Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)

So I figure if even Midnight posted a picture of herself, I outta follow suit.

And Rexaflex, you look all grow'd up.

I don't feel so much like a creepy cougar or something now xD

Representin' for the Golden Coast (in addition to Andrew <3):



I love your cute lil cheekbones, Jamie x'3
xDD I find it hilarious that my putting-up-a-pic-ness got Hatchet to post and after that, Fhaux-chan O: *Awesome. Runs off to have a parade then dance with the smug grin.*
finally got my webcam to work. took these like 2 minutes ago =x






Sadly i always look angry and i just did my half ass shave today so i feel so nekkid ;-;

BTW im at my friends house which is why i look half nekkid in my shirt... he has a pool *-*
Sadly I do not own many pictures of myself that are not against rules ( showing illegal substances ) OR that I actually want to show ( Me not looking like a drunk bafoon / Meanie. )

But anyway, here is one that I find humurous and the dark, black sparrow on my head does too ... He's the one who whispers in my ear:

" Kill'm, Kill'm All! " ... I like him *_*


Edit: I can't remember but 9 outta 10 I wasn't sober so you'll have to excquizze me
Carl said:
Sadly I do not own many pictures of myself that are not against rules ( showing illegal substances ) OR that I actually want to show ( Me not looking like a drunk bafoon / Meanie. )
But anyway, here is one that I find humurous and the dark, black sparrow on my head does too ... He's the one who whispers in my ear:

" Kill'm, Kill'm All! " ... I like him *_*


Edit: I can't remember but 9 outta 10 I wasn't sober so you'll have to excquizze me
I like your photo! :) )!

I'm newbie!

Nice to meet you!

Hopefully will be talking with you more!
Mah message got aten like 5 times gaiz.


Anyways, after a haircut and a new facial feature I thought a picture would be in order

and Look, you can (Sorta) see the phoenix i dedicated to EP.

View attachment 258
I triple that notion. ^^ Esme's sooo kawai. *Steals esme and makes her into a plushie.* BWAHAHAHAHAH!
Cute, Ayame x3

And though I'm not sure how I feel about orange shorts personally, I like your outfit.

The proportions are very nice ouo

That's how a magazine told me to wear shirts, slanted like that so they wouldn't cut me in half.

You follow their advice better than me ouo
Aw, how cute x3

Am I a good matchmaker or what? >w>

You're hair is different than I picture it usually xP

I usually picture it all down though so that's probably it >o>
So, I just went sifting through a few hundred old photos (my sister had control of the camera for a month)

And I found the pictures from when I got my hair cut ^^

This was before the haircut (I had been working on my truck all that day ^^')


This was after the haircut ^^ (I had gotten to shower and shave before this one)


(and also, the blurry version XP)


And then there are a couple random photos I thought I'd share ^^'

http://filesmelt.com/dl/Before_107.JPG (This is my mom, my sister and I, last year a little before Halloween (I'm holding my sister's dog Kassie, and my mom is holding our dog, visa))

http://filesmelt.com/dl/Before_099.JPG (And this is the whole family, before my sister broke up with Martin, her fiance)

Wow... that was quite a few pictures ^^'

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