rev IX

Seeing that the cultist leader croaked unconscious and the slaves moved away to Ryuuji, he would positioned his glaive resting it against his shoulder so he could reach and produce the rope from where it rested on him, walking towards the cultist leader he would begin to tie them up securely like a pig for slaughter before securing them to his back with a few more knots.

Now with the cultist leader on his back tied away and truly secured he would take out a torch, lighting it up with his fire starter kit he kept secured under a plate of his armor for easier safekeeping. With his torch now lit he strode towards the tree placing his torch on his outstretched hand against the tree just waiting for it to catch on fire.
"Don't have to tell me twice that wood isn't fire resistant." Diego replied to Fenrir, after thinking for a bit he blurted out. "Does anyone of you have any sausages or marshmallows? Will have a nice and big bonfire real soon."

Actions & CD:
1. Diego takes out rope, moves to cultist, ties them up and secures them on his back.
2. Takes out and lights up the torch.
3. Moves towards the tree holding the torch against the tree?
F: Yes
E: 1/1
D: 2/2
Lucky: 1/2
Maxxob Maxxob | Fenrir Hellsing RP Goal: Asset Luxury Tea Set UPGRADE/ACQUIRE
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ryuuji Kamimura RP Goal: Connected [Desrosiers Family] F Asset --> E
Rev IX Rev IX | Jethro Noiren RP Goal: Show his quality as a warrior
Megilagor Megilagor | Diego Argento

A tremor ran through the oak’s trunk as the wounded Forest Drinker continued to drag itself free of the ancient bark. Its half-formed, wooden limbs stretched and contorted, each joint groaning like a twisting timber. The green glow pulsed erratically, and rivulets of viscous sap flowed from its wounds—a toxic lifeblood that hissed and bubbled wherever it splattered onto the soil. Despite the damage it had already sustained, malevolent power still clung to the abomination like a shroud.

At Ryuuji’s call to use fire, Fenrir and Diego wasted no time. Fenrir quickly lit a torch, pressing its flames into one of the deep gouges he and Jethro had carved into the trunk. The flames licked across the wounded bark, greedily devouring the flammable sap. A hideous, warbling cry—wood splitting beneath immense strain—erupted from the abomination’s half-formed maw. It jerked and thrashed, a wooden claw flailing near Fenrir as if trying to knock him away.

Meanwhile, Diego hastily secured the unconscious cult leader with rope, hoisting her onto his back like a grisly prize. Torch in hand, he strode forward and slammed the flickering brand against the tree from another angle. The reaction was immediate: tendrils of greenish flame raced across the oak’s surface, ignited by the superheated sap. The entire clearing lit up in a sickly glow, and the Forest Drinker’s branches convulsed above them, several snapping under its own violent movements.

From behind them, the newly freed slaves scrambled behind Ryuuji. They looked on in terrified awe as the mage’s healing and bolstering magic washed over them in a soothing, emerald glow, mending shallow wounds and calming ragged breaths. The fox beastkin trembled with relief, tears still streaking her cheeks, but now her eyes shone with a flicker of hope. Even the other slaves, who had stared blankly at death only moments before, stirred with renewed energy under Ryuuji’s magic.

Yet the battle was far from over. Despite the growing flames chewing hungrily at its trunk, the Forest Drinker began to lash out in defense. One of its limb-like branches slammed down where Fenrir had been a heartbeat before, sending up a spray of dirt and half-burned bark [? Grade + ? Blight Attack]. Another wooden claw swiped wildly near Diego, hurling embers and dripping sap into the air. [? Grade + ? Continuing Attack]

Then, with a wrenching crack, a knot of twisted roots exploded from the side of the oak’s base. The thick, snaking growths thrashed across the ground in a wide arc, spraying globs of bubbling sap—each glimmering with faint green embers. Every droplet that struck the soil sizzled and burned, leaving dark patches of blistered earth in its wake. [? Grade + ? AoE + ? Blight Attack]

Though grievously injured and aflame, the Forest Drinker was not yet beaten. Its remaining strength manifested in wild, desperate attacks, each an attempt to crush or impale those who had foiled the cult’s plans. Smoke and sparks swirled in the gloom as the creature’s agonized roars mingled with the crackle of spreading fire. The entity’s final stand had begun—and if the group could hold fast for just a little longer, the abomination’s own fury and the creeping flames might prove its undoing.

Information: Each cell has a 5ft distance from each other
While didn't initiate yet, each player has a maximum of 3 actions

Rope with hooks
Jethro Noiren

Jethro's mildly deranged grin vanished. Replaced by frustration upon seeing the blasted tree still willing enough to move. The attacks began to be reciprocated at them. Not that the swordsman cared. All the more motive to make it suffer.

It focused on the other two near it for the most part, but it was clear staying close without doing nothing could be bad. Seeing it spew green flaming goo brought a mild laugh to Jethro. One that grew manic by the second, as his body began to ooze out more of his pitch black flames. "Let's see who burns to a crisp first!" with a blood-curdling roar.

As green and black flames danced for supremacy, Jethro continued to relentlessly hack away at the tree with angry, yet coordinated strikes. "Die already!"

1 - Combat the tree's AoE with [Collected Roaring Eclipse]
2 & 3 - [Nightfall Dance] x2 if needed to finish off/further injure the tree

B - 4/4 x
C - 2/3 x
D - 0/2 x
E - 0/1
F - xx

>Collected Roaring Eclipse - Fighting Style B, Aura B, Blight B, Penetrating B, Area E - User expands their flaming aura violently, decimating a small area (15 ft) with the intense, flaming blades pouring out of the user - B Grade - 4 post cooldown

>Nightfall Dance - Fast F, Speed Burst (x3), Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Energized F - User delivers a chain of quick attacks flowing onto each other - F Grade - 3 uses per turn
Ryuuji Kamimura
Maxxob Maxxob Rev IX Rev IX Megilagor Megilagor

Ryuuji looked onward at the chaotic scene before him while the fighting continued. HE knew that he needed to assist his allies with that team up once again. So he'd focus his magic, not moving from his spot, moving his arms as green energy magical flowed through them, his catalyst lighting up a bit with a magical glow.

First he'd look into the field with Precognition F once again to see into the future a few seconds.

Then he'd then extend his hand outward forcefully, spreading his fingers after speaking more soft chants, "Begone evil."

He'd say with finality as he attempted to smite the occult tree being once again, this time with a significantly more powerful attack than before. Shooting a green light energy lightning bolt from his extended wanting to hit it where it looked weakest, unable to call it down from the sky, lacking a strong enough indirect affinity at this level of magic.

Let There Be BIG Smite! - Magic C, Magic Range E, Magic Area of Effect E, Selective C, Lightning Affinity F, Light Affinity F - D Grade Ability 2 Post cooldown.
Ryuuji Casts forth a large green lightning bolt from his hand comprised of green light and lightning energy to smite his targets up to 100 Ft away in a 50 ft radial AOE.

He'd then focus again as more energy surged, as he brought down another bolt of lightning this time above the monster. The attacks it was making were less conventional making it feel harder for Ryuuji to help counter them with attack magic..but he had considered it in the moment, however he felt those who were attacking the tree were capable of dealing with the attacks themselves, and bringing it down as quickly as possible before it could regain strength struck him as a better option for the time being.

Let There Be Smite! - Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Area of Effect E, Indirect Affinity E Selective D, Lightning Affinity F, Light Affinity F - D Grade Ability 2 Post cooldown
Ryuuji brings down a green lightning bolt from the above comprised of green light and lightning energy to smite his targets up to 100 Ft away in a 50 ft radial AOE.

"I'll get you all out of this, I can't promise that life will always be the easiest after this..but take it from someone whose been here..as a human slave in the West Empire of all things, just grit your teeth and endure..no matter what becomes of you..If you fall in line, and do what your master or mistresses tell you, and work your whole being into appeasing them..even if the best case scenario is they won't beat or torture you..that's much preferable to alternative as I Can tell you've all probably experienced too.." Ryuuji spoke seriously to the group.

"So..I want you all to live, and do it to best of your abilities, look for opportunities to move up in this system..if you're good at something hone skills, stay by us and you will live to see these opportunities!" He'd encourage them.

It wasn't necessarily Ryuuji being kind in the traditional sense, but he figured giving them a stronger will to live would ultimately help the group's goal of getting them back safely, and it wasn't really a lie either, seeing other people succeed was good to Ryuuij when it meant it helped him in some way too.

Ryuuji Actions:
1. Precognition F
2. Cast the following ability on tree monster:
Let there Be BIG Smite! BE:
INT A (6) + Catalyst B (5) + ABL C (4) = 15 + 1 (Bolster) = 16 Base Effectiveness,

Let There Be BIG Smite! - Magic C, Magic Range E, Magic Area of Effect E, Selective C, Lightning Affinity F, Light Affinity F - D Grade Ability 2 Post cooldown.
Ryuuji Casts forth a large green lightning bolt from his hand comprised of green light and lightning energy to smite his targets up to 100 Ft away in a 50 ft radial AOE.

Let there Be Smite! BE:
INT A (6) + Catalyst B (5) + ABL D (3) = 14 + 1 (Bolster) = 15 Base Effectiveness,
3: Cast the following ability on tree monster:
Let There Be Smite! - Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Area of Effect E, Selective D, Lightning Affinity F, Light Affinity F - D Grade Ability 2 Post cooldown
Ryuuji brings down a green lightning bolt from above comprised of green light and lightning energy to smite his targets up to 100 Ft away in a 50 ft radial AOE.

F: Ready
E: Cooldown until buff expires or is cancelled
D: 2 round cooldown
C: 3 round cooldown


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