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Active [Quang - West Empire] Blood and Bonds

Ryuuji Kamimura
Maxxob Maxxob Rev IX Rev IX Megilagor Megilagor

While Ryuuji understood what Diego was doing, and it was probably right, if he had been able to hear what Diego had said he would have disagreed with one part, Ryuuji certainly did not consider himself a kid by any means, while he might be younger In this world he was still an adult, and he had certainly been an adult who was even older than he was now in his past life before he died and came to this realm.

Jethro's attacks seemed to damage the occult tree well enough ,and thankfully Ryuuji's spell had gone off as he had envisioned from what he could see, as the green energy had radiated from his arms and hands when he cast down the sizable lightning bolt striking the tree for some good team up damage as well with how it had penetrated the center, better yet it definitely wasn't immune to what he was casting.

It was a bit harder for Ryuuji to tell from where he was from more than likely what was going on with the leader and whether she was alive or dead, but it was evident that Diego had struck her down, and was freeing the people who had been tied up.

Thankfully Fenrir's attack also contributed to damaging the tree well enough with his strength with his blades, All and all it was pretty impressive.

But a bit concerning was the fact that the tree looked like it was literally bleeding while it's branches moved around more like an animal than a tree.

Ryuuji hoped the group knew well enough it'd be a good idea not to get any of that sap or whatever the hell it was on them with the way it bubbled on the ground, he could only conclude it was hot beyond what would be feeling comfortable on skin.

Thankfully some roots stopped in their tracks on the plus side.

When the people Diego had directed to come to him managed to get to him in the round, or at least with speaking distance he'd speak up,"Get behind me and stay close to me, I'll do my best keep you all alive." He spoke with a tone that suggested authority despite not really having much with them.

It seems that they knew how to huddle well enough.

He listened to what the fox slave said to him. "Forest Drinker you say? Purge the Empire's influence..I doubt even Jastira would approve of such a risky plan like this. While they may very well get rid of the corruption they seek to cleanse from the forest, it's apparent to me they'd be forfeiting their lives in the process..which maybe they're willing to give up for such a cause, but it's quite a foolish deal when all is said and done."

He looked onward at the moving humanoid mass of wood with all the supernatural stuff going on.

"So they claim fire is this entities weakness..thank you for you assistance." He gave a nod to the fox slave.

After what the slave said, Ryuuji figured it would be worth a shot, he knew that even if a human might have a harder time understanding clearly what he'd yell out from the distance he was at outside, Fenrir on the other hand had heightened senses.

"Try to use the torches on it! They told me it should be weak to fire!" He'd call out.

Ryuuji himself did not feel like he could run out there without leaving the slaves vulnerable for attack and he didn't have strong enough magic available at the moment to attack without getting close himself, so instead he'd watch what was going on with Precognition F, and he'd also focus on himself and the slaves using, My Achetyical Magic Use in Another World! E grade ability to heal and butf the slaves and himself.

since he was standing in place again he'd leverage his catalyst and hand movements once again rather than componentless.

1. Look at field with Precognition F

2. Cast My Acheypical Magic Use In Another World ability on himself and slaves to buff and heal.

BE: INT A (6) + ABL (2) + EQP (5) = 13
My Archetypical Magic Use in Another World! Magic E, Selective E, Healing F, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F, Magic Area of effect F, Spell Duration F, Bolster Vitality F, Bolster Strength F, Bolster Intelligence F, Bolster Speed F, Bolster Precision F, Energized E - E Grade Ability 0 Round cooldown. (Energized)

Ryuuji uses buffing and healing magic on allies who are in Range (15 ft area of effect, up to five targets, up to 1 hour RP time) while avoiding healing and buffing enemies by using selective.

F: Ready
E: Cooldown (Until buff canceled or expires)
D: 1 post cooldown
C: 1 post cooldown

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